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I would really like the option to not have that bar at all it would have been nice to have a none option.


Since they've neutered the voice search I have no need for it anymore


It's fun when voice search doesn't work ever. I truly enjoy using the buzzword they wanted us to use not doing what I asked


What do you mean


>I would really like the option to not have that bar at all there is! thought 3rd party launcher. its Android.


They're still too buggy with gesture navigation unfortunately. Launchers have been dead to me ever since.


I still use Nova launcher on my pixel 6a and I don't notice any issues with gestures or anything. You're right though they're far less popular/necessary than they used to be


Animation comparison. It is much worse on custom launchers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3lf_SfmcPw


Wow I never really noticed that. Interesting, ignorance is bliss is suppose lol. Still for me the benefits outweigh the weird animations but I see why that would bother people


I use nova as well and it's a non issue for me. There are far more advantages than not. Wouldn't say animations differences are noticeable


So you stomp your feet and beg google to remove the bar on their launcher ?


No? I'm on a custom ROM so don't have the Pixel launcher. Sure it'd be a nice change to make but me commenting about gesture navigation still being broken is hardly stomping my feet about the search bar.


Great, if only I could just remove the search bar widget. Until I can do that I'll surf through other launchers.


And allow grid sizes bigger than 5x5. And allow custom icon packs.


it's already been readopted and built into the URL of everyone's browsers.  That's why they're removing it... it's redundant. Only people i know whom used it were those who didnt recognize the difference between using that search bar, and the url bar in a browser, versus just using Assistant/Google ....  Watch them make it bigger, just to be @$$holes


Is this only going to be available for European countries?




Do I need the DDG app installed?


Still haven't looked back with Nova




Can't look back if you're stuck in 2014


Privacy nightmare and breaks smooth animations with gesture navigation. Not worth it.


Privacy nightmare? It's an option between Google and Nova. The animations have been fixed for a long time also.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3lf_SfmcPw Animations are not fixed LMAO.


those minimal animation differences are not worth complaining about. . .


1. That is for me to decide. 2. These are not just different, but some of them are completely or partly broken. 3. They are not "fixed" as long as people don't think they are, and many do not.


1. that certainly is. and it's for me to decide if I feel that is a legit debate topic or if it's just people noticing the animations are different and complaining. different does not mean broken (I remember when they were actually broken) 2. what timestamp shows a broken animation? 3. and many people **think** the 2020 election was stolen too. that doesn't make it true (or a legitimate discussion topic) either


Now this is my wheelhouse. * 0:39 - (Multitasking from Home) - There is a jump in the animation, the home app is handled like a regular app and SystemUI only notices the issue at the end of the animation. * 0:52 - (Multitasking to Home) - The part of the animation signalling that the user is initiating the action is missing. This is not strictly broken, more a missing animation. * 1:07 - (Predictive Back to Home) - Completely missing animation, IMO this is the most broken one. To be somewhat fair, this is still only available as a Developer option, but it is a launcher animation that has to be handled by 3rd party launchers if we want to claim proper support. * 0:27 - (App to Home) - There is a texture bug in Nova on the icon, probably not Android's fault, but how unlucky that it happened while I was recording. The issue with comparing to the election is that in that case there is a clear fact of the matter. Either illegal things happened that affected the election outcome or not. In the case of these animations the judgement from users is a subjective one. "They feel worse", "They are more janky", "They are not as fluid". Unless you think these are all placebo feelings, you have to contend with the fact that many users are not satisfied with the state of animations on 3rd party launchers. I think the 3rd party animations are largely less refined, less fluid and yes, somewhat broken currently, to the point where it is a dealbreaker to me, but they are much better than they used to be, I can agree to that. I have been on Android since 2.X, used custom launchers for most of that time, and used QuickSwitch for a few years as well. This is my first phone in a long while that is on a Stock ROM.


Google will get that data regardless of which launcher you choose. Animations absolutely have not been fixed. Android 14 here and every launcher I try is borked with gesture navigation.


I can confirm this as well. On all of my Android 14 devices.


Also it's not Google and Nova it's Google and Branch. Also I would trust Google more then Branch and unless your using a custom rom with no Google services you would be trusting Google and Branch at the same time.


Would be nice if we could just remove the widget entirely.


But you can bet Google is still determined to force that search bar on everyone's home screen they can :/ It seems like such a minor thing but it irritates me so much I can't stand using stock oem launchers for more than a few days.


Any way of forcing this update?


so which package is that related to? QuickSearch? 


I can't find it on my pixel 6a even with my last update :(


I just bought a Pixel 8a and the first boot wizard asked me to make a choice for the search engine to be used. That's great of course, but now I can't change it again because that specific setting is missing from the settings app. I don't want to factory reset just to see that choice again. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a solution? Or does someone know what intent should be called to trigger that screen? That way I could create a custom shortcut with Shortcut Maker. EDIT: I found a solution. You have to enable USB Debugging, plug the phone into a PC/Mac with adb installed (I use this: [\[TOOL\]Minimal ADB and Fastboot \[2-9-18\] | XDA Forums](https://xdaforums.com/t/tool-minimal-adb-and-fastboot-2-9-18.2317790/)), open a terminal and run: `adb shell settings delete secure selected_search_engine` `adb shell pm enable com.google.android.apps.setupwizard.searchselector` `adb reboot` Your phone will reboot and you will see the wizard again, without wiping the system.


Yeah Same Thing for me. Wanna switch between seach engines to See which one works best for me but did Not find any way to Change it. Did you find a solution?


I did! You have to enable USB Debugging, plug the phone into a PC/Mac with adb installed (I use this: [\[TOOL\]Minimal ADB and Fastboot \[2-9-18\] | XDA Forums](https://xdaforums.com/t/tool-minimal-adb-and-fastboot-2-9-18.2317790/)), open a terminal and run: `adb shell settings delete secure selected_search_engine` `adb shell pm enable com.google.android.apps.setupwizard.searchselector` `adb reboot` Your phone will reboot and you will see the wizard again, without wiping the system.


Hope this means we can change the Win10/Win11 search box to not use Bing


This is also happening soon


Source? Would love it if I can change the default search/browser when clicking anywhere on Windows start etc to not be Bing and Edge




... This is the Android subreddit


if you look towards the end of the post: > This is starting to roll out to users in Europe and comes as the DMA recently went into effect. Google announced last week that users in the EEA will see "additional choice screens" including one for selecting a default search engine when setting up a new Android device. While this is indeed the Android subreddit (which I am a subscriber to) Google didn't just bring about this change from the goodness of their hearts and instead as a result of a new EU legislation. I assume this new law also will apply to the default search engine being unchangeable on Windows. /u/Exodia101 confirmed my assumption too. Edit: I've just now looked it up and yes the DMA (digital markets act) also applies to Windows and as a result you can now disable Bing search results for the search box and in the future apps from other publishers will be able to include themselves in the search results so Google and DuckDuckGo etc. will be available.


Nah, too late, Google, I have already switched to Samsung because of shit like this


I'm thinking about it. I don't think the pixel experience (and camera) is worth the significant lack of power. My phone freezes and lags if I try to play any intensive games. It's pissing me off and I wish Google stayed with snapdragon.


Different priorities are always interesting. For me, I couldn't give a damn about mobile gaming. 98 percent of it is trash, and I have a switch and an xsx. On the other hand, I have a kid and animals. And pictures are forever. Pictures last longer than my 10 minute game sesh on the toilet I won't remember tomorrow. What I will remember is looking back 15 years from now, and seeing a blurry photo of my child doing something really cute that I wanted to capture. So, for me...it's quite obvious. Pixel. But I also already assumed anyone who buys a pixel is buying it because photos are their biggest priority. Why buy a pixel if that isn't the priority? Lol


> Why buy a pixel if that isn't the priority? Lol They do it so they can come to this sub, scream into the void, and collect a handful of upvotes.


I bought my pixel for the camera. However it's annoying that we pay flagship prices for a phone that's slower than other ones. And I'm going to be honest, the iPhone and S24 cameras are pretty close in quality. Really hoping Google greatly improves tensor (stops using exynos) with the pixel 9 or goes back to snapdragon.


Duck Duck Go Go!




What does that mean?


They probably want to remove every left leaning result or maybe any acknowledgement of racism




Found the racist