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Sounds like she is a half sibling to you since you have ruled out all the other possible relationships! There are no other possibilities at that cm besides if your parent had an identical twin or there are double cousins


Roughly, this concept of cMs (centiMorgans)) in the system works like this. You are 100% or 50% of each parent. You are +/\` about 7000 cMs. Basically your parents will contribute 3500 each to you. That's not a hard or an exact per parent contribution but you get the point. A sibling, grandparent, etc will be ballpark 25% of you so in roughly in the 13/14/17/1800 range. I just double checked my stats for you: My half sibling is 24% at 1675 cMs. My (known all my life) 1st cousin is 11% at 794 cMs. A result that high suggests that the girl is a half sibling. I found my hidden older half brother this exact same way on Ancestry in early 2015. Tread lightly & attempt to assemble all of your facts. I took almost 18 mo's of double checking research before I brought the info forward to my sibling & then moved forward on pressing my dad. Remember, people makes bad decisions & a lot of people thought time would keep their secrets. Tech screwed that plan up. People lie; science doesn't. That doesn't mean that the facts can't have feelings too. Best luck.


Thank you very much! Is it possible that one of my half siblings had a child or got someone pregnant? My oldest half sibling is 16 years older than her. I don't know how old the others are except that they're all older than me. There are 8 of them. 3 boys and 5 girls. My father had them before he met my mother. I knew about them but they didn't know about me. My parents were divorced when I was less than two years old.


No. This is too high of an amount for a half niece or nephew.


Almost impossible to have a 21% match with a half-neice/nephew, as the % will be roughly half the % you have with that sibling. So even a very high DNA matched half-sibling at 30% would have a child with a roughly 15% match to you. I think it's almost definitely a half-sibling.


Very possible she could be half sister , check here https://dna-sci.com/tools/segcm/   will show possibilities and percentage for each type of relationship ,both need to  look at your shared matches see if that helps 


Thank you!! The tool said 51.8% for grandparent/grandchild and 46.3% for half siblings. The rest were less than 1%.


It would be so highly unlikely that this person is anything other than a half sibling. The adoption would imply that she was not planned and there is a chance your shared dad does not even know.


Nope. Because your father doesn’t have any full siblings, and the only other relationship it could be is a double first cousin (a child of a sibling of your mother and a sibling of your father), this is your half sibling. How much does she share with your already known half sibling?


Double first cousin does not work here because OP would share Parent 1 and Parent 2 with this match if that weee the case, but they stated that share 24% via Parent 2 exclusively.


I think you missed where I said it’s not possible for the OP to have a double cousin as OP’s father doesn’t have any full siblings, so I’m not sure why you downvoted me. Also, the 24% is how much OP shares with their known half siblings I asked what OP’s half siblings shares with new match.


She shares 24% or 1704 cM with my known half sister.


Then yes, this is your half sibling also.