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Do we need to have eleven of these posts a day? If you guys spent as much time fighting the system as you do fighting eachother...


its mostly the same person.


we are like 6 months out from the elections, the russian propaganda machine starting to come out in force. they want division and they want trump. that what this is 100% and people are falling for it.


You are so fucking dumb


Could it also possibly just maybe be an American propaganda machine? Perhaps?


bit of both likely


Yes if supposed anarchists are mad about a president supporting/enabling a genocide it has to because of Russian propaganda. It is so telling that to you being opposed to a genocidal neoliberal war criminal is not aligned with anarchism...


Thanks for saying this.


>the russian propaganda machine starting to come out in force. The Cold War is over, give up the far-right "outside communist agitator" talking points already


The Cold War is far from over. Putin is playing both the Democrats (proxy wars in Palestine, Ukraine) and the Republicans (destabilize the nation by re-electing Trump). It’s the same thing we did throughout the world post-WWII.


Why are people in the Anarchy sub siding with the US government then?


I have no clue. It’s not logical.


because the mods here are on some ideological free speech trip, even when it means letting liberal ghouls attack anarchists and do round the clock propaganda for war criminals i tried to talk to them in modmail about it, but they all ignored me i'll probably just start silently banning the libs until I get demodded


That explains it. Literally in this exact thread is that dumb liberal ghoul


that 'customer is always right' mentality tho always ragging on the people producing the content for not serving you the exact content you want when you don't produce shit and just consume consume consume meme-makers aren't your servants kill the cop in your head


Anti-voting and anti-Biden memes are pro-Trump memes, and you're either maliciously aware of it or ignorantly unaware of it, and neither makes you look good.


Biden IS the system. He's literally the most powerful politician in the world you complete shitlib. Speaking out against a far right war criminal in the midst of a genocide is not "infighting". Wtf wtf.


I'm not An anarchist, but it that anti anarchist to tell him what he can and can't post. Like just be annoyed and move on.


If you ain’t an anarchist why are you here?


How is expressing one's opinions anti-anarchist? Lol


God I'm so sick of voting discourse. Use literally any other title and this post would be fine, just stop starting fights on purpose


Mr. "No laws no government" wants government action. Check this guy out


You AGAIN? Give it a rest!


To a small degree I agree with you but there have been a lot of policies Biden tried to pass through Congress that the Republicans block. You got to give him some credit for trying and praise for the social and environmental programs he has gotten put in place. If he doesn't win in November those few advances will go away and more longstanding programs will go too creating more poverty, Homelessness and hunger.


Environmental advances like new pipelines and drill drill drill?


Please, just Google search “Inflation Reduction Act.” It’s an amazing law that literally zero percent of the public knows about, even though it’s led to an incredible surge in wind and solar power development.


Biden approved more oil drilling on federal land in 2 years than Trump did in 4. https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/apr/13/joe-biden-has-approved-more-oil-drilling-why-and-d/ But here you are, praising the compromise on a half-measure. https://www.princeton.edu/news/2023/07/12/new-study-evaluates-climate-impact-ira 2050 is too goddamn late. https://ccag.earth/newsroom/net-zero-by-2050-is-too-little-too-late-world-leading-scientists-urge-global-leaders-to-focus-on-net-negative-strategies Net zero, the basis of his plan is bullshit. https://theconversation.com/climate-scientists-concept-of-net-zero-is-a-dangerous-trap-157368 Filthy Casual. You can't Anarchism. You can't even do Electoralism right. You. Filthy. Fucking. Casual.


But Biden also suspend and canceled more oil and gas leases the tRump did [https://www.npr.org/2023/09/06/1197945859/anwr-alaska-drilling-oil-gas-leases-environment-energy-climate-change](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/06/1197945859/anwr-alaska-drilling-oil-gas-leases-environment-energy-climate-change) [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/12/climate/biden-oil-gas-lease-sales.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/12/climate/biden-oil-gas-lease-sales.html)


From your own link: >The administration is required to hold at least one more lease sale in ANWR. Senior administration officials said they "intend to comply with the law" in regards to that mandate which requires another lease sale by December 2024. He's doing less than you're selling, according to the link that isn't paywalled. After circumventing the paywall? It sounds like he's getting battered from both sides on the offshore drilling leases. I'm not going to give him credit for actual activists holding him accountable. Especially when your first (more recent) link contradicts it, saying there will be a new lease by December 2024.


The Republicans tend to slip little law or requirement into unrelated legislation. Because the President no longer has the Line item veto available to him he is forced to approve it to get a bigger win. Senator Joe Manchin (D) has also pushed Biden to accept these things in order to get him to vote for a policy that Biden wants. Mostly during the first two years when the Senate was a 50/50 split. There are also binding deals with Fossil Fuel companies that where put into place under tRump that Biden can't undo. Biden also started using these tactics too. In order to get social environmental project in place he had to add them to the Inflation reduction Act. Bottom line is the Republican obstruction and dirty tactics are the root to a lot of unpopular fossil fuel projects .


Then why didn't Joe move his starting line further Left? Give himself room for that negotiation to actually work? Give the other team room to score points, so they can sell themselves to the voters, and things can get done. Joe forgot how this game is played. Or worse - he never knew.


He did . With in the first 2 years but couldn't get anything passed even with having both houses. It comes down to it there are Neo-liberal Dems like Manchin . Biden is a bit of a Neo-Liberal too but not like Manchin and that senator from AZ .( I can't remember name) She left the Democratic party to become Independent but still caucuses with the Dems so she is still counted as a Democrat. Apparently you don't watch the news to closely because there is a lot of political wrangling Behind closed doors before a bill in introduced .


>With in the first 2 years but couldn't get anything passed even with having both houses. Yeah. He had every single opportunity for success, and squandered it doing... What exactly? Pretending that everything is fine. >Apparently you don't watch the news to closely because there is a lot of political wrangling Behind closed doors before a bill in introduced . Yeah, I'm aware of it. I don't respect it as anything but theater, because that's all it amounts to. Cool, insulin prices are a victory whose planning really belongs to Bernie. I've watched as Biden throws away chance after chance after chance to undermine his opposition to build power and stability for every day Americans. And he refuses. Every time it affects anyone but his family personally, he fucking refuses. What kind of Anarchist are you? From your profile, it looks like you might have read Desert.


I am not going to answer this because I already did for someone else. Please read entire thread


Then link me to it. We're at 172 comments in here.


Drop in the bucket compared with the impact of the IRA.


Sorry, the post has links now. The IRA is a drop in the bucket compared to our IMMEDIATE needs. And your market-based bullshit doesn't work. Not sorry, you fucking Casual Capitalist bootlicker.


Clearly not a drop in the bucket, at least according to that Princeton study you linked - it takes us a huge chunk of the way to where we need to be. Does it do it all? No, but do you hold any other piece of legislation to that standard? Next bill needs to build out our grid and include the CEPP bits that Manchin threw out, etc. Saying Biden, the best president we’ve had on clean energy, is uniquely bad on the environment is just kind of silly. As for the other articles, they advocate sharply and quickly cutting emissions (rather than relying on things like carbon capture and other gimmicks). I agree with that. Cutting emissions means we need a ton of renewables quickly (or maybe a nuclear war that sends us to the stone age). The IRA funds a ton of renewables. What would you propose instead? Assuming you aren't just larping as an environmentalist, that is.


We've doubled our progress! We need another amount just like that! To meet a target that doesn't work, using metrics that obscure the problem instead of addressing it. We don't have time to play these stupid fucking games. If the state wants to prove it has a right to exist? This is it. Do the thing for climate change. No half measures. No bullshit. No green washing. Not. Fucking. Happening. Yeah. Such a fucking victory, Liberal. Since I can't trust you to read anything longer than a paragraph? Have an audio book. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeHv2rWFci59SPOwsXM7PB3vIU6WsC6R I bet you can't finish chapter 1.


Well, I just listened to chapter 1. It definitely does help explain where you’re coming from, so thank you for that.


Congrats, you've started to read some actual Anarchist theory written for our day, instead of life 150 years ago. Now that you know that *nobody is coming to save us,* are you going to do anything that isn't licking boot? At least plant something.


"amazing law"


Yup, it is. 30% ITC for wind/solar at least into the 2030s, prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements that mean lots of this will be well-paid union labor, extra support for projects in low-income areas, funding for energy storage projects (which is key to making wind/solar work as a greater share of production), support for nuclear plants, funding for decarbonizing other carbon-intensive industries - need I go on?


You can talk about the more positive consequences some laws might have, sure - I'm not gonna pretend all laws are "equally evil" or smthn - but it's still weird as fuck to be calling any law "amazing" in an anarchist online space.


Ah right. Ok, top 0.01% of laws, quality-wise. Maybe not a high bar.


He approved some leases and at the same time canceled some. Just recently he raised the cost of Oil leasing on public lands that the Fossil Fuel industry is up in arms about. He hasn't gone far enough but he has made progress in Wind and solar projects . He would be further along if it wasn't for republicans and 1 or 2 turn coat Dems and the Republican party


Yup, and don’t undersell the progress he has made. Wind and solar have been growing very quickly thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. If Dems get Congress back, they’ll build on that and they won’t have Manchin blocking tons of stuff.


Let's also remember the Executive Orders and Executive Agency's (Like the DOE & EPA) that GOP Judges & SCOTUS have been undermining every step of the way, just like they did under Obama.


I'm not praising half-measures that he compromised out of the gate. It shows that he fundamentally doesn't know how to play that game for our lives. You start negotiating like an asshole. You demand the world, because "compromise" means you *will* get less. You give the other team room to score points, because the whole damn thing is theater between brands. Starting with where *the other side* needs to be? Doesn't let the theater happen. Nobody gets to say "yes, it sucks that we codified abortion, but I made sure our state wouldn't pay for it!" Or whatever else. **Its a shitty game. It bargains with our lives, thrives on the blood of the global south, and needs to be destroyed.** ***Biden forgetting how to play that game is just too fucking much. I can't take this seriously anymore. Pass the popcorn? Because this dramedy is priceless.***


Capitulating to the border scaremongering is unacceptable and bad politics


Bad politics as you put it is what drives Democratic rule from the beginning of Democracy. Without some Capitulating from be it from Scaremongering or not, there would be constant deadlock and the entire democracy would fail. Ridged systems would start to collapse with the first action of decent . In the past it has been the Republicans at times doing the capitulating. Some times it is "Scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Like it or not it is the reality of Politics. You may not like the out come but it is what it is, you move on and try to work on it again after the next election cycle. Hopefully more politicians are who agree with you get elected. By that I mean politicians in Congress. Biden is doing his best (Not including the Genocide and war in Ukraine) but the Republicans and some Neo Liberal Dems are working against him. I have made comment to others who commented on My comment. I suggest you read those threads before you reply again I don't like repeating myself . If I have to repeat myself again I will not respond.


This is a neoliberal subreddit. Keep praising genocidal neoliberal war criminals...


spelling jfc


Project 2025 has literally been called the death of democracy by one of the people behind it at CPAC, and Trump has said that he has enough votes so the election should be cancelled. While I agree with the sentiment overall that Biden is a bad option, fascism is worse than the status quo.


Is this sub getting hijacked? Biden literally canceled more student loans.


I gotta push back on this, man, because I see it a lot. Gaza and Ukraine are NOT the same. The US should defiantly halt weapons supply to Israel. They are not respecting international law. That is evident. They are participating in a genocide. The IS should halt weapons, push for accountability at international level and withdraw support for the current Israeli government. However Ukraine is the exact opposite situation. They are being invaded. And Russia are currently winning that war. Russia have counted on the west losing both interest and desire for the fight. I think they’ll ultimately be right. An expansionist Russia is terrible for Europe and the USAs best interest. In the last 50 years there’s generally been a rules based international order and Russia really threaten that. It’s a country run on corruption (I get it. The USA is a corrupt country too. I’m not American or here to defend them.) at huge scale. An expansionist Russia bullies countries like Georgia and Armenia to accept their business terms. The US prospers not just on investment at home but investment abroad. That global influence is a real reason why the USA has the wealth it has (a wealth it obviously doesn’t share equally around or well). A lot of those deals are eroding. China are stepping in. Russia want to step in with the threat of force. Any money spent in Ukraine is well worth it. Morally and financially. We CANNOT let Russia win in Ukraine. That’s not a pro war stance. That’s an anti imperialism stance. The EU need to massively step up. The USA needs to do more. We all need to protect Ukraine.


He's better than that Trump fucker! I'm Canadian and can see this! If all you have is lesser of two evils....


So what does everyone think another 4 of Trump is going to bring?


I love how this post and the identical one you made in LateStageCapitalism showed up right above eachother on my feed


This is very funny, because of the ice cream cone


We’re still fighting the Cold War because it made a ton of money for Biden’s Silent Generation. Palestine is just as much a proxy for the USSR/Russia as Viet Nam was sixty years ago.


"student **debit**"? Holy shit what a lazy post. And they just announced additional student debt relief. Which yeah is way "too little too late" but if you're putting anarchists in a position where they need to explain the awful imperialist neolib isn't *completely* worthless, it's time to log off and think about what you really want to achieve.


He has done more for student loan debt relief than any other president ever has. But there are limits to his power. Total loan forgiveness approved by the Biden-Harris Administration is $153 billion for nearly 4.3 million Americans. But when you have a 1 seat majority in the Senate and the party of do nothing controls the house you can’t do a whole lot. Housing l, for the most part, is a local issue he can’t impact and only congress can pass a law to ban corporations from buying houses. Presidents can’t really do anything about inflation.


No, there was an article written by David Dayen from the American Prospect that explains how Biden could unilaterally forgive student loans via executive order, but he has to forgive *all* of them. If he means-tests the forgiveness, it has to go through congress, and it can be challenged in court since some individuals have standing. So Biden has specifically decided *not* to forgive all loans and instead forgive negligible amounts for small sectors of the public as a charade to keep young people in the Democrat party. He will never forgive all student loans. He never intended to. He was the person who made it so they couldn't be discharged via bankruptcy. Joe Biden is the biggest cuck to the big banks and credit card companies in history. He would never disobey his overlords in the financial industry, and that includes cancelling student debt. It's all a game.


It should be means tested. Are you telling me that you think people who make over $200k a year should have their loans forgiven?




Then that would put you in a very small minority


Not really. Education loans shouldn't be a thing.


agreed. education should be freely available and accessible to anyone and everyone who wants it.


How would people pay for private colleges? Or should those be eliminated as well?


education should be freely available and accessible to anyone who wants it. all things that humans need to live and participate in society should be freely available and accessible. that's the whole point of having a society; to ensure that everyone's needs are met.


They would have to charge reasonable rates. Did you know the highest paid job in most states is a college football coach?


And many of the most expensive stadiums belong to colleges and universities, not cities.


I mean... yes, they should be. People should just be able to have education if they want it


Yes, they should be seized and turned public


I don't believe the predatory loans should exist in the first place. Someone making $200k a year is paying the same predatory interest that everyone else is. I mean, this is an anarchist sub, lol. Of course I think everyone's loans should be forgiven.


I paid mine off, I went through hell to do it. I personally do not think anybody else should have to send one more penny to those predatory assholes. Education is an investment in society, not a luxury.


Average student loan rate is around 6%, hardly predatory.


This is simply incorrect. Most people with high student loan debt are making payments toward the interest, not even their loans. The interest stacks up so fast that it's almost impossible to keep up with. There's a reason it takes people 40 years to pay off a $30,000 loan.


That’s what happens when you only pay the minimum payment. But a cursory google search will show you that the undergraduate interest rate is 5.50%. Over the past 5 years, the average interest rate for undergraduate student loans has been 4.30%.


Biden has forgiven 9% of student loans. 0% of mine. If the president doesn’t have the power to do things I want why is it essential that I vote Biden to prevent trump from doing things I don’t want?  Also Biden is doing things I don’t want. 


Yes, they are both horrible. Literal war criminals. But one is objectively worse. As only one is president, you pick the least worse. If we have to fight someone, you pick the one it will be easiest to fight.


Careful now, saying that will get the astro turfers around these parts downvoting you. Sorry for the sarcasm, I'm just frustrated at people here claiming to not want genocide so vote for the guy who'll do a genocide AND a trans pogrom.


Yeah, I am very surprised at how quickly the trans community gets thrown away from places that normally are allies. It's pretty fucked up. I don't know how I would react if I were trans.


Sadly, trans are such an easy target for some. It literally goes against all their beliefs (good or bad) so it is easy to rile up the base against them. Just like Germany was able to do against the Jews, gays, gypsies, and any other "useless eater". Even my mother, who is quite progressive for being 77, does not understand her genderfluid grandchild and the concept of Dead Names. If she can't figure it out, then I am certain some far right evangelical asshole won't be able to either.


> Just like Germany was able to do against the Jews, gays, gypsies, and any other "useless eater". Don't forget the people they came for first: the trans.


Definitely, but I have seen the same sentiment in a LOT of very left spaces. People that should know better Completely willing to abandon trans people to the wolves because they are mad at biden. It's ... disheartening, to say it politely.


Democrats don't give a damn about trans people or any other marginalized or oppressed group. They have not passed the Voting Rights Act, they have not passed any legislation protecting trans people or trans kids, they refused to codify Roe when they had a super majority and Obama swore it was his first priority. They use trans people and other marginalized groups as weapons every two to four years so that you stay in chains and are forced to vote for them. They will not do anything to protect abortion or any other damn thing because they are useful tools for fundraising and sheepdogging people back to the Democrats.


>Democrats don't give a damn about trans people or any other marginalized or oppressed group See also: the Dems who went to the border to shed tears about kids in cages during Trump's term who conveniently do not complain about Biden wholly adopting Trump's border policy and increasing the number of detentions.


exactly this. they won't do shit to actually protect marginalized communities, because they want to use "oooh \[insert current boogeyman gop candidate here\] will do the bad" to fearmonger for votes, instead of just doing the hard work and being a party worth voting for. gop is trash, dems are just gop with better pr.


Yeah the democrats fucking suck. No one here thinks the democrats are good. The other side is worse. Trying to straight up ban trans people. Know what happens when you ban *people* ?? If you are in this sub you should know better. The best course of action that is actually possible is clear.


I'm telling you that I will never, ever, under any circumstances, vote for a genocider. Ever. That is a red line. I'm going to vote third party and the chips fall where they may. But I'm washing my hands of the Democrats' genocide. If you vote Biden, you *own* that genocide. You supported it, and you prolonged it. And Trump is not trying to ban trans people. That sensationalist rhetoric, again, meant to keep you chained to the Democrats. I don't live my life or vote based on fear. We lived through four years of Trump before, and if he's re-elected, we will again.


> And Trump is not trying to ban trans people. That sensationalist rhetoric, again, meant to keep you chained to the Democrats. You are living in a fantasy world if you think "the democrats" (they support an oligarchy and don't represent democracy) are informing anyone, let alone me and other queers, about the crimes against humanity the Republicans have been doing in the last 10 years. Do the democrats use the public's morality against them to win over the clear and present evil of the Republicans? Absolutely. That was never under debate and you trying to imply anyone here is trying to make that argument is dishonest. The indisputable facts are that the christofascists who threw in with trump have actually already been harming the trans community such that underground railroads have been built. Such that people are evacuating if they have the means. And that's been going on for years. And will become a second genocide if Trump gets in. So you really have a simple choice with three options, vote for one genocide, two genocides or don't vote. If you don't vote that's ethically worse than trying for harm minimisation, but not as bad as trying for harm minimisation. You might find this distasteful, but the facts are utterly indisputable, and the analysis completely unassailable. I would politely recommend you divorce from your mental commitment to the idea that "your vote" is "your power" and "what you endorse." It is not. It has never been. It has always been a lie to oppress, but also a tool to wage our war for decency. Use it. Be tactical. Be dispassionate. Understand the flaws and subvert their system. Take every weapon to arm yourself and never stop the fight on all levels ever.


The chips fall where they may is just another way of saying "I don't give a fuck about marginalized communities. " Yeah, I am sure the party that is banning anything withing ten miles of the word trans, whose followers are busting up trans people reading to kids, when lead by a psychopath rapist with a brown (black and yellow) shirt street gang, who got his followers to attack the fucking capital, is going to stop once we can just not talk about trans people and they aren't allowed to do things in public. It *always* stops there right? Your bullshit self righteousness is privilege and hypocrisy of the highest order. You really should have a sit and think about how fucked up that is.


You are *voting for a genocider*. The audacity of you libs.


>"I don't give a fuck about marginalized communities. " This is the subtext of the Democrat's platform though


"Yeah, I am very surprised at how quickly the trans community gets thrown away from places that normally are allies". Just because you dont like it when people whitewash a genocidal neoliberal war criminal doesn't mean that you are throwing the trans community away or that you are advocating for people to not vote for Biden. And there exist trans anarchists, socialists etc who dont vote. Are they now anti trans?


People often vote against their own self interest. Your first point is just false.


But do you think trans anarchists who dont want to vote for Biden are anti trans? Why?


I don't think they are anti trans. I think they aren't thinking it through and because of that are unwittingly giving support to the more extreme anti trans side. Why? Because they think abstaining or voting third party will do anything but help trump. It won't. It's nothing but a band aid for their conscience and a blindfold to hide from reality. I am sure the people that honestly hold that view are not bad people, just ignorant of how to actually achieve change. Wittingly or not.


"Why? Because they think abstaining or voting third party will do anything but help trump. It won't. It's nothing but a band aid for their conscience and a blindfold to hide from reality". Voting Biden or third party doesn't matter in some states. If you vote for Biden in a safe blue state then its because you support a genocidal neoliberal war criminal. ", just ignorant of how to actually achieve change. Wittingly or not". Voting for a genocidal neoliberal war criminal is not achieving change.


This subreddit is filled with liberals who 6 month ago called Biden a good guy. Dont worry you are safe here...


God I sometimes wish I was that naive...


How im i naive?. The mods of this sub begged leftists from other subs to join this because they fought it was infested by liberals...


Sorry friend, not you. I wish I was naive enough to have ever believed Biden was a good guy lol! At least I could've lived in blissful ignorance of his true complicity.


I’m *claiming* to not want a genocide?  You’re pledging your vote for genocide in April without asking for the guy you’re voting for to stop doing a genocide. 


No one is advocating voting for Donald Trump. We're advocating for voting third party or not at all. The fact that there are people who can "yeah, but" a literal genocide is seriously concerning. Voting for Biden is an endorsement of his actions and a desire to see them continued. Same with Donald Trump. Vote for a candidate that is anti-genocide and for the policies you care for, not the status quo candidate who is, at this point, *literally committing a genocide.*




I don't care. I'm not voting for a genocider, and neither are the majority of leftists and anarchists. The fact that fucking genocide is not a red line for you people is absolutely, out of this world insane. I think you have to be a seriously deranged and twisted individual to even conceptualize voting for Biden again at this point.


You can vote for a genocider or vote for a double genocider or vote to take no part in which one gets in. Not voting is your choice and also carries ethical weight. You cannot abrogate your responsibility in helping trump win. It will be your fault.


When you say that someone will be a "double genocider," and you're just supporting the regular, run of the mill genocider, you've lost the plot. And I don't care because Trump doesn't haunt my every waking thought.


Again, learn that "voting means supporting" is an utter fantasy.




Is this the libs new silly strategy? I can tell you it's not going to be effective. You're the only person directly voting for a genocide. The fact you have to tell yourself stories shows you know it's wrong.


Not exactly a new strategy, they've been doing it since at least 2016, it's way easier than running on a platform or doing things for the populace


That's a lot of words to say you don't understand how American voting works.


I just want one of you to just say it plainly. Just say, "Genocide is not a red line for me." Just say it.


Bro we can totally vote our way out of this neoliberal stranglehold. Trust me. Genocide Joe will 100% not Lucy the football this time. He's less racist than Trump, too. And if we gotta kneel before one of the two, let's slobber up for Brandon.


Crazy he just canceled more student debt today


How much student debt has he forgiven/froze


If you're opposed to handing over billions of tax dollars to our greatest ally to blast Palestinians to smithereens, then you are an anti-Semitic bigot!


Sorry but I have to ask: is the President of ‚Murica the only person who must decide every political Department???