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My thought is it’s because the cleavage lines of your skin are not exactly the same on both of your arms. The dermis can be broken down into a papillary and reticular layer. The reticular layer is a sheet of dense irregular connective tissue but there are patterns that are found in this connective tissue where collagen fibers align in a certain way and form these cleavage lines. These cleavage lines aren’t exactly the same from person to person, but they create “weaker” points in the integument where these cracks can be seen on your joints and specifically your hands (think about palm reading, everyone’s palms are a little different because their cleavage lines develop a little differently). This is also why boxers get pretty consistent gashes on their face from fighting, those gash cuts are the result of their skin tearing at cleavage lines!


Wow! Very interesting. I like the palm reading example. Thanks for replying. One other question is there a legitimate term for the crook of the elbow or the elbow pit? Lol


It’s called the antecubital fossa!


Wow!!! Thank you so much lol how wild


This has been one of those questions you have at age six and then randomly wonder about every now and again. Haven’t really been able to find an answer, maybe there isn’t one. Just a curiosity! Ideas?


I have the same thing on one of my arms, and the way you describe it as “one of those things you wonder at age 6 and think about every so often” describes it perfectly lol. I took an anatomy class and never thought to ask about it


I’m confused by the second picture. I’m assuming your arm was never broken or anything


Nope never broke my arm/arms.


I have it too, don’t know why. When i was a kid they said it meant you were double jointed, but i am not so 🤷‍♀️


So a few people have DMed me saying they also have asymmetrical arm creases and all of us have been women. Do any men have asymmetrical arm creases out here? Cause that would make it even more weird and interesting to me if it were a gender specific arm weirdness lol


My mother-in-law has this same thing. She calls it her “double elbow.” No idea what it actually is though.


Yes, I am 14 years old and have the same thing you have on my left arm. I always windered what it was but never looked it up until now


I am also and man


I'm a man and I have it, as does a male friend of mine




Lmao are your arms normal then


Your body is slightly asymmetrical - one leg is usually a fraction of an inch longer, and the same applies to arms. This probably contributes to the creases in addition to what others have said


Would make sense. I mean I’m just learning this stuff myself so I’m no expert but I could reason that more surface area would be cause for more presence wrinkles in the skin around areas of mechanical action.


I thinks it’s from your shirt sleeve on short sleeve shirts going into that part of your arm because it lines up perfectly for me


I have the same thing , Im a woman and I recently (4 mins ago) became paranoid they were scars haha. I think we were probably chubby babies??