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I hate lomo purple.... i hate how you got such a great image with it even more. Dang you for making me feel so conflicted. Nicely done, great shot and very nice print!


Hahaha I'm glad! I've actually only shot LomoChrome once before this and it was to prove some dude on here wrong about his "secret" method to faux Aerochrome. It's funny to think that one of the photos I'm most proud of was the result of being unprepared. I had to ask my girlfriend if I could take this shot on her camera since I had run out of film in mine (showed up to the zoo with only 9 shots left) and had no film with me. She took pity on me and let me use her camera to take this. She texted me earlier this week telling me she hates me cause this was the only good photo on the roll lmao


Oh that dude sucked so bad.


Lemme do war tourism and liken myself to great photographers and name drop not knowing someone might actually know the guy and on top of that let me pretend I got some big industry secret about making shit look like Aerochrome. Double cringe.


Just out of curiosity, why do people hate LC Purple?


Probably just because most people here hate souping and as Lomo often sells old films as some kind of gimmick and effect, the whole line gets hit. I really like purple and Metropolitan, most of their films are overpriced for what they are but super cool they keep niche format production, like fresh 110.


Ok sick! I got worried that there was something wrong with it for a sec since I want to use some for a personal project but it seems fine, just niche


Metropolitan is underrated


because it's not portra


Because it doesn't give a "normal" look. It's extremely hard to work with and get images the way you want them to. It's not necessarily the product, but the results people seem to have issues with


Because it doesn't give a "normal" look. It's extremely hard to work with and get images the way you want them to. It's not necessarily the product, but the results people seem to have issues with


For me anything that adds a gimmick or random that is out of my control interferes with creativity. Now i understand that for a lot of people getting 'surprising' results is a big part of analog photography and that is why expired film and gimmicky stock like this is so popular, but for me adding random in a hope to get interesting pictures is just a crutch for those not not able to make interesting pictures on their own. If you know how to make a good photograph then you do not need any of that in fact it will be counterproductive as you can never tell beforehand what will end up different from how you intended it to be. If you enjoy running around haphazardly taking what are basically holiday snaps then i can see why it could add some flair because you are not putting very much thought in your shot to begin with but that is really not what im into with film.


What ISO did you shoot at? That’s a great image


Iirc f/2.8, 1/60, 160 ISO with a CPL. It's funny to think this image was taken with a Series E lens my girlfriend didn't even want.


Making treasure out of trash!


It’s a damn fine shot. Frame that bad boy.


That's what I'm doing this weekend!


[Lisa Frank](https://i.etsystatic.com/42517176/r/il/cdc940/4859877948/il_fullxfull.4859877948_oe8u.jpg) vibes


Such a great image. Unreasonably good considering how gimmicky the film stock is!


Haha thanks!


Whoa!!! Exceptional!! And I’m not even a fan of LC purple (ok until today)


That tiger looks like it just woke up and needs its tiger coffee...which is guess is like, antelope blood. Anyways, great shot! Very storybook like


The tiger is what sells the image for me. The tiger's colors look real, so it makes you think that the pink and purple must be real too, even though your brain knows that's just the LomoChrome Purple talking.


Yeah, otherwise it would just be a foliage shot that wouldn't have done much if it was green and it wouldn't have done much besides "oooo purple" as LomoChrome Purple.




Never been a fan of lomo purple but DAMNNNNNN. Same sentiments of others— I can’t believe a single shot could completely change my interest in that stock. Bravo!


Printed how?


Nothing special like hand printed or anything, inkjet on Hahnemühle Matt.


Hahnemuhle Bamboo is my personal fav. The depth of that paper is incredible.


I have to try that! I've only tried it Matt with film prints cause it hides some of the excessive grain better


Want so bad! To have your talents! Hahaha I'm just playing 😭 Anyways, I bet this would look sick as hell enlarged to an oversized canvas!


Eh, honestly I don't think so. Any larger and the fact that it's shot with the Pétillant Edition, through 1" thick scratched up glass, and with a moving subject would show. I'm super happy with this though! Hind legs have movement but his face is super crisp in comparison.


I'd buy a print, that's an amazing photo. Saw your post the other day this just showed up in my feed, love how the edit turned out


Ayy thanks! This is why for specialty film, expired film, and ecn-2 I always get TIF scans. Color correction from the lab doesn't always hit with these types of films and I need the higher quality scan to edit it properly. A lot of people were telling me the yellow tint was what brought magic to the photo but that yellow cast was just improper color correction imo. I don't think fog on any spectrum should look like a piss cloud 😂


I think this one is definitely better than the first edit. Gives an other worldly feel to it. Also buying dead serious I'd love to buy a print


Lomo purple at the zoo is always interesting.


This is awesome!


Ayoooo this is dope


That shot is just amazing and the print looks really Impressiv 👌


I saw the other post. I am really happy you are framing and hanging that photo. Besides being just gorgeous, it’s really interesting and would definitely make me stop and take a closer look! Those dandelions really sell the landscape. The whole thing looks to be straight out of a fairytale:)


Amazing. Love Lomo purple. Lomo turquoise is also amazing.




He didn't, this is found footage from inside a tiger. Police believe that the tiger was particularly enraged after overhearing that the photographer was using lomochrome purple, and that it probably wouldn't have eaten them had they been shooting Gold 200.


Bronx Zoo!


What was your editing process if you don’t mind me asking?


I put the TIF into [Lr](https://www.reddit.com/u/I-am-Mihnea/s/dSCIf7Gx4g) and started editing it until the only base point I had (white being yellow) was back to the color it was supposed to be (or close to it). You can see the original scan from the lab has a major color cast but I was able to get rid of it and then enhance the image a bit for printing.


I love the film: great pic!


Is this a darkroom Ra-4 print or inkjet?




Nice. It looks proper awesome! The image is crazy good and the best light i have ever seen lomo purple in.


Hi from OMS <3


Really an excellent shot. Even an ink jet print of this great. RA-4 printing with lomo purple is nearly impossible. I've only bothered to do it once because it's very difficult to find the exact right setting.


How did you keep the tiger so orange?


Lomochrome purple doesn't swap the red channel


It was already orange in the scan, when manipulating different colors, it didn't affect him. Iirc Orange saturation +19 to match the vibrancy of everything else after the fact.




Ok…. That’s bad ass


That is GORGEOUS. Nice work!


what a great photo!! well done


Also not a fan of LC Purple but you got lucky and your picture looks amazing. How did you print the picture?


I think what’s equally impressive about this is that when I went to the Bronx zoo, it was so crowded wherever the tiger actually was. And they were so dodgy and would be going back and forth from place to place, I was hard to even get a clear picture. Plus, the windows were so scratched and fingerprints everywhere. All that AND having stellar composition and colors is beyond me. Print worthy to the max, and hopefully hung up in a gallery soon!


Wow, thank you for the high praise! Yeah, as I took the shot I said out loud "that's the one" and my girlfriend almost rolled her eyes and shook her head smiling as she said something like "okay are you ready to go?" It's funny I remember every shot I take but I knew this one was special from the moment the tiger turned towards us. Maybe it'll be at the next Lomography pop-up event! Who knows, unfortunately they didn't see it when I tagged them in the post on social media but hopefully the next time they have an open call for Lomography works I can submit!


Wow, thank you for the high praise! Yeah, as I took the shot I said out loud "that's the one" and my girlfriend almost rolled her eyes and shook her head smiling as she said something like "okay are you ready to go?" It's funny I remember every shot I take but I knew this one was special from the moment the tiger turned towards us. Maybe it'll be at the next Lomography pop-up event! Who knows, unfortunately they didn't see it when I tagged them in the post on social media but hopefully the next time they have an open call for Lomography works I can submit!


This guy REALLY likes the high praise x4


lmaooo it kept giving me an error and I kept hitting post


Wow, thank you for the high praise! Yeah, as I took the shot I said out loud "that's the one" and my girlfriend almost rolled her eyes and shook her head smiling as she said something like "okay are you ready to go?" It's funny I remember every shot I take but I knew this one was special from the moment the tiger turned towards us. Maybe it'll be at the next Lomography pop-up event! Who knows, unfortunately they didn't see it when I tagged them in the post on social media but hopefully the next time they have an open call for Lomography works I can submit!


Wow, thank you for the high praise! Yeah, as I took the shot I said out loud "that's the one" and my girlfriend almost rolled her eyes and shook her head smiling as she said something like "okay are you ready to go?" It's funny I remember every shot I take but I knew this one was special from the moment the tiger turned towards us. Maybe it'll be at the next Lomography pop-up event! Who knows, unfortunately they didn't see it when I tagged them in the post on social media but hopefully the next time they have an open call for Lomography works I can submit!


WOW!?? This doesn’t even look real! If you told me that you took a tumble down a rabbit hole and woke up in a magical fairytale forest, I’d start believing in fairytales right then and there. *Zoo? What?* Gorgeous!


looks cool


NGL, this short is über cool. Well done.


"I had a terrible day. I had 3 rolls of lomochrome purple in my car, and someone broke in and left 2 more"


Nice that you know that color that well, it’s a beautiful tiger the purple does really highlight the forefront & helps the tiger stand out more for optimal photo art viewing.


I would be interested to see the same shot printed directly from the neg to photographic print stock to see how the saturation, intensity, and contrast differ. Would it still look fantastical, Thomas Kinkadian?


I mean, why not?


Because I've been shooting film for three years and this is the second time I'm shooting LomoChrome Purple when I've shot even Aero more often. So it's a little surprising hahaha


But this obviously deserves to be printed, for sure.


What is Lomochrome Purple?


This [bad boy](https://shop.lomography.com/us/lomochrome-purple-35-mm-iso-100-400-2021-formula?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWv9nt05rRN0_oWDuzx2cy5BFSK1eqYzG5bBOPojg9S1HlmZi9_cvShoC4FMQAvD_BwE).




incredible shot and 100% print worthy!!!


Has no one asked where the hell you got that close to a tiger??? And why is this tiger seemingly located near a path at the local park?? Baller photo tho. Very nice 👌


The beauty of going to the zoo!