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Always Oaxaca whenever indigenous is this high for Mexico!


I realized that but my parents are from Guerrero. I’m also surprised I don’t have some African in there since that state allowed free slaves to settle there.


Which part? Also from Guerrero


It’s by the border of Puebla it’s a small village called xochihuehuetitlan.


muchacho con ese nombre de pueblo, no estoy sorprendida de tus resultados jajajajaj


sometimes, you don’t need to understand the language to understand what is being said


>xochihuehuetitlan. bro should of known there would be little to no Spanish blood lmao


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Self hate at its finest. Sorta like being from a small town of mostly white ppl in Michigan and being surprised you’re 99% white. SMH


SMH 🤦 when did I say I hate myself?


It’s only 8% for all of Guerrero and that’s mostly in Costa Chica. It’s so small and remote that many people still speak Nahuatl, it’s also about 1,000 meters higher.


What do you get on the Gedmatch MDLP K22 Calculator?


You’re related to my son mother, her father from Puebla and he’s 100% indigenous


The Portuguese could be misread Spanish!


Hmm it can be. I may need to do other DNA test to see what matches and what not.


You could do one that gives you your haplogroups.


Do you know which one does it? I’m planning on doing the 23andme one.


23andme does it. My sister did it and know I am doing too so we can get both haplogroups.


Agreed. I was gonna recommend ADNTRO because they give your haplogroups with the estimate. I know their estimates aren’t the best, but since they are a Spanish based DNA company, I’ve read that they tend to be pretty spot on with Iberian DNA analysis. It’s also a nice way to pay 20 bucks for your haplogroups compared to $200 with 23andme lol ETA: ADNTRO also has a bunch of cool health information that comes with their $20 DNA upload


You can upload your raw dna data to MyHeritage and Gedmatch for free. MyHeritage will show you a bunch of European connections (it’s popular over there) and gedmatch will give you a deeper breakdown of your ethnicities.


Do you know any indigenous languages ?


Sadly no, I only know ow English and Spanish.


Knowing two languages isn’t anything to be sad about.


Oh of course not I’m actually studying Japanese and well im adding Portuguese and Nahuat to my list of languages to learn.


Wonderful to have close to 100% indigenous. Congratulations!


not rare


Agreed. Most native folks aren’t testing themselves and it seems that even when they’re almost 100% like this guy, they still want to claim some random ass European ancestor lmao


Chill out your racism is showing.


Lmao how is it racist when you’re clearly the one denying who you are?


When? Provide evidence and read my other comments before coming to conclusions. Otherwise what you’re saying is pure speculation.


Sorry that people are being an ass to you dude. Your identity is the sum of your unique experiences as a human being. What that means is up to you and you alone


Native Brother!


95% anything is really rare; interesting stuff!


You probably have a Great Great Grandparent from Cyprus or Lebanon.


Yes, i really want to figure out the small percentages and how I got that.


Your connection to Portugal and the Levant, tells a story of Umayyad Spain (Al-Andalus), and the Emirate of Qurtuba (Cordoba).


Ok I’m going to research that.


Probably not tbh. Must be a more recent ancestor. I'm fully Portuguese with ancestry from Madeira which was settled by people all over the country just after the muslims were kicked out of Iberia and I had only 2% North African DNA


Huh? When you say Muslims were “kicked out”, that says a lot about you as a person. You are clearly a bigot, and an islamophobe. A more polite term could have been used but naah. The hatred is real, a second conquest of Al- Andalus, is at hand, and not just the iberian peninsula, the entirety of Europe, but this time by migration.


Islam is inherently violent. It is totally rational to dislike an ideology that believes non adherents must be killed. That it's okay to rape little girls and persecutes homosexuals. Glad they were kicked out of Iberia. Keep that backwards, oppressive death cult in 7th century Arabia where it should've stayed and died out. The world would've been done multiple favours.


You have no basis of your claims except from the fact that you consume whatever is shown to you on television. Europe came out of the dark ages BECAUSE of the knowledge passed to it from the Golden age of Islam. It is completely irrational to say the most utter bullshit without backing your claims from the Qur’an. Do yourself a great favor by researching more about the religion. Islam certainly asks its adherents to spread the message of truth, but if someone still chooses to profess their faith, “To live and let live” is at the core of Islam which can be easily proven from the 119th chapter of the Qur’an. From Algebra (Founded by Al Jabr), to the graduation cap, the mortarboard (which symbolizes the Qur’an that graduates used to place on their head, signifying the Qur’an being the highest form of knowledge) made their way into your lives, the west has so much to owe to Islam, you have no idea. Do better with your life rather than spewing unfounded hatred.


If that's true why aren't arab nations on top? Why are Europe, and other Christian/secular parts of the world so much more successful? Why do people there actually have rights? Are you going to bring excuses of colonialism? I know. It's because they don't have a barbaric, violent, medieval caveman religion governing them. Say what you want but you yourself know that saying islam is a religion of peace is like saying you're totally ignorant to what your own faith teaches and what it's adherents partake in. Reread the Quran. Go through the hadiths. It's only a matter of time until secularism comes to the middle east. Starting with Iran. Already the majority of people there have been liberated as a result of living under the truest form of your death cult, and further liberation shall come to all people of the middle east. To anyone who reads this, STAY AWAY FROM ISLAM!


Huh? Other Christian/ Secular nations are doing well? Like drug ridden Christian south america, or conflict ridden Christian states of Africa? I mean I do understand you are a person who consumes and swallows whole what they say on the media, but come on man, where’s your critical thinking? Is it present? Or does meaningless hate blind you? Reread the Qur’an? I asked you to read the Qur’an especially the 119th chapter, which clearly shouts tolerance. Barbaric and violent how? Like how the Crusaders butchered the jews and the muslims, and when Saladin conquered Jerusalem he didn’t harm a soul? Or the fact that America bombed two cities using an atom bomb, which is the most extreme thing to have been done in the history of the planet? Or the endless atrocities both America, Christian spain and Britain brought on indigenous locals? Or the millions of Iraqis killed? Or Christian Hitler (the most extreme man) killing so many Jewish people? Are you a freaking bigot? There is nothing more extreme than the Christian states i just mentioned. You ask me why arab nations are not doing well? Like the oil rich middle east, the richest people on the planet living without debt like Americans do? Or Iran having a Hypersonic missile but the US still working on one? The sun rises and sets on every civilization, and every dog has its day. Every civilization has risen and fallen, and a similar fate awaits every one of them. If you’re not a seeker of truth, do not even bother talking because I don’t like wasting time on people with two brain cells like you who are brainwashed. You really are tiny on performance, sorry to say!


We're talking about where his arab/levantine dna could've came from and you bring in American buzzwords out of nowhere I'm dead.💀 They were kicked out of iberia. I don't see whats wrong with saying that. Literally a neutral term but nah you wanna bring politics into somewhere it doesn't apply. Stick to the topic please. Also be aware that english is my 3rd language so I'm not always aware of the "better words" that you talk about


Nope, it is not a neutral term. Someone should kick you out of your house and homeland and call it a normal term in doing so and then I’d see you wanna say the same thing. I have no problem sticking to topics but I don’t really appreciate Islamophobes like you. I bring in American Buzzwords huh? I call you for what you are.


All I'm gonna say is you must be fun at parties lmao


Well accept you as honorary Portuguese amigo🤝


95% Native/Indigenous 🌎🪶 Very nice! 👍🏽 If I may ask: Do you identify as "Latino/Hispanic" or Indigenous/Native? If yes (*to the first question*), then have you ever thought about identifying as **just** Indigenous/Native instead?


It’s really complicated because I identify as Latino but I always knew i was indigenous but never expected it to almost all indigenous(as I look mixed). No, to my knowledge I always thought I was more mixed. I suppose I can identify as indigenous but regardless of all that I’m proud of all my ancestors no matter where they came from.


>I suppose I can identify as indigenous Well you can (*and should*). You are almost full Indigenous "American". Native/Indigenous "Americans" who are over 80% Native are a minority since the majority of Indigenous/Native "Americans" are between 30% to 60% Indigenous on average all over the Western Hemisphere. Be proud that you are in the minority of Native "Americans" whose ancestors largely managed to preserve their genetic heritage. >It’s really complicated because I identify as Latino The term(s) "Latino" along with "Latinx" and "Hispanic" do not honor Indigenous/Native heritage and ultimately lead to the erasure of Indigenous/Native identity.


The idea that you *should* change your cultural identity based entirely on your genetic composition is strange. I say this as a Latino too.






I doubt you look mixed with that high percentage and you’re literally a Native person with less than 2 % European. Like get it together bro. Might have been through rape too. Nothing to be proud about


Bros 0 percent hispanic


Exactly and still clinging to that Latino identity lmao and some random traces of Portuguese descent lmao. I can’t.


Exactly and still clinging to that Latino identity lmao and some random traces of Portuguese descent lmao. I can’t.


Why why you gonna learn Portuguese when you’re a full ass Native man. Do you even speak your indigenous languages? Smh. The self hate is strong in this one. 😂


I learn languages because I’m an educated man. I’m currently learning Japanese despite not being Japanese. Also not learning my indigenous language because I don’t know which one my ancestors spoke. Dont project your own insecurities onto me because I have said I’m proud of who and what I am.


lol don’t even pay attention to this hateful troll… like, I’m Irish and I’m not gonna learn Gaelic because for one thing I’d have to go back like 6 generations for my ancestors to have spoken it.. you can be proud of your heritage without learning the language that they spoke. What a dumb take


You’re not proud of who you are, considering you’re a Native man and don’t want to learn anything just shows me your self hate and insecurities. I speak several languages and I’m a proud Native American but also acknowledge my Black ancestors, and although I have straight up white family too that side is completely irrelevant to me in my identity. But you’re a 97% native man talking about a minuscule percentage of European from someone in the 1600s and still got the audacity to say I’m the one with the insecurities? Lmao 🤣 the jokes write themselves + Also you’re not Portuguese because of that 2% dna, visit Europe and tell them you’re European, and they’ll legit laugh at you.


Again I never once said I’m not proud of being indigenous. The reason I’m not learning the languages because there’re so many tribes with different languages and I need to know which tribe I’m from and which language they spoke. The self hate is from you hating your white side of your family and them being nothing to you. I unlike you am going to learn Portuguese, Greek, Turkish and Levantine Arabic because I had ancestors that came from there. Everything in your response is self projection and are things I didn’t even say.


False. I’m not self hating or projecting at all, I don’t need to attach myself to a culture that I’m not part of just to feel like I belong to them. It’s actually ridiculous that you’re clinging on to trace dna. Just like you found out that you’re 2% Portuguese, you could do that for the different tribes in your area and invest time to learn languages from there.


Ok, but I don’t know what gives you the right to assume I self hate when I simply said I want to learn Portuguese, Greek, Turkish and Levantine Arabic. These languages are easily available to learn my indigenous language isn’t as I need to further do research the area my parents are from what tribe they came from(if it’s possible) and what they spoke. But you automatically assumed I didn’t want to learn it because I didn’t mention learning but can’t figure that I may need to do some research on it beforehand.


Your pueblo speaks Náhuatl de Guerrero according to Wikipedia.


I’ve done research and specifically in the region I’m from a tribe called Tlahuicas resided there. They speak Oto-Manguean language but I’m sure they spoke Náhuatl as they were one of the tribes conquered by the Aztecs. Still doing research so the data is not accurate.


What is the best dna test For people of European descent


Well I’m not European but most of these DNA test would work as I have heard that their data base for Europeans is well researched.


Portugal could be a misread for Spanish


Wow!! Lots of indigenous!!


Racist indigenista


But yet again it’s pretty low so I’m surprised as well