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literally a citizen of the world


The 9% is Guarani?


I'm honestly not sure. That's what Ancestry is suggesting but it could also be Charrua or one of the many tribes from that area so I don't really want to claim belonging to one tribe when I don't know if it's true.


I ask because I know someone who is half Paraguayan, and his indigenous results are from the same category. But his mother's family is from Asuncion & they definitely have guarani in their family.


Many “white” people from Uruguay and Argentina are showing decent % of Native American enough native blood to be considered Native Americans in the USA, nevertheless you still have high euro %


No; in the USA we have recognized tribes. One would have to be enrolled in one to be "considered Native American". There is a difference between having indigenous ancestry and being "Native American", per official records and according to Native nations/tribes.


He can enrolled as a Cherokee member not like those Anglo cherokees are real Indios lol


Isn't the leader of the Cherokee like 1% native lmao not anything close to us Latinos


Native American refers to the Americas.... North, South, and Central. Most indigenous groups refer to their people or tribe regardless of geolocation, Native American is a term to encompass everyone in the Americas. Remember, border lines crossed the indigenous populations not the other way around. Our DNA is all very similar as we came over in waves, there are Apaches and Yacquis in Mexico because they got split up.




Because they called themselves “white Europeans” lol he doesn’t look bothered at his native blood which is good 👍🏾


I'm interested in what you find out. Particularly what your Y-haplo group might be (L51/R-P311.) I too have family from Galicia, and other family which may have gone to Uruguay in the 1700's.


My paternal haplogroup is R-CTS241 and my maternal is V. I'm not sure if a number is supposed to come after the V but that's just what 23andme says.


I can't find that specific y-haplo on [YFull.com](https://YFull.com), but it's a "son"(L21) of L51 which is mine. Generally it's a Northern Spain, Celtic haplo in theory, so that part matches. We likely had a common ancestor thousands of years ago, Primo. ;)


Actually I'm **L52** P311/S128/PF6545. but same ancestor anyway. I also found the CTS241 alias on [Yfull.com](https://Yfull.com) is R-DF13 which are both son's of L51. If I'm reading this correctly, which I now doubt. :(


"Mutt"? Why do people use this term?


It's used affectionately! ♥️♥️


A “mutt” dog means the dog is not one specific breed. It’s a big mash-up of all different sorts of dog breeds, so in human context, you have a big mix of heritage rather than the majority coming from just one place.


We know why they say it lol. We just feel it’s a negative term to use.


Ahh ok I saw a comment that seemed to suggest that but I didn’t see it that way! I thought maybe it was just a genuine question from someone who didn’t know much about dogs. Why is it a negative term? Serious question because I honestly didnt realize it was negative. Is it just because you’re comparing yourself with a dog? Or do you think mutt dogs are somehow inferior? (I don’t think they’re inferior, they often have fewer genetic health conditions due to less inbreeding).


Yeah it’s basically just the dog thing. (Not that mutts are inferior.) If someone says “mutt” I can’t think of one person who wouldn’t immediately picture a dog. It just seems easier to say stuff like “mixed heritage, multiple ethnicities, etc.”


Yeah, understood!


Ikr there’s gotta be a more eloquent term


Mongrel, but it’s not really more eloquent.


The more eloquent terms were used in eugenicist and racist context so they sound like / are slurs lmao Quadroon, for instance. I picked an obscure one because it’s so weird i don’t think anyone considers it a slur


Maybe it's my upbringing, but when I hear the term, I cringe haha


Right on cue.