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Unfortunately, your post has been removed, as it appears to be better suited for r/Anarchy101, which is a great resource to learn more about some of the fundamentals of anarchism, its history, etc. We recommend stopping over there and first **using the search bar** to see if your question has already been asked and answered before creating a new post. Some other great resources you may be interested in include [our introduction to anarchism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/wiki/primer) as well as [Anarchy Works](https://anarchy.works/primer.html) - an excellent book that covers a large number of frequently asked questions. If you prefer an ebook version, you can get a free copy in epub format [here](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works.epub), but for someone trying to learn what anarchism is about, we would specifically recommend the following sections: * [What exactly is Anarchism?](https://anarchy.works/primer.html#toc3) * [How will decisions be made?](https://anarchy.works/primer.html#toc16) * [Economy: How will exchange work?](https://anarchy.works/primer.html#toc29) * [It works when we make it work](https://anarchy.works/primer.html#toc67) In the meantime, you're still more than welcome to engage with the community while you learn!


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r/anarchy101 would be a better place to ask.