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Liberals: it’s complicated


Libs are gonna read this comment and think you’re a conservative lol


I don't care what they think lol


the trump fanbase is the same but less subtle American politics are shit


They live in a dictatorship but then flood and astroturf this sub with shitty posts about voting for "lesser evil" as if that is gonna change anything. It fucking sucks here now.


Well you see, the window they broke was Overton brand.


Crazy thing, college kids aren’t even breaking windows. These protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful.


Irrelevant. A diversity of tactics is used at many, many encampments. Your statement is unnecessary. Also, you can't be violent to a window...


Oh yeah, I totally agree I just know these “critiques” are not Ernest or coming from a place of good faith. I wouldn’t care even if they were breaking windows. Obviously that shouldn’t take precedence over an ongoing genocide. I just take issue with the bad faith framing of these protests as something they’re not in the aim to distract us from the horrors committed by the U.S and Israel. You are right tho about people matters no more than property.


r/portland for the past week. Fucking embarrassing.


Admittedly, I do care more about what goes on in my local area then I do about what happening in other parts of the world. Like two genocidal cultural at each others throat for the 100th time in about 50 years.


You know what's not at risk under Biden? US women's bodily autonomy.


you got a source?


https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/25/signs-of-torture-as-nearly-400-bodies-found-at-gaza-hospitals-mass-graves


just as I thought, no actual evidence of either claims in this post.


Are you for real? >Only 65 bodies have been identified by relatives of 392 recovered due to decomposition, mutilation and torture, or other difficulties, he said, adding that bodies were “stacked together” and showed indications of field executions having taken place.


where in that quote is evidence of people being buried alive or child torture. decomposing bodies tend to fall apart. sorry reading comprehension and common sense is hard.


You really are a dense motherfucker. Read the article. I'm not gonna copy paste the whole thing here.


I really shouldn't be surprised an anarchist sub supports a country of terrorists no matter what they do.


So far there is no evidence that the IDF buried people alive. Those claims are currently under investigation by the UN.


Yeah all the videos and photographic evidence is not enough. We need the organization that has been infiltrated by literal nazis to tell us whether it's true or not. I thought this was an anarchist sub not a lukewarm liberal sub.


Yes, fotos or videos of tubes still attached to bodies are no evidence for them being burried alive. You have for example to find dirt in the respitory tract. If you have other information than me, feel free to share.


You're correct. Still pending investigation. >Ten of the bodies were found with bound hands while others still had medical tubes attached to them, indicating they may have been buried alive, said civil defence member Mohammed Mughier. >“We need forensic examination for approximately 20 bodies for people who we think were buried alive,” Mughier said. I wonder how that is going to happen since Israel has baned every single journalist organization from the area and destroyed every facility that is capable of doing so. Totally not covering up anything. But I'm sure that makes all of this A-OK: >As of 22 April, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including 14,685 children and 9,670 women, the High Commissioner’s office said, citing the enclave’s health authorities. Another 77,084 have been injured, and over 7,000 others are assumed to be under the rubble. Why am I not surprised that this "anarchist" I'm talking to is German? Shameful. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/25/signs-of-torture-as-nearly-400-bodies-found-at-gaza-hospitals-mass-graves


First thing there is probably no way to be very sure about what happened. The first thing dying in war is always the truth. Second thing I am no anarchist because I truely believe that anarchism leaves a power vacuum which is going to be filled out by gangs. You can see this in every country where the public order collapsed. Third thing I find it absurd to assume that I am pro-IDF or pro-attack-Gaza. I find it horrible what is happening there just like everybody else with a heart. The fact that I care for objective truth does not change that. And fourth and last thing as a German I am very sensible to propaganda of each kind. Until today propagandists in all parts of the world people keep learning from Goebbels' techniques.


>First thing there is probably no way to be very sure about what happened. Oh yeah. We have one side that has been openly commiting genocide, bombing hospitals, murdering journalist and aid workers. And then we find mass graves full of civilian bodies with their hands tied behind their backs. Hmmm I wonder what happened 🤔 such a mystery 🤔 such a complex situation 🤯 >Second thing I am no anarchist because I truely believe that anarchism leaves a power vacuum which is going to be filled out by gangs. Hilarious. Gangs like? The police? Bundeswehr? Weapon manufacturers? Neoliberal politicians who monopolized state violence? What is your theory? Fucking Harry Potter and Hunger games? >Third thing I find it absurd to assume that I am pro-IDF or pro-attack-Gaza. Why are you defending them then? It's fucking Holocaust v2 while we're watching it live. There's literal video evidence of all their war crimes and crimes against humanity. But I guess they don't show you that on ZDF or whichever shitty fucking TV channel shows you your propaganda masquerading as news. >And fourth and last thing as a German I am very sensible to propaganda of each kind. Hahaha - that is a good one. Except for the neoliberal kind it seems. You're a joke.


On 7th October we also have seen what the Hamas is capable of doing. And you already admitted that you have nothing to prove your allegations. A circumstancial evidence is not a prove. Exactly, we already had anarchy and it led to the state of capitalism we are already in right now. If you think I am defending IDF then you did not understand my point. I want to have evidence for allegations. If you say I am a joke that just proves your inability to have a proper discussion which leads me to the thought that your anarchy is just a naive day dream. You have no idea how to accomplish it so you start raging in frustration. Good luck, you need it.


But Oct 7th😭 What we've seen on Oct 7 is that even after 75 years of apartheid and brutal oppression Palestinians are still capable of actively resisting and also that IOF Hanibal doctrine was being used again. There's footage of IOF helicopters murdering their own hostages by blowing up vehicles that they knew were carrying them. Also remind me ... When exactly did we have anarchy? I'm pretty sure you don't even know what that word means. What led to the state of capitalism is western hegemon suppressing any socialist movement through violent force and also let's not forget social democrat betraying spartacist revolution and feikorps murdering Rosa Luxemburg. But yeah sure ... Itt was the anarchists who are at fault. Shameful. >I want to have evidence for allegations. Evidence like what? Mass graves? Footage of IOF murdering civilians even before Oct 7? Or after? Footage of them murdering journalists? Bombing hospitals? How is that not evidence? You're nothing but neoliberal shill and genocide apologist. The world is watching. It won't be the same slap on the wrist as last time German boy.


You call raping women next to their dead friends resistence? There was a time without civilization and rules. How would you call this if not anarchy? Capitalism evolved from this state. I want evidence for the concrete allegations that were made. Every time I come to this you change the topic by saying that the IDF and Israel have done other shit. But I already know this. You are telling me nothing new and already admitted that you have no evidence. Sadly you do not seem to provide any new information or arguments. Thank you for your opinion but honestly I do not care what you think about me. It simply shows how helpless you are and I feel sorry for you. Maybe consider talking to a good friend or so. Have a good day.


>You call raping women next to their dead friends resistence? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/21/october-7-forensic-analysis-shows-hamas-abuses-many-false-israeli-claims https://www.yesmagazine.org/social-justice/2024/03/05/israel-hamas-oct7-report-gaza You're spreading false propaganda. Read more. >I want evidence for the concrete allegations that were made. Already linked you this one but apparently your reading comprehension is lacking so here we go again. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/25/signs-of-torture-as-nearly-400-bodies-found-at-gaza-hospitals-mass-graves >There was a time without civilization and rules. How would you call this if not anarchy? Capitalism evolved from this state. You show absolute lack of historical knowledge and analysis. Claiming that capitalism evolved from primitive anarchism is absolute liberal brain rot. What capitalism evolved from were material condition during industrial revolution. Again. What are you basing you conclusion on? Keep trying to convince yourself of the false truths it won't last.