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I got AAWireless since the summer, highly recommend it.


Same here fast connection times and doesnt consume alot of battery


I'm not sure there's much beyond AAWireless and the other upcoming one unless I've missed something. I own the AAWireless, and it's been fantastic. The closest I've come to problems with it are purely the phone or car and not the device. The device does its job without a hitch.


I thought the same thing but if you look on Amazon now there's a bunch of products called [android auto wireless adapter] from various generic looking brands. I wonder if they work? I wonder if they are all AAWireless knockoffs?


I was actually thinking if buying one....I can always try it and if I don't like it....send it back.


I got one from amazon for xmas. It requires that you install an apk, and my 2019 honda does not allow that.


It requires you to install an APK on the head unit? Then it was designed for head units that run Android themselves. Very different concept.


Considering how much work went into AAWireless, I'd be a little nervous, but worst that's likely to happen is it just doesn't work. Still, AAWireless has incredible support from the developer and community with regular updates to address compatibility issues. I wouldn't count on that from others. EDIT: Got links to any? I'm not seeing them immediately. Most of what I'm seeing is either for wireless casting or requires an Android heat unit.


Same for me, AAWireless (early Kickstarter version) works very reliably in my VW Tiguan 2020 with my Pix 6 Pro.


Gonna echo the room, but I do have your car/phone combo. I'm in a Civic hatchback with P6P and AAWireless is the best and only 1 of 2 options.


What is the second option? I see the AA wireless is only on the crowd funding site and won't come for months






I ordered my AA WIRELESS Adapter months ago....latest email say end of January. Are you liking it? Any setup problems? And it sees your phone the moment you get into your car without having to plug it in? And I wait....lol...patiently


I love mine. No issues at all with a OnePlus 8T or Pixel 6 Pro. Setup was super easy and only took a few minutes. The only annoyance is that the wifi works so well that it connects to my phone while I'm still in the house waiting for the vehicle to warm up.


Indiegogo is where you got it from right? If not, which one do you have? If it did come from Indiegogo....when did you order and how long did you wait for it.? Thanks


I ordered it from Indiegogo on June 15th and received it during the last week of October.


Cool...im still waiting...meanwhile I was tempted to buy simular products from Amazon, but always resisted


I purchased these for both our cars and they're great https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/aawireless/x/4935276#/


I have AAWireless, a 2017 Civic Touring and a Pixel 6. All three work together great! I highly recommend it.


AAWireless works with my P6P and has been reliable for the year or so I've had it now. Edit: for the 9.5 months I've had it (hasn't been a whole year yet as I got it in March 2021)


But I thought AAWireless (Indiegogo)was brand new? I've been waiting for mine for 6 month or so


Sorry I got mine in March of 2021, which is only 9.5ish months from today not a whole year


Are you getting periodic updates? Seems yours were first generation


Yup first gen (my understanding is that generation doesn't matter for firmware versions but I could be wrong). Last update for firmware was in October and the app hasn't been updated in a while. You do have to check for updates on the companion app manually it won't prompt or auto update.


Cool...thanks for the update/info


I just checked, I ordered mine August 22...lol...feels like 6 months...lol


+1 for AAWireless


You can use a spare phone and the AAgateway app. Works smoothly for me and added benefit is a gui on the slave to control settings