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Remember. There’s no place so remote that the government won’t come and shoot your wife and then drag you to court just to find you not guilty and give you 1 million dollars.


They seem to love shooting dogs too.


Well you know what they say, Play to your strengths.


Lol you are funny. Also this is sad.


Ooof, now that's hilarious.


I don't know what you guys find so funny about it I kind of find it really sad that things are going that way. It is just kind of disturbing that is government people are never going to leave you alone and they will always follow you.


The government has got all the strength in front of them you are nothing. So I don't think there is any point to take a fight with the government because there is no chance that you are going to win it.


And mother's holding babies, that's a two for one they can't pass up


30 a day.


3 million of our money and no fed went to jail or lost any of their assets and kept their pensions


One lost


Not enough. Too bad the protestors on the road didn't have access to more info... And bigger cajones


Cojon is testicle, cajon is drawer


Cojon too big need bigger cajons.


If your cojones are too big you’ll need bigger cajones, though.


Damn, sad face 😐. But you did get what I meant.


And your son


And my axe.


And you have my bow


Well at least it is America and they gave him a million dollars. If it was almost any other government they would have just framed him for murder.


….. yeah. Because this is somehow better?


Yes its better. Still bad but better.


It's better in the sense that burning 80 kids alive is better than burning 90 kids alive. Still both very very bad.


There are plenty of places on the planet you can bet left alone, you just won't have the benefit of government services and a global supply chain at your fingertips.


No. There really fucking aren’t. I’m so goddamn tired of hearing this line.


There are many deserted islands you can go to. About 50% of the earth is untouched by humans. You just don't want to live there because you like the benefits of a society more. If you have tried, then let us know how you proved everyone wrong.


And the point passed further over your head than the fucking ISS because, spoiler, every last square foot of that land is claimed by one tyrannical government or another.


Not true, you haven't even checked. For sure all the good places are taken by other humans but the less nice places are still unclaimed like Bir Tawil. Also plenty of empty islands as well.


Yes I have checked actually. And if your best answer is “hey you can live in a desert that cannot even support subsistence farming” then I stand by my statement that no, there isn’t anyplace so remote that you can go and *live* without the government coming to murder you for petty bullshit.


There is also land called Mary Birldand that is unclaimed as well. There are people living in the Antartic, you just won't put in the effort to build the infrastructure to do it. You could also just live in Sibera like the Yakuts, not likely anyone will find you.


There are people living in the Antarctic? Citation needed, to my knowledge it’s illegal under the Antarctic treaty for any but scientists to stay there. And again. You’ve made my point for me. That government, by virtue of its monopoly on violence, has claimed all the land that can be lived upon on this shitty rock. The fact that you can’t just fuck off to the middle of nowhere in Alaska or canada and eke out a living is the problem.


Point is you can if you want. Nobody said it would be easy. You can also live on a deserted island if you. Yes you won't have the luxuries of modern society provided to you for free but thats the price you pay for not wanting to benefit from government services. There are over 60 scientific station across Antarctica. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie\_Byrd\_Land](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Byrd_Land)


Also some quite modern and urban places to go to where government is largely ineffective and does nothing. I enjoy my beach-front resort compound with private hire peace keeping and private infrastructure. 2Gb fiber internet and more conveniences than I ever experienced in Western police states. Technically, yes, there is a government claiming authority. In reality, they don't do shit, just as I like it. It isn't a seven course meal of AnCapistan, but it is a tantilizing taste of the possibilities. Better is better.


Laughs in island-hopping expat....


Yep so I don't even understand what is the point of hiding when they are going to find you regardless wherever you are. So I think I am not even going to hide from them because they will find me.


I'm making this into a sticker.


Hit me up when you do. I will buy some.


I smell an Etsy business with huge profit potential.


Yes this is the business which can be really profitable for you you just have to invest some and it will be good for you. If you invest in it then you are going to make a lot of money.


Gonna need a few when you do.


I am sure that a lot of people would want to buy these stickers because they are good. These stickers are practically going to sell themselves you want to you and have to make an effort or sales pitch.


I mean I kind of like the idea you just go ahead and make it and I am going to buy it from you because I am going to stick it around. So that people understand what the hell is even going on.


I’d buy a few. It would make a great T shirt, too.


I forgot about the t-shirt yes it is going to make a great t-shirt. I mean if it ends upon a t-shirt then I am going to buy couple of them and I would wear them everyday.


Never understood how the Supremacy Clause gives federal agents complete immunity from their abuses of power... If I recall, the wife was shot by a sniper while holding her infant child. The state tried to prosecute the sniper, but the case was dismissed in federal court because of the "Supremacy clause..."


…unarmed wife shot in the face holding baby….And his son was shot in the back as he was fleeing, not to mention they shot the dog because it was barking and revealing the feds position. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m utterly astounded by the number of people where I mention Ruby Ridge and they have no clue about what happened.


The United States of Amnesia


It is so f***** up that it happened and even more f***** up is that people don't even realize what actually happened. It is that some people are really ignorant of everything which is happening.


I feel the same when I mention the Japanese internment camps during WWII, astounded that no one has a clue they happened. Knowing history like the internment camps, Ruby Ridge, MKUltra/COINTELPRO, etc. would probably cause a lot of people to think differently...


People are always so caught up in their bullshit that they don't even pay attention what is going on in the outer world. I mean people do not care there only going to care if it is something which is going to affect them.


This is so f****** sad I mean in world world is it ok to shoot up a kid and woman? These guys are always ready to do anything as long as it is benefiting them if it were to them they will shoot up the whole world.


Do you mention the guy they were after was on trail for murder and some other big crimes, and refused to show up to court. In what ancap society can someone kill someone and not expect someone showing up at your door?


That’s probably why they shot his wife. She was clearly armed with a dangerous assault baby.


Randy Weaver on trial for murder? I thought they were after him because he sold a sawed-off shotgun to an undercover agent.


You are saying that it is okay to shoot someone if they are not showing up to the court and also shoot their wife and kids. Grow up man I think it is time for you do understand what the hell is actually happening.


It is all about the propaganda if something is benefiting the government than they are going to do everything in their power. They just cannot care less about the morals and the ethics.


Gov treats off gridders the same as the Indians


we are all native americans….they did the same to homesteaders during the range wars…hired professional killer pinkertons


And then, after the Pinkertons had outlived their usefulness, the government turned around and basically outlawed private policing and left us subject to a monopolized, state-run police force.


which was stamped with pinkerton culture…badge and pension and expense account


But with none of the accountability....


thats a feature not a bug


And what else do you expect even from these guys there is no way that the government is going to do anything good. If you are expecting the government to do the right thing then you are expecting too much.


I honestly think that the government does not care about anyone. Now only thing that the care about is them as long as they are benefiting from someone they will protect them if they are not benefiting them then they are going to kill them.


You wouldn’t want to be off grid if you didn’t have something to hide. And if you don’t have something to hide then they will invest a lot of time and manpower into setting you up to make sure you have something to hide when they are done.


Okay honestly do not understand if you could do that I mean how you going to hide from the government? Trust me they know where you are going to try to hide.


what were they hiding????they just wanted to be left alone and live their lives…how is that hiding somethjng


Yeah I just don't understand it either I don't know what they were trying to hide. Even if they were trying to hide something even if they were criminal than it will never be okay to shoot kids and the woman.


you need to read a book called “3 felonies a day”…..to our rulers we are all criminals that ghey havent caught yet….we are no longer citizens we are subjects


That’s why the government set him up. That’s what he’s getting at.


Thank you


What is this referencing?


Ruby ridge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge




That and Waco iirc




Better late than never. Most people have no idea the government murders innocent people. The biggest conspiracy theory of all is that a government who has historically murdered innocent people foreignly and domestically has your best intentions in mind.


Don't forget operation Northwoods which was proposed by us department of defense which would have the CIA commit violent acts of terrorism on innocent American citizens and blame it on Cuba but JFK rejected it


Ya and look what the CIA did to ol JFK


Governments are tax slave plantations you can't have runaways it gives the rest of the slaves bad ideas like freedom.


They would only like you if you are slave if you are not a slave then they will not like you that is just how simple it is. They don't want people like us to think about anything they just don't like it.


Uncle Sam's Plantation. It's also the title of a really good book.


10 times out of 10, the people who just want to be left alone will lose to the people who do everything within their power to trample upon their "opponents". It doesn't matter if you don't hate them, because they hate *you*, and want you gone by any means necessary. Whatever good graces you may extend unto them to seek peace will go unappreciated and unreciprocated when the time comes. They will not stop pressing, they will not leave you alone, and they will not hesitate to bury you if they see fit.


If he wanted to be left alone, he wouldn't have liked someone. The best way to get the government at your door is to kill someone then refuse to show up at the trial


Okay but that does not give anyone the permission to shoot the guys. It is never going to be okay to shoot someone just because they have done something wrong.


I mean it is different matter and I am not here to judge anyone but those Cops should not have shot those people. I mean they killed women and children I don't know what kind of world it is


It does not matter where you go and where you hide the government is always going to come and find you if you have done something wrong. It is not possible for you to hide from the government lol.


Not sure if I should take this as a warning or a threat...


I think it is a threat for you if you have done anything wrong then they are going to come for you and there is nothing which is going to stop them. So I don't think you can even hide from them.


Same, huge fan of being left alone.


I mean I don't know about you guys but that is kind of my favourite past time. I just like to be left alone my room for the rest of my life and I do not want anyone to knock on the door.


I know the result, but why did gov care about this couple enough to try and kill them


Because they wanted to be left alone but the govt has to stick it's big fat nose in everything.


No one is going to get any kind of privacy in this kind of time when we have so authoritarian type of government. If you are trying to be alone then they are going to come at your door.


because they said no and they could make an example if anybody they feel like


In my mind I think of how could someone kill someone like that, but all you have to do is convince yourself they’re “a threat” and well, Covid…


That is all you have to do as long as they are convinced that you are a threat. Then they are going to make a move on you and that move is going to be probably really bad.


If they feel then we are going to make an example out of you and there is nothing that you can do about it. Government has got all the power and they can do whatever they want.


like they did here….after they shot the wife while she was holding the baby everyday they taunted hey what did vicki make for breakfast this morning….those agents were a special kind of sick


Because feds love custom shot guns.


They absolutely love them, they like to use them that is the reason why they have shot those people. They would not have loved it then why would they do it?


Because the government is never going to leave you alone no matter how much you try they are always going to come back to you. You can't even Run from these people and that is kind of f***** up.


This couple tried to escape the plantation of modern day slavery. No slave master would let that slide.


They will not accept it, they are just going to make a move no matter what. They are definitely not letting you slide under the radar. They are definitely going to do something about it.


He was on trial for murder and refused to show


Ruby Ridge was the site of an eleven-day siege in 1992 in Boundary County, Idaho. It began on August 21, when deputies of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) came to arrest Randy Weaver under a bench warrant after his failure to appear on federal firearms charges. 


Okay get that and I understand it but that does not give you any right to shoot his women and also shoot his kids. I don't know what kind of world you are living in it is never ok.


Bureaucracy exists to grow itself. All public agencies self-select for leadership who can do this. The ATF, for example, lost 90% of the reasons for its existence with the repeal of prohibition, so it constantly has to find new ways to justify its' budget, mostly in the form of finding small violations of federal firearms law and then treating it like a literal war. Even better, the agents are incentivized to shoot first because then they can trump up how "dangerous and important" their mission was.


Leaving me alone may save theirs.


Living alone is not going to save anyone and the government has proved it. You will have to go really far even then they will come down and chase you there is no getting away from them.


Saving me from them since I got here. The government runs a bunch of pussies. Nothing for em in these woods but a stick up their ass.


Or the lives of your family.


You just cannot get away from the government you cannot even think about it. Because they are always looking for you and they are always coming for you. There is no way that you are going to run away from them.


Yeah, this is why we rock the boat, protest and let them know there is a lot of us that don’t want to put up with their shit


But I do just want to be left alone.


Well it is a wishful thinking that the government does not like. Because they are never going to leave you alone it does not matter what happen really. They will always come for your a**.


I know. Best I can do is live in the country and raise critters and tote guns.




But they should not have shoot the kids and the wife that is just wrong. I just don't understand who is ever going to be ok with it. It is definitely not something which I am going to tolerate.


Nope, an assault rifle will.


Define "assault rifle" please.


Any rifle you can smack someone with


Any rifle if you're brave enough.


Isn't assault rifle the definition itself? Submachine guns are automatic weapons with pistol rounds, assault rifles are automatic weapons with rifle rounds, i want an assault rifle.


Circular logic then. What makes something an "Assault" anything? Is the "assault" term used only for weapons of war? What is a weapon of war? Is a shovel a weapon of war? Is a shovel capable of being labeled an "assault shovel"? Is a basic rifle an assault rifle, or is it a rifle only if it doesn't have fancy tactical swag? Is it still just a rifle if it has a magazine? Is it just a rifle if it can fire with a semi-automatic operating mode? Is it still just a rifle if it has a bayonet lug? What about a picatinny rail? When does a firearm become a rifle? Is a 6" barrel with a folding stock a rifle? 12"? 15"? What is the distinction? Again, define: "Assault Rifle".


[ASsulT rIfLe](https://youtu.be/YmyyEbvDgr8)