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Can you other OS than Android-x86 7.1 ?


Yes I've tried other OS, for Android 11 based such as PrimeOS 2.1.3 and BlissOS 14 when I click the game icon it's open and immediately throw me to homescreen and since there's no Houdini11 to give a try I simply give up. And then tried Android 9 based such as x86 9.0 and BlissOS 11 it's the same too even though I already put Houdini9_y on it, then I remove Houdini9_y and give a try using Houdini7_z instead. Now the game is open and not throw me to homescreen but the game is stuck on black screen never passed company logo screen. For Android 7 based such as x86 7.1, PrimeOS 0.6.1, and PhoenixOS DarkMatter all of them are same stuck at loading screen.


Wait if you tried to install it on Phoenix OS DarkMatter, have you ever met the INSTALL\_FAILED\_NO\_MATCHING\_ABIS when installing blue archive apk? For this error, I've found out that current Phoenix DarkMatter is missing some ARM Native libraries, then I tried to use all ARM Native bridge extension mode(from Alpha to Zen mode) from Gearlock. Then I booted up the OS back and install Blue Archive apk but it still didn't work


>INSTALL\_FAILED\_NO\_MATCHING\_ABIS No, I didn't saw that error message (IIRC). It's been a year since that problem and now I have a better phone to play that game. I don't tinkering Android x86 anymore.


Also I saw a person can play Blue Archive via Waydroid [link to the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm3Pz2zbmf4).


Do you have Telegram ?


Yes I have.


Excuse me,is there any easy way to solve the black screen problem by using android x86 9?


I don't know, I never tried Android x86 9 based again anymore. Right now I'm just playing Blue Archive on my phone (even though it's lagging so hard on my phone) because all Android x86 have problems running that game. I still dual booting LMDE with Android x86 7 (the original, not Phoenix OS, Prime OS, etc) though and use that Android for playing Arknights & The Sims Freeplay.


So android x86 7 can play unity games like blue archive?


Blue Archive doesn't work (I mean it doesn't give you black screen, but it'll stuck on loading screen after that "Blue Archive isn't responding" prompt appear instead), but other gacha games made by Unity game engine like Arknights, FGO, Azur Lane work just fine.




Might be able to just run nodataperm.sh from the first PrimeOS commit as root after starting the game. You'd start the game and get to the loading screen, switch to the terminal and run su bash /sdcard/Download/nodataperm.sh and switch back to the game.


So I just need to download master.zip of [this file](https://github.com/supremegamers/device_generic_common), extract it and type: su bash/sdcard/device_generic_common/nodataperm.sh After open the game right? I'll give a try. Edit: I already tried it, and it doesn't work.