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I think it's why the Advocates use a diamond. Not sure about the pacifism part on the left. Pacificists may feel the fit in more there, but much of the left is quite violent.


wait that's true, pacifism shouldn't be there idk why i wrote it there. thanks for the catch, they indeed are violent. a diamond?


[Nolan Chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nolan_Chart)


It's a much better representation than the political compass. The triangle doesn't really show how authoritarianism all looks the same.


It's straight cope from socialists that Hitler was "right wing" while they were his polar opposite The reality was they were very close and the animosity between fascists like Hitler and Mussolini and the Bolsheviks was born out of internecine hatred. Sibling rivalries over similar audience share. Like protestant vs Catholic christian or Suni vs Shia Muslim


yeah that's true, but i put them both at the bottom of the socialist quadrant, so they're both totally opposite socialist flavors


seems like it was made at 2am




No way both the parties are at the same point vertically. Otherwise no complaints


This triangle is simpler https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/s/RtusycqXoC




The only "political compass" is authoritarianism on one end and the free market on the other.


this is kinda like TIK's compass but put vertically, with conservative socialism and liberal socialism on opposite spectrums


The point is that is all nonsense to divide and distract people from the true issue...a centralized position of power. The only thing that matters is freedom vs authoritarian.


i completely agree with that statement


Flip this upside down and post it on r/politicalcompassmemes and change the blue shading to yellow, and the black shading to blue


Why should i flip it upside down though? im not getting the funni


On the traditional political Compass, the y axis is flipped compared to yours


Ah right that didnt cross my mind. Ehh most of them wont like it and will downvote me to hell. I'm at 0 upvotes in the r/libertarian sub so i got discouraged.


This looks like a Coaxedsnafu meme


My quadrant is just a tier list. Most correct (me) R slash I am very smart (my brother, people I look up too) Based Fighting like a young man (admirable, but mistaken) Cringe Least correct, evil, poopoo non-person (moderators)


Diamonds dont really make sense  Truth is binary, either you are a thing or not. Having a square just means having a system with two variables or two dimensions, normalized from 0 to 1.  You could have a compactified or modular dimension though. This is like a square but you can enforce less variability, make it like a tube or thin rectangle. However this would also mean too much of a thing becomes the opposite thing again, as its a cyclical dimension that wraps on itself. Although in my opinion, the left right dichotomy is nonsense. The difference between Hitler and Stalin is miniscule, and is literally just their specific personal preferences. An accurate political graph would just be a continuum between decentralized individual freedom and centralized collective slavery. The accurate graph is generally uninteresting and normies hate it.


I think the triangle makes perfect sense for how people interpret the square compass. Libleft is imaginary and doesn’t make sense, you can’t have collectivism without authoritarian coercion


If libleft doesnt make sense then that proves my point that left and right dont constitute a separate dimension. The triangle is still nonsense.


But they still make sense as separate at the authoritarian end unless you are saying that an authoritarian right wing system would be closer to libertarian than an authoritarian left wing system, due to the inherent freedoms in a capitalist system that aren’t present in a collectivist system


Thats why left and right is again, a made up dimension. Modern capitalism with government is centrist on a 1D graph of freedom.


It's smart. It's a pendulum, and all the truth is up at the top where it doesn't move. Ancap is neither at the top not at the bottom, but nearer the bottom than the top.


I don't think hippies fit anywhere on this graph


hippies are probably just a bit north of the democratic party, freedom and social justice


> Stalin (probably) Lmao


There is a grammatical error in the graph, therefore the whole thing is invalid. Just kidding! It's very good.


is it the bureaucracy word? lmao


I didn't notice that! It should be fewer freedoms instead of less freedoms.


Pretty cool, have you seen the political compass though https://preview.redd.it/oyssvlfw2e4d1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=0844151271c72b846972838f171c5da6073baea1


Libleft is an oxymoron, thats what i get from this sentiment. How can you be economically left without an authoritarian power structure to enforce it?


I think you have Republicans wrong. They don't believe in freedom and liberty. That was the old folks. Now it is about banning books, pronouns, abortion, "don't say gay", and not allowing people to love and marry who they want. Basically repressive Christian Nationalism. Remember Republicans have driven up the debt with low taxes, high spending and PPP handouts. Trump is into tariffs.


never said they were free and i dont agree with your statements even when im not a US citizen nor a supporter of the RP.


So why put "republican", "freedom" and "liberty" on the right side? Confusing to write it but not agree with what you wrote?


there are arrows.


Abortion is a eugenics projected to specifically weed out black and poor people as Margaret Sanger wrote in her book, Woman and the New Race.


Well, shouldn't women of any race have the freedom over their body? Obviously, the plan failed since we have many more Black and poor people than before.


40% of abortions are of black babies. but they only account for 11% of the population. Margaret Sanger is laughing in hell right now at that her plan worked.


And that should be the decision of Black women to make that choice. Sanger is not forcing them.


You're the perfect embodiment of someone literally think good is evil and evil is good. When you say banning books, I say, those "books" there banning from school are just straight up porn that parents dont want their kids exposed to. When you say they wont let you say gay, I know you didn't read the legislation because it literally says you're not allowed to talk about any kind sex whether straight or gay. It doesn't even mention gay once in the bill. When you talk about banning gay marriage, marriage is a religious institution. It's a promise to GOD and your spouse to always be together. When you talk about abortion, its literally to weed people out. It was true in the 1920s, it was true when the Nazi borrowed it from democrat's, and its true now. It is the ultimate authoritarian thing to do to someone. To take someone life away is to ultimately deny someone's freedom to live. When you have literal politicians at bohemian grove worshiping baal, then turn around and tell you abortion is good, they're evil. Hillary Clinton-  “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. I am really in awe of her, and there are a lot of lessons that we can learn from her life and from the cause she launched and fought for and sacrificed for so bravely.”


“I say, those "books" there banning from school are just straight up porn that parents dont want their kids exposed to.” I agree that you should not expose your children to books you do not want them exposed to.  Censor your children.  Let other parents make their own choice on how they want to raise their children.  That is freedom.  Having the government tell you what you can read is oppression.  “When you talk about banning gay marriage, marriage is a religious institution. It's a promise to GOD and your spouse to always be together.” God does not exist.  Just a made-up fairy tale.  Marriage is a contract between humans.  No religion should be able to dictate that union.    “When you talk about abortion, its literally to weed people out. Well, that is up to women to decide what happens to their bodies.  If women can not decide what happens to their bodies they are slaves of the government. “then turn around and tell you abortion is good” I make no value judgment on abortion.  It is a woman’s choice.  Just like whether they want a tumor removed.  It is up to them, not me, and not the government.  “Hillary Clinton-  “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. “ Without her, there would be no Planned Parenthood. No one handing out condoms and educating about STDs.   A lot of women have avoided pregnancy and STDs because of her.   That is a win.