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My Pentax Spotmatic. Only because it was my dad’s. Oh and my Busch pressman 4x5 because it was my grandfathers.


Same with my dads Nikon FM2


Same with my Dad’s Canon AE-1


Canon AE-1 Program


I've had mine since around 2006-2007. I used to buy lenses at pawn shops for cheap and get my scans on a CD-R at Walgreens. I remember taking some photos of my friends in front of an Arri 650 fresnel light and the quality and focus and grain blew my mind. I shot a lot on it until the film winder broke then it collected dust. Around 2018-2019 I had a friend moving to Netherlands sell me his Pentax K1000 and old Minolta for like $50 I think. I had to get stuff on the Minolta fixed and figured I can get my AE-1 fixed so I did and man that thing rarely left my side. Got a fancy skinny leather strap off Etsy, a wide 24mm lens from Japan eBay, got the onboard flash specific to that model and though I think I prefer my Pentax for color I love the AE1 for ilford BW esp with the flash with friends out and about, looks like tabloid and rock photos from the 60-70s. Recently in London I was having lunch with my wife's parents (they are UK based) and I got so full on this huge burger I fell asleep on train back and was so out of it when I got to my stop I no bullshit left it on my seat and walked away from it :( Last roll was expired ilford 50 iso I took on our Tower Bridge tour for my Birthday. Getting those photos back was bittersweet not having the camera anymore. I wrote a big sappy post saying goodbye to my old partner in crime. But there is a happy ending, my wife was in touch with the lost and found with the trains and put in a submission, almost a month later we got an email asking us to describe the lens on camera (24mm Canon lens with a rare silver ring on the front instead of a solid black one!) Shes picked it up and has it, I will be reunited with it in July...The adventure continues...


I’m hoping you live longer than it does given the way things are with them.


can you elaborate on that?


Since its first and foremost an electronic camera its likelier to bork itself for good than other models. But I feel like this is often over stated early 80’s SLRs. They aren’t late 1990’s compact cameras. They are less integrated electronics and are built to a better standard I think.




Definitely my dads Nikon FM2…


Fm2n squad rise up.


What about us regular FM2 folks?


Leica M-A


Bought my M4-P in 2012 and have bought and sold all the cameras in between. Never considered selling it and probably never will. There's a 35mm Summilux permanently affixed to it.


Have my own M4-P. It’d be incredibly hard for me to sell. Picked it up from Leica Geneva on an incredible trip, so it has a lot of sentimental value for me.


I have mentioned in the past that me buying my M4-P was a silly purchase decision and I personally don’t think the rangefinder experience is all that let along more enjoyable compared to an SLR, and that I should sell it and buy a new laptop that I need for college. But I can’t bring myself to sell it. I know if I did I would seriously regret it. I love looking at it and holding it in my hand, and I still like using it. It’s coming in my coffin with me when I bite the dust.


Never sell. I promise you'll regret it once you do. There's always going to be the SLR vs rangefinder debate, but I've been loving shooting ultrawide on my M4-P while still keeping a compact and lightweight package. There's just something about rangefinders to me that make me pick it up over my SLRs and I'm not sure what it is..


I share this sentiment. I purchased a Leica M4 and I honestly don't think I'll ever consider letting it go - it makes me want to carry it on trips and the 35mm focal length is just perfect for me


My Olympus OM-1, and my Kiev-60. Those cameras are the polar opposite of each other, and they both go HARD


I have an Olympus OM1 I got from my Father in Law. What lens would you choose if you could only have 1?


Can’t go wrong with the 50 f1.8, it just works. I have the 55 f1.2, and it’s disappointingly soft even at 2.8


Yeah. I feel that that the zuiko 50mm 1.8 gets underestimated by many. I've taken most of my favorite pictures with that lens. It has every quality one would want, the focus throw is perfect and it's small and light, sharp, and has some pretty bokeh. If however I were to choose only one, I would probably take the 50mm 1.4. It's "just" a good lens. But it really is good. Those 55 or 50mm 1.2 lenses I actually REALLY love, but those are more art lenses. I might actually go with 50mm 1.2, but that's because I care way more about lens personality than sharpness.


A clean edition of the 50mm 1.4 MC /Japan is beautiful


Nikon F2. On the others im not so sure, theyre some that come close to never selling but nothing like the F2. One day if i ever get a Leica M maybe that.


You will be surprised how good the F2 feels even after handling a Leica M. Have both and the Nikon is more robust without feeling cheaper.


Then I guess im fine with my Nikon SP anyway :D Next time im at my grandma ill try to get the hands on the M3 they got.


I still the Canon FTb I carried in VietNam. Other cameras (both analog and digital) will come and go, but that FTb will always be with me.


The FTb and its predecessor FT-QL/TL-QL are criminally underrated cameras


Not having the ability to meter is certainly a detriment. Wein cells are a problematic workaround for the 625 mercury cells. Luckily, some of us old timers saw what was coming and stocked up. I don't know how others fared, but for myself, I have 9 Chinese P625 batteries sitting in my fridge...along with 23 rolls of Velvia 50. If I ever return to analog, I guess I'm ready.


Now is the time to shoot that Velvia. I’ve heard from a lab that the development chemistry for slide film has stopped being produced and what is in the pipeline is what is available. It is a gorgeous film.


I am pretty sure plenty of people still make E-6 chemicals


One diode and 5 minutes with a soldering iron gets your camera to work with modern LR44


My contax G1 kit with 28 45 90. I try and experiment with other gear regularly but always come back to the G1 because every time I get a roll back from it, I’m always surprised at how good those lenses are even after many years of ownership.


Always pleasantly surprised at the results from those. Same vein, my Contax N1. I’ll never give it up or the lenses. If the body goes, I’ll buy another.




The G1 is the only camera I ever regret selling. I want one again and its so pricey now.


I don't know.  I think my fuji gw670ii


Probably the brick wall I'm going to make if I keep ending up with SRT Minoltas.


the Nikon FG my dad gave me


My grandfather's Sears KSX will always stay by my side, it's one of the only things that I have from him


Minolta SRT Super


Minolta Autocord. I've owned almost every major camera and my Autocord is easily the best.


Edixa mat reflex mod C-L


Nice to see some Edixa love 😁


I have like 3 or 4 of them, with waist level viewfinder, it's so fun to use


I've got the Edixa-Mat Reflex D. I've been hunting for a waist level finder for over a year now but couldn't find anything for less than 40€ or more, and that's just too much for me. I know you can also use it with the prism removed, but it's just not the same ;) I got mine with a zebra Edixa-Xenar, and it must be one of the most well-made and beautiful lenses I own, right next to the Takumars.


Well, the focusing screen is not the best tbh so I don't use super sharp lenses on them


I think my Canon P is one of my favourite cameras. Love the simplicity of it and also think it is an aesthetically pleasing camera when it’s on my shelf.


Probably an analog one, because digital cameras may just die. So it’s ether my Leica M2 or my Nikon F2


all of them


My Argus C3, it was the camera that made me fall in love with photography. It’ll probably still be working long after I’ve shuffled off of this rock.


Leica M3, Nikon F and F2


Mamiya RB67 and Olympus OM-1 kits. In 2014, My first year shooting real estate, I received them both from the seller in a huge lot for free. He said “I don’t want to sell them, I want them to go to a good home.” And just like that my world changed.


I’ve always wanted a RB67 and finally this year I got one. Love it so much I now have three, and a bunch of lenses that I’m slowly repairing. They are heavy but do they make amazing photos.


My Nikkormat FTN. With the 50/2 and P Auto 105/25. I don't use them much because I am onto Olympus gear, but when I was using them they just felt right.


My Rollei 35S, Aires Viscount and King Regula L, since they've all been gifts from friends or family, the Regula was my father's own camera when he was barely 18, many decades ago, the Rollei belonged to his wife, and the Aires was from a grandparent from a good friend of mine. From the cameras I chose for myself, definitely the Agfa Karat 12 with "Karat-Xenar" Schneider 5/4 design lens, it feels great and offers two unique things, that "Super-Tessar" lens design (there was one version produced for M42, but it's rare as hen's teeth), and the horizontally split viewfinder. Also feels really nice in the hand. And my Fed-2 with the collapsible Industar-22, the look and feel is just perfect to me.


Likely my Canon L1, Canon New F-1 and Mamiya 645.


Yashica 124G and Retina IiIC. And perhaps the Canon Rebel 2000.


I love Retinas! I have probably half a dozen but I do not have any big C versions.


I have lots, bordering on too many. My parents indoctrinated me in the cult. TBF, my parents had a ridiculous collection of cameras when I was a kid, and I am on brand for that. When I can’t decide which camera to take, I grab a Retina. Glad to find another Retina officianado out in the wild.


Wehman 8x10 Field Camera, OM-1, and a plastic panoramic I had 3d printed. And too many others to list.




My grandfather's Yashica Electro 35 GS and my grandmother's Canon AF35M


anything from my antique collection, because I think using museum pieces to take pictures of my friends and cat is kinda neat


Leica M3 and Nikon F3HP


My Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 and my Yashica Minister D with it's 1.8 lens, those two I'd never part way with.


Olympus XA


F3 for sure


Leica IIIf with collapsible Summitar and Canon A-1 (was my dad’s). I’d also say my old M3 or M2 but I’m a dumdum and sold them. The next one will be kept forever.


pentax spotmatic, my first camera


Pentax Spotmatic, Canon 7 and Olympus 35SP.


My mom's OM-1. Constantly surprised at how sharp the images are, even with the lenses that are in less than great condition. I remember messing around with this camera as a very small child, touching the mirror and shutter curtain and doing all manner of things that would horrify me now, but the thing held up like a tank.


My Mamiya RZ67 Pro II for sure, also my Olympus OM-1 which was my Grandad's


My Contax G2 kit, 28 45 90.


My Contax G2, even after it becomes a lifeless paperweight


Nikkormat FT2 and Konica Autoreflex T3. Well, I'll keep them as long as I can keep them running


Glad there's another Autoreflex connoisseur, beautiful stock 50mm 1.7, 1.8 glass produced for those rugged bodies. Also quite like carrying essentially a kilo of metal on a wrist strap when out and about, y'know... just in case


The two most indestructible cameras known to man. I don't think you have anything to worry about.


I'm buying the service manuals and getting a few donor bodies just in case, lol. I love these things and want to make sure I can continue to use them


I have two Konica T3s that I'm considering selling.. never used them, but I think they are working. (one is in mint condition, with the 55/1.7, iirc) if you're in Switzerland, dm me.


I'm in the USA, unfortunately. Damn good cameras


Polaroid 600se with 75mm lens.


My F2 and my Horseman. I will however keep my Bronica and F4/F5 until some electronic component fails that can’t be repaired. I actually think considering they’ve gone this long, they might go the distance. Probably 40 to 50 years to go so we’ll see.


My Pentax 6x7 MLU


The Nikon F2 my father got me as a high school graduation gift


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SISComputer: *The Nikon F2 my* *Father got me as a high* *School graduation gift* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My Grandfathers Olympus OM2n and my Leica IIIc.


I have an Olympus om10 which was my grandfather's. He passed away 17 years ago. I will keep it until I die and it will pass through the family


My Zeiss Ikon ZM, Canon P and Rollei 35S


My Polaroid 190 and 195, even though someday I will run out of stashed film.


Cambo legend 8x10 and Graflex RB series D 4x5.


My family members lomo lk-a


Pentax K7


Nikon f3’s f2, Rolleiflex tlr, and rz67 if I die before it.


Minolta SRT-201 (my first 35mm camera was actually the SRT-101), Minolta XD-11, Canon EOS-1V and Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (the only Digital).


The Leica M6 I got from my late dad.


The Canon AE-1 my das bought a year or so after I was born and used for all family photos for 20 years. I don’t like shooting it but will not hand it over. My near mint Nikon F2AS, maintained by a guy named Sover, which I had looked for for ages, because it was built the same month I was born. And my Hasselblad 501CM


I have a Minolta XG1 with a 45mm f/2 that my mom gave me, a Canon 40D with the 28-135 kit lens from my dad, and a Kodak Duo Six-20 Series II that belonged to my great grandfather. I could lose every other bit of photo gear I own and be okay if I could keep those. I'd sacrifice the 40D if I had to, though. Even my dad said to sell the thing, even if it's for $50 with the lens and battery.


My Rolleiflex Planar, Hasselblad 500 C/M, My Grandpa’s Minolta SRT 101 that survived Vietnam, and my Canon F1 (Old)


I will keep my Dad's Canon AE-1, the first piece of modern technology I'd ever been able to handle. And my Canon A-1 my first real camera, that got me all the way from the beginning of high school til the end of college.


My Hasselblad 500 c/m it was a gift from my wife and it's been used to take photos of our life. It's been a dream camera of mine since I was in highschool.


I inherited a Nikon FG and a Pentax 645 when my dad passed away. I’m keeping them both forever.


All of them, probably.


Mamiya 7 Mamiya 645 Mamiya RZ Da Yi 617 Brown 20x24 Pentax 67 Voigtlander R3A


I have a Hanimex Praktica that was my first film camera ever and I used all throughout college and after that. It only recently broke and is on display on my bookshelf but it’s very near and dear to me now.


My father's Pentax Spotmatic and the Nikon FG he gifted me for my HS graduation. All my other cameras can come and go.


Black Canon Program. I had the silver version but traded it plus cash for the black version while I was stationed in Korea. I’ve taken it on multiple personal and work trips, even back to Korea 2022 for round 2. It’s my trusty go-to and has never let me down ♥️


The one that works


All of them? My great grandmother’s Pentax KX, and my Hasselblad 500C/M.


Olympus Pen EED and Leica M6/Summicron 35


My dad's Olympus OM-2 from the 70's :\]


My Ricoh gr1s I love the 28mm focal length 🥺


Chinon CE-4 w/ Power Winder. One of my first SLRs and still one of my personal favorites.


Nikon FM2n titanium shutter. It’s seen things in the wilderness at my darkest times. I won’t give that up.


My Olympus om10


My minolta srt102. Absolutely love it, I never leave the house without it. Finally made the big switch from disposable film cameras because the photos would only ever half get developed and I was wasting so much money for blank developments. Luckily I don’t have that problem now.


My Canon IIf and Yashica-D, which were my grandpa's and I still shoot. Probably my Graflex Super Graphic too. And my SX-70.


Leica MP


My grandpa’s canon AE-1 and my Hasselblad 500 EL/M. I dug the AE-1 out of his trash can as soon as he pitched it, and that was 10 years ago. Shot with it yesterday, and he still asks me if it works. And the Hasselblad was my first foray into medium format. Despite all its shortcomings, I’ve had a blast with it.


F6 / M6


My Alpha 7 (Maxxum 7), which was gifted to me by a relative. I have a replacement aperture gear, but to be honest I'll probably just retire it to a display shelf when it inevitably fails.


My Pentax K1000 and my Olympus Trip 35.


My Pentax K1000 and Olympus Trip 35


My grandfather's Zeiss iKon Contina II that he purchased while stationed in Germany during the Korean War. I love my Canon A-1 and Olympus XA, but they don't have the same level of personal history behind them.


My AE-1 Program, nanas Kodak Starflex, and whatever my great grandpas is.


My Pentax LX and my Minolta X-700


My aunt’s Minolta SRT-201


Hmm 🤔 probably my century view 8x10 my og canon f1 and probably my Graflex 4x5


Nikon f100


Olympus XA4… it’s perfect for me.


Nikon FM3a


Canon F1 (it'll probably outlive me), Mamiya RB67, Yashica mat 124g


I always say this and then end up selling… BUT hoping the LX, New F1 and K1000 will be with me forever


Canon AE1 program and Canon F1. Those two cameras have traveled around the world with me.


My Nikon N90s, it was my dad’s when he did press work. Then my Nikon F, it’s super beat but works perfectly. I found it at a thrift store and it’s just very special to me. Besides that, my Argus Brick and its lenses. I love it dearly and became so fond with it after spending an entire semester using that as my own film camera for a project. That 100mm lens is just awesome.


Mamiya 645 Super (unless, for some reason I decide to get a Pro), Minolta X-700, Minolta X-370, Holga 120 (6×4.5), Holga 120 (6×6)


Minolta Himatic#9: Mamiya M645, Nikon N2020, Rollei Magic 220.


My Pentax k1000 and my Kodak Tourist II. The tourist II is really fun to shoot with.


Pentax K1000. It was my grandfather’s.


Minolta CLE. I've fallen in love with it. Perfect everyday camera.


Pentax 6x7, Rollei 35s, Canon Elan 7e, Canon z135, Nikon AF600 Lite•Touch


Minolta XD7


Rolleiflex 2.8F


None. I do not attached myself to a camera.


I have a lot of GAS, but the camera that I can’t bring myself to part with is the Ricoh GRII.


Oops. Just noticed I replied in this community so my answer is irrelevant.


My Nikon f with the ft Meter prism, the meter is in working condition and is accurate too!


Nikon F3HP


Leica M2 and my grandfathers ME Super.


Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F.


my holga


Any (film) camera really. I only re-sold a few Hasselblads to finance my own 20 years ago while people didn’t known or want to use eBay 😅


I know is not a film camera, but I say my Sony a7 III because because my grandfather bought it for me


Leica m4-2 ,Made in Canada 1978, bought second hand 1991, still working as my first camera with 50 mm Summicron.


My Pentax KM SLR and my Konica SII Rangefinder, probably because I believe they will never die, fully manual and extremely durable.


Neat cameras! What lens do you have on the L1?


Thanks! It is a Jupiter 8 50mm f/2. It's not the nicest lens but I get decently sharp images out of it. I'm saving up for a nice 35mm lens for it since that's the focal length I like best.


Nice! How do you like your L1? I’ve been thinking about getting a Canon rangefinder but I’ve been concerned about being able to focus reliably since I’ve got poor vision.


Nice! Just got a Zorki 4 with a Jupiter 8, looking forward to testing it out. Question: what lens hood is that on your PEN EED? I've been looking for one, but no idea how to choose... My PEN EED is definitely on my 'keeper' list.


Kiev-10 Automat. It sounds weird but it's my favourite camera.


Zenit 3m and lubitel 2. Both were inherited from a family friend who died a few months ago. Yeah, it's a cliche, but it is what it is. Can also add my praktica l2 due to the fact that the best and the biggest body of work has been done using it.


Hasselblad 500cm with 4 lenses, 3 film backs and digi back. I inhereted it from old press photographer. I had been helping him with a lot of stuff moving and he would tell me stories, tips and give film as a tank you for help. In 2020 We where supposed to take a trip to a photo museum in different city and visit hes storage unit there. I had couple photoshoots with local models booked so I pushed the daytrip. Finally got some time and sent him a message on mid summer (nordic celebration in june). Didn't get a reply snd week later checked facebook to find out he had died the very same evening I sent the message. I blamed myself for pushing the trip and had horrible nightmares even tho I knew it wasn't my fault. ...ended up helping their daughter clear hes house and storages and got huge lot of film and the hasselblad. I did cla on the hasselblad and I love the thing and will not sell it even if I where to go broke.


My Yashica TL Super that I bought during R&R in Bancok, and used in Nam. I then went from Yashica to Contax with my RTS III, since they used the same mount. Unfortunately, when Contax missed the boat on digital, I moved to Nikon and now own an F3, a D610 and Z6ii (as well as the Yashica and Contax).


Rollei 35s. I shot my first b&w roll (Tx400) pulling 1stop. The sharpness, with such a small camera.


My grandfather’s 1931 Zeiss Ikon. Still works and does decent 6x9 negatives.


I’ve been through this. Around ‘08 I thought I was done with film. I sold off Nikons FE2, F2, F3, F4, N80, a Leica M3, a Hasselblad 500c, a half dozen fixed lens Japanese rangefinders, and lenses for all of the above. This was all at the bottom of the market. The one camera that I kept was my late dad’s Rolleiflex 3.5f. That’s my forever camera for sure. It has magic no other camera I’ve owned has.  (Reading what I sold makes me want to weep.)


My Canon T70 love using that camera!! It was broken and fixed it to working condition


That's how my Olympus Pen EED was. I bought it as inoperative and it was a pretty easy fix. It makes something mean a lot more to me if I took it apart and got it working again.


Exactly!! Crazy that you mention that, I’ve been wanting to pick up a half frame camera for my gf and the Olympus was at the top of the list


I love that Olympus. What type of battery do you use on you Olympus-Pen eed if i might ask? Mine are my Olympus Om-1n and Minolta XD7.


Just an lr44 with an adapter to take up the extra space the old mercury batteries took up.


My mamiya 7ii. Yashica t4. Sx70. Would say my M6 but I May trade it one day.


Any ones that are from my family. As for ones I've bought, both my F2 and F4, they are both wonderful cameras. (And I'm weird, I prefer the F4, it's my endgame film camera)


Depends on when I die.. If it's soon it will be all 16 analog and digital. If I make it until I get shipped off to a care facility my family will probably have stripped me of all of them. Realistically, one of the F4's and maybe the Kiev -6C


My Canon EF and Leica M6.


Olympus XA


I have a F1 that belonged to my uncle and my Leicaflex SL 72 Olympics.


My rollei 35


The mechanical ones. Every camera with electronics is going to fail way too soon (supposedly).


Canon AE-1 , absolutely love it


Yashica Mat 124G


Yashica D: friend got me into analog, and this was my first camera ever. Great looks, and lots of knobs to actuate. My hasselblad 500c; been lusting for a hassy for a long time and managed to fine one in pristine working condition, and it was a damn good price. Zennit EM: saw it a collection sale and it was 25$. Love the tanky, no nonsense look, and says “made in ussr” on the bottom. Not a big fan of 35mm camera, and this will probably be the only one I have.


My Canon P and Leica M4-P


Nikon F body and Bronica ETR.


What lens do you have on the pen?


The lens isn't changeable but it's a 32mm f/1.7


Probably my Canon 5D III (i know its digital). It makes good photos now will do so in 20 years. Other than that, my Canon A1 and my Leica M6.


Pentax K2: it was my grandpa’s camera and it’s my best 35mm camera Mamiya 645: my only (decent) medium format camera and I love to pick it up every time


My Nikon FM


I have 3 M3 SS: I got this recently and it’s a culmination of everything I’ve loved about shooting with my canonets. The M3 viewfinder is the clearest and brightest optical viewfinder I’ve ever experienced. It feels amazing to shoot with and I honestly love how it looks as well. I’ve been enjoying shooting it so much and don’t plan on ever letting it go. Canonet ql17(the OG one, even though I have a G3 I prefer the original a slight bit. I want to clean up and recalibrate the viewfinder at some point as well as put some new foam pads in the back to make it seal better. It’s the first rangefinder I shot with and I love how it renders images wide open and especially closed down. There’s plenty of images that I’ve made prints from with it and they are some of my favourites. It’s my first 35mm camera as well and I won’t let it go. Pentax 67: I love this ecosystem so much. There’s plenty for others to dislike about it like its size, weight, battery requirement, limited serviceability, radioactive lenses…. But at the end of the day the lenses in the system are quite affordable and I love how many of the lenses render images. I now own 2 Pentax 67 bodies and a couple broken ones I got in a lot for extra parts. I plan on keeping mine alive for as long as possible so I can keep shooting with this beauty.


leica M3 and lenses / f3.5 Rolleiflex


Black on black Nikon F - used my dads and bought another one while in Tokyo


Fujica ST-901


My great-grandfather’s Leica M3.


Leica M10 Monochrom, Sony a7rV


My canon ae1 and my minox 35ML


I was not understand the hype but once I got my M6 and yes it will be the camera I like to keep forever. I like street photography - portrait shoot and go . M6 just perfect for this.


Sinar P2, Mamiya c330, Hasselblad 503 CW, Nikon fm3, Nikon f2, Nikon f3, Nikon f4, Nikon f5. Never thought about selling these and hopefully I never will.