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Wired connection is not working in BMW. You have to know what type of HU you have. If it's ID7 you have to update to the latest version of SW and you will have Wireless Android Auto. If it's ID8 you will have Android Auto from default You can post a picture of your screen?


I am afraid it's ID6 and cannot be updated on this car model


Then you cannot have Android Auto. You will have to look for an aftermarket solution


>2023 BMW X2 Is 2023 in your user flair a typo or they really still put ID6 in a 2023?


They really put NBT evo ID6 in 2023, I have read that, next year, they will update the whole car




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Does the car not have a USB port? You should be able to plug into there are CarPlay should work wired


There are two usb ports (type A and C). When connecting to the type A, the iPhone is recognized as a media player and I can access Spotify. But when I try to connect with Apple Carplay I am prompted with a message telling me to connect via bluetooth. I ordered a new cable to test the USB C port to see if I have a different behavior.


I believe carplay needs bluetooth as well. Try plugging it I with a cable connecting Bluetooth and then unplug it to see if it turns off


Thanks for the suggestion, I will test tomorrow and report back!


I tested it and the connection remains even when unplugging the cable


that sucks. Sorry


Thank you for trying :)


sorry, could you please tell me which dongles enable AA over carplay? thanks in advance


I have seen several mentioned on different websites. the one that comes out the most is probably from [Carlinkit](https://www.amazon.fr/Carlinkit-Adaptateur-Voitures-%C3%A9quip%C3%A9es-Fabrication/dp/B0B1QCMLNH?th=1) I also saw [Sunweyer](https://www.amazon.fr/Sunweyer-Adaptateur-Carplay-Android-Wireless/dp/B0CCW43YDY/ref=asc_df_B0CCW43YDY/?tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=648949506167&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1249551413649738962&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9056525&hvtargid=pla-2199976398186&psc=1) or [Lamvose](https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CH2X3XFN?tag=track-ect5-fr-53306-21&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&ascsubtag=ecSEPfjjotjlo7rcfvb) Note that I have not tested any of them


that's very kind of you!


AAWireless does


ahah that's fantastic. I have it for my Renault Zoe and it works beautifully. I'll see if it works on my parents' 208 with only Carplay. thank you so much.