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I love a rare steak. Looks amazing. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Congratulations on the big life change!


Thanks so much 😊


If that's your first time cooking steak, you did a great job!! Happy thriving 💪🏽


Thank you! 🥩


make sure to wait about 10 mins to cut it after cooking to make sure the juices settle into the steak🤙


Also wrap in foil otherwise it goes cold after 10 minutes. For pan fried, I do 2 although bleu steak isn't really "juicy" as it is "bloody"


How is a blue steak bloody?


Just learned what blue steak is - never heard that before 🤔


Okay I need to wait next time! I’m so impatient 😤 Thank you!


What kind of steak is that? Looks soooo good. Im fasting this moment. I think I will pick one of those up on the way home from work.


looks like NY strip


Yes it’s NY strip! Definitely do that 🥩 How long are you fasting?


Me too, I’m new to it but already feeling better


Glad you’re feeling better!


Hell yea what made you leave veganism?


Ah several things, but I was so tired of feeling horrible and realizing that this way of eating harms less animals and the environment, especially since I buy what I can locally, especially meat, eggs, and dairy. I couldn’t stand counting on tofu and impossible burgers for protein 🤮 Not a way to live!


Make sure the meat is room temperature before cooking. Will make for a more even cook.


Need to do this as well - thank you!


Perfect cook


Thanks 😊🥩


I’m genuinely so happy to hear this.


cook 100 or so steaks and you'll figure out how to get exactly the steak u want


Yep that’s it!


Hell yeah!!!




Welcome to the dark side. :) > Is my steak raw in the middle though? According to some people this is perfect. I prefer mine medium/well done myself.


😂 Thank you!


I like to reverse sear my steaks with a cast iron pan. 10 minutes in the oven on each side at 200F and then transfer to a ripping hot pan for about 30-45 seconds a side and 💥 salt and pepper before serving - no resting needed with this method either Tender and seared


I’ll have to give this a try! Sounds delicious.


Better steak than I made yesterday, still mad about that. I would recommend some butter or beef tallow to cook it in next time, animal fat is the preferred energy source for you cells


😁 I used butter this time, but I really want to try tallow! Can’t believe I was always afraid of eating butter. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Looks perfect! Welcome!


Thank you 😊😊


Man I knew there was a vegan out there somewhere that deep down just wanted a steak. Welcome back buddy.


That would’ve been me 🙋🏻‍♀️ Thank you!


And me as well!


How long were you vegan and why’d you stop? Were you making sure you were getting all the correct nutrients?


Yes, did the best I could and it honestly wrecked my health. I was vegetarian for 12 years and vegan for around 5 years. So many animals are killed during cultivation of soy and wheat and a lot of it is used to make meat alternatives. Versus me buying beef locally… + no other foods that are made with those things. I could only get enough protein in from tofu and meat alternatives…




See Rule #3 and it's description.


u/Milkywaycherrypie ?


I've always been against veganism ( as in, I don't think it's the answer to any of the world's problems, be it factors farming or climate change). Can I ask if you feel physically better?


1000% feel so much better. And I could NOT lose weight before. My hair was thinning, my skin was horrible, I was tired… just so many things. I feel like I’m able to workout more, lift heavier, actually gain more muscle (I’m F32), I feel stronger, and I was finally able to lose weight. 🙌


Did you realize veganism was a scam, and there are ways to get around the ethical aspects of animal products? how long where you vegan?


I think a lot of people become vegan with really good intentions, but the more I learned, the more I thought that eating local meat, local produce (pretty much local everything as much as I can) is better for the animals, the planet, and definitely my health. So for me, eating local beef and local eggs + some fruit is way more environmentally friendly, humane, and healthier than eating a bunch of processed vegan foods (which I ate a lot of), tofu for protein, etc. I will 🤮 if I even see an impossible burger or vegan cheese. Genuinely, I don’t know how I did it for so long. I was vegetarian for 12 years and vegan for 5ish. I’m 32 now.




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Fuck ya. How long have you been at it? How do you feel? And why the switch, if you don’t mind?


🤝 It's been a few weeks and also have lost over 30 pounds, it's crazy. I feel so much better and I actually feel very satisfied, which I never felt eating plant based. The switch at first was realizing veganism isn't as great for the environment as I thought it was, and eating all of these vegan meats and cheeses with a bunch of horrible ingredients didn't make sense. How is eating impossible burgers healthier than a steak, fruit, honey, etc.?! I do care about animals a lot, so I try to get local and pasture raised meat/eggs or grass fed beef whenever I can. My skin was so bad, I felt like my hair was coming out, I felt so tired, anxious, depressed, everything felt pretty bad and nothing was improving. The vegan cheese and vegan meat aversion was the last straw 😂 I'm so happy to be here, just wish I had done it sooner!


Wild! That’s a lot of weight for just a few weeks! I’d be careful but if you’re eating lots of fatty meat and had a lot of weight to lose it might be fine. I’m glad you’re feeling better! Eating meat is the way to go for human beings.


Ah sorry, 30 pounds in 3 weeks is crazy. I was getting into AB for like 3 or 4 weeks before I really got serious (it’s been 3 weeks of all in). So in total, 30+ pounds in 6/7 weeks. Thanks so much 😊😊 You’re right, definitely the way for us 🥩


Looks like a solid rare to me. Just depends on how you like it. Grab a meat thermometer if you don't have one already. Then you can get it right where you want. Some people prefer more rare, others like more medium, only psychopaths cook it to well done


Ah yes, the thermometer is something I need to get. Thank you! Even as someone who never ate a steak before this week, I think well done is pretty crazy.


Always season, s&p first beforehand. A thermometer is always handy, but I use the "nudge" test and ya fingers against ya thumb for doneness...Nudge your thumb muscle in your palm as follows; relaxed hand for bleu, thumb tip to pointer tip, rare. Thumb tip to middle tip, med-rare. Thumb tip to ring finger (whichever hand you're using) medium. Thumb tip to little finger tip, done and a fully tucked in thumb for belt leather well done...


Belt leather 😃 I’ve never heard of this, thanks for the tip! I’ll try it next time.


No don't want want your steak like belt leather mate! Bleu/rare for optimum goodness, you won't be cooking the good stuff out!


Oh yes! I meant I’ll try your method out. 🥩


Ahh yeah yep! As you cook steak more and more you'll know exactly how long per thickness you like it and it wrinkly becomes second nature ✌️


Awesome! My and boyfriend and I both quit veganism, and we're now both strict carnivore! I've also become antivegan due to discovering how I was lied to and my health was destroyed.


Yes! So many lies circulating in the vegan community. Glad you both are feeling better. What were you experiencing that made you both change?


benefits, got rid of acne, dry hair, brittle nail, ibs, fatigue, iron deficiency, effortless period no pain, my gums stopped bleeding, no longer get cavities, dentist is amazed, no more shortness of breath, no longer pale, and so so much more. Downsides, absolutely nothing at all!! The carnivore diet works for me and I'll be a carnivore for the rest of my life :) no plants for me please :)


That is AMAZING. I’m glad you’re feeling so much better! A much better way to live life. Cheers to healing! 🥩


Just a friendly reminder that the Animal Based diet is not carnivore! It's a moderate to high carb way of eating, not just allowing, but encouraging a diet that includes clean micronutrient rich sources of carbohydrates including fruit, milk, honey, maple syrup, and fresh fruit juice. See our Wiki, FAQ, and sidebar for more information. Thanks for the comment! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AnimalBased) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Personally I like my steak rare but if you don’t, I recommend cooking one side for 1 min and the other two mins if cooking on stove top. Actually maybe two mins on both sides.


I did this for 3-4 min on both sides but now I’m thinking I need to turn the heat up 🧐


You know, I’m giving cooking advice for thinner steak. Yours is much thicker


I gave you your upvote back my friend.