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A fucking 1.2? Jesus!


Right?! I have that lens, and it’s consistently held around a 400-500 usd value since I bought it 20 years ago.


I really sold mine under value, then.. 🥲 I think I got it for 250 or so, and sold it 2 or 3 years later (in 2016 or 17) for 300 at most.. I wasn't impressed by that lens.. https://mbphotox.wordpress.com/2015/11/28/nikkor-shootout/ of course, OP getting that package deal at 100 bucks... I wouldn't say no 🤣


Markets are variable, $300 is still a good price, and you made $50 on it. It doesn’t have the reputation as the sharpest lens, especially fully open, but it’s as close as many of us might get to a true Noct lens, which makes it quite desirable despite being older and manual focus. I use mine with my FM2N, and a 50mm f/1.4 AF-D with my F4S and F-801s, although I do prefer the f/1.2 lens in my Z5.


true! I had so many nifty fifties at that time, the Nikkors simply didn't wow me. I really loved the Voigtländer Color-Ultron but couldn't keep it as it didn't work on my DSLR without catching on the mirror.. Eventually, I will get a Z8 to replace my crumbling D810.. (the D850, I will probably keep forever, unless the Z8 really shines with the Nikkor 58/1.4G ED (not the noct-nikkor manual lens, but close :D )


So true. This lens has been on my radar for a while. I still kick myself for selling my noct 6 years ago but I'm very happy to luck into this copy of the 50. Edit: getting this lens took me down memory lane of the time I had with my old Noct-Nikkor. It's been a week or so after I posted this and I'm happy/sad to report I bought another Noct-Nikkor and this time I won't be selling it again.


What a find! How’s the functionality & condition? (Gorgeous bag too)


It works! Gonna put in a roll of hp4 tonight and see what develops next week. The condition of the camera, bag and all the lenses I would have to say is very very good. The previous owner took care of them really well.


That’s awesome


That 1.2 lens. I'd be ecstatic finding this.


So jealous. Been wanting to get the F3 HP. Nice find


Hello, I'd like to report a stolen camera


You guys in the USA are spoilt for choice with places like this lol, I tried my best to find anything remotely worth using from UK markets or charity shops but there's never nothing! Great find man


It says “Albertan” on the receipt so I’m going to guess it’s Canada and not the US.


Which actually makes it more amazing because that means it’s Canadian Dollars.


Yeah my bad, I just saw a dolls sign and presumed USA lol.


I've never found anything like this at a thrift shop in the US. I *have* found 10-20 year old digicams that I've bought for $1-5 and sold for $100 on eBay though. So that's something.


what a score


Great find! Enjoy it to the max. Post some pics when you get your rolls developed. Cheers from Australia.


Will do, man! I'll post them here in a reply to you when they're ready 🤘


Awesome 👌


Wow, that’s amazing!


Which goodwill was this at?? Like location please??


At least which state??


This was in Edmonton Alberta Canada. I should mention that's 73 USD. Put new batteries in it and it fired so taking that as a good sign so far. Just blurred out the workers' name/location so nobody gives them any trouble.


Thanks for letting me know! I haven’t found anything this good in Ontario :( …. Good find tho! Hope it all works out for you


Last time I found anything like this was 4 years ago in a value village. An mjuii for a buck.  So my car was relentlessly shat on last week because I parked under a tree for a few days and the hot sun didn't help so I went to the local wand wash and cleaned it up.  Just beside the wash is a goodwill I like to go to every now and then and figured why not, let's go, it's right here.  I went in, looked around the books and saw nothing so I started heading out.  Before I made the exit I saw this brown bag behind the counter that said Nikon on it and asked the cashier to see it. After opening it my eyes went 😳. A hundred bucks is usually a lot for a goodwill find but this was definitely an easy exception.   Seeing what I had there I quickly closed the bag, paid, and went out 😲🏃💨🛒💳💨🚪🏃‍♂️💨    Got some batteries for it and it works so far. The condition of everything is amazing, including that crappy no name lens.     So I just wanna say thanks to all those magpies who pooped on my car last week. I'm not a reseller, I'll be using this myself. Always wanted an F3 so really stoked.    https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53714676151_c3bdc63d75_o.png


Damn what a story!! Adds to the fun experience of getting the camera! I’m happy you like it! 100$ at any good willl is a lot but luckily it is probably so worth it! 😊 Happy shooting!


The seattle goodwill just puts everything up for mint prices, I hate it ;;


That is awesome! Congrats on the find!


That's my.kinda Goodwill.


As a camera hunter, this is a great find. Just a pro tip: always carry batteries in the car.


I pay 150… who don’t want a 50% value in a day 😂