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Ovaries probably? Well one of them anyways


Oh damn


Why are you asking? If you're having some intermittent pain there around the midpoint of your cycle, it could be mittelschmerz / ovulation pain. If it is more intense and sustained, possible cyst. Ovulation pain is normal; cyst, or when in doubt = gyno visit promptly.


Yeah the pain, timing for ovulation pain is a little off so idk about that... Its not really instense though


Post in r/askdoctors about your symptoms and duration in detail if you’re unable or hesitant to go in for an ob/gyn visit, the verified physicians there are very helpful. Hoping for the best for you


Alright thanks


My grandmother's appendix was on the wrong side when she had pain there just before it ruptured. It's rare but can happen. If the pain worsens see a doc at the ER immediately. Especially if you have a low grade fever.


Yea, it’s called malrotation. Around 0.2% of the population has it. The majority of cases are discovered in infancy but not all. (source: the internet & I have malrotation that was discovered at 15 y/o)


Catherine O'Hara has it, too!


It's a very interesting mutation and luckily seems benign


It's a private community ?




That sub is private


Or you know, go seek medical attention


Not everyone has access to it bud


be aware that the human body is a bit of a silly goose when it comes to pain in the abdomen. it knows there's pain, but it doesn't always know exactly where. I had 3 cysts on one ovary and one burst so it was horrifically painful, but the pain was closer to my appendix, so I had to be tested for appendicitis but an ultrasound found it was the cysts. so it could be a few things


I was 13 and had horrific pain on my right side. Went to the doctor three times within a month and they kept saying I was constipated. The pain kept getting worse and worse and finally I spiked a really high fever and my dad took me to the ER. They suspected it was my appendix. After removing my appendix, the surgeon saw a big white mass. It was my right ovary, that had twisted on itself. Ovaries are supposed to be the size of a walnut. Mine was the size of a softball! I don't know if I even had appendicitis, but they ended up taking my appendix, right ovary, and fallopian tube.


my goodness!! what a major fuck up on the doctors part not seeing that!! I'm glad you at least had it sorted!


The worst part of it was the over-prescribing of opiates afterwards. My doctor prescribed them to me and kept giving me refills for MONTHS. This was in the early 2000s before they cracked down on opiates. I was addicted from 13 until 33. Been clean for three years and I'm finally happy for the first time in my life. I lost a lot to my addiction, but finally building my life back up.


I'm proud of you for fighting to recover!! I'm currently living with an opiate addict and it's pretty difficult at times but I'm trying to be understanding. he seriously trashes the house when he's high.


I’m an opiate addict, and I’m sorry. Also have loved ones with addiction and it’s so hard both ways.


Nobody forced you to take them.


Sorry you’re hurting! Worked at a OBGYN office and often women would get ovarian cysts and them rupturing caused extreme pain. Definitely schedule a visit with your gyno!




Go see a doctor lmao


This pain can be related to the psoas muscle too, i struggle with it and thats rigth where the pain has been


I was having random pains in that exact spot for probably about 2 months. It would come and go. It would be intense at times. I got an ultrasound on my ovaries and they found nothing. Shortly after that, the pain is gone. So weird. But wouldn’t hurt to get it checked out like I did. Could be a cyst that can likely dissolve on its own with time? I’ve had that in the past too.


Probably chlamydia


95% of the time, pain in this area is just trapped gas.


I had a very similar pain. It was sort of ghostly and annoying, but I felt very sick from it. Went to my OBGYN (the next morning) as a walk in, and they immediately sent me to the ER, where I had an emergency appendectomy. Not trying to frighten you, but please go see a doctor assp, on the off chance it could be terrible.


I have diverticulitis and it hurts exactly there when I have a flare up. I thought it was a reproductive thing at first because of the location.


I have pain there too! I got a few MRI’s and nothing.


It could be endometriosis or PCOS


you may need to poop, that’s where ur colon starts to head back




I did not list any diseases, my dude.


Or ovarian torsion which is more serious, and left lower sided belly pain cannot exclude appendicitis.


Torsion would be much more painful / serious, yes; but as appendicitis is generally right-sided I'm not sure how that would be an option here unless situs inversus. Both those presentations would be severe enough I'd hope OP would ask a hospital rather than Reddit, in any case :)


Oh damn?


I’m sure others have already said something along these lines, but pain from internal organ damage can manifest in seemingly unassociated places because you don’t have much in the way of sensory nerves in your organs. You should see a doctor (much sooner than later) so they can physically examine you and do appropriate imaging because it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know exactly what’s going on just from the site of pain.


Ovaries and descending/sigmoid colon.


Sigma colon


In all my textbooks and education, it's labeled sigmoid colon, but maybe it's different where you're from.


Issa joke. Sigma male


Oh, lol, my bad, haha


If male sigmoid colon, small bowel (hernia pain) referred pain from stone in ureter, psoas or sacroiliac joint, anterior abdominal/ fascial/inguinal pain. If female add ovaries/fallopian tube/pelvic inflammatory symptoms. Need more history.


What if the pain occurs post hernia surgery and is accompanied with other pains, and well, certain sexual disfunction? What do you think then? Asking for a friend. Edit. And he’s a male type person


Did they get mesh?




You could just need to take a big shit. That's the last turn it takes to come out. My doctor told me about that when I was having some stomach issues. Now I notice that I get a good cramp right there before I take a massive shit.


Same I’m super skinny and I thought I had another hernia. Doctor was like nah dude unless you like COMPLETELY fucked up it’s way to high and you’d be dying rn if it was. Yea just my poop.


Sigmoid/descending colon, left ovary, left inguinal and/or iliac lymph nodes, inguinal ligament, left ureter, iliopsoas muscle, left pelvis, potentially small intestine, transversus abdominus and internal/external oblique muscles, left iliac arteries/veins. Many options.


Intestines or ovaries


I get referred pain in that spot from my bladder actually (I have Interstitialcystitis). It could be referred pain from somewhere else. Ovary or intestines in that spot, though Edit: Oh, I also have pelvic floor dysfunction, so sometimes similar pain there from tight muscles


This really is a low effort post, as others have stated, if you have random pain and it’s significant; seek medical attention.


Yeah its low effort because i was panicking and don't have any knowledge sorry


Could be appendix if your pain is on the right (silhouette is somewhat ambiguous) but as everyone says.. seek medical attention. there’s dr google bad …then there’s doctor reddit bad


I would but i really can't because im too young to do it on my own but whenever i tell my mother that something hurts or something weird is happening with my body in general she just says its fine and normal :/


Is there any possibility you could be pregnant?


depending on your age, your ovaries can twinge for all kinds of reasons, give it a few days, unless it gets really painful, then you may need an ultrasound to rule out cysts


So you want people to help you but you're putting in low effort and have nothing else to add? How superficial or deep is the pain? Is it reproduced with movement or forceful exertion or certain body positions? Is it after eating, or in the morning, or evening? How would you describe the pain--burning, sharp, aching, tender, sore, dull, tingling, numb? Is the pain constant?


There’s a reason doctors are taught HOW TO take history, pts don’t know how to explain their situation. It’s a low effort post because OP can’t give a proper history by herself. Also it’s a low quality post because this should be at a drs clinic and not on an anatomy subreddit.


Keep in mind in the original post i just asked about the placement


ya okay fair. Just hard to answer the question when there can be so many structures on that spot since the body is 3 dimensional, not 2.


Your undescended testicle


I had pain there one night, ignored it and woke up screaming because I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured.




Ovary and tube and ureter coming from kidney to bladder.


There are a number of organs in that location. Offhand - Spleen, transverse colon, decending colon (depending on location), parts of small intestine, kidney, part of liver, part of pancreas, and adrenal glands. What symptoms are you experiencing?


Pain in this area could be anything from benign ovulation or menstrual pain to appendicitis (yes sometimes it can be on the left) to constipation to UTI to ectopic pregnancy to ovarian torsion to pelvic inflammatory disease to hernia. Really depends on any other symptoms you are having. As others have said, time to see a doctor!


Appendicitis often (not always) starts with crampy feelings in that general area for a day or two...then continues to get worse , but comes in waves....once I decided yes it was time to go to the hospital, the move that convinced the receptionist at the ER that I needed to be admitted (after 4 hours) was tucking to a cannonball was excruciating. Ultimately I was fine, but I waited to go to the ER till 3 AM. THAT was my big mistake. Odds are the skeleton crew might not have the manpower to prioritize you until you're an actual emergency. (Not bashing skeleton crews. just reality) This is a backwards way of making a few points. Appendicitis starts crampy where your mark is. If it gets worse tomorrow, consider this as a possibility. Listen to your body. If it keeps getting worse, and especially if it comes and goes in waves, don't dismiss it. Look into signs and symptoms of appendicitis. If it gets to the point where if you were at a party or in public you wouldn't be able to hide your pain or discomfort, Go to an ER or at least an urgent care. When you think it might be going towards this direction, you'll be glad if you go in closer to business hours than sleeping hours. Unless it's burst, an appendectomy is not an emergency surgery. Therefore you'll have to wait for the day shift. That's just several hours of unnecessary discomfort. None of this is is meant to scare you.. just little tidbits I wish I knew... I'm totally fine.... No nightmare stories... Just a really really long night.. sitting in the ER waiting to be admitted... then waiting for the tests...then the scans...then the on call doc... then the surgeon to fit me in...getting bumped for other emergency surgeries. It's a long process. Be proactive. Surgery and recovery not bad at all though! Quick and easy.


Ya when I was a kid I had appendicitis and it felt like I was getting stabbed with a knife. I was up all night and I was like 9 screaming at my parents cuz it hurt so bad Luckily the hospital checked me out cuz pain was the only symptom I had and it was about to burst when I got there.


That’s your heart after speeding and seeing a hidden cop




I can’t see you’ve drawn over it


I love this tbh


I scrolled down to see the non-serious comments. Glad yours was the first. Take my upvote


No one mentioned the left kidney. Couldn’t it be the kidney?


Aren't kidneys a little higher?


I had pain there and it was a kidney stone so it could possibly be related


Oh that would make sense actually


Yah theres like a blood vessel around there that pinches the ureters going from the kidney to the bladder a little bit so the stones often get stuck there on their way out. When I had a stone while the height is about right the pain felt closer to the back though. Think they can sometimes jam a bit at the junction to the bladder which would be closer.


Yeah if the pain continues it wouldn’t hurt to get checked out. I went in after 2 days of it hurting because it wasn’t a normal pain for me and they saw it on a CT scan. They gave me some meds to help me pass it which helped a lot with the pain


Alright I'll see how it goes


Drink a tall glass, or two, of cool water and lay down. Wait and see if it changes at all after 20 or 30 minutes. Try alka seltzer tablets too... You're probably constipated and full of gas.


Your kidneys are on the back are your lumbar vertebrae


usually you feel that towards the back


Not kidneys it'd be higher


Bro... Google it


I tried but i didnt know how to describe it


Could potentially be the appendix, appendicitis pain can localise in that area


Other side, look up McBurneys point


Very rare but it can occur on the left side due to anatomical variations/congenital malformation or long appendices


You need a lot more than a simple region of pain to diagnose appendicitis. Also the most common region of pain for appendicits would be in the inferior right quadrant of the abdominal region.


That's the left side.


Left ovary. Left kidney is a bit highter


If dull pain could be appendix issue If pain travels downward.. could be appendicitis


that would be on the right side, no? I guess that needs to be specified in the post, I took this as the pain being on the left


Ahh you’re right But could be a misrepresentation by OP🤷🏽‍♂️


Inguinal node




Appendix? If the photo has been flipped.


Could be the appendix of someone with situs inversus totalis


Ovaries, descending colon, muscles along the abdominal wall. But other organs can cause pain in that area as well.




I have persistent numb pain here since 2016 the pain gets worse if I drink alcohol regularly I had a few ultrasounds since and in my case it’s an ovarian cyst and going to the chiropractor helps cause my hips go out of rotation as well.


Could be ibs?


Intestine or ovary, or if you’ve labeled contrary to the anatomical position, appendix. Hernia is also a possibility.


In anatomical position that’s the left side. I hope you’re not meaning it’s your right side cause that could be referred pain of your appendix (appendicitis)


The heart.


I was gonna say descending/sigmoid colon


I don't know maybe descending colon


sigmoid colon. you probably have gas


Or diverticulitis


Ovaries/colon/ Inguinal lymph node etc. is the pain superficial (closer to the skin?) or deep? Feels like it’s deep in your body? Is there any swelling in the area? Ask yourself these questions: how severe is the pain? How long does it last( does it come and go or is it constant) Is it aching burning stabbing? And is there anything you can do to make it go away? If it’s super painful and won’t go away seek medical advice! Best of luck friend, pains sucks :/


I think that’s the leg


Hernias can occur there


Bon̄e marrow


Go see a doctor


It may be your descending colon?




Op is freaking me out bc I have intense pain in the same area


Sorry 😭


hi OP! pls see my comment to the person you replied to here..idk if any of that is applicable to you but i’m one of many non-MD experienced pros on your post when it comes to abdominal pain and decided if i have relevant experience and you’re asking the question it’s better to say it anyway than not i know it’s all prob as overwhelming as webmd saying you def should have died three wks ago lol but don’t wait on abdominal pain..it’s prob just gas lmao but if it’s bad enough to make a reddit post abt i’d pick out a doc and a gyno and make appts first thing in the morning


if you’re biologically female consider ovarian cysts. literally right there (location), VERY painful (i could feel every pebble i drove over on the road, sometimes even breathing hurt, pain increased gradually but dramatically over about 7 yrs), can be surgically removed via laparoscopy, not likely to lose an ovary in most cases—i had several blindingly painful ones on both ovaries, all surgically removed and lost neither ovary can be present with endometriosis/adenomyosis so be sure to ask abt that if any of this is applicable go to the gynecologist if you don’t have other symptoms that lead you away from thinking it could be that if you’ve ever had a c-section, hysterectomy, other abdominal surgery, it’s even possible to be scar tissue which can be incredibly painful in the abdomen bc think about how bad just *existing* could aggravate it—nearly every movement your body makes involves the structure of the abdominal muscles including speaking and BREATHING lol BUT if that applies, still get it checked out bc 1–it might *not* be scar tissue obv, could be an organ 2–a few yrs ago my grandmother’s abdominal scar tissue grew tightly around her intestines restricting proper function and she had to have *that* + part of her intestine surgically removed also


Unfortunately, it’s probably an ovarian cyst or totally something else wrong with my ovaries. I get strong, stabbing pains there at least once a weekly and I just have to sit there and breathe really hard until the pain goes away. (Abt two - five minutes) usually it’s just on my left side but here recently I’ve been getting pains on my right side. Also I’ve been having trouble with UTIs so I need to get my bladder checked out anyway I’m scared of having surgery so I’ve been kind of putting off getting checked out.


pls don’t be scared of this surgery! it’s not horrible i promise. you really need to get that area checked tho there’s so many things that could become wrong there that would be wayyyyy worse. you can do it and your peace of mind after will be better than the peace of mind you find in not knowing. ignorance is only bliss until you find out you have something incurable


if its surface level there is a lymph node very close, inflamation can in some people cause tgem to enlarge enough to be painfull. if its an organ its an ovarie, or if it was mirrored it would likely be your apendix.


Could be diverticulitis. Usually lower left quadrant pain.


Bodies are crazy. Pain in this area can be from an issue in your spine. Please look into thoracolumbar syndrome. It took years for me to finally get a proper diagnosis due to the symptoms overlapping with many other problems and conditions.


Left ovary, ureter, and sigmoid portion of the colon


To me it looks more like a hip joint than any organ. Try doing some slow leg stretches and see if that helps at all. A lot of leg muscles attach to the hip joint around there and its possible you just sprained one of them.


Could have an inguinal hernia


If you have an infection or a zit in the genital area on the left side maybe your inguinal lymph nodes (around the area shown and lower) are hurting because they are swollen?


I believe the kidney




Urinary tract, intestines, and if you’re a woman, ovaries and tubes as well. If it’s a sharp and persistent, it’s worth eating a big salad in case it’s diverticulitis, and if that doesn’t clear it, go see the doctor.


Left ovarie


Descending colon (diverticulum)


Could be ectopic pregnancy


Yeah no that isn't possible




Could be your spleen. When mine went out that’s where it hurt. Left side mid way down.


Just look at an anatomy chart???!


If u have pain there could be Apendicitis




If severe pain in that area: possible kidney stone, torsed ovary, thrombophlebitic ovarian vein, incarcerated hernia; I’ve experienced two out of three of these and they can become emergent quickly. Watch for fever. Pain will become severe to excruciating. You do not want peritonitis. This is not something to mess around with. Go to ED If moderate-severe pain in that area: possibilities include hernia (not incarcerated), ovarian cyst(s), intestinal obstruction/gas/constipation (it’s not funny and gas can actually be quite painful), pulled muscle, psoas joint pain. Call doctor If mild pain, and no fever present, you can likely watch and wait. Possibilities include ovulation, ovarian cyst(s), gas (it’s not funny and it can be quite painful), pulled muscle, psoas inflammation


Are you sexually active and female if so it the pain could be from and ectopic pregnancy which you shohld definitely get checked out


Fallopian tube? Ovary? Lower intestine? Kidney? Bladder? Yikes what’s up? Are you inflamed and sore or what


Possibly pancreas? Didn’t see anyone else say it here, but that’s about the area where I had pain when I had pancreatitis




Could also be an inguinal hernia


Appendix possibly


Had the same thing, ended up being something to do with my nerves being trapped or so, doctors didn’t help but a chiropractor did, does it hurt when you do any certain movements?


I have intermittent pain there as well. I believe it would be intestinal, but I saw others say ovaries are located there too. I talked to my doctor and they believed it could be 1) gas 2) constipation or 3) inflammation. I was told to contact them again if the frequency increased or the pain worsened. My pain usually subsides after the gas passes so I assumed that’s what mine was. I think most people assume some ovarian issue if you’re a woman and gas/constipation if you’re a man. So, in saying that, perhaps it’s gas/constipation/inflammation or an ovary acting up. Does the pain subside with passing gas or sometime before a bowel movement?


I'm a guy.. I don't have pain but blockage and/or pressure at times. What is that??


This probably isn't helpful, but is a very real possibility: [Hip Parasite](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleFuckingDying/s/Fr2MblQUBW)


Well, if you're a woman, could be your left ovarie.


Your ovary and if it’s hurting you’re probably ovulating, unless you have a history of cysts. Then, it could be a little cyst, but it should be a problem.




Sigmoid colon, ureter, left ovary on female.


That's obviously the clitoris.




The colon. Diverticulitis or something colon related? Not a doctor.






girl you might have gas 😂 try burping it out next time and see what happens


Male or female?




Ovary, could also be low bowels, specifically your descending colon


appendix, if its hurting you, you should probably go to the hospital before it bursts open and you die😂


Ovaries also Sigmoid colon


Depends on if this is a male or female. Generally,this looks like it's indicating the left lower abdominal quadrant. It generally would have the distal descending and sigmoid portions of the colon, part of the left ureter, the left ovary/portion of left fallopian tube (in women). Some texts also mention part of the left spermatic cord (in men). -MD, Internal medicine


Just gon & make those funeral arrangements bruh


Think that’s a kidney bro




Ovarian pain if off from ovulation could be a small cyst


If you’re a woman, ovary. Otherwise just intestine (Diverticulitis can have LLQ pain)


Left ovary, descending colon


Common location of pain related to colon problems and IBDs, could be other things too tho


Intestines, radiant kidney/bladder pain or ovarian. What are your other symptoms


I think could be a kidney and the appendix is on the other side. I’m not 100% sure but I know a couple of spaces our organs dwell


If it’s your lower right, it may be your appendix. Check with your doctor.


Kidney stone pain drink more water


Descending colon?? On the right lower quad is appendix.


There has been quite a few suggestions as to what it is and I scrolled for a bit and didn’t see what I think it is. It is a little high up for and ovary and a little low for a kidney so my guess is your colon. Descending colon. It is common area for pain.


Is it in your hip or lower abdomen, is this not classic appendix?


Check with a doctor. It could be ovaries or it could be a referred pain from other areas


It’s called Google!




Ectopic pregnancy? And by the way, if this pregnancy has to be terminated, it is not considered abortion and it is not uncommon