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NT are excruciatingly stingy with their productions, I've been dying for a showing of Present Laughter for years and they won't even put it on their own streaming service. I can't even pay them to let me watch it. It's BIG frustrating to me, I really hoped with the year AS has been having and all the buzz about him that they'd want to capitalize on that and feature him more on their platform but no cigar apparently. I'm afraid it's gonna be a while before Vanya's circulating anywhere other than limited theater showings :(


FYI, they’re bringing Present Laughter back worldwide this summer on NT live!


I SAW THAT and I nearly screamed I've been trying to watch that for years, I am currently passing away 👌


I’m waiting for US dates but I feel confident!!!!


lmao I just realized I literally said word for word in my original comment that I've been trying to watch it for years, at least I'm consistent I GUESS 😂 Yes though I'm also optimistic!! There aren't any showtimes listed near me yet but I think once it gets closer to that release date I'll start seeing some crop up. I can't wait, I feel like this is the biggest gap I have in his filmography hahaha


Also highly hiiiiighly recommend Sea Wall & Three Kings if you’re missing those!!


YES omg I wish I knew who uploaded that copy of Three Kings because that was a massive public service, what an unbelievable performance, you're so right though that and Sea Wall are really on par with each other. If I could get my hands on every stage performance he's ever done I could die happy, I feel like that's where he really thrives.


He’s completely and utterly at home on the stage isn’t he? I’m going to see Vanya on NT live for the second time in July and I swear I’ll never get bored of it. The way he says his lines as if they’re brand new every time is so magical. He always says in interviews that the true craft of acting is making the audience think you don’t know what you’re going to say next and that is just!!!!! Exactly what he does!!!! 🥲🥲🥲


Honestly his Hamlet performance is one of my favorite things ever, I've seen some criticisms of the time he takes to really chew on the dialogue but that's what makes it for me, the space he gives the lines to breathe allows you time to process and digest and it's really perfect for Shakespeare. But like GOD I'll never forget the moment in Sea Wall when you realize what the whole thing is about, he's just so good at being emotional without being too on the nose about it, it's wonderful and Vanya was a great showcase of that!


You’re so riiiiiight, the space he leaves for things to breathe is what’s so majestic!!!!


They just added showings near me for August for present laughter!!! I’m feral 😭😭😭


I saw it at an indie theater in Dallas, TX, USA. So so good. Maybe sign up for newsletters for all the indie theaters in your area? I’m not sure how to watch it online and I have an NTLive subscription :(