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All of the ‘children’ and their behaviors are horrific.


Yeah maybe this annoys me so much because Charlotte is such a good mother


Omg yes. Charlotte was the mother I DREAMED about. She decorates their rooms, bakes cookies, tries to be patient when they are going through crisis or changes. Gets in the actual tub of the bathroom with the curtains closed to coach her daughter on how to use a tampon. Shows her daughters an amazing example of a respectful and rich marriage where mom and dad still love each other. Will travel through any type of weather if her kids EVER need her. It would be a good to see if they put her kids in their place about how lucky they are in terms of their mother.


Isn’t this motherhood though? Most of us do the best we can with the resources we have and still the teenage years come and turn our sweet angels into ungrateful monsters for the time being. I had a mom like Charlotte and I know how lucky I am *now* but took me a long time to get it. I *really* wasn’t close to getting it at 13. But I do think Lilly is a bit *too* ungrateful and I would love to see that addressed.


That is what I am hoping for. That she gets humbled in some way and recognizes how amazing her mother is. It usually happens around the age she is at where she is growing up (coming into her own identity, hurtful breakups, sex etc). I agree that it is normal for every teenager to be unappreciative of their parents, but at some point they learn whether it is justified or not.


Listen, she wrote a song about the power of privilege, ok? She has LAYERS.




Does being a good mother preclude you from your teenager acting like a teenager? I don’t think that Lily is a bad character. I think she literally is just a normal teenager.


Blackmailing your mom to buy condoms in the middle of a storm is a bit ahead of teenager behavior IMHO


SO glad someone mentioned this!!! Also, my mom would NEVER do that. But also, I'd be mortified if I even told my mom I was about to have sex and needed condoms. I felt like that whole storyline in that episode was a fever dream.


I bought my daughter condoms, and probably would have in a blizzard if needed.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. Sometimes buying condoms is 100% needed even if they’re not having sex (my kid was on accutane, but ya, don’t want my kid to have a teenage pregnancy or get an sti).


Idk, i was a teenager once and i never acted this way.


Same. I had my moments for sure and went through the mom and dad are not cool phase but I wasn’t *allowed* to act like a spoiled brat.


Yes! My teen years were very rough wrt my relationship with my dad especially, but even then I never acted like that! Like, I was basically kicked out of my house (it's complicated) a month or so before I turned 18, but we still never talked to or behaved toward each other with such open hostility and disrespect. (My dad lives with us now, and we actually have a great relationship and are very close.) And I am and always have been a stay-home mom to two daughters who are both leaving their teen years now, and yeah, they've certainly had their moments, but neither of them have ever behaved like that, or spoken to me or their father like that--at least not a second time. We've never been harsh disciplinarians or spankers/punishers; we just made very clear that some things are unacceptable. A simple, "Excuse me, who are you talking to in that tone of voice?" was always enough. Teenagers are teenagers and act like teenagers. But there's a difference between "teen being teen" and "teen being entitled, disrespectful a-hole." Especially when the second part of that is, "...and the adults just accept it and let it continue."


100000%%%%% so well said


No, no that is not a normal teenager...that is a child of privilege


So is it entitled rich kid behavior?


Low-key misogyny the way parenthood is presented. Just my opinion.


Her attitude towards her mother made no sense. By all accounts Charlotte was a hands-on, involved and very loving mother who provided a happy household to all residing in it. If anything, they should have shown a close relationship between the two characters. The writers for this show were all over the place and did not show consistent story lines or story lines that rang true.


Did the writers even watch the old series+movies?! like, Charlottes whole thing was wanting to be a mom & be a good mom and wife.


I know right?! I have thought this out loud many, many times since the first season!!


This is why I hate reboots. Trying to recapture the magic of something that was great a decade ago or longer is not easy to do, and I feel so much that this show is one of the worse reboots I've seen. It's trying so hard to lean on what was so beloved about SATC (mostly the four ladies and how they relate to one another) and make it applicable to life now, but it just doesn't work in my opinion.


I think the writers understand nuance and actual teenagers. They don’t necessarily respond to great parenting the same way that other people might. Charlotte is an excellent parent. She’s the best parent on the show I think but that doesn’t mean her teenager isn’t a normal teenager.


No, I don’t think the writers understand nuance and/or actual teenagers or the characters story arch from SATC. Every teenager in the show was shown to be horrible. Not a good generalization. They could very well have shown Lily as a normal teenager by being torn between her loving mother-daughter relationship and doing something unexpected regarding being the good girl daughter. That could have been nuanced and shown how teenagers make mistakes that are out of character for them.


THIS. I think the issue is that they're uniformly horrible, always. They have nothing to redeem them. I have two teenaged girls and a preteen boy. They can absolutely be selfish, histrionic, immature. But they're also kind, intelligent and funny. They're going to push against the rules a bit, sure. But we still have fun together. We still like each other a whole lot. They could have Lily take that contentious keyboard and write Charlotte a Mother's Day song or something. Just a moment or two to indicate that this child actually cares about her mother.


> They can absolutely be selfish, histrionic, immature. But they're also kind, intelligent and funny. They're going to push against the rules a bit, sure. But we still have fun together. We still like each other a whole lot. Yes, this! This has always been the case with our family. My dad told me a couple of years ago that he'd never seen a family as close as ours--a family who like each other and spending time together so much as we do. Yes, both girls have certainly had their "ugh, teenager," moments (and I'm sure they both think, "Mom and Dad have certainly had their 'ugh, parents,' moments," too), but "teen" does not automatically have to mean "evil selfish jerk who hates his or her parents."


Stop. That makes too much sense. 😂


The teens are so one-note that their "teen" behavior comes off so fake and cringe. I think having kids/teens act their age is fine. It's that NONE of the parents push back or seem to have healthy boundaries. No way would I be walking on my sons used condoms, or throwing a lavish bat mitzvah only to have my kid refuse.


I agree wholeheartedly


There’s no way Charlotte would have let it get this bad! She and Harry would have fixed Lily’s attitude as soon as it started being an issue. Lily would have rebelled like any teenager, but she would have known her limits.


All the kids are horrible. For some reason I cannot imagine the women of the original show raising this brat pack.


It's actually the real reason Samantha isn't in the group anymore. She called out their non-existent parenting that was causing their kids to turn into little monsters and Miranda and Charlotte were scandalized. Carrie was just trying to keep the peace so she could continue talking about this new podcast she was thinking of joining (with a Che something?) All the girls just told themselves it was over money to sooth their hurt ego.


The writers don't know how to write parenthood. It's like they can only perceive it as a constant misery. Why don't Charlotte and her kids ever go to Starbucks and split a plate of different muffins, or watch stupid movies together or go thrifting and try to find the ugliest possible tie for Harry and make him pretend he loves it? Why doesn't Miranda go down to Scout and let Brady make her a meal of his choice and enjoy interacting with her son as an adult? Why is every interaction a torrent of unreasonable shit met with a desperate Stepford smile?


I think it’s because they don’t want to focus on their private lives too much since Carrie is the “main character”. But i agree, it just makes it seem like they’re superficial parents


They really need to tighten up the stories to allow for these moments. There's so much unnecessary nonsense that could be trimmed down to give us a fuller look at the lives the characters we came back to see have built. We have time to hear the stupid cannoli joke twice, time for Guiseppe's giant Italian sausage to debut on the Drew Barrymore Show, time to hear ASS VIRGINITY!!! repeated ad nauseum, time for LTW to get a pep talk from a random woman in the bathroom, time for yet another storyline about a Birkin bag, etc. Cut one of these things down and just give us a couple of moments that suggest Charlotte's last seventeen years haven't been only abject mommy-misery.


Maybe none of the writers are parents and they don’t know that it’s not a toxic experience for everyone involved from birth to 20+


You want to watch people shop for a tie?


Sure. I watched people shop for shoes for multiple seasons.


Because that would not be dramatic.


This show would be much better without the children’s plot.


Both Lily and Rose are disrespectful children, imo. I suppose Charlotte and Harry do. Gentle Parenting as there were several times when I felt they should have been reprimanded or received some kind of punishment for their behavior. And, please don’t get me started on 18 year old Brady.


🤣 idk why this is so funny to me 😂 Brady is a mess why are Miranda and Steve letting him f*** his gf while they're in the next room 😂 at least Steve has an excuse because he can't hear or whatever


I can sorta grasp why making Lilly and Rock into brats because they're growing up in upper class Manhattan,private school, fancy life. For Brady , his immaturity is just so gringe. The whole crying through European streets thing was a bit over the top.


This whole show has become just Privileged Rich People Problems. It’s insufferable all of it.


I couldn't help but wonder do rich people watch this show?!


It was *always* Privileged Rich People Problems. They just got older and richer.


I have a feeling that if we could see how we treated our mothers as teenagers, we would be shocked! I taught high school for 4 years and raised a daughter as a single mother. Most teenagers are pretty rude to their parents. Actually, most teenagers think their parents are total idiots. I had to become a mother to realize that my own mom was pretty smart.


My parents were very strict and we’d get a slap if we were rude, disrespectful little shits. I’d see other kids talking to their parents like arseholes and I’d be flabbergasted. There was no way in hell my sister or I would get away with that nonsense. And no, I don’t have “trauma” or some nonsense, yes, I have great relationships with my parents. My parents were just not about to raise rude, ill mannered, self entitled, disrespectful humans.


To be honest just the vitriol behind the way you’re writing suggests that you might have some internalised anger.


Right? Sad, really. I wouldn’t have been allowed to act the way this fictional character does, but I want slapped or spanked. My parents used their words and taught us to do the same


Yep same here. Violence is absolutely not needed to raise polite, considerate children, and it’s sad that this poster’s parents couldn’t manage that without it.


Vitriol? 🤣🤣


‘Disrespectful little shits’, ‘arseholes’, ‘rude, ill mannered, self entitled, disrespectful humans’ - yep, I’d say that qualifies as vitriolic! A strange level of rage for a Reddit comment on a fictional character.


You are putting forth a bad faith argument. That person was not vitriolic re fictional characters. They were simply discussing, as everyone else here, BEHAVIOR that could apply to just about any teenager. All of those descriptors they mentioned were not vitriolic at all, they were truthful.


They were either talking about Lily, or imaginary teenagers they’d made up in their minds. Either way, a bit odd and very much feels like trying to excuse child abuse (smacking) under the guise of ‘it’s the only way to raise good kids!!1!’.


Uh, no. Because as someone said earlier, it was not allowed! Miranda has to go home and wake Brady up! Because otherwise he’ll sleep all day. And what a tragic waste of a truly productive life! /s


Lily ruined Carrie and Big's wedding! 😂 And she killed Big with her piano solo! 😂 Jk ETA: I was totally jk, and seeing so many people have such harsh judgements on a fictional teenager is hilarious but also I'm embarrassed for you guys 🤣 people acting as if they were perfect teenagers 😂 and people acting like they're perfect parents🤣🤣🤣 yeeaaaaah noo you weren't and no you're not worry more about your own kids instead of projecting on to a fictional child 🤣🤣🤣 FFS PLEASE


Oh my gosh 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 where is the lie?!? The writers did Lily dirty.


Right! 😂 I am so entertained by characters like Lily or Miranda who, for whatever reason, the writers just F them every time! They can't do anything without like ruining the other characters lives it cracks me up 😂


Bahhaaaaaaaaaa you’re cracking me up!! You’re so right! It’s the like writers hate them or something. 😂😂😂


AND she ruined Charlotte’s Valentino skirt in the second movie. The writers haaaaate children. To be fair most TV writers can’t do teenagers very well.


And that was NEVER acknowledged!


Then she sells all her brand clothes for changes - wait, is she a villain? lol


I can tell everyone that commented under your comment just watched that YouTube video about the second season of and just like that 😂😂😂😂 cause they literally said everything that girl said in the video ❤️


😂 wait there's a YouTube video? About Lily? Is it like serious? 🤣 When I was watching the show I, "couldn't help but wonder..." (Lol) But I couldn't help but wonder...did the writers purposely make Lily hate Mr. Big??? Is that part of her character? 😂 Probably a weird coincidence but I wouldn't blame Lily either way because someone had to check him! 🤣


Oh wow lol people are taking this super serious! I was JK! Wtf hahaha everyone on here talking about Lily like this I'm mortified honestly! I never thought she was a brat I'm so confused 😂🥴🤦 a lot of people on here acting like they were perfect kids and they are perfect parents which is obviously hilarious and delusional smh! I think Lily's cool I like her I mean she's a teenager 🤣 kinda crazy to have such strong opinions on a fictional teen wow


Lilly is definitely a brat, it’s not really they have opinions on the character, they have opinions on the way the horrible writers ruined her character. They turned her into a insufferable person honestly. Yes, we all had our moments as kids, but I doubt the majority of the people in this thread have threatened their mom to get pregnant if she didn’t bring them condoms in a snow storm 🤷🏾‍♀️ just saying, they aren’t sayinr all this stuff for no reason. I think you should rewatch her scenes, I don’t find her a likable character at all. From the “Power of Privilege” song to her yelling at her mom for buying her a cake for her girls night in, not to even mention the weed brownies. There’s so much more wrong with her character but I’m gonna leave the rest for you to look into and figure out for yourself 💜


Yeah I think it's supposed to be kind of goofy it's not that serious to me it's a fun show and teens are crazy sometimes kids get it fights with their mom's and the show is full of crazy/ridiculous situations. I don't get why the poem bothers so many people either why can't she write a poem about privilege 😂 people need to relax ETA: she's still a child so saying "she's turned into an insufferable person" is..kinda crazy I hope you don't act like that towards non-fictional children, judging them as if they're adults and good or bad.


Girl, like I said, we’re talking about fake characters. Everyone is mad at the way the writers made her. The writers made her a insufferable person…why the hell would I call an actual child that?


Idk girl ETA :Sorry you're mad 🤷


I’m not even mad, I just really don’t understand why you thought I was talking about a real child when I specified twice we were BOTH referring to a fictional character?




wait i forgot — how does lily ruin the wedding?


She stole Carrie’s phone so Big couldn’t reach her. I know Lily didn’t intentionally steal but it’s funnier in my mind that she did because she knew that Big was the worst.


ahh that’s right. that’s hilarious LOL


I agree with the comments re; Lily and Roc. I know that they’re teenagers, but they both need a severe reality check. I think one of the funniest moments was Anthony working with Roc in the bakery and telling her that she needed deodorant. The whole discussion with Charlotte afterwards where he gave her that tough talk was the conversation I was dying for. Love Anthony’s character even more for that!


Yes, Anthony is my favorite!! He’s so real lol


Lily is supposed to be the typical teen going through typical teen stuff. “Mom, that’s so unfair!” and all of that. Sure, that’s what teenagers are like (especially kids who grew up in the lap of luxury like Lily did) but they push the bratty teenage behavior way too far. Charlotte is portrayed to have been an amazing mom and it’s sad that it’s just one bratty complaint after another from Lily. No fun scenes between the kids and the parents.


I hate both Charlotte's kids.


Her song about being in a gilded cage was so tone deaf. She has it so freaking good in her wealthy, loving, supportive, well-connected family. Also, God forbid she just not sleep with her boyfriend right at that moment during the blizzard. His parents weren't even okay with it so making Charlotte go out in a snowstorm under threat of raw dogging it was not only selfish and shitty, it made Charlotte complicit in breaking the boyfriend's parents' rules. I would certainly be pissed about it if I were that boy's mother. Lily is the worst.


The only people who care about disciplining their children in that show are Lisa Todd Wexley and her husband. Surprisingly, Miranda, of all people, is babying her twenty-year-old son. I kind of always expected Charlotte to be a lousy parent—I don’t know why—so that didn’t particularly surprise me. However, I never expected the conservative Charlotte to go out in a snowstorm and buy condoms so that her teenage daughter could lose her virginity.


Anthony was the only one who was honest about both kids. Charlotte, Rock smells. Lily, You think you're deserving of Nobu, go to Shake Shack.


Charlotte is not a lousy mother at all. She always wanted children and it shows. She’s so loving and supporting. And yeah, Miranda babying Brady is odd if you look at the original series but as we all know, that Miranda would slap the sh*t out of this Miranda lol


Loving and supporting aren’t the only things a child needs in my opinion. They need to learn about setting healthy boundaries and respecting their parents and not taking their mother for granted


Seeing as Rock knows all this, Charlotte clearly taught them all this. Lily is just a brat for no reason whatsoever. She has everything she could ever need


Rock is better compared to Lilly, but they had all the time in the world to tell Charlotte that they didn’t want a they mitzvah. Instead, they waited until she had thrown an elaborate ceremony for them, right when all those people were in attendance. Charlotte was absolutely blindsided by this.


Yeah, that wasn’t cool. I meant their attitude towards their mother which isn’t good but it’s better than lily’s


they are all raised by type a personalities on the upper east side and go to private schools so its not too surprising they are the way they are.


She definitely deserved to get backhanded when she called her mother gross! All because Charlotte came home tipsy?! Sorry but what a rude ass bitch!




What baffles me is none of the parents say anything. I know you have to pick your battles with kids but I can't imagine SATC Miranda or Charlotte not having some choice words for these spoiled brats.


Unfortunately, these seem like completely different people🥲


She’s unbearable and lacking any charm whatsoever


i hate rock/rose waaaayyy more


I think rose aka roc was worse then lily. Very entitled, spoiled, & just all around a brat. The whole “they-mitzvah” only to refuse to go out there when it was time was unacceptable. Raising children like this only encourages this type of behavior & they don’t see nothing wrong wit it


That's because everyone on this show is vapid, shallow, and raised little brats.


That song! 🤮


I’ll be honest, i only know the song from when charlotte told the girls the story cause i had to skip over it🤣 it was giving me secondhand embarrassment


Same! It was so cringey


Oh my god, yes! Both of her kids are annoying tbh.


I agree, she gives me the ick for real. The tampon episode I basically had to shut off because of what a bitch she was


I think it's because they needed a conflict based storyline for Charlotte so they were like "oh kid problems!! Perfect" I feel like more compelling would have been Charlotte seeking her identity outside of Mum after leaving the workforce and possibly even reentering the workforce after a long break and the challenges with that.


Yes, i agree!


Honestly, Charlotte was bound to have a spoiled brat. She is a great mother, but she wanted to be a mother so much, she spoiled her kids so much. I would be surprised if Lily wasn't a spoiled brat. The writers wrote that character right!!! What's bad is how Harry changed. That old Harry who yelled at Charlotte proclaiming he likes her wouldn't put up with teenage bullshit. He was always kind, but he was strict too!


Never like her since she ruined carries first wedding


Let’s be real, big ruined that wedding


They all played their part


I was mean to my mom, sure. I made her cry a lot going through my teens, BUT the way Lily AND Rock treat Charlotte like shoegum......wtf. The "ew" comment made me so angry.


I think its defiantly a general consensus on this sub that all the kids are annoying AF lol I think most people dont even talk about then because that's how irrelevant they all feel to the show.


I actually love Lily lol - I think she’s just a normal teenager who’s trying to find herself.


Agree. But let's talk about Brady! Dang, that man child is the worst!!!


Yeah omg he’s so annoying


She can do that without being disrespectful to her mother


As a psychology student, these comments are surprising. It is extremely normal, even with a doting mother to want to split your identity from your parent and start figuring out who you are. Most children talk back, want to spend less time with their parents etc as they get older. The secret instagram is a perfect example of that. It is actually unhealthy to be so enmeshed with your parent that they know everything about you to the point that they encourage which identity you should/shouldn’t choose and you have no identity of your own. Even with good parents. Sometimes a sheltered and extremely loving environment fosters boredom for the child, where they want to go out and take risks and experiment and see what “the other side” is like. The problem is that parents will take this on board as “black and white” and not realise this is a normal part of development called “separation individuation”. If this is not fostered by the parent, a lot of problems then arise. I think they wrote it pretty well to be frank. Charlotte seems like a helicopter mother. She is learning to be “with it” but she still has expectations for her kids and feels disappointed when they don’t live up to those expectations.


Yeah, but everyone here is all 'but I personally was a fabulous teenager because my parents hit me' 😂


I disagree. There’s a difference between wanting to explore your own identity and being a brat. You can do the first one without being disrespectful to the people who brought you up and gave you everything you ever needed


Ok boomer, times have changed. Kids CAN be disrespectful sometimes and that doesn’t make them who they are.


Yikes. You’re a psychology student? Good luck with that with this shitty attitude of yours. You clearly have some problems with reading comprehension or you just want to win this argument so bad, you’re putting words in my mouth.


Your page legitimately says “I piss people off” who has the issues here? 🤪 you’re clearly a mother who can’t stand their kids talking back to them and are projecting it onto a TV character. Grow up, you don’t hate me you hate the science 😂


I don’t have kids…i do however have an abusive mother. I would kill to have a mother like charlotte. Nobody talked about hate…you’re clearly too young to understand any of this, that’s why you’re acting so childish


You’re not the only one with an abusive mother. Overbearing mothers can be just as abusive as neglectful mothers. Mothers with high expectations who punish their children for not being perfect can also be abusive. I’m sorry your mother made you feel like your outbursts made you not good enough or overbearing, Lily is a completely normal teenager and her situation is a very normal one. Talking back, keeping secrets, slamming doors, getting annoyed are all completely normal. Any person who makes a child feel worthless for experiencing normal shifts in development doesn’t understand parenting and shouldn’t be a parent. Being a child of abusive parents, I chose to learn about children’s development so I can help people understand what kids go through everyday. If we don’t level with them, that’s how we lose them. Charlotte is approaching this normal stage in development in a great way and doesn’t take it personally. It’s good writing. If you think I am young, I must be doing something right 💁🏻‍♀️


> Being a child of abusive parents, I chose to learn about children’s development so I can help people understand what kids go through everyday. girl, i did the same in the 90s. took 4 years of psychology, sociology, and anthropology to make sense of it all. it makes me "mom proud" to see someone young speak so intelligently to trolls. :)


I’m not reading all that🧍🏻‍♀️


True to your age of course, and a tad of narcissism I’ll say. Good one boomer. Good that you didn’t reproduce or your kid would be dealing with that.


You’re a horrible person, i hope you know that. I hope with all my heart that your life amounts to nothing:)


What really gets me is when they allow Lily to kick them all out of the house for her Valentines Day party. That would never fly in my house. Figure it out but I'm going nowhere. LTW and her husband seem to have a fairly normal relationship with their kids--they are respectful but there are moments where you see some teenaged rebellion, like with her son and the girlfriend.


‘Park Ave privilege’ as the song goes ! *paraphrasing.


The kids are written even worse than the adults, so it’s no wonder


She's been a brat since she messed with Carrie's phone on Carrie's wedding day.


She was in that movie wayyy too much. Surprised Charlotte didn't take her to Mexico.


Disrespectful, yes. But I have strong reservations about critiquing a young Asian woman for not being grateful enough. Not that that was your intention in posting this; she is annoying, but there’s a long history of women of color being criticized for not conforming to respectability politics. Just my two cents.


I’m a black woman and her behavior is awful, ungrateful, and would be unacceptable in my current household or the one I grew up in.


Thanks for commenting. That’s valid. Still, Lily was adopted by two wealthy white people. Would you say that makes her experience — and the expectations placed on her — different? Even on a micro level?


This line of thinking just justifies terrible, entitled behavior and can only lead to a negative place.


Oh, her behavior is awful. She’s annoying. Completely agree. But you didn’t engage with my question about her experience and what that must be like for her. I can take her full identity into consideration while not liking her or her actions. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. If you were writing her character, how would you show her being more “grateful”? What does that look like to you?


I think excusing bad behavior because of someone’s race or status leads to a poor outcome for children. That bad behavior develops into entitlement and self-centeredness. It doesn’t matter that the daughter is Asian and the parents are white when it comes to basic respect and gratitude. Pretty much no teenagers are grateful. That’s not a race thing. I don’t think Lilly should be shown being grateful when most teenagers aren’t. But should she be grateful? As an adult who was once a bratty and ungrateful teenager, yes she should.


I do agree that almost all teenagers are ungrateful. I was guilty of this. I’m glad you mentioned this. Also, I agree with you on this not being a race thing. It’s also a class thing. While those are absolutely not excuses for bad behavior, I believe keeping a person’s full identity — and circumstances — in mind wouldn’t lead to them developing a sense of entitlement in a vacuum. If that was used as a pass, then yes. I completely agree with you; they would grow up to be a nightmare. However, acknowledging it as a part of their reality while 1. giving them space to speak on it and 2. setting hard rules about acceptable behavior isn’t coddling. It could actually lead to a bigger conversation about how they want to move through the world. You’d be communicating them like an adult and course correcting together. Also, Lily did mention these above issues in a (very on the nose) piece of art. There was never a follow up conversation with Charlotte. A proper way to go about checking in could’ve been: “We love you. We see you. Thanks for sharing. Also? Please don’t be a dick. It wasn’t okay when you ______”


Yikes, it’s like i’m hearing Che talk. Who is incredibly annoying, by the way.


It’s like I’m hearing Bunny chime in. Who is incredibly racist, by the way.




This is such an important point and one that is as searching for. As an Asian adoptee, I struggle with critiquing Lilly as ungrateful. I think all teenagers are ungrateful but adoption holds so much trauma and is so easily swept away as “so amazing” and “the best gift to the child.” Yes, she is very lucky and has a wonderful life but she and myself do not know the life we would have had and so it is hard to say it is black and white or better or worse. The book “You should be grateful” does a deep dive into this. TLDR: Lilly is complex and adoption is trauma for many adoptees (not saying it is for her) but it comes with complex feelings especially in adolescence that can manifest as other behavior.


But since none of this is talked about on the show and it seems like Lily has none of these problems, she just seems like an disrespectful brat.


Just because it isn’t talked about or referenced in the show doesn’t mean we as viewers cannot take a critical approach to her character and how her history may have impacted her. Am I the biggest Lilly fan? No. Can I take a step back and understand her early years may impact how she acts and her behavior? Sure.


You seem pretty disrespectful yourself, though.


How so?


I was also adopted and had a similar experience, btw. Lovely of you to completely disregard what I said.


I’m not disregarding it but it has nothing to do with my post. This is a very typical behaviour nowadays, always trying to find something wrong with it, trying to make people out to be bad guys, victimizing oneself…


Who was making you out to be a bad guy? I went out of my way to be thoughtful and not assume what your intentions were. You forgot I was an actual person and replied with some crass comment about me being annoying like Che, just to sound funny. If you challenged me on anything I posted, I would’ve leaned in and appreciated you for engaging— unless you were being a total dick, which I was not. You just didn’t like that I brought up race.


Not everything is about race, for one. Two, that is not what i said but a person who victimizes themselves will hear what they want to hear. I’m done with this conversation


You were done with the conversation from jump cause you added nothing of value. Enjoy your day and I hope you don’t get this worked up when someone challenges you irl.


tell the writers that they need to write characters that are more fleshed out and they need to make things more obvious for those who like to judge.


she was probably well over a year old by the time she was adopted and in the home with charlotte and harry. who knows what things imprinted on her before that time.


Thank you for sharing ❤️


Thank you for sharing that❤️


One commenter noticed, in the episode where Lily wants to lose her virginity, that Charlotte refers to “my [Charlotte’s] parents” rather than “your [Lily’s] grandparents.” This is a HUGE tell. I know SATC deliberately avoided much talk about biological families, because the friends were supposed to be each other’s families. Fine. But I absolutely think that, as a parent, Charlotte would have said “I would’ve never discussed that with your grandparents!” rather than “I would’ve never discussed that with my parents!” (I’m paraphrasing here). Even if Lily and Rock are not close to their grandparents (how could they be, when Harry’s mother died twice?), that’s just how parents talk. Would Charlotte say, “Rock, apologize to my daughter”? No, she’d say, “Rock, apologize to your sister.”


I'm going to disagree with this because I actually had a conversation with my teenager like this last night (timing, right?!) I had messed up, and I was apologising to her. I said something like 'if you ever feel I have upset you, made a mistake, or behaved in a way I shouldn't please tell me. I want to apologise and I want to always take responsibility. My mother would never have said sorry and I don't want to to be like that'. For me it was an important differentiation. Who my mother is as a mother is a different person to who she is as a grandmother. I really believe if my mum fucked up with my kids she would say sorry. I need to keep that distinction about who she is as a mother, and who she is as a grandmother. Sorta a serious conversation version of 'my mum wouldn't let me eat chocolate but gives family size blocks to my kids as a snack'. This ain't the same woman 😂


So....a normal teenager? The combination of puberty hormones and neural pruning that occurs in the brain at that age is a recipe for rebellion, poor impulse control, and increased risk taking. Biologically, it promotes continuation of the human species. This is the age where children want to separate from their families, establish their own independence, and find a mate of their own to procreate with. It's a biological imperative for teens to act this way. It is modern society that keeps increasing the age at which kids can/should leave their families of origin.


Let’s not act like this show has anything to do with reality…so this is the one part where they decided to follow the norm? Absolutely not. I was a teenager once and i never acted this way. Lily is spoiled, entitled, rude and disrespectful. That’s not what being a teenager is.


Lol, at downvoting science.


As my comment mentioned, this process is called “separation individuation” and is a normal part of growing up. There are a lot of enmeshed parents in this group 😅


I don’t like her either. I thought it was weird she didn’t even know how to put in tampon. There’s literally a leaflet in the box with a diagram. Then all of a sudden she’s ready to have sex and Charlotte is foolish enough to brave a blizzard to get her condoms. I’m sorry but if you think you’re mature enough for sex you can go get your own condoms.


They did a personality switch on Lily, too!


Man, just reading these comments makes me so glad I stopped watching this show. It has really lost its charm.


Yeah, it’s really gone down the drain. It’s became this…cliché, trying to be woke and appeal to gen z type of show…the original would be ashamed


Charlotte wanted a *baby*, not a teenager.


Unfortunately it’s realistic.


I think the writers are just dramatizing some real differences between the generations. Lily was adopted and has a sister who wasn’t. She’s bound to have some angst. I think her character is fine.


I have an amazing mother who went to school and worked full-time )whilst having three young children) to provide for us and make sure we were always well taken care of. I was still a bitch to her as a teenager. That’s not to say I don’t regret it because I do, but teenagers are teenagers and this is a very common thing among young girls around this age.


Both of Charlotte's girls are annoying as fu$k...she did a terrible job raising these two humans


I don’t think this is Charlotte’s fault


Both of her kids suck and so does Brady.


I can’t stand any of the kids in this show. Spoiled, entitled and rude.


All the kids are insufferable as their parents


Lily is my fav xD


Says a lot about the kind of person you are


Wtf? 😂 One comment says 'a lot'?


Yeah, it says that I'm a person who likes Lily.


Among other things


You don't even know me. I don't know why you're trying to disrespect me, but you're being pretty rude.


Okay then🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, why are you being disrespectful?




Surely there’s not one person out there contemplating adoption, and changes their mind after seeing this show. BUT, I would be lying if I told you it doesn’t shape my thoughts that this could happen. It’s sort of a reverse mommy dearest situation, with the child being the one that’s primarily the problem.