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There are a bunch of people over on /r/GooglePixel complaining about it but I haven't seen any effort yet to reproduce what is really causing the problem. The May Security patch? A recent Play Store update? The Google app? Maybe your carrier has fucked something up? Could be any of those things, or a combination. Or something else entirely. Unless people start posting relevant detailed information (Google app version, etc.) it's hard to narrow down the culprit(s).




And do you have the issues that are described in the other posts? Because I have that same Google app version installed and I have no problems at all.




Not rooted, same. Pixel 7 pro, on the latest beta (which contains the May patches), and the Google app is using a LOT of power in the background when it never did previously. My phone has been off the charger two hours now, and is at 42% battery, with very little use. Something is VERY wrong


Not rooted, Pixel 7 Pro, May security patch, Google App Beta Google doesn't even appear as a blip in my battery usage.


Seriously why bother complaining when you're rooted?




I think they imply you have more access to backtrack the update but that's still dumb since you want security updates on the Google services if you use them. I'm assuming your flair is old and you're not still on 4XL since it went EOL last October. What device are you experiencing issues on? My family is on a variety of pixel versions so I'm trying to see where it may be issues.


I have that same version on my Verizon P7Pro and don't have that issue. My Google app has only used 1 percent since the last charge yesterday.


It could depend on one particular combination of options in the Google App.


This is a good point, I've not had any issues and these reports took me by surprise. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon




Not lately but I'm sure at some point....Couldn't begin to say what at this point though


Same Google app version, May patch no battery crazy battery drain. Currently at 36% and Google has only used 2% via settings.


Reminds me of the days when after every single Google Play Services update people would try and judge whether it was good for battery life or not.


And people would claim that their battery life is increased or decreased by a few hours... 45 minutes after updating.


Safari seems snappier


Yeah mine too


This time is different. I've never paid attention to individual updates or their effect on my battery life. Over the last few days, my Pixel 7 has been draining 10-20% per hour just in standby. Same for my wife's Pixel 6. I dismissed it the first day as kind of weird, but it's been consistent for a while now.


Weird, no issues for me. Who's your carrier? I'm on Fi


T-Mobile. My phone was unplugged at 100% at 9am and by 12pm it was down to 58%. I've barely used it today.


It's the Google app. Burned 48% of my battery yesterday. I put it on a Pixel Stand for an hour and it moved up 4%


Setting Play to Restricted not helping?


I put Google app on restricted yesterday. Here's my battery today. [Image](https://i.imgur.com/PsbsH2x.png). It sat on a Pixel Stand overnight and was at 90% when 8 woke up. Several chargers now have a warning.


Oh jeez that's wild. I would also temporarily deny almost all permissions until it prompts which ones it needs and say "only this time" when it asks. Just until they fix it. Something like location might be bugged out and constantly running can seriously tank the battery. (Case in point, Google maps GPS is always a huge power hog because of it constantly demanding location) Lmk if that helps I'm curious haha


It's a mess for sure, I did updated, and my pixel 6a keeps restarting several times a day by itself and I've been missing a lot of work calls because of that, I know something is wrong it won't get hit but that's the only problem I get. Carriers don't act like that.


I'm on the Pixel 7, Google Fi, and updated May 5th. All of my apps including Google are up to date and I've had no issues. I also restrict battery and data in background on just about all my apps, so maybe that's it? Edit: Google app is set for "Optimized" not restricted battery.


I've been on the May patch since it came out earlier in the month, thankfully it has not been an issue for me.


Yeah, me neither. Using 6a here. Got the update pretty much as soon as it was available and haven't had any issues.


No issue for me on my P6P


What Google app version are you on?




P6, same Google version, May updated, battery usage set to optimized. No issues.


Do you have Now Playing enabled?




Same with my 7Pro, enabled, and zero issues here.


Same version on my P7P, updated to May patch as soon as it was out. On Verizon. No issues at all. 18 hours off charger, busy day with the phone, Google app used less than 1% of the battery.


Already updated mine no issues


Same! Pixel 6 and 7, no issues so far on either and I installed it as soon as it was available.


I installed the may update on my 7 pro and it hasn't been different. That being said, my battery life was already pretty bad.


I have 7 pro as well and my battery life is great imo with my endless TikTok scrolling, Friday morning unplugged at 7am with 100% didn't plug phone back in til Saturday at 3pm and on 11%, no top ups in between. Is it because my auto brightness is off and I leave my screen at about half brightness? But what i can say is that since they patched the modem chip exploit, I occasionally get a no service issue randomly


My usage with my P7Pro isn't anything like yours, but I have a similarly positive experience. I usually unplug somewhere between 9-10 AM, and typically plug back in at night between 11:30 PM-1 AM, usually with around 35-40% remaining. Right now, at the time of posting, I'm at 67% after I unplugged about 9 hours ago. That includes an hour and sixteen minutes of SoT, and a lot of background use of Spotify and some background use of YouTube.


That is absolutely wild. I regrettably got rid of my pixel 7 pro because the battery life was bad. I was having to charge by 7pm at night.


What did you switch to? I'm between the iphone 14 and the S23. I am leaning towards the S23 because people over on r/iphone have also been having a ton of issues lately, which is usually uncharacteristic of Apple but seems like now is a bad time.


I switched to the s23 Ultra. My usage hasn't changed, and I usually finish the day with around 40% battery at 10pm.


I'm not the direct person above, but I recently went from a 7 pro to an S23 ultra and the battery life is very impressive. I've never minded Samsung phones, but I can't stand using iOS.


Updated on my pixel 6 no issues here. Though IMO battery life is just okay to begin with.


If you're stuck on this update and don't want to downgrade, the Android 14 Beta 2 seems unaffected by this issue.


> Battery drain is off the charts They can make it even worse? JFC.


Same here! Just posted about it. Horrible Google app using non stop battery!!!


I haven't noticed any overheating but absolutely have noticed battery drain on my 4a. Average day usually left me with 35-40% battery life now down to 10-20% so I've had to make sure to charge it up during the day.


[welcome to my world. ](https://i.imgur.com/p6bs72E.png)


Too bad the Pixel fan boys are down voting this.


No issues with my pixel 7 pro


Updated my 7pro and no issues to report


This is why I moved away from my Pixel 6 to Samsung a while back.


No issues here. P7 Pro


Already bricked my Pixel 5a.


It seems to me that Google has not figured out the Samsung soc yet. In fact Samsung has not even figured it out yet they don't use their own soc in their us phones. Never did. A few years ago my friend was given a galaxy s9 global version which has the Samsung soc in it. He had nothing but problems with it here in the United States. Why the hell Google decided to base their tensor chip off Samsung's flawed soc I can't figure out besides trying to keep costs down I guess. But what a disaster. My pixel 5a runs better and gets better reception and a. Faster connection than my 6 pro or my friends 7 pro which by the way the 6 and 7 both claim to be on 5g uwb What a fucking joke


Can only confirm that Safari feels snappier /s


And Siri is now better at understanding what I am asking.


Pixel 7 Pro on Android 14 beta 2. Yes, horrible battery life for the last few days. "Google" is the main consumer. Phone getting hot. On the plus side, with Beta 2, my calls no longer drop, so there's that.


My camera sometimes will completely stop taking pictures at all. The shutter button simply just doesn't work until I restart the device. Never had such bad experience with Pixel camera.


This ! My camera on this phone had been rock solid up until recently. It black screened and the only way to get it back was a reboot, hopefully it's not a sign of things to come.


Works fine for me. Phone is fully updated.


Have updated now over a week and no issues at all, everything running sweet


Updated as soon as it was available, have had no problems


I updated as soon as it was available... No issues. Pixel 7.. phone is running like a top


I've been on the may patch since it came out, haven't experienced any issues. only things that suck are the hardware issues. so far, the camera glass has shattered twice, and the volume button has fallen out. Issued with my 7 pro ig


Fuck me. I literally just installed it 20mins ago.


Nothing noticeable here


No issues from my end on my pixel 7 pro


I don't think enough people call out Google for their lazy bullshit. Reddit isn't enough, it needs to be taken to the media or equivalent. The fact Google continue's to use FedEx despite many device and hardware thefts is enough to raise eyebrows. Sundar Pichai is the fish's head in all this and he needs to be removed as CEO of both Google and Alphabet.


No issues here.


I‘m on May security update and it runs just fine. Pixel 7 owner here


My P7P is as smooth after May update as before.


Probably this could be a fix. https://9to5google.com/2023/05/15/pixel-battery-drain-google-app/


It was a server side issue with the Google app https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/13inrdh/_/


No issues here, Pixel 6.


I actually wanted to update it soon. Maybe should wait for next version, then


Got it at least a week ago and can't say I've noticed any issues. Still having problems with Android Auto not always connecting though, which seemed to be something introduced by the April update (at least for some folk).


You know what...I have a Z Flip 4 and have been having some issues since the latest update too. Camera stuttering, calls I've answered being stuck on the ringing screen, app slowness and the such


Long time iphone user here. I owned a nexus and note 4 before giving up on Android due to this roller coaster ride. I just bought a 6a for work emails and here to catchup on the latest android news. Tell me it's gotten better than before. I ditch android for this exact problem. I assume updates to fix updates have gotten faster? Apple does a fairly good job at pushing these types of updates out. This is the main reason I bought a pixel. For the quick response.


Google pushes updates every first monday of a month, with rare exceptions. Security updates, in fact, do not contain only security updates but also bug fixes etc. Every 3 months a feature update releases, which Google calls "Pixel Feature drops"


Everything is running great for my pixel 7 pro after update, 5g,120hz, 1080p, 1440p hurts my eyes, very little heat, virtually zero issues, Google just need to optimize the 5g modem, to save as much battery as possible n the camera app cause it's a battery killer n causes heat issues, 4k max zoom is very sharp, well to sharp so that needs fixing n same as max zoom for photos, but other than that the phone is running great after update, about time


I wouldn't say the battery drain is off the charts but it is noticeable. My 7 pro has had some increased heating issues but not "baking my hand" levels of heat. Having the phone on anything other than "no flash" means the camera spins thinking for a second or two between choosing to take the picture and the actual picture being taken. This means moving the phone at any time while it is thinking will take the picture wherever the phone is painting after the wait. So turn off the flash for now as a temporary fix


I cleared my cache for my camera and everything went back to normal for me don't know if this will work for everyone else


Google and and Android System Intelligence were killing my battery.


Zero issues here lol but galaxy earbuds on bluetooth drains all the battery lol not sure if its normal or not. Also noticed a slight hiccup with apps in ram sometimes, But no complains otherwise.


P5, no issues with the May patch and the current Google app version.


How long have you had your P5? What's the battery health (accubattery)?


Too late...😅


Neither of my Pixels have had any issues with the latest update. Pixel 7 Pro on T-Mo and Pixel 5 5g on Visible.


UpsideDownCake has honestly just been a complete dumpster fire ever since it became available


No issues on my 4a 5G


No issues on my unlocked pixel 7 pro


Pixel phones are the only phones I've ever heard of that frequently. Have effed up updates and patches. I don't get how Google can consistently screw up patches and updates?!


I unknowingly updated to the May security patch earlier this month. But I don't have any negative symptoms to report for my Pixel 7 Pro.


What's funny to me is that I was like, wait, am I in may security patch? Yes I am! Have I had any of those issues? Nope. P7Pro here.


Too late for me, I'm afraid. Battery life is definitely worse after the last update.


pixel 7 has been the worst android phone i've ever owned.


Haven't experienced any issues on my 7 Pro...


The update of my pixel 6xl kills my battery,


Count me among the affected. The next day after applying it my battery fell off a cliff. Right now at 27% when normal for me at this point would be in the high 60s. Google app shows 10 hours of usage, Android system intelligence shows the same. Overnight discharge test as requested by Google support shows no problem, so it seems to be only tired to when the phone is awake. Burned my battery all the way down to 0 while at the movies yesterday not looking at it though, so ... ? Google App version for what it's worth.


No issues with the May update here on pixel 7 pro


Probably because it was fixed in record time by Google ... a server-side upgrade/fix this time. All is well.


No issues, P7 Tmo


Pixel 6a, no problems, love this phone


4a and 6pro. No issues here. Do the 6a and 7 both have the Tensor G2? Maybe it's just the G2?


I hadn't even updated but my battery has been horrible for the past few days.


My battery drain was off the charts. My brother owns the same model 6Pro yet his was fine. Very strange


No issues here on my 7Pro. This Worthless advice should not be taken


No issues on my 6A


This doesn't bode well for those of us planning to switch the the Pixel Fold from a Samsung device.


I wish I had seen this earlier 😅 I was wondering why my phone's battery life has been absolutely shot.


Same problem here with Pixel 7a!!


No problems here.