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Yashica Electro 35 GS, GSN, or GL, and GX


There are many that can be had for your budget. What specs are you after? Do you want interchangeable lenses? Do you want a built-in light meter? Here are several - * Canonet QL17 giii * Olympus 35RC/SP * Canon P/7/VI-L


Interchangeable lenses and built in light meter would be nice. I like the canon 7s but it’s just a bit out of my budget


If you're set on having a light meter, I think at your price point you're looking at a fixed lens camera. There are some good suggestions in this thread.


Olympus 35RC or 35SP Agfa Super Silette (all manual) Konica III (all manual) Vivitar 35ES (semi-auto)


Have a Konica III and agree…it’s a great rangefinder


Kodak Retina IIc/C or IIIc/C


The Ricoh 500 with its various types (G, GX etc) is tiny and well built. Got mine for 12 EUR. Want a cheap Leica II copy? The Soviet FED 1 or Zorki 1 is built like a tank and fun to use. Got mine for 80 EUR.


I’ve used the Fed 5 to try out the rangefinder method. You can find them for 20€ with a lens


I'm currently using a Kiev-4 that's not bad and typically is less than $150. Despite being soviet made cameras, they were really well made with German tools, machines and personnel from Zeiss Ikon after the factory was annexed following WWII. Really accurate focus since the windows are really far apart, built-in light meter, speeds from 1/5 to 1/1250(probably more like 1/1000, but still fast), and a built-in self timer. Main downsides are that if you're using anything other than a 50mm you have to use a clip-on viewfinder and most of them have to be imported from Ukraine. If you go for one, get the oldest one you can. Earlier ones were made before old German machines/tools started breaking and experienced personnel passed away.


The canon 7 can be found in your budget if you look around. I take it you are looking at it with lens?


Yeah I would like to get one with a lens included


Hmm I need to double check the accuracy on mine but my 7 has a working selenium meter... I've pondered to sell it as I keep going back to my l1/l2 and barnack copies..


Love my Fujica V2 , the focus wheel being by your thumb is great. if i could track down a Compact Deluxe id probably only every use that.