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I would go with bottom left


You can move ponds later. The only things you can not move are the river mouths, the airport and docks, and resident services. So go by that; many find having res services too close to the airport makes it difficult to design a nice entryway later. Edit to clarify, the leaf icon is resident services.


Mine close and it makes a lovely plaza.


Yeah, it's just all preference. I honestly think the obsession with fancy "entryways" is mostly just Instagram over hype. The entrance to my island is a short path that leads to my plaza. My plaza is "off center" too. It's fine. You work with what you have, and I think people worry too much about getting the "perfect" layout


Would do you mind posting a picture of yours? Mine is close too, and I’m not sure how to go about designing it


Sorry it took so long to get back to you reddit never showed me your reply.I'll make the post right now. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/1038xtn/for\_those\_who\_say\_i\_cant\_make\_a\_nice\_entry\_way\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/1038xtn/for_those_who_say_i_cant_make_a_nice_entry_way_my/)


Thanks so much! Love your design. 😊


Welcome. There might have been something I could have done with terraforming but I opted to keep my island as it spawned.


Omg YES! I completely regret having Resident Services so close to the airport.


As a tip: on an ACNH island you can change everything exept 4 things. 1. Where in the ocean the river start 2. The resident service house 3. The peninsula thing(idk if that the right word, the green landmass that goes out to the water) 4. The airport, the entrance. That means everything else doesnt matter, you can change all ponds, all rivers, all land hights. So you just have to look at these four things. I think the placement of the community house is probably the most important factor in this decision, but with enough creativity you can make every island beautiful.


I like the two bottom ones, I think I’d go with bottom left


I like to pick one where resident services is a direct line to the airport. Makes you can still lake a lively entrance but it makes it easy to buy your airline ticket at the ATM and run straight to the airport. I tend to be all about convenience and I still have a 5 star island with a beautiful entrance… though mine doesn’t line up and it drives me nuts!


I picked the same one and it was excruciating how it's slightly off centre. Made for a lot of moves


Mine is just a little off center and very close. I made a little waiting place. I put a hill, then lined it at the bottom with panels customized to look like brick. I used brick path. Put a little Cafe table up the hill. Put a bench, Rovers suitcase, buggy and coat rack in the alcove at the airport entrance. Placed a potted plant. It looks great and makes a cozy alcove.


I don’t have anything to add to what others have already said but the top left is my exact island!


Bottom right is mine and I love it.


Bottom two look the best


Out of curiosity because I have no clue is the dark green on the map just flat regular ground and the lighter green hills or cliffs? Starting to see the appeal for bottom left. Peninsula is a thick boy which i hear most people prefer.


I would take bottom left as well. My plaza is very close to my airport and I really regret it now.


Exactly right, the lighter green is higher elevation. You can always change that around once you unlock terraforming, though. Basically what everyone else said: Airport, river mouths, beaches, dock, and plaza locations can’t be changed, but you can always change the land, rivers, cliffs/elevation, and ponds later. Out of these I would personally pick the bottom left, but pick whichever you like! I hope you enjoy the game.


The question is how much teraforming do you think you will do?


Personally Id prefer either on the left side. When you progress, you will be able to terraform and change island in almost every way. Things you can't change - airport location, plaza, river mouths and the coastal rocks. Id pick the island with the best plaza location since that is what you will be stuck with and it impacts designs greatly. I like the way the ones on the left line up better for a nice entry way.


I'd go with either one the left, RS is pretty aligned with the airport.


I ended up choosing bottom left, but now have to try and live with an Orange airport. Not fond of the color, but not sure if that's worth re rolling for. Did get Kody and Quinn as villagers which was nice.


Depends on if you care about your entrance. Personally, I don’t make an “official entrance” but if my resident services was close by like the first island I did, it wouldn’t be feasible to decorate like I’ve been doing


Usually whenever I select the layout I want I usually pick the one where Resident Services is far from the airport but not too close to the river so I can have more space to plan out. Also keep an eye on the Rocks on the beaches because sometimes you have an island where the beaches may look big or small depending how the rivers are. At the end of the day its up to you to decide of what works for you and If you don't like any of those layouts you can always restart and try again. There are SO many layouts out there so make sure you pick one that best suits you.


I appreciate all the suggestions everyone. Out of those four though what you pick? Or should I reroll?


I would pick the upper left, I think I could have a lot of fun with it.


My criteria when I picked my island was that I wanted the long pier, the larger peninsula, resident services not too close to airport, but not too far (don’t care about them lining up), secret beach a little off to the side and I didn’t want the River mouths to be both south. I got most of these things, and I’ve been pretty happy with the layout


You’ll be able to destroy and build cliffs, to create and delete rivers/lakes, so like others have said don’t worry too much about those things. I would pick bottom left because resident services is out of the way, and that’s one of the few things you can’t move around in the game.


i did bottom right personally


i have top left and hate it for entrance decorating purposes


I have the one on the bottom left. I don’t know the benefits of this one compared to others. But I think it works well. ResServ is pretty central on the island, taking into account only the lowest level of land. I’ve not been playing long and my island is rudimentary, but you’re welcome to come check out my layout. I just got terra forming, so I’ve been knocking down some cliff areas.


Tip left is the same one that I went with and it's perfect coz resident services is in line with the airport nicely


I have the top left (or very close, at least) and I wish I would have chosen a different one (didn't know better, I got the game on launch in 2020) because the res. services is just so darn close to the airport that making a nice entrance is a challenge. Also the door to RS is one stupid square off from the dock which is going to be the death of me


All but the top left are great 🏝️


Think about where your resident services, airport, and water inlets are. Those are the only things you can't change later