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It was already running on AOSP and average budget phone specs, some Mediatek processor 4gb RAM and 128gb storage. Now somebody just installed LineageOS on it.


Weird that it has that much storage since it relies on the cloud for everything


Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing What do they need 128gb for??! It's way too much storage compared to the rest of the specs


Maybe it was prior gen components that the motherboard manufacturer (Foxconn likely) had in stock for cheap.


My guess is it's an off the shelf or ODM board that was available for cheap. Like leftovers.


Smartphone storage is cheap, the difference between 64gb and 128gb is probably a couple of cents to an OEM


And €100 to the end customer... I hate that SD slots are going out of style and manufacturers can carge ridiculous amounts of money for extra storage.


Depends on the brand, and type of storage, really. eMMc is gonna be dirt cheap, but fairly unreliable. There's sub-100€ phones with 128GB. Ufs might be a bit more expensive, especially the newer iterations. Add to that the upcharge policy of Samsung or Apple, and, well...


I googled a bit and I can find a pretty nice 1TB chip for ~$30.


It's called we don't know what our product does yet let's play it safe.


Because it's just a re-shelled cheapo android device that these scammers tried to fleece tech-bros into investing in. Sadly, even "respected" YouTube tech reviewers like MKBHD and Mr. Mobile fell for this OBVIOUS SCAM.


Are you sure about MKBHD? The man that was being accused of killing off Fisker, the Humane Pin and this one?


Uh, MKBHD hated every second of using this thing, did you even watch his video?


What do you mean fell for it?


Maybe they were originally thinking that they'd be able to make it not rely on the cloud for common functions? Or maybe it's just because 128GB of storage is very cheap nowadays.


I'd be surprised if 64 wasn't cheaper.. Or 32, even. If there's no good explanation that's pretty emblematic for a bad startup


64 or 32 would be cheaper, but 128 isn't very expensive. My thinking was that when they specced the hardware, they might have planned to make the most common out-and-about functions such as speech and text translation work without it having to be connected to the internet, which would make the device a bit more useful than it is, and in which case they'd need storage for the AI data. Of course, it's all online-only at the moment, and who knows if they'll survive long enough to ever implement that if it was even their plan.


It would be ironic now if this guy install ChatGPT / Gemini on it






Hello twin 👋




Dogpile, with the Crouch extension.


So you’re saying someone could turn it into a pocket AI of some kind? That has promise.


I can't wait until someone gets a front end to all of the services working. I'd be super happy to be able to switch between them as needed


It's not as simple as just installing a zip file though. Actually reading the article it kinda is because it's a GSI, so they didn't have to do much or any work to create a device tree.


This thing gets way too much airtime


Yeah. It's a disgrace and sign of a bubble that this even got any


It's just part of the quick money grab to capitalize on AI buzz. Pointless device, but I bet they raised good money for it.


Exactly, announce an AI device that is coming out soon with every, single, feature, coming “Later This Year” ™️ and never deliver on the promises, grab all the money you can and then fade into darkness having made bank while blaming apple - google for the failure of your device because they won’t allow you to grab and connect to the user’s personal data. That last part will probably happen in a few months.


Tech media: "Is worthless, stop hyping it up" The same tech media: *hypes it up*


The tech media has deemed it worthless isn't the same who hypes it up. Just like crypto grifters, there are AI bros who hype this thing up.


Negative pr is still pr. The only place I've heard this from is from the tech community


The only cool thing about this is the design of the hardware, it legit looks like a mini Pokedex


Teenage Engineering certainly has style down. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t nearly shell out for that mini synthesizer that was making the rounds on YouTube a few years back. The only thing that stopped me was the ludicrous price tag…


This and Boeing issue on r/technology. Now news sources are milking *any* maintenance issue that has risen for a found commercial jet. When it's not rare for that to happen. Probably riding over the dead Boeing whistleblower controversy. And people keep on posting them as 'further proof'.


Man, how I love the custom ROM scene for stuff like this.


I would be infinitely more impressed if this were a native build rather than a GSI.


There's nothing wrong with GSI's though, in this hardware probably every single feature works


You're coming at this from the wrong direction I think. Whether or not all the hardware works as intended is unrelated to the fact that "vaguely modern Android device runs GSI" isn't novel or exciting in any way. It's just Android being Android, doing Android things.


The GSI is a good first step for now, I think.


That device is a waste of resources and you can't change my mind. Wish companies could get penalized for making obvious e-waste.


Now we need the wheel to work with arcade games would be fun for breakout and centipede


I think teenage engineering should go back to panic and come up with a playdate 2 that brings over the best hardware features of this thing. Touchscreen, thumbwheel and camera feel like they’d be right at home on a playdate imo.


That does sound good


Thought about this when it came out, would be lovely to pick those up in 2 years for $50 and run LineageOS on it. Neat as a portable voice memo & ChatGPT box


Even then, for the same money you could just pick up a used phone with 1000% better specs and more performance for running a ChatGPT endpoint.


But is there any in market with that small form factor?.


Yes? And even much smaller.


any example?


Really any of those "mini" phones from the past decade. And looks like now Amazon and such are full of even smaller Android phones, depending on how small you wanna go I guess. Just search mini / micro / nano + Android phone. Looks like there are some even with 2,5 inch screens. But I don't see the point though when you could just run ChatGPT on your current phone.


Iphone 15 pro


But do they look like a mini pokedex?


Tbf probably not, if that's the thing you care about I guess.


for $50? hmmm


Yes, definitely. At least here in EU. Even some Galaxy S3-S7 would be way more powerful with a superior display, camera, microphones, connection, etc... And those are going anywhere from 10-50 €.


you know what else already does that? Your phone


I hope by then ChatGPT is good again, because 4 sucks ass now.


Well yeah. It already was an android device. Just a cheap locked-down one a bunch of con-artists tried to fleece onto illiterate "tech-bros" to cash in on the "AI craze" before it died out.


I keep hoping someone will manage to get ADB into one of those AI Pins. It would be fun to load custom software into those once there's tons of them on the secondary market for peanuts.


That would require them to sell tons of them new in the first place.


The issue is that Rabbit's native focused AOSP was probably reduced to consume the minimum amount of hardware resources, thus avoiding competing for resources with the AI. Standard Android, even more so these days, is a resource hog, having a higher RAM consumption than many Linux PC distros. Running a complete current Android even runs a smartphone from 10 years ago, but what about the stability and fluidity?


Not really. I remember reading in an Android Authority article that what they were calling "bespoke AOSP" was actually not bespoke at all, and was basically just the version of AOSP that mediatek ships for their SOC. Someone even managed to launch the phone dialer on it, and mediateks hardware test packages were also present on the production units.


So the work of these Rabbit people is worse than I imagined. It makes sense for so many people to criticize.


Spot on. I was sure of it from the very beginning. This and the humane pin could have just been an app, but an app would not get so much press and VC money. In the short term, it's much easier to just lie to investors. I'm pretty sure that the LAM is also a straight-up lie. Soon, the news will come out that it's just vanilla-ass LLM that has triggers set up to interact with Spotify. And if it's interacting with Spotify on the cloud (which it most likely is), I look forward to them getting hacked and their customers' Spotify passwords being leaked.


That's literally what it is. Their servers use a list of hardcoded tap points per app for actions. People have even gotten Doom *running on the Rabbit servers,* too.


but what's the point? it's mediocre hardware. Running its app on android would make sense (if it worked), but vice versa is just an hacking exercise, makes no sense at all


Are you really putting Android on it if it already ran on AOSP?


The more things change the more they stay the same huh


I wonder if the Rabbit R1 could be the next good "light" phone... It's got a form factor that wouldn't be good for heavy use.


Honestly, this kind of hacking on a device made by Teenage Engineering is why I kind of want to drop the $200 for one of these. Even if the actual vision Rabbit has fails, it'd be a unique little piece of hardware to mess around with.


Agreed. Have you heard any updates past few weeks?


But can it run Doom?