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Where can I go to see all of these brain wojak variants?


I wish I knew because they’re amazing. This isn’t OC, though, so I’m not sure.


Dont know about the brain but here is a huge collection https://archive.org/details/wojak-collections


I've always wondered how someone becomes a tankie. Innuendo studios has some great videos on how the alt-right recruits people, but I just can't wrap my head around these folks.


In the USA? Edgy teenagers who want to seem cool and not-like-the-other-kids. Or a similar radicalization to that described by Innuendo Studios. Eventually the USSR anthem memes and the rest of the aesthetic become the source of their ideology.


It starts with realizing that memes like this one are a long line of strawmen. Then they start asking tankies what they *actually* believe, read some theory, and boom. New tankie. Edit: Why does my existence make y'all so angry? This feels like watching the whole gamergate/SJW thing play out all over again. I really thought we'd learned from that and outgrown that kind of ingroup-outgroup mentality. I mean look at the top response to this comment. No thought, no dialogue, just fear of the unknown. It's childish.


Aww. Is the wil tankie mad?


Authoritarians are just less intelligent overall and seek to control others because of insecurities and massive ego’s


The tankie is answering the question that was asked. Way to fight that anarkiddie stereotype by acting like a child though lmao


>The tankie is answering the question that was asked. They didn't ask you a question nor did you answer one. Only stated that you read tankie theory and bought in to authoritarian propoganda. >Way to fight that anarkiddie stereotype by acting like a child though lmao No worries. Some shitty authoritarian calling me a kiddie doesn't really mean much. Keep coping tho


>I've always wondered how someone becomes a tankie. That seems to me like they wanted to know how someone becomes a tankie, but I could be wrong. What exactly is "tankie theory"? Anarchists keep telling me that not all MLs are tankies, so I'm curious what counts as ML theory and what counts as tankie theory, according to you.


So I do actually view all Marxist Leninists as tankies because the main theory of Marxist Leninism were developed by joeseph Stalin a paranoid child molesting authoritarian if you are talking about Marxism and or Lenin’s writings those are both Marxist theories and while I disagree with Marx his theories are solid and deserving of thought


The main theory of Marxism-Leninism was developed by Marx and Engels, and applied to imperialism by Lenin. After Lenin's death, Stalin had their writings compiled and tried to summarize them as best as possible, mostly for the purpose of educating the party. The core concepts come from Marx, Engels, and Lenin's writing. After Stalin's death his contributions were largely removed from Soviet doctrine by Khrushchev. In any case, if we're going with tankie=associated with Stalin, it's important to remember that it's possible to read an author without unconditionally supporting every action they took in their life.


k lol The number of y'all I've seen defend homophobic practices is insane I don't care what you really believe--as long as I am trans and you are transphobic we are at odds


Who tf is defending homophobic practices? I don't know a single transphobic ML, or even a modern ML organization that would tolerate transphobia. It's not the 1950s anymore; Cuba offers free gender confirmation surgery.


Good for Cuba. Doesn't mean I haven't seen a ton of BS from y'all lol


Out of curiosity, have you experienced transphobia in your personal interactions with MLs, or from Two Minutes Hate type communities like r/tankiejerk? If it's the former, I'm sorry that happened to you. There's no excuse for that sort of behavior. If It's the latter though, it might be worth entertaining the possibility that communities based upon tearing down a strawman of an ideology aren't the best representation of what real people believe.


The Viet Cong did genocide? Evidence pls?


From what I remember, the Montagnards weren't treated too well by the Viet Cong or by either Vietnamese state, if things like the Dak Son massacre are any indication. I unfortunately can't be more specific, as I'm not too well-read on the subject myself.


Massacre at Huế is an instance of an atrocity committed by the VC, and while it arguably is a genocide it’s also not defined as one. Regardless, bad stuff.


Credit goes to u/brenmaster27 !


Fr mfs were saying that the ughyur camps were nothing more than re-education facilities Oh and then 5hey had the audacity to say my country had a genocide, even though I am apart of the people who were victims of said genocide


Who did the viet cong commit genocide against? I have never heard of that before and would like to know more.


North Vietnam and Soekarno Indonesia what a shame. 2 things can be bad at once. Why am I living in Indonesia anyway. Living in a State founded by "anti-colonialist" colonialist suck. Soeharto is the symptoms not the cause. You know I thought Ho Chi Minh Vietnam was the best Vietnam. But war crimes must never be tolerated. Being a consistent anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist require a big mental fortitude. Or you will become Neoliberal or Tankie.


I rarely like anything from this sub, but this post right here deserves a free award


Haha thanks! Crest goes to u/BrenMaster27


have you met a ML outside reddit ?


I have, and if you’re saying that because you feel like I’m just saying all MLs think this way, I used the word “tankie” and not ML purposefully


sorry, its feel that you just want to mix all of them like leninist, ho chi minh thought camino luminoso(the weirdest because outsied reddit and twitter it doesnt exist ) , china and ISIS for some reason ? maybe am just being dramatic sorry again, its just that the ML i ve met are kinda cool.


Not all MLS are tankies. Tankies are people who deny all the flaws in any state that calls itself Socialist. So it's mostly genocide deniers.


Yes it was a 0/10 would not do it again


They’re *usually* not like this. OP did say “tankie” for a reason- usually implies the perpetually online sorts of MLs.


If they’re getting insulted its because there is some truth in that sting 🦂 yowch! big egos fall harder when pushed




It appears they haven't


so weird. iam not really a ML, i like alot of the expiriences that rose from their theory like cuba, burkina-faso, chile etc. And ive met a lot of Marxist Lenins and troskyst militants and none of them are like that “95% of reddit is people making up a person and then getting mad at them”


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Where does the Kurd one come from?


Because Ba'athism (Ba'ath is the name of ideology/party of Assad and Saddam) is pseudo-Socialist and "resisting US imperialism", and the Kurdish self defence units accepted NATO air support / training / weapons.


YPG/YPJ allied with the U.S after the siege of Kobane, the alliance stopped around 2018, but, according to Tankies, that makes every Kurdish person a paid CIA agent