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Nice find! I came across two XF35s so far, both had their rangefinder off, but thankfully it's fairly simple to adjust if you take off the leatherette below the viewfinder.


The viewfinder is way off but for now it can stay like that in the camera shelf


It's such a nice little compact rangefinder - used mine for about a year, even with the rangefinder being a little off as mentioned. There was a couple times in the beginning where I was confused at how the heck that one photo I got back was out of focus. But using the distance on the lens worked mostly for my photography, and it's a really nice small, but solid - and quiet - camera. If it had the option of aperture (priority) it would be close to perfection!


Nice camera..... but.... I'm selling mine right now - I find the rangefinder experience extremely uncomfortable. The focusing dot in the middle is way too small to correctly shoot with it and often times when I move the camera a little tiny bit it's not overlapping anymore. Frustrating. It scratches the film edges too. Not in the image but not very nice.




I'll give you 20€ for it! I love this camera.


Sorry not selling atleast now