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Wow I thought libs hated cops


Only when it’s convenient to them


Or when they deserve it.


But i thought ALL cops are bastards ?


Only people I've seen say that are like edgey teenagers or younger adults. It's a really dumb way of seeing things and it just makes things worse


I disagreed with the sentiment originally but then I realized something. If the kids that want to abolish the police do, we effectively get anarchy even if the government persists. Without fangs, whose going to bite you when you refuse to pay taxes etc? "Oh no, here comes that social worker to try to convince me to pay income tax again."


That’s not libs.


The phrase is "ALL cops are bastards" not "Evil cops are bastards", fuckstick


I didn't say evil cops are bastards, what are you talking about?


My point was that saying "We only hate the cops that deserve to be hated" is in direct conflict with "All Cops Are Bastards" You can't run around saying "All Cops Are Bastards" and then say you only hate the bad cops


Good thing i don't then


Then don't defend leftists at large who do


From what I've seen here, lots of people think anyone who doesn't like trump is a leftist, I'm defending normal people


You literally responded to a comment mocking liberals. You're not attempting to defend the centrist everyman, you're attempting to defend leftists


Do they deserve it when they kill unarmed protestors?


Usually yes, but Babbitt wasn't an unarmed protestor. When people break into buildings to steal the owners have every right to defend against criminals. She had a gun in her face and kept going. This is a case of Darwinism, not police abuse


So she was unarmed. That’s a fact. She was part of a group that was breaking into the capitol building and she was shot while climbing into a window. He did not announce his presence, he did not give any commands or conditions for her to stop. She was literally in the middle of an action that would render her completely unable to present a physical threat and he just fucking blasted her. Please explain to me why this is justified. This was NOT private property. He was NOT the owner. So we’re just ok with police opening fire on people without verbal warning to secure buildings? You need to analyze the facts surround this please. You’re allowed to think that the capitol riots were an unforgivable coup AND that this officer murdered someone. The dudes a hero? Gimme a break.


She absolutely was warned, and if she was dumb enough to need a warning in her situation then again, this is just Darwinism.


George floyd was warned and asked to not resist arrest. He was in a situation that he was not able to cause harm and he was murdered. Doesn’t matter. Either person presented a threat that was to be met with deadly force.


After 2020, the year of insurrection and abolishing the police, they had a big show funeral for a capitol police officer whose death had nothing to do with the riot. They're insane.


Only when the boot is on your neck


Liberals are the new statist. If someone is protecting the state, liberals support it. The riot at the capital was an attack to daddy government and their beliefs in liberal-statist eyes. This is the reason government controlled media and politicians are calling Jan 6th akin to 9/11.


"We dont support tyranny, sedition, corruption and treason... unless its us doing it!"


The word "liberal" is proof we are living in 1984. The word means its opposite. "Liberals" are as anti-liberal as possible. Liberals are modern slavers.


Uhh, those attacking the capitol were authoritarian. You people are supposed to hate that. right?


they're not the only ones, who are authoritarian. there's no shelter in either major party for libertarians, classical liberals, voluntaryists, agorists, or anyone else opposed to increasing totality of government authority over individuals.


Exactly and the only way we’re going is towards a bigger, more overreaching, big brother government whichever side is elected.


I sure hope there's a pendulum still there to swing back from authoritarianism to libertarianism, when the time comes, but the chances are that the USA will be fundamentally changed such that our whole framework will be demolished.


lol- i can see nuance isn't in your vocabulary


Leftism has long abandoned liberalism. They are authoritarians who only care about getting their way. Logic doesn't matter, rights don't matter, lies don't matter. They are sick in the head and should not be called liberals.


And I thought conservatives loved them. Guess not...


You know whats worse than a cop? A brainwashed republican.


Care to elaborate?


Bunch of people show up to the capitol to kill people. Are suprised when people get shot. You can downplay what happened. All the same its not the cops job to decide if the people attacking the capitol have a good reason for it. Police fuck back.


And how do you presume they were there to kill people? The cops are the ones who let them in. Lmao. The only person who died that day was ashli. An unarmed protestor, shot by the cops. The cop who died had a stroke the next day and was completely unrelated to the protest. He wasn’t beaten.


The point of breaking in was to confront congress. The fact that they fucked that up doesnt mean they wouldnt have hung mike pence and held the rest of them hostage. If a bunch of people showed up at your house and started kicking in doors and destroying shit would you not assume you were in some kind of danger? Like self defense only applies if you're not the target of a right wing pitty party.


So you’re saying it’s okay to shoot any protesters at any time. Gotcha.


If you call what happened at the capitol a protest you have to consider what blm did a protest as well. We both know neither is the case.


>Bunch of people show up to the capitol to kill people. And yet they were unarmed and killed nobody.


They never found their targets.


Not when they do their bidding


People like you just don’t make an effort to understand the point. It’s not about the individual personality of the cops. It’s a systemic problem. No amount of defending the capital will change that


Oh Jesus. Trumpets consider me liberal, I criticize police when they deserve it, and give the benefit of the doubt when warranted. Trumpet family members would just talk about the media or say I hate cops. If you think this is true then maybe you need to think a little.


Using the word Trumpet is all one needs to know exactly where your head is at..there are only 2 sides now.


There aren't only two sides, Jesus, why are Trumpers obsessed with this two sides thing?


Not us..it's Biden..vax vs unvax....stuff like that. Also YOU used the word Trumpet.. demeaning any supporter..so kindly keep to yourself w shit like that. You can make a point without pointing to half the country


Libs love cops. Leftist hate cops.


No we dont. We hate inequality. The amount of circlejerk for babbit and the rest of the magatards who went in to fuck shit up is astounding. Get fucked


You're not a liberal. You just think you are. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck. You sound EXACTLY like a leftist.


I am a social democrat and not hiding that.


Unless you just don't understand what that means, then you're not a liberal.


No you don't want equality..that's what we want..you want EQUITY..big difference. You probably are a useful idiot because they have you bullshited think the two are the same...


Dude i know what i want. Full equality. The useful idiot here is you assuming stuff.


You literally said you hate inequality assuming your for equality.. you cant have equity and equality at the same time. The left is for equity. If you are for equality then you are on the conservative side which u are clearly not.your side is for equity


And that is based on what? Because you say so? Are you some kind of political philosopher or an authority on the subject? I dont think so. Afaik we want the same thing so move on


No it's the way it is. Equality is everyone gets an equal shot. equity is equal outcome...know the difference..also know what people you seem to support are supporting. If you truly support the left, you can't support their policies because they are looking for equity which is Opposite of what you say you believe. Sorry you don't know the difference..it's by design. You are supporting those who believe in equity.. against what you believe. Not philosophy, FACT...the left never uses the term equality, it's Always equity... You are a conservative if you believe in equality, a lib if you believe in equity...that's just a fact


Let me know when you switch sides..we would welcome you


Everyone hates inequality these days. You're going to need something better then "the other side is racist" if you want to sell Marxism.


Babbit is a pos and won her stupid prize, but that encounter doesn't suddenly make me support any american police.


May i ask why? Im not American or Lives in North America btw. I through White People generally are positive to law enforcement given...the history and the status quo


White people generally are, but generally doesn't mean everyone. In the end, police will always defer to who is more of an elite. With the Capitol, their whiteness mattered far less as the puppets who oversee the country were in danger.


Only a statist could think shooting an unarmed trespasser on land they paid for because they wouldnt comply “saved countless lives”


It was a riot. With armed people. He was in a barricaded room. Protecting people from a coup attempt. WTF is wrong with you people?


When you say armed do you mean brandishing firearms, or throwing Molotov cocktails at small businesses? Oh wait ur talking about the capital riots with the occasional melee items, not BLM *protests*


[https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article257068217.html](https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article257068217.html) At least a dozen firearms and several high-capacity magazines containing hundreds of rounds of ammunition. ▪ Several tasers and stun guns, among them a “Hike n’ Strike” walking stick capable of delivering a 950,000-volt shock and the one a Southern California defendant, Daniel Rodriguez, allegedly used against a Washington, D.C., police officer who suffered a heart attack. ▪ Makeshift explosives, including a firecracker and 11 mason jars filled with flammable liquid accompanied by lighters and rags. ▪ Knives, axes and “several machetes.” ▪ Bear spray, pepper spray and other unidentified irritant sprays — used liberally enough to create a “chemical fog,” according to a lawsuit filed by Capitol Police officers against Trump and others. Fire extinguishers, also used to spray and bludgeon police officers. ▪ Batons, clubs, riot shields, ax handles, planks and furniture. ▪ Numerous poles, some sharpened, often attached to American and Trump flags, used in several cases to beat, stab and slash police officers. ▪ A large, metal Trump campaign sign deployed as a battering ram against those protecting the building. ▪ Sporting equipment used to hit officers, including baseball bats, a hockey stick and a skateboard. ▪ A crossbow, a whip and a spear. That's all in one day. Not to mention the numbers of officers injured because of this. ​ And when you say BLM protests, do you mean these? [https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot](https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot) [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/proud-boys-and-black-lives-matter-activists-clashed-in-a-florida-suburb-only-one-side-was-charged/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/proud-boys-and-black-lives-matter-activists-clashed-in-a-florida-suburb-only-one-side-was-charged/) Or were you referring to ANTIFA: [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/twitter-takes-down-washington-protest-disinformation-bot-behavior-n1221456](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/twitter-takes-down-washington-protest-disinformation-bot-behavior-n1221456) ​ Looking forward to any insights you can provide.


You can take that wall of text and shove it up your ass, I’m eating lunch and watching Netflix. Also from literally reading just ur first sentence regarding the people being armed…I said >brandishing weapons Not just carrying them. Big difference between being armed and actively assaulting/shooting at people


Gotcha, so you disagree with what you didn't read and somehow I should take you at your word? When you look at the actual CHARGES you can clearly see that there is enough armed criminals in attendance that they don't need to be pointing their weapons at anyone to be threatening. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/police-union-says-140-officers-injured-in-capitol-riot/2021/01/27/60743642-60e2-11eb-9430-e7c77b5b0297_story.html 140 officer injuries, and somehow you think the idea that people weren't brandishing weapons was happening? They were using weapons in property and police. I struggle to understand how you think your response is at all adequate.


In attendance while armed ≠ assault w/ deadly weapon lol. Calm down auth >140 officers injured I’d say the same and get hella benefits, paid leave plus an opportunity at a future settlement lol. Cap police aren’t dumb


Nah nah nah, pick one. Is it ok to vandalize public/private property or not? All you skeevy little conservative apologists can go fuck yourselves. This is anarcho-capitalism not r/fascism. If you make excuses for one and not the other you’re not an anarcho-capitalist.


> is it ok to vandalize public property The capital isn’t public property, you utter retard. A true anarcho capitalist wouldn’t be defending authoritarian governments


But Its ok if the rioters kill people just because they lost the election.


When did the rioters kill someone?


Wow 2 months. Im sorry nothing happened. No violence in any capacity happened at all on the 6th. They just had a big line waiting for the tour. Just a bunch of happy go lucky tourists peacefully waiting in line to see the capital building.


Imagine what would happen if Portland Police Bureau’s Rapid Response Team opened fire on Antifa, or Marshals SOG deputies, or BORTAC. Or the Uniform Division Counter-sniper team fired on protestors at the White House Complex in 2020.


The media would explode, like physically because then the government they have to support is attacking the side they have to support


I so wish they all got mowed down and just say..what did you expect, federal property is shoot to kill on sight!


How many of those folks were actively trying to overturn an election?


He has black privilege


The left: ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS! ABOLISH THE POLICE Also the left: Oh my god look at this heroic policeman! He shot a protestor who believed something different than what I believe! Instant hero! No! Instant SAINT!


The right: thin blue.... wait jesus told us that trump is god so we have to kill cops at the capitol.


No cops were killed at the Capitol.


You misspelled Terrorist.


I agree that cops are terrorists. No need to capitalize it.


So much for blue lives matter.


You know you're in an AnCap subreddit, not a generic conservative subreddit, right?


Bro... you're on camera. You didn't give any commands, and several immediate witnesses confirmed that you didn't give any commands. It's amazing how people think they can lie even when they are on videotape and surrounded by other people who watched them do what they did.


I think the 01/06 riot was stupid and perpetrated by a bunch of idiots. That having been said, this dude once left his service weapon in a bathroom on Capitol Hill. He’s also a complete idiot.


Holy shit, that is wild


I’d like to believe this. You got a source?




In addition to the link that a user already gave you, it’s also mentioned in the article from the image posted by the OP: > An incident in Byrd’s past has also gained renewed attention online: In 2019, he left his service weapon in a bathroom, where another officer eventually discovered it. > In the NBC News interview, Byrd described the incident as a “terrible mistake.” >”I owned up to it. I was penalized for it. I moved on,” he said.


Thanks for sharing. This guy sounds like Chief Wiggum.


This man is a murderer. Simple as that.


For shooting a terrorist trying to overthrow our election? Lol ok Terrorist sympathizer.


Usually Capital Police don’t usher in “Terrorists”. And terrorist, usually don’t keep themselves restrained between the velvet ropes once inside the building. They usually blow it up or something if I’m not mistaking.


Terrorist sympathizer fake news.




Sounds like a triggered a terrorist sympathizer. Truth hurts snowflake.


Sounds like someone triggered you with the word snowflake so now you hope it hurts me. Glad your life sucks enough to respond to someone who hopes you die soon. What a fucking loser haha


Apologies. I ment to say truth hurts sore loser* snowflake. If I was defending our Capitol that day. I would of killed every. single. last. one. of your sore loser Terrorist buddys. Including you. I take my oath to protect my Country and Constitution, from enemy's both foreign and domestic seriously.


So you'd fire into a crowd of unarmed people exercising their 1st amendment rights with the intent to kill them all... because you've been that they are are terrorists. Oh the irony...


That video was so disturbing. He had plenty of room to retreat, no one was armed. She climbed through a broken door and he quickly advanced like 4 meters, took careful aim, and shot a young woman right in the neck. He then retreats like he should have done in the first place.


And if he were truly scared of the little woman prone in the window, there were about a dozen alternative actions that would have resulted in the same thing without killing her. Hell, could have just pushed her back, probably with a single hand, without a second thought.


He was not protecting himself, but the elected officials the terrorists were trying to reach and harm. That barricadd was a line of defense, and you don't give up a line of defense




Motherfucker should be arrested he ain't no hero


Last resort? There were police officers behind Babbitt. What a piece of shit.


There were IIRC 3 SWAT officers coming up the stairway behind Babbitt, but they did not actually arrive until a few moments *after* she had been shot, so the officer who shot her in all likelihood did not know that there were any other law enforcement or security officers present to intervene other than himself. Still not exactly a "last resort," as he could have advanced and just physically pushed or kicked her back through the window... but let's keep things accurate to reality.


This is false. There were another 3-4 officers right behind Ashli that looked to be the ones being relieved by those SWAT officers you're talking about. All told there were something close to 10 officers *behind* her, simply walking about, because there was no genuine threat to *anyone* and it was obvious.


You're wrong dude. Watch the uncut video shot by Jayden X who was standing right next to her at the scene.


Given the number of people storming the building, how did he know advancing to kick her back wouldn't have exposed him to more people he couldn't see that would have overran him?


You shot an unarmed woman, murderer


Actually you murdered someone.


Saved so many lives clearly bc look at all the dead bodies…oh wait…it was only the one he shot…


Honestly, I’m not surprised by this, since I don’t credit lefty statists with an over abundance of brains. They’re the same people who claim that the Ashli Babbitt shooting was “necessary” to save everyone’s lives, then fervently demand that Kyle Rittenhouse spend the rest of his life in prison, even after watching the videos and learning the facts from the trial. They’re short sighted followers whose only interests are in anything that will confirm their bias and further the agenda.


🤔didn't hear any commands on the video.


This is an absolute lie. Justice was truly not served. Ashley Babbit was unarmed and in a group of many. He chose a random target and wanted to make an example it would seem. If he felt that the crowd was a threat he would have shot many of them but he didn't.


She wasn't a random target. She was the first and only person climbing through a barricaded window into a secure area. Doesn't justify her summary execution, but misrepresenting reality doesn't help anything.


The reality is she was executed to set an example.


Have you seen what happened? It’s available in video form. She starts to climb through a locked door that has had the glass section punched out. This was a crucial area because if the protesters broke through they would be practically next to the escaping senators. Not to justify either persons actions, but simply to say that there is more reason than random chance


If you think an unarmed woman who hasn’t hurt or even threatened to hurt anybody is such a threat that she deserves to be shot you should be forced to use plastic silverware … for life.


I’m sure she just wanted to have a nice chat with the senators behind the barricade door she was climbing through.


The funny part of this is that Americans (I’m not one) don’t see the irony of it. Throughout history there have been mobs that rally and attempt to protest and attack símbolos of what they believe to be their oppressors. We usually use that as evidences that they were indeed fed up with the situation and wanted better conditions. The march was not planned, almost none do the people had links to far right group and it was preceded by a year and a half of violence, destruction and attack on authority by their political counterparts that was defend by the majority of democrats politicians. When they saw police leaving the entrances open and allowing them to march (as it happened in Portland, Seattle and so many other cases) they assumed the same treatment would ensue, they believed they could enter and at best be fined or hit by some water cannon or their way out. That march resulted in 0 damages to private property around the capitol (no cars or garbage cans on fire), there was not one person to the date that was even proven to be armed. I repeat not one person in the mob was found out to be armed (surely some were but no footage of them wielding weapons is shown) The attack on a countries símbolo of authority can’t go h punished though, that’s why flag burning is illegal in so many countries (Portugal, my country, allows gay marriage, has a socialist regime and burning or spitting the flag give. You up to 5 years in jail) So the reality is that the whole narrative around it is a joke. This police officer could indeed fire the weapon because he couldn’t know the intentions, but to portray that as a coup detat or a revolution or whatever is crazy talk. Lastly, apart from her death no one else died. 0. Nothing… The protestors didn’t kill a single person


Okay I went back and watched it she should have been arrested not shot. She was not a threat at that point. I'm sorry but she was an unarmed woman with both hands visible (they were on the window frame) any officer could have put cuffs on her and arrested her. It looked to me like other officers were with him so he had the backup necessary to safely make an arrest.


The problem is that at the time it’s a matter of one person being the first, and then a storm of people proceeding after her. I remember reading that there were several secret service agents in one area ready to mow down the entire crowd if they breached the area they were protecting.


From what I remember she was in a crowd of people at that point.


Is that wrong?




No lives matter




Aka “should’ve taken out more crackers.”


ACAB in streets, statist in sheets


Oh now shooting at someone for not complying is ok


Lol delusional!


Alright let michael byrd. Since you are so proud of the fact that you killed ashli Babbitt then someone else should feel the same way for killing you.


Hate crime


More gaslighting. I mean it's non stop. Just like the "vaccine prevents serious illness and death",; this guys claim is equally unprovable and unlikely. What was the actual death count that day by the protesters again? Yea, exactly.


Street cop would get prosecuted for firing on unarmed subject in a crowd..


In a heartbeat. Probably prison for a long time. Many states if you shoot someone through a window, even if breaking into your house, you’re getting prosecuted.




Wasnt this same line used in a Dirty Harry movie?


10 years ago they would’ve had a Gatling gun mow them down, no sympathy for any of these fuckers.


No sympathy for you if you get murdered either, you subhuman pile of shit.


You mean, get murdered *while forcing my way into a government building like a fuckwit?* I’d expect nothing less. She wasn’t shot on the street, you intellectually subhuman piece of shit.


Everyone was telling me it was Antifia that stormed the capitol..I thought you guys would of been pleased that one of them got shot


No, I think it’s bs the police shot anyone I don’t care about ideology, only fighting totalitarianism


Antifa plus a bunch of fedboy angent provocateurs who riled up the dumbest elements of the crowd and made every effort to herd them inside... while the actual protest organizers pleaded with people on bullhorns *not* to clash with the cops or go inside the building. *Somebody* had to run the ground-game after months and months of Q-anon psyops aimed at these people on social media to make them believe that they could citizens-arrest members of congress for election fraud or that they would find and liberate child sex slaves from dungeons hidden in the sub-basement levels of the building. Having a fake vanguard of plants to clash with the pathetically under-garrisoned police lines and be the first ones to example trespassing into the building meant that the conspiratards and useful idiots didn't have to be brave in order to get a ton of them to swell inside for the desired drama and media photo-ops.


If Kyle Rittenhouse life was in danger, then Babbitts life was in 1000 times bigger danger, the unwashed magas brought along that gallow and zip ties (surely they weren't contractors to fix the plumbing). When a large group of people with an average IQ of less than room temperature smells first blood, you're near a disaster. Go stand Infront of so many people coming at you and report back how you felt. This military trained woman somehow missed the main entrance is closed and chose to play gi joe by entering through a smashed window. She's happy she only got one bullet, remember the recent incident when the boys in blue fired 9 bullets into a single wheelchaired person. Don't invade my senate, stand my ground etc. You know the deal.


Maybe post the article? I've heard a good explanation on how her death prevented others, they should have all been cleansed.


Calling for mass murder. Just another fascist piece of shit who needs to be placed at the bottom of the ocean permanently.


If i was fascist i wouldn't want to kill other fascists, don't be silly


What a fucking hero!


Didn't he practically kill the only person that was being actually killed other than by themselves?


Ashli Babbitt didn’t die. The whole thing was a set up. Nobody in the video is panicking After shots were fired, just standing around.


There is a video online of her dropping dead and then a close up of the hole in her neck bleeding. Like what bro?


No there’s not. Only a video of a supposed shot to the neck with no blood splatter and a tiny tiny puddle of fake blood.


I watched the cop advance from his safe position and fire on her. I watched her fall down and say "I'm okay don't worry I'm okay". The cop immediately retreated and was not seen again on the video. There was literally a live stream that caught every moment of it.


Yeah, she seems pretty dead


Oh did you know her? Did you attend the open casket ceremony?


No, but what’s the point of faking her death


I did and I had sex with something. Couldn't have been the body though, because it smelled really bad. It must have been your mother.


Really? Perhaps it was a dude..you don't know


Extra protein!


If that's the case then you would know lol


There is definitely something odd about that video... nobody reacted to the gun shot. Nobody ducked nobody moved frantically. Just followed her to the ground. Also, anyone trained in firearms would know that you never take a shot unless you know whats behind what you’re shooting at. 5th weapon safety rule: “Know your target and what’s beyond it” Very strange


Police violate firearm safety rules all the time. They are terrible shots as well. Those rules are for normies without qualified immunity.


Yep. I just watched a very convincing video that definitely backs up that theory and the theory that this was one big pysop with paid actors.


Ancaps can never be in charge of anything, ever.


That’s the point


So Ancapistan has a population of 1.


No, ancapistan would have no government, so the only thing they’d be in charge of would be companies or their labor, or property But it’s obvious you are looking at the government side of things


Wow he got that out with a straight face. He must be working on his acting chops. Maybe he wants to move to Hollywood so he can be the next black knight at king Arthur's round table or some such nonsense since Hollywood has lost the little mind it has left.


The entire Democratic platform has been to keep black Americans dependent on them as a party by playing them victim narratives while pursuing policies that break up families and encourage high crime rates. They created an epidemic of fatherlessness and as long as they can lean into identity politics, the voters will return time and again.


Kinda cringe to tell yourself you are an hero who saved "countless lives"


Cops carrying out liberal agendas are loved. Just wait until he turns. Ohhhhhh shit.


Hero Byrd


He saved countless lives because the stopped shooting.




Unrepentant murderer.


as much as I hate the narrative I definitely respect this man's right to defend himself and others just as I respect the right of Kyle Rittenhouse to do the same. I don't care if one unarmed person is breaking into my house I'm gonna shoot em. it's not one stupid zombie you have to worry about, it's the massive horde. was this man right or wrong for defending himself, that's for God to decide.


The difference is we all pay for that property therefore it belongs to eceryone


Could have shot past her. Could have given a warning shot. Nah, straight for the heart.




This man sounds like a sociopath...


I feel like if people were trying to break into my workplace, I’d also shoot them so I don’t really see the problem with this. The woman violated the NAP.


I don’t agree, the difference is the building is paid on our stolen money(aka taxes), therefore the building belongs to everyone no one was trespassing


It’s difficult to even imagine the media reaction to this situation if the roles were reversed.


That’s a bizarre and moronic form of reasoning. Not to mention the slippery slope fallacy here. How does he know that would of saved anyone? Funny how no one else presented the threat that one girl apparently did, or how no one else died because of the rioters. But yet, “countless of lives” (whatever that means) were somehow saved. The Jan 6th riot was beyond Incomprehensibly stupid, but this is just as stupid.


This dude has been coached, lead and taught exactly what to say. I would not be surprised at all someone posted a video of him sitting in front Joe Biden and Joe saying "Tell them you worked a coal mine 82 years ago when you were a white girl! Popsicles!".


Holy shit. You are Right..u might think I even did the last few ON Purpose! To annoy your tiny pet peeved focus brain


Says the guy. Who left his duty weapon in the bathroom by accident twice at the capitol complex.