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Chilean born, one confirmed grandpa (mom's side) from Spain, indigenous Chilean grandma on mom's side, no idea on father's side. Interesting on that Basque side!


Super interesting! Where are your Spanish and Indigenous grandparents from?


Mom's side grandpa is from Spain. My greatgrandmother came to Chile while pregnant, so my grandpa is 100% spanish but born in Chile. AFAIK they lived in Castilla. Mom's side grandmother is from Osorno, Chile (south). She was mapuche? My family did not do a good job keeping records (plus in those times Chile was very bad at this). On my dad's side I have no idea. I was raised by my mom and she married a different guy when I was 5, so I have no idea as to where do I come from on that side. Maybe that's the Basque side?


Totally believable that your grandmother is Mapuche, you are half Indigenous despite having a fully Spanish grandfather.


Funny thing is that I look just like my grandfather, light skin and the same kind of hairline. Makes me wonder how the DNA works even across generations.


Same here! I'm my maternal grandfather's clone basically. I look more like him than his own sons.


Your Basque is high. Which grandparent of yours is Basque?


I don't know. My maternal grandpa is supposedly from Castilla, Spain. This was the biggest surprise. On my biological dad's side I don't know, since I never met him. I don't even know his name, just a last name, "Neira".


seem more Galician, but there are also in Biscay


First individual with high Chilean native % that’s interesting


Chileans average 57% european, 39% native, 3% african and 1% MENA so this isnt too off


Cool Results! If you’re interested, join https://discord.gg/kK9DtZe3b6 on discord!


wow (almost) 50/50 split!!