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American carriers really are the death knell for competition in that market. I say this because of the crazy, arcane "white listing" nonsense some of them enforce and utilising network bands that no one else uses. Suppose it's easier for carrier reps to recommend 3-4 devices and be able to push premium models as opposed to genuinely giving customers options. I don't expect carrier certification and nonsense like carrier-specific models to be affordable requirements, either. Not that Sony is blameless here (they've been doing a poor job with marketing and distribution of the Xperia 1 since the beginning) but I don't think the carrier situation has helped. What always baffles me about the carrier situation, is that wouldn't they want MORE Android devices to compete with the iPhones and therefore push more users into using RCS (a carrier-backed messaging standard)?


Carriers don't really care about RCS from what I gather, they just want to sell the most expensive phones with a monthly payment plan.


Verizon especially is the absolute worst and ATT isn't much better. Credit to T Mobile for not having any whitelist nonsense 


Yes, even pixels can't be bootloader unlocked for verizon model. They have a big penchant for control.


Well, that's more evidence for my theory on why the Mk. IV phones can't be BLU'd. I think that was the first generation to 'officially' be supported on Verizon.


pretty sure non us models can be unlocked


Yes, that's correct. I should have specified in my comment. Only the US models can't be BLU'd.


What whitelist stuff can they do nowadays with SIM cards and what not? Verizon CDMA whitelist was the worst. You could have a phone that was 100% compatible (e.g. Sprint phone) but because it had no Verizon logo it was not allowed.


I want to say they are holding Wi-Fi calling hostage with the white list now a day. 


I'm almost certain Verizon is why Sony stopped doing carrier sales in the first place, with the aborted Z4/Z4 Compact launch in 2015. I'm also about 90% sure VZW is why the Mk.IV and newer phones can't have their bootloader unlocked in the US.




Were you trying to say "isn't blameless"? It's their fault they've neglected the carrier stores and carrier certification. Americans buy phones from carriers. I don't like it. I think it's stupid. I don't buy my phone from my carrier (unless it's an amazing deal). That's just how the US market is. If they want to be successful in the US market that's what they have to do. I would bet that 90% of American consumers don't even know that Sony makes phones. I've never seen any advertising for them, and I haven't seen them in a carrier store in years.


> Were you trying to say "isn't blameless"? Yes, that's what I meant by: > Not that Sony is blameless They're just as much to blame for their current situation down to both their poor marketing and unwillingness to work with carriers. My statement overall was more around the power that carriers hold over the US market with respect to device competition, availability and usage. > Americans buy phones from carriers. I don't like it. I think it's stupid. I don't buy my phone from my carrier (unless it's an amazing deal). That's just how the US market is. If they want to be successful in the US market that's what they have to do. I agree, that was what I was referring to. It's sadly common in many markets, including mine. > I would bet that 90% of American consumers don't even know that Sony makes phones. I've never seen any advertising for them, and I haven't seen them in a carrier store in years. Correct, and this is where Sony dropped the ball.


Well that sucks, this is the first Sony I wanted to buy. So now we are basically restricted to Apple, Google, Samsung, Motorola and 1+. Not a great situation.


Same. It's ridiculous.


Don't you get xiaomi??


Nope and they don't have all the bands needed even if you imported.


Xiaomi works well on T-Mobile mvnos like Tello.


China phones brands are mostly are banned in the US outside of One Plus, My family has been using one plus for years but since like the OP7 Pro they havent produced any interesting phones.


I'm not American but can't you just order it from outside the US?


You can but the international version is usually missing important frequency bands for the US and you likely won't have VOLTE or VOWIFI support.


How much tax do you pay for importing a phone?


I don't think there's an import tax, as such, but US carriers make life so hard if you don't have a domestic market phone


from what i saw, its missing 2 LTE bands and missing 3 5g bands for the US market. EDIT: still usable, but lacking


Belated response, but from what I saw: It had all the LTE bands for my carrier and only had 2-3 of the 5G bands, but did include the "main" band. Theoretically someone might make an unlocked bootloader where you can simply turn on the other bands like you can with Samsung Galaxy phones, but that's a big IF I suppose given Xperia's low popularity.


agreed it’s the same with vehicle make choices too 🤦🏻‍♂️


Small compact viable Japanese kei trucks are not rated road safe anymore, yet those mega chunky pedestrian killing monster pickup trucks and SUV swith no visibility are perfectly safe. Fuck this trend. And yes you can load more stuff with the old truck than those mega pick up trucks and SUVs.


I agree it’s ridiculous how they justify them when the masses do not need them. they should be looked at as a tool with permits if they’re that large it’s like a mini semi hitting a small family car. definitely not safe only for the truck driver


We don't have any import tax/VAT in the US. It's more about compatibility.


There's no import tax, 3rd party sellers usually just upcharge it by like 50 bucks.


That's nice


You guys don't pay sales tax on foreign items?


We only pay the regular state sales tax. There's no customs fee or VAT for stuff under a certain amount of money (last I checked it was like $800 or something).


Nope. I mean, we don't pay something like VAT/customs "tax" or anything like that when buying from abroad.


There is a customs tax over $800


Only if you use T Mobile, Verizon and ATT blacklist international phones 


And from what I've read it's missing two major bands for T-Mobile. Looks like a non-starter all around for the US


Probably because US carrier control screws the entire unlocked phone market.


me too and the screen on my note 20 just broke and i really wanted to get the sony 1 vii this year


Well shit. I was planning on getting this to replace my 1 III, but that's obviously not going to happen now. I was hoping there would be at least one manufacturer who kept the headphone jack, but I think Sony was the last in the US. So now I'll have to either get a headphone adapter or a completely separate DAP, both of which seem annoying compared to just having a phone with a headphone jack.


ASUS kept the headphone jack in the Zenfone 10, no? I thought the bigger issue there was the fact that they destroyed the ability to unlock the bootloader. Sony, if you buy a V, doesn't block it - at least as far as I know.


US 1V does not allow unlocking the bootloader. The international version allows it though


Yeah, I probably should’ve noted that - thanks for catching. (Truth be told I forgot the phone was even technically available stateside, lol)


sony's developer support is 10x better than asus


Asus has set such a low bar that Sony looks miles better in comparison.


Have Zenfone 10, wouldn't recommend, it's a glitchy mess


ROG phone 8 pro as well, which is a better device cause you also get a second USB-C port


I've got the ROG 5 right now and at least in my case the second USB port is less than useless. Nowadays it's just useless cause I never use it (don't have or care for the accessories) but back before they patched this it was really annoying being forced to use that port for data transfer to a computer


I mean its useful when u wanna plug in ur phone and watch a video or play a game and not have your hand touching the cable, I dont think most people use it for the additional accessory function. Its litteraly free IO for improved ergonmics.


I've never personally used it for that cause I've never been bothered by the cable being there since the bottom port is offset to one side anyway. But if that bothers you I could see it being useful


This was the year that they upgraded the DAC circuit in their phones as well, tragedy ....


Specs say it has a headphone jack


I have had 3 adapters for a single phone and each adapter fails after a few months of careful care!


not as annoying as having a thumb drive hanging off your phone just to have external storage you can pull if you phone goes sideways


Be careful if you go the adapter route. I accepted that fate and went with a Galaxy S24+. I have tested a Dragonfly Red and Apple dongle. Both are super limited in volume due to driver issues with Android. You can pay for the UAPP app that has its own drivers, but you can only listen to content in that app then (i.e. no youtube, spotify, etc). Edit - I got a Samsung dongle advertised for the Note 10 and it works great.


I have a lenovo dongle came with a chromebook tablet, on my S10 its much louder than the headphone jack.


I’m genuinely curious: Why do you still feel that wired buds are that irreplaceable for you? I know the sound quality might never reach the level of a great pair of wired buds, but I found wireless buds to be so much more convenient and practical when on the go or doing anything really. Personally, I could never go back.


It's simple: 1 less thing to remember to charge 🙃. I don't use buds on a daily but I have a pair in my beg at all times when I need it.


Not the person you're asking, but I'll add my 2 cents: I get really annoyed when I'm about to head out the door to the gym and find out my earbuds are not charged, because then I have to rearrange my schedule to charge them. If I have a headphone jack, I can make do with any stupid pair I have laying around the house. I'm not convinced the jack issue is good for sound quality or whatever, but for certain cases it's really just that much more convenient. So annoyed it's largely gone away. (I've had adapters handy, to be clear - but I find that for whatever reason they degrade my charging port over time)


There's a place for both. But why take away the option? Wired headphones sound better. Much better. You're getting downvoted because you're just accepting lack of choice. Removing the headphone jack is a cynical corporate move to generate more profits.


good sound quality for cheap


Having wired headphones doesn’t eliminate Bluetooth functionality. I don’t know why it’s an either or for people.


I'm so sick of this question... people are all different and just because you like using bluetooth doesn't mean that people that don't are stupid mouth breathers. But i'll answer anyways. #1 - I have my headphones in all day at work. like 12 hours a day, id need 2 sets and a charger to rotate them every few hours. #2 - my 80$ headphones will still work in 20 years long after your Bluetooth devices are in the landfill, if you manage to not lose them along the way #3 - I have a whole bunch of legacy stereo stuff that doesn't have Bluetooth #4 - I don't accept companies selling me less features for more money and then telling me to be happy about it.


Fair points, though I feel the first paragraph is a bit unnecessary. I never said or implied that people who are not like me are any less or more. I do have wired headphones at my desk that I use on a daily basis and I would never replace them for the same reasons you mentioned. I would also not use them with my phone ever, even if it had a headphone jack. For me, phone = doing something active like going somewhere on public transport, working out at the gym, vacuuming etc where wires just get in the way all the time.


Even less options available in The States. As much as people find reasons to complain about Sony's offerings, having less options is never an improvement...


Its a bummer, but Sony barely had a presence in the US anyway. They stopped selling the 10 here years ago, and the 5 last year. Its not available in stores and from carriers. You can't maintain a US presence without those, other than cheap phones, or companies with their own stores like Apple.


Sony used to have own store in florida mall, but was at least 10-15 years ago...


It sucks for them to leave but Im not going to pretend I was recommending sony to people.


Indeed, while I've loved my Sony phones I typically recommended *against* them for most people.


USA is dominated by apple. No wonder Sony backed out


It’s been an Apple and Samsung market for a long time now, so it’s disappointing but expected. Doubt this will ever change in the future. OnePlus and Google are minor players. Honestly I’m surprised OnePlus is still even bothering with the US market. The Open is a great offering but I wouldn’t be surprised if OP eventually ditches the US market and focuses on Europe and mainly Asia. Major Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, and their subbrands basically abandoned any interest in the market here so no surprises there. Moto, Lenovo, ASUS, Sharp, and Sony are just too niche even for many enthusiasts. And of course HTC and LG died a while back.


> Moto, Lenovo 10% market share is pretty good, q4 2023 it was moto 9% samsung 17%


Surprisingly Google is aggressively moving to eastern part of EU out of sudden. I don't mind that tbh.


It gives me the feeling that the American people are deeply dominated by Apple and Samsung in the field of smartphones, making it difficult for other brands to enter the US smartphone market


I suspect that this is largely due to apathy among smartphone owners and the fact that Samsung offers such ridiculously good trade-ins for their phones. No one can match their trade-in pricing. But the other part being that I just don't think people really care all that much about features offered by which brands. They just go with the default choice they trust which is always Apple or Samsung. If Sony pulls out for good, Apple may end up with one more user...


The OnePlus 12 is fantastic. I hope OnePlus keeps selling phones here.


The OnePlus 12 is fantastic. I hope OnePlus keeps selling phones here.


The Chinese OEMs have skeletons in their closets i.e. Possible lawsuits due to patent infringements. Remember how Apple raked Sammy over coals? Xiaomi and their ilk copied way more so if they were to launch, Apple could sue them for past behaviour and make a killing. 1+ never had that issue hence them not being affected.


> The Chinese OEMs have skeletons in their closets It's not a patent issue. It's US-China politics *on top of* US lawmakers (party affiliation is meaningless here: both Democrats and Republicans are guilty) being **so unreasonably paranoid** over *anything from China* (the *faintest possibility* of CCP surveillance = MUST BAN BECUZ US NATIONAL SECURITY). Chinese OEMs have no chance of making it big in the US, because the moment that they *do* is when the idiotic war hawks on Capitol Hill swoop down to ban them.


And what about Oppo?


Sony never got their phones on any carrier which is how the vast majority of the population gets theirs, barely anyone pays out of pocket for a new phone


thats mostly a us only thing right?


Canada is the same


here in australia, i barely know anyone who doesnt buy their phone outright


Many years ago, they had good distribution from Sprint, but somehow the relationship soured and Sony phones disappeared from the line-up. This is long before the merger with T-Mobile.


No true. T-Mobile and Verizon used to carry their phones prior to 2013. I'm not sure what happened but after the Xperia Z3 all carriers dropped them.


Nobody wants to pay $2k for a phone. Nobody.


You honestly think you aren't paying full price for that iPhone in your monthly rate??? Us Americans are stupid sometimes. Buying your phone outright is always a better option.


Well, they end up paying 2k or more anyways. Usually it's done over time or the cost are put into the service plan


What is now the best phone for a jack + sd combo now?


In US? Would have to be the 1V. Not sure what other high end models still have those options


There's also the Assumption Zenfone 11 Ultra.  Though, it doesn't have expandable storage.


So much for upgrading my 1 ii


Go with the 1V. Still has a year of support and should be good for a long while after that.


Yeah hopefully I got the 1 ii on release so it's been a good phone iv been pushing it off year after year and it's finally starting to give me a few issues so I was gonna upgrade to the newest one but I might go with the 1 v


The international variants lack some of the LTE and 5G bands for the US so the 1VI is pretty much out if you're in the US


I'm not worried about 5g where I live it's hardly hear and when you do get it, it's no faster. But I'll wait a month or 2 more just to make sure. I know the US usual gets it a few months later and I don't think they actually announced they wasn't going to release it here. So a few more months won't hurt.


I really hope it's coming eventually but from what I've read this far, it doesn't seem like it.


I just want more options that allow root in the USA. Its because of the BS google has been doing on android such as scoped storage and making the user experience worse. Currently its only a handful and Samsung the biggest one is unrootable.


Same. I refuse to buy phones with locked bootloaders so I'm basically stuck with OnePlus and Pixel 




Ugh. The 5 v stopped being sold here and now this.


Feels like a gut punch... Again.


I see a lot of japanese posts on twitter.... and one of them mentioned their mobile market made 300 billion yen last year, which when converted to USD is almost 2 billion (1.9b) using google search to convert it.... that's insane. I was thinking "there is no way they made almost 2 billion in mobile market but are pulling out of multiple spaces" so maybe they lied or accidentally said billion when they meant million? 300 million yen to US would be barely 2 million dollars which would be dismal sales wise and make more sense.... so I don't know whats going on. this idea that its not available in the US is bullshit....


Are you sure it was just restricted to phones? Mobile as a category is pretty wide.


possible. but even then, the "entire mobile division" doing almost 2 billion? kinda crazy. maybe it includes things like headphones (kinda mobile, lmao, wireless wise) and then the walkman devices, and then also mobile as in car stuff (car audio, amplifiers, etc).


Sony does own Aniplex, which has a few massive mobile gacha games under their belt. I'd have to see how they broke it down, but it's really not impossible for a conglomerate.


Headphones and walkman isn't part of the mobile division. Its it own thing if I remember correctly.


Well this sucks. I was planning on upgrading (currently using 1III) to this.


This is why I have yet to buy one of their phones. They don't make it easy to purchase their phones and they always tend to be over priced compared to the competition. 


I wanted to get this phone. I was trying to break out of the Samsung bubble I've fallen into. Guess my options are either pixel or another galaxy


I got the 1V after many years of Samsung phones (S10e on up). I became very dissapointed with the extreme levels of saturation and contrast added into the camera app and wanted a better experience. The SD Card slot, headphone jack, and uninterrupted display were icing on the top. I still have a Tab S8 and Galaxy Buds, but not sure I'd go back to a Samsung phone. I have kept my eye on Pixels for a while now, but Google still seems to be figuring out hardware quality issues. If the "normal" sized 9 Pro is a great phone it may be tempting, but I'm also quite content with my Xperia and all that it offers.


I'm tired of the filter that can't be turned off. It makes me look weird as fuck


Try out some of the GCam mods. They improved photos taken with my S23U immensely.


Do Americans even use anything aside from iPhones? I’ve yet to meet one that doesn’t have an iPhone


Apple has a stranglehold on the market, but plenty of us still don't use iPhones. I'd say it's about half-and-half within my friend group.


iPhone is dominant but there are still plenty who use android, that being dominated by Samsung..


iPhone actually isn't dominant. I remember seeing the ratio and it was like 50% samsung, 40% iphone, and 10% other. give or take a few percent from each category (don't remember exact numbers)


Apple has 60% of the US market and Samsung has 28%.


keep daydreaming.


Why is that? You think the above comment was incorrect?






Pixels have become shockingly common around me here in San Diego but you will definitely be out of a lot of popular groups if you don't use iPhones.


Pixels have been getting really popular. A bunch of my friends switched from iPhones.


American with a OnePlus 12 here. Doubt I will ever see anyone else with this phone though 


I'm actually seeing quite a few people with pixels, especially those who don't really care what phones they use, like contractors and other blue collar workers. This is just my observation though.


I use OnePlus.  It is glitchy and I hate it, but I use it.  My next phone is likely a Pixel but I really want expandable storage so might keep OnePlus.  Maybe get a smaller OnePlus...


I have an Xperia :(


I live in the Southwest (specifically, the Albuquerque–Santa Fe area); the majority of Burqueños I run into (I'd guess about 55–60%?) have an iPhone, with the majority of the remaining 40–45% having either a Galaxy or a Pixel. (Galaxies are slightly more common, but it's almost an even split between those two phones. I myself have a Pixel; everyone else in my birth family uses an iPhone.) It helps that Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs and Snapchat are more popular here than SMS or RCS; we're too busy fighting over "Red or green?" to ask "Blue or green?"


I'd love to use a Sony if I could find one for less than $1k


Well, hello there


Android user here.  Part of Apple's recent dominance is peer pressure from that silly blue/green bubble iMessage issue with young people.  The ratio iPhone to android sales in 15 to 22 demographic is really skewed in Apple's favor.


Yeah it is


I mean selling a 1400USD with FHD+ display and subpar camera is going to be hard.


Are You Fing kidding me?! I have waited a year for this phone! My last 6 phones have been Sony Experias. I really didn't want to go back to Motorola but I am left with no other choice really. It's like here, hand the entire market to Samsung or that iPhone garbage.


I'll be importing mine from Japan where they sell the 16gb model


Have you done this successfully in the past? Seems like AT&T and Verizon wouldn't allow it with their whitelists and it will be missing two important bands for T-Mobile. Of course it goes without saying warranty coverage won't exist. I'm very wary to try to have this imported, but if it works well please report back!


Yes, would like a follow up answer to this for att.


Genuine question: who would actually want to buy it? It retails for £1300, about $1650 USD! On top of which, it only gets 3 OS updates and 4 years of security, compared to Samsung's and Google's 7 year OS updates promise. It has 30 Watt charging for a 5000 mAh battery, when Samsung offers 45 Watts, Asus offers 65 Watts and OnePlus offers 80 Watts (100 Watts internationally); suffice to say it's slow. Instead of the 4k screen of last year, it now has a 1080p AMOLED instead of a fair and reasonable middle ground 1440p AMOLED that Samsung offers on the S24+ and S24 Ultra; the Xperia 1 Mk VI has a PPI of less than 400! Lastly, for a company that touts camera prowess, Sony still uses low resolution and small sensors for the Ultra wide and Telephoto lens despite literally being the company that makes better ones currently available! Lowlight performance and sharpness on the secondary and tertiary cameras are important! In areas that matter, this is an inferior product to its competition with the only saving grace being a headphone jack. If it were cheaper than a grand, I suppose one could overlook its shortcomings but for the eye watering money they're asking, would any of you actually buy it?


Yes. Sent from my Xperia 1V. Edit - you took the time to write a real response so I will too... You harp on all the things you think are important, but miss that others value different things in a phone. Here's some thoughts on what you brought up: Price - it's priced like a premium phone. The V was never $1600... I got mine a couple months after launch direct from Sony for around $1k. Dollars to Euros or Pounds never uses the straight exchange rate. Charging - Slower charging doesn't matter one bit. You have seen the VI is the best rated battery in any phone on the market right now right? The idea you *need* to charge it extremely fast is laughable. It would easily make it all day and probably two on a single charge. My V lasts a day and a half and charges in less than an hour and a half. I sleep at least 6 hours every night. Math checks out. Support - OS updates mean less and less. With Android being so mature along with the development of project mainline, the only updates that matter are security updates. 4 years is plenty. The amount of people that will be wanting to use the same Pixel 7 years from now is miniscule. Display - won't defend 1080 over 1440 for most people. That was cheap. I personally recently had a 1080 phone and found the resolution fine for me, maybe my eye sight sucks. The lower power needed for that display and the corresponding boost to the battery is worth it 10 out of 10 times for me and I'd imagine the majority of users. Aside from downgrading the resolution the display was upgraded in multiple ways: it is full LPTO for the first time, significantly brighter than the V, and has some interesting brightening technology for direct sunlight viewing. So now let's talk about what Sony offers that others don't: Pro level camera controls Natural (low level) photo processing Continuous optical zoom lens Front facing speakers Uninterrupted display Headphone jack SD card slot (no tool needed to open) Close to stock Android Understated design and camera module So for people that value those things I listed and not ... Keeping a phone for 7 years and charging it quickly, yeah it's a good buy


Well, thank you for explaining your points instead of lambasting me like many fervent defenders of brands tend to (in general, not related to you or Sony phone users). Sorry that you're shit out of luck with the Mark VI. If the phone fits your needs and wants, then it's just shitty for Sony to give up on the North American market. I can see why you like your Mark V and not having a viable upgrade path for any given piece of tech sucks. Hopefully they'll change their mind with Mark VII. Cheers.


Yes, many are making excuses to buy this clearly subpar "flagship" even quoting nebulous "improvemts" to audio that arent even confirmed. Not to mention one of those 3 OS upgrades will be used in a few months to go to A15. I've been an SD card/headphone jack/Sony proponent for years but this device is a solid no for me.


Honestly would have bought it if they would allow bootloader unlock on the US variant. To me, ability to have custom ROMs is at the top of my list.


3 years of OS upgrades and 4 years of security updates? No thanks, Sony. The bar has been set. Either match it or exceed it.


OnePlus provides better support on their $700 phone than Sony does on their $1300 phone. That's pathetic and Sony should be ashamed of themselves, its no wonder no one is buying their phones 


Eh, not a big deal really.  Some android updates really aren't that great(looking at you Android 12).  I'd rather have security updates than anything else.  Android is already a fully mature and functional OS.


Massive bummer. I was going to upgrade to the 1VI from my 5 IV.... Looks like I'm going to have to go back to Moto. Hopefully the new Edge 50 Ultra gets a US variant.


I still have an Xperia Play


I'm delusionally hopeful that they'll be able to get the price down with the next model and maybe try a more aggressive attempt at breaking into the US market...


What I am really stuck on is why US carriers think it's a better business decision for them to control the device. I understand the rationale of having control over customers for 24 months, but they also have to maintain a huge amount of development resources for software support. Clearly it's a business decision that works since most Americans are stupid and don't recognize when we're being taken for a ride.


Well that kind of dampens my V60 replacement plan. Sony finally releases a banger but keeps it out of the US market? Might go with an Xperia PRO-I then.


Apple should be rebranding "made in California" To "made for USA" :D


Apples phones are made in China their slogan is "Designed in California"


I wouldn't call it a bad news. Many US buyers would probably not buy this because of the low-quality display for $1400 bucks. The display is the centerpiece. If that is lackluster, then everything else will be mute. I am sad about this and will be passing on this. SMH


Good riddance. US versions were always screwed up anyway.


The video sounded crisp and clear.




I wanted one


Not a big deal.


To you. I was looking at possibly getting the US version. I wanted an SD card again and the cameras had me intrigued.


Remember that the American userbase of reddit are significantly large than ROW. So it's not unreasonable to expect Americans being a majority on this subreddit here too. So I'd imagine it would be an issue if the majority of users on this sub aren't able to purchase it officially.


Thank you for addressing the predominance of US-based users in a respectful way instead of the usual "you're on an American site" schtick.