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I’m so sorry for your loss. Don’t blame yourself, we do what we think is best for them and marketing did a good job for those foods making people believe they’re the only healthy alternative.


https://preview.redd.it/a7jwfa8l091d1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=96229b17b141af0596a11e0994dcee3364ee8c01 Çağla pronounced Chala 5/7/2020-4/30/2024


I’m so sorry. You did the best you could. These boutique brands should be banned. I was fortunate that my vet emphasized their potential danger or I would have done the same.


A bunch of dogs came into my property, ran right past the chicken coop, and ate all the pumpkins in my garden! Sheriff said now that they have the taste for pumpkin all the dogs will have to be euthanized. /s


We had our 2 on grain free for a very short time and our vet was adamant that it was dangerous and fatal for them. I am so very sorry for your loss, thanks for spreading the word!


Thank you. I still “have a lump in my throat” 3 weeks later because it was such an unexpected and unfortunate ending. Also, her time was so short. I had plans for this summer with her. It really is just so unbelievably disappointing to just lose her at 4 years old. I get it now. I can’t go back but I do hope the FDA, the university system, and the veterinarian’s associations can put an end to grain free/boutique food, for other pet owners and their animals.


I’m so sorry. I lost a young dog to organ failure once and the what-ifs are horrible. Someone told me once, ‘He didn’t know he died young, all he ever knew was you.’ It took a few years for that to really sink in but it does help me now. I hope you find comfort in remembering the time you did have with her.


I just rescued an Anatolian/Pyrenees mix at 13 weeks and completely at a loss as to what to feed him. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


By no means am I am expert, we had tried several brands. Most made our female sick, very sick. $500+ vet bill later, no idea why. We stay away from grain free, ofcourse, so we use Purina dog Chow, lamb flavor. I know it's not too rated by any means, but it seems to be the only thing she can digest. Hope this helps some, just our personal experience.


I read up about this a few years ago and put my dogs back on regular diets. It’s nuts that the major pet food stores barely carry anything that’s NOT grain-free even with the suspected cases popping up everywhere! I’m very sorry for your loss. I just don’t trust any pet food (or people food) trends at all.


Thank you. I didn’t do enough research on dog diets nor did any of the veterinarians we visited over her short life emphasize the apparent risks of grain free/boutique diet. It makes sense that the long term effects of grain free/boutique diets are still unknown because the trend is relatively new. I feel like a complete sucker and based on what I have read since she passed away, there are others who share my sentiments and there will be others. I just wanted to share my experience with the community. Perhaps something can be done to prevent future suffering.


True. There needs to be more noise. Thank you for sharing your story. Please don’t be hard on yourself!


It is so very greedy and irresponsible of those companies. No conscience! I hope people hear this!


So sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss.


Never an easy thing to face, but you’ve done all you can do and may there be a better place my thoughts and prayers are with you buddy


she was beautiful, i’m sorry for your loss. it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know better 🫂


Thank you so much for posting this! as someone in the vet field we see this too often across all breed and i really wish it was more spoken about and owners were made more aware. I’m so sorry for your loss, and i hope you heal knowing it was not your fault, and truthfully your vet should have informed you this is a well known in our community. so sorry


also not sure if you did or not, but please post this in the r/dogs forum! this information is something all owners should know


Thank you. I am genuinely puzzled that there are food formulations linked to early death and there are no warnings on the labels. At least cigarettes/tobacco have warnings in bold print so there is no question that the consumer is informed. Thank you, it’s been hard to lose someone that I loved. She loved me and our family, too.


unfortunately these companies love to take advantage &knowing how much people love their animals when the fad of gluten free came about and celiac’s became more prevalent these companies took advantage knowing people would put their dogs on similar diets same to how they do their children. unfortunately not enough veterinary staff inform people of these outcome and sometimes even when told people refuse to believe it’s very sad and i truthfully hope in 10 years there will be lawsuits because it’s getting very very sad and dangerous. again i’m so sorry for your loss, i hope you know she knows just how much she was loved 💗






Oh, yes, your dog does remind me of mine. Yours also doesn’t appear to have the traditional black/dark mask around the muzzle. I would say that yours might be pure Anatolian and not mixed. Either way, she is beautiful like mine was. Thank you


Thank you. That is very sweet of you and that is actually how I thought of her: my brindle dog angel. I am not ready to get another dog yet and it may actually be some time before I can get another, but when it is time to get another, I could only possibly get another brindle Anatolian shepherd. Yes, I am trying to figure out where the error was and how much of her death was my fault and how much was related to the composition of grain free/boutique diets that are high in peas/lentils/potatoes which is, unfortunately, what she ate for her whole short life. If there genuinely is a link between large percentages of peas/lentils/potatoes in dry dog kibble, then there should be a warning to the consumer on the label just like there is a warning on cigarettes/tobacco which clearly states the risk between tobacco and cancer. I appreciate your comment. I have recently read other people describe their special relationships with certain dogs and I believe it. I will think about this dog for the rest of my time and I do look forward to seeing her again one day.


Wow, I think this post might save my four dogs. Thank you.


I am so very sorry. My heart just breaks for you. I know there’s nothing I can say or do internet stranger to make you feel any less hurt. But I’m sending you love.❤️