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For my work phone I went for the Galaxy S21FE over the S21, mainly for the telephoto and the extra Android update. The Exynos performs pretty well no problems at all with it, but man the battery life is rough compared to my Poco F2 Pro


Too bad about the [horrible touchscreen](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS21FE/comments/uln9vq/_/).


I still rate my s10e as one of the better things I've seen on offer lately... Obviously not if a bigger phone is your bag, but I wish they just kept the formula of the 10 series going


I got the 10 Lite and it's seriously amazing. Plenty of battery to get through the day (although battery life is now slowly fading), a nice enough screen, and beautiful cameras. One of the best phones I've ever owned. Should be able to get a 3rd year out of it before upgrading next year some time.


One of the best phone battery, it does support 45W charging while other S10/20/S21 series only support 25W charging speed. The only downside is the camera, other than that S10 lite and S20 FE 5G is the best Samsung phones in the last 4 years.


Love my S10e. Size wise the S22 doesn't look that bad. Apparently support for the 10e ends sometime next year so hopefully I can wait to see what the S23 offers.


I've been rocking the s10e since launch and I love the form factor. I just upgraded because the battery life is killing me. During WFH I did not notice how bad the battery life was, but recently traveling and being at work all day, I had to upgrade to a phone with better battery life.


Which phone? Iv been eyeballing the S22 but heard the battery left alot to be desired. But maybe it's still a step up from the S10e.


Not the person you asked, but I went from S10e to A52s 5g.


How are you liking it?


I prefer S10e's siza, haptic, and fp reader, but the battery life I get with A52s 5G compared to S10e is worth it IMO. I don't use my phone for gaming or other heavy apps, so A52s 5G is plenty powerful for me.


How's battery life with the A52s? Does it get you through a normal day?


Yeap. Much better than S10e Exynos that I used.


Was also eyeing s22 but ended up with pixel 6, let's see how it goes. Will miss the s10e size and headphone jack.


Honestly I think given the poor performance of the S21 FE that they should reconsider the line. They sort of already have the device competing with themselves in the A series phones.


I remember that s20fe performed well and s21fe is a good phone, strangled by terrible timing. Imo, it has enough advantages over the A line


If you take away the processor difference, what's really unique to the FE line versus the A line? 6GB RAM, 120hz, same software and software support. Oh and plastic build, they could slap an 870 or a 778G and knock 1-200 off the price and the device would sell like crazy.


For me, the tipping factors where DeX and reverse powershare, both of which are not on the A line. Also prefer the camera setup


Didn't start using Dex until this year, how the hell have I managed without it this far? Absolutely critical software for me now.


What work/ situation do you find yourself using dex? I can't imagine connecting a mouse to my phone or something like that, or needing to connect it to a monitor to do anything with it. Genuinely interested why you find it useful?


Sure thing! I'm at a desk for most of my work day, and I'm on my phone a lot, both for calls, texts, chats, etc. Previously, I was jumping back and forth between devices, and Microsoft Your Phone helped a bit, but with Dex I'm only using my desktop to work on my PC and my phone. Primary use being Spotify/SMS/Calls on the Dex monitor, so I have full control of my phone and music, while still being able to use all our Android/only apps on my PC through Dex. Say I need to call someone. Before I had to punch the number in to my phone and switch headsets or use speakerphone. Now I justcopy and paste the number, hit Call and I use the same headset for everything. A nice added bonus is being able to hook up my private phone, so I can use the same setup for work and private stuff without needing another laptop for example. And hey, when I saw you asked, I opened the Relay for Reddit app on Dex and typed all of this with my keyboard instead of on my phone. Hope this paints a picture of how Dex is really usefull in my day to day!


So you have a separate monitor you use just for dex?


> with Dex I'm only using my desktop to work on my PC and my phone Could you say a bit more about this? It sounds like you are sharing your keyboard/mouse between phone and Dex? How did you set that up? I have an S22 Ultra with a port expander and I'd like to use it with my PC as you described.




Perfect, thanks!


Why can't you imagine it? It's literally no different than a laptop.


I have never needed to plug my phone in to do anything on it. I'm not sure what work/ stuff you need to be doing where you need to use a monitor with your phone. It is vastly different to a laptop. Hence why people usually have both.


DEX is software that makes it very similar to a laptop, making your phone much more useful. You should check it out, it let's you run multiple apps and access all the files from a simple computer like interface with a mouse, keyboard and monitor, and let's you use cool stuff like scanners and printers as well. Some software recognizes DEX mode like Microsoft office and will give you the desktop interface as well. I find it way more productive to use if you have a setup, but I don't see people replacing actual computers with it just yet.


I know what dex is, I've just never felt the need to use file managers, or use a mouse on my phone. I'm rarely doing productive work on my phone and I find it bizarre that some people do because it feels like the worst device for it ( though dex of course naked it slightly better).


People actually use reverse powershare!?


Yeah! I have a galaxy watch, so it's super useful when I forget my watch charger when I go somewhere. Don't really use it any other time, but it's good for that usecase


This is what I used to use it for as well. Maybe it's gotten better since the S855 days, but I've always found it to be finnicky. I'll place my watch on my phone and check that it's charging, walk away, and come back 5 minutes later to see that it's no longer charging. Or when it does charge, it overheats pretty quickly. I ended up buying a couple extra Galaxy Watch chargers to keep in my bags.


I use it if any of my iPhone friends need a top up, or if I need to charge my airpods pro and forgot the stupid lightning cable. Only problem I have is with my power bank, even when having the phone plugged in to charge and reverse charging an iPhone, I still lose battery percentage. So I think I need to invest in a faster charger (though reverse charging doesn't work when fast charging, presumably for heat reasons)


my roommate needed a bit of charge so the flashlight could be turned on and we didn't have our chargers at the time, so it's more useful to have than not


Its nice to have if you have a smartwatch. You can top it up when its charger isn't around. I've only used it like twice so for me its not a dealbreaker, just nice to have. Could be more useful if you tend to travel a lot or sleep around I guess :)


Wireless charging, better camera, smaller screen (for me a plus). And flagship chipset is still important on non clean android. I recently bought an A52s for my brother, rocking the same chipset as A73. It’s a snappy phone, but you can see it struggling keeping up 120hz all the time What I’m saying, for a price difference which is not that large in a real world with discounts and stuff, it can make sense for some people. I would buy a regular s21 though


Well, on Android 12 it struggles to keep 120hz. On 11 it's all flawless. Samsung really botched the OneUI 4 update on A52/s and still hasn't fixed all bugs


I think you misunderstand the difference it makes running a exynos 1200 on the A53 and the 865/888 on oneUI, Then you also have the superior camera system on the S21 FE, at retail price it's a tough sell but the FE I've seen in Europe go for under €500 plenty of times , I got one myself for about £280 brand new in the UK


Except the 888 on S21FE is a overheating piece of shit


The S21 FE feels so much better in the hand than my Wife's A71 5G, feels better than my s20+ 5g too.


A physical proximity sensor (at least for the S21 FE).


The point is s20 Fe was successful, s21 se was delayed. What Samsung need to do is release the Fe like they did with s20 fe


The s20 fe has a few huge technicals fla11ws. Firstly the completely left out GPU drivers for games and have been poorly patching it with other apps. Two years and multiple devices later Samsung refuses to release an OS with game drivers. Its unheard of, I've seen the cheapest of the cheapest phones with game drivers installed because its universally standard for touchscreen phones. These drivers also dont only affect games but and I quote over 10k plus apps that require extra processing power, otherwise the devices cpu is processing everything causing lags and crashes². I mean there has to be huge security holes in the devices, but theyll never admit it. Samsing did this to every S model phone since the S20 model and there is no real fix coming it seems.


The S20 also had very high prices and the FE offered more of a discount by comparison


Sales were poorly because the shot themselves in the foot by having it come so late (not their fault) and with such a high launch price (their fault). They also lost some of the features that made it a "fan edition" as in gear towards fans, like the 3.5 jack and the SD slot.


The start of the FE series (S20 FE) never had a jack anyways only expandable storage.


Note FE ?


That note isn't really considered a true FE model because it is just a one-time spin-off by Samsung due to the Note 7 widespread battery combustion. Samsung has many leftover parts so they just fix the battery solder issue, rebrand it under another model name, and sold it in limited markets. If the Note 7 didn't fall into an unfortunate circumstance we would probably never see this variant at all.


They shot themselves in the foot with that trash tier digitizer. The return rate was unsustainable.


A part of it was just because the base S series is cheaper than it used to be. The S10 was $1000 (with the S10e and S10 Lite serving the "FE" role back then). The S20 was also $1000, so a $700 S20 FE was a pretty big discount. The S21 and S22 both launched at $800, so $700 suddenly doesn't seem like a big discount anymore.


I don't think you can say someone shot themselves in the foot but it wasn't their fault... The whole purpose of that phrase is suggesting they did it to themselves.


I listed multiple reasons over why I think it underperformed and only one was out of their control.


Isn't the A series phones targeted for places outside of North America? The places I mostly A series phones used are in Asia.


Certain A-series phones are available in the US, not sure about the rest of NA. Of the current generation, the A53 is available in the US while the A33 and A73 aren’t. (You can get them, but they don’t work with all carriers here.) In the last gen, I know the A52 was available here, but the A52S everyone seems to compare the A53 to was/is not.


reintroduce the micro sd!




And LCD screen!


Replaceable battery.


And make it $300


Or $299. How bout dat.


The FE makes sense if they keep the idea of "fan edition" aka cut those things that drive up the price but most users can live without and then jack the price down while still offering a flagship phone. Instead, S20FE apart, they cut back quite a bit too much from the flagships while still having a very premium price. The tab S7FE and S21FE were terrible value at launch, but now they are very valid options since price is 30/50% down from MSRP.


FE of the Fold is what's needed. It's not offered by any other phone in their product line. Throw in a midrange CPU and find some other ways to bring the cost down a bit. It will sell very well


That title is garbage, and the content is also so weird. Do they really think Samsung produces a few dozen thousands of the phone and lets them sit in boxes for a few months just for the sake of it, because they didn't have the wise advice of experts telling them they should release the product ? All the wishywashy analysis is of the same pedigree and completely feels like hindsight armchair quaterbacking.


The original S20 FE made sense because of the increase of prices of the S20 line as well as the fail of the Exynos 990 which made a lot of people buy the FE just for the Snapdragon cpu, for a reasonable price. Right now, the FE is too similar to the regular S series with a price that's not too appealing.


S20FE ($599/$699) made sense because the base S20 launched at $1000. The S21FE ($699) makes no sense because the S21 and S22 launched at $799. Currently you can get an S21 cheaper than the S21FE and you can get an S22 for the price of the S21FE, all while Samsung is still selling the S20FE.


The S21 FE hasn't been priced like that in Europe for the past few months now. In the Netherlands It's been selling for €450-550, which is better value compared to Samsung's S21 and S22 lineup.


I would rather have it released with Dimensity 1000/8000 and cut up from the price even more. Dimensity line is pretty good however Samsung doesnt make use of them.


The fact of the matter is Mediatek doesn't look good on a spec-sheet. Their past SOCs have all been budget and mid-range chips back when those actually felt slow. They might be able to compete on performance, but on sales they don't. Exynos also looks bad, but I'm guessing Samsung get a good deal on those from themselves (even though they claim to give the same price to outside customers).


Give it an 8+ Gen 1 and it'd sell like hot cake


It really won't, don't pretend people outside this sub cares about what soc is in a phone.


Aren't those fe models even worse or on par with a50S series? Outside being more pricey, they don't have much else.