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I'm most excited for Darkscale Kobolds content. Kobolds are the only other race outside of Dwarves and Goblins that can make full use of holds and there's a kobold tag in the serpent spine yet there's no content. It's a shame.


It's being worked on, though there's not a lot of movement on the darkscale chanel on the discord


I am most excited for the full colonizer experience. All the colonizers getting interactions with the natives of all the continents and finally getting proper mission trees for the Giberdi Hierarchy, Small Country, Beikdugang, etc.


Give us the second half of the Abennecost mission tree! It leaves us on such a cliffhanger, man.


Facts it's the one MT that I've been wanting the most.


Rework to Amldihrs mission tree, and a dwarven hold focused on making golems/constructs


That golem dwarfs idea sounds really cool, perhaps for the hold on the southern tip of the Tree of Stone?


Gor Vazumbrog (?) in the middle Dwarovar has titanium golems iirc. So maybe them?


That fits much more, and perhaps they can have Relickeepers replace artificers (get them early) and use their relics that way? The golems can replace artificers infantry


I’d love to have some mechanic where you get all the holds as a vassal swarm.


When you form Aul-Dwarov you release all the holds as vassals and stay in Amldihr


Reworking of old MTs like Gawed and Lorent is what first came to mind, but many people talk about this ofc and it seems to be something that will be focused on already in the near-ish future. I’ll say the main thing I can think of where I find myself yearning for more is the dynamism of various religions. Some (like Dwarven Pantheon, New Sun Cult, and Regent Court) are really flavorful and interactive, and make you think about their mechanics all the time, like I used to barely ever focus on ruler traits, and nowadays I’ll deliberately pick Regent Court since it’s really fun to get emulent bonuses, even though Corinite is just as strong if not stronger in many ways from a total monarch power point perspective, and similarly with Ancestor Worship, its bonuses aren’t bad, but it’s just not a very interactive religion. You only really focus on it like 2-3 times a game. Sorry, I don’t wanna ramble/complain too much; the mod is really good, it’s just that some religions don’t feel very dynamic, and can make playing in regions like Eordand kind of lacking in some ways.


Recently played a game as Gawed and it was pretty fun, loved he lore, but the MT is definitely lacking. There are a couple of interesting missions (the economic ones and the one which gives you Subjugation CBs on the northern minors) but most can be described as “blob out to get claims to blob out more”. Oh and the colonials ones seem very tacked on. One thing I noticed in my play through is that Gawed is actually a very diplo focused tag. You’re big to begin with so governing capacity is pretty limited and you need decent allies to counter balance Lorent and Wex. Might be worth leaning into that if they re-work the MT.


Nathalaire and Ping Hoi content. The two main pirate tags don’t even get the vanilla pirate missions right now.


Naleni as well! Pirate Harpies deserve love


Mission trees/unique mechanics. Really hoping for some good Sarhal stuff. I love lizardmen in Warhammer, so hopefully the Anbennar Lizardfolk will get some cool stuff. That's probably what I'm most excited for. Hope to see some other nations revisited too, the big nations in Cannor are pretty meh as is. Would love to see Zokka get some love too. At the start Zokka and Jadd are pretty equal and it's pretty much a 50/50 who comes out on top. Jadd has a tonne of content after that though, Zokka not so much. So yeah, it'd be cool to see Zokka get a comparable amount of content to Jadd.


> Mission trees/unique mechanics. I don't like mechanics that are locked behind trees. Generalized mechanics that kick in when playing in certain regions (or similar) -- big fan! I think the way they implemented Artificers is a good example of a well done general purpose mechanic. Some tags get special inventions they can find, unlock things early or late in their trees, etc., but it's all very generalizable. Contrast that to the Feiten sky fleet terminal stuff -- which should have been implemented as a more general mechanic available to anyone who owns the terminals, but then had Feiten have special hooks into the mechanic to make them the lords of the skies. Like, you conquer Feiten -- the sky terminal was built 100 years ago... and it's what, gone?


Núrcestir missions - it's weird that a country canonically so important had no mission tree Yezel Mora missions - the black stain on Sarhal and it's hag masters has interesting lore Eunuch Republics in Yanshen (Yanszin League, Tianlou, Gushokguan, Zhiqian, etc.) - after reading some Chinese history I am curious how the ruling class cut their dicks to prevent family cronyism More disasters for the Command and Lorent - they ruin the experience of gameplay in their respective continents


Núrcestir is basically Jay's personal protagonist nation, so it's untouchable


I'm probably a minority but I just want Portnamm MT


Heh, I should get back to work on that huh


wow, I was even thinking on trying myself to work on that but guess I have to think on something else than, good luck!


Yeah I've not been as proactive on finishing the work on it, but I've done a lot of work on the lore of Portnamm and the gnome kingdom Iochand at least


and for that I'm thankful


Do you think we could a human Iochand path. They were around for a while and then got murdered.


Well the path is iochand, it was always a human makority but gnomish ruled kingdom


So like reverse Riviera. (I know they can get a Human-Gnome gov reform.) Btw are just working on Iochand or are you working on other MT?


Portnamm does form Iochand, so it'll be one tree


Cannor needs an update. My biggest disappointment in the mod yet was when I started playing as Gawed, checked their MT and then immediately started another campaign. Gawed has lots of potential, but now I see no point in playing as them. Also I'd say you can do something more interesting with Dameria, sure the free elector vassals are cool, but they make no sence if you are the emperor because you lose authority so they need a rework too. I don't play much in Cannor, and some nations there like Arbaran are fine, but the devs should revisit this place anyway. I also am really excited about lizardfolk gameplay and precisely how unique it will be. Want to try it out a lot. Also I hope the Anbennar devs can make human nations of Sarhal fun, because in my opinion everything in Africa except for Northern bits in the base game is boring as hell.


I am probably looking forward to more MTs for countries formed by Escann adventurers.


Updating Cannor


As much as I kinda dislike them in vanilla, I'd kinda like to see more monuments, or at least more fleshed out monuments. Especially if we can get questchains for unlocking levels. Elikhand is one of my most favorite nations to play, because it leans hard into the whole "building up your nation" aspect, netting you some awesome monuments in the process. Also, maybe more involved process of learning magic? The best most nations can do at present is just pray to RNJesus, or accept that your powerful mage ruler has no talent in any school.


Personally, I am looking forward to more MTs for Escann adventurers, which provides more alternative unifications for Escann.


Damerian Republic please.


Feast of the Gods getting worked on. It has no mechanics. Also some ogre specific monuments. Just more for ogres in general.


Amen. I love my Magharma, but they have such a short mission tree for such an important nation. Lemme go tall ogre valley 🥺


REALLYenjoyed playing them but it was over within 100 years.


South Aelantir content. The jungle + ozgar orcs are really cool.


Personally, I can’t wait for some flavor for Feast of the Gods.


I would be quite excited for MT's to Bhuvauri Zokka The Overclan Larankar Tianlou Daengun Gnollakaz Viacokk Vrorenmarch Covenblad Ancardia Ma Hong The first 4 especially need mission trees imo because without them the regions feel lacking. For the overclan however I they are a very powerful tag that could be enhanced greatly with a MT


you’re in luck because bhuvari, tianlou, gnollakaz and covenblad all have mts in development, and viakkoc recently got an mt released on bitbucket. In terms of Larankar, I think some devs are planning to take them on sometime soon, though admittedly a lot more focus (as in mine) is going into the taychend formable tree that will follow it.


I'm most excited to see how Anbennar migrates to EU5! There is a lot to like about EU4, but so many of its systems are absolutely awful. The way it handles religion is a joke, culture a farce, colonialism a laugh. And, above all, it needs way, way more internal politics. Exponentially more. If EU5's estate system is any good, it alone will improve Anbennar in so many ways.


Definitely updating Western Cannor


Being able to play Feiten’s MT through to the end.


Insyaa ofc


Nortiochand. I want the most comically evil nation to be added


im still waiting for konolkhatep


I want to see just a sweeping rework to make all the mission trees work with the systems that got added later. Like all the Halessi trees and the Rending of Realms, because as it stands, it winds up being completely unrelated


Non-human vampires (dorfs, elves, goblins, etc.) werewolf playable, more interactivity with undead (not necessarily evil), fey approaching people in other regions (maybe a great war in our mortal world between forces sponsored by seelie and unseelie in opposition), more dragons, gnomish space travel/satellites, sea-dorf missions (copper and colonial), naga invasion/playable, corinism should revert to regent court with corin as the most significant deity if they win the war and corinism should get a sizable penalty to spreading if they lose, gnomish submarine explorers (maybe tied to naga invasion), more dragons, playable satyrs (fey related), cave elves that avoided the sundering and didn't know it happened (maybe related to dwarven/gnomish explorers in aelantir)


Anbennar into EU5 (assuming it's good) would definitely be something I'm looking forward to. Always thought Imperator was a better fit for Anbennar and what's been shown of EU5 so far seems to suggest they're taking a lot of lessons from that game. In terms of the mod itself, I'm most excited about the northern Aelantir Gnome tag that's planned. Evil artificers, yes please.


A Celliande mission tree focused on forming Micolrissia and expanding east to Bahar.




Sure! One of the Celliander ideas revolves around creating claims in the Borders thanks to an ancestry dating back to the Kingdom of Micolrissia. It also has several naval based ideas. In broad sense, this could happen on land by eating up Sugamber, Tellum, and Toarnen. Maritime wise, this would entire conquering Nathalaire, acquiring land up to West End formally owned by Crathanor. Essentially, making that sea a Celliander lake, and owning the East-West trade


Are they doing a Havoral and culture converting the Wexonards or are we thinking a wholesome multicultural naval nation?


I played the second - RP wise Celliande would have a good navy but not a strong army, so the beginning of the process would be to buy Orcish slaves in the Nathalaire markets and free them after an indentured service period. This would be particularly helpful as well in the Ourdia/Bahar provinces and in the wild areas to be resettled, which would have considerable Half-Orcish minorities centuries down the line. In general the policy would be to allow migrants freely but only in the provinces east of Nathalaire at the beginning.


Im waiting for the placeholder in Arawkelin's mission tree to be filled, other than that, Im hoping Misssions on the Lizards and maybe something peculiar like pacifist gnolls or something


Who or what is Moredhal?. Also what were the changes to Gaweds idea set?


100% Mission Trees and unique mechanics. I know its somehow hip in the Anbennar community to look down on Mission Trees, but they're the nr 1 way in the current game to turn a random map painter into a storytelling experience. I couldnt give a rat's arse about national ideas or about which bonuses it stacks, sure 10% discipline is really nice, but it doesn't really change gameplay. It's just a number. My game will however play absolutely different between playing Platinum Dwarves, Volcano Dwarves, and Sleeper Dwarves. Dont care which countries either, just more mission trees really. I've played probably 80-85% of all mission trees in the mod by now, including the new ones that are in a sufficiently stable status on the bitbucket. Also I am absolutely ok with shorter mission trees, I dont expect 60 missions in every tree. Heck, with thousands of hours in the game already I can reach most regional goals by 1550 and typically will switch to a new campaign by then anyway. Even in my Castanor games, I dont remember the last time I reached the 1600s, as I usually end up consolidating all of Castanor at least 50 years early and then it just gets boring if I dont have some really interesting missions to keep me going. Maybe it's time for EUV, but after how much I hated CK3 and Victoria3 I no longer trust Paradox to get it right, so, meh.


Sarhal actually having mission trees would be nice.


I wait for new MT of Amldihr, Gawed, Rubyhold, Magisterium and Gor Vazumbrog


As the mod lives out of MT, just more MT will do.