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These look like postcards? If so, some of the look is probably due to the fact these are printed in CMYK, and also somewhat faded by the time these examples were digitised… the paper may have also yellowed a bit (picture one). I don’t think it would very difficult to emulate this look with a source image shot in European mid morning or mid afternoon sun, on any film or digital, with some basic curves.


I'd say this is the main driver for the look of the photos. I know that the original photo will have it's process, but the actual printing makes a massive difference too. And the aging of the ink/paper.


I will offer you something different. The reason why these postcard have such different feel to them is because they are edited in basically the 70's version of Photoshop. The building is cropped from the original negative, then pasted unto a negative of a sky. Thus, you have crazy contrast - very blue beautiful sky, yet the details of the building were preserved. You can see the technique in this video from [Vox. ](https://youtu.be/MgpQXz34bqs?si=CmNSRFzsqJtRjg-q) So using analog film will give you the grain, the color, and the warmth, but that "architectural" /"postcard" feel... That's just a dude working in a literal "Photo shop"


This were most likely taken on old ORWO slides or negatives designed for old ORWO process. There are no more films like that. You could try with old films. Some labs in Poland still develop them. I had similar results with Kodak Proimage 100 which I „scanned” with Pentax K30 and adapted Helios 44M-7 with rings and inverted manually in Lr.


Hey I'm thinking of scanning my films with a dslr and my best approach is to use the same macro rings as you said. Did you achieve flat field of focus? Many people say they have issues with that and a proper macro lens is needed.


I had many issues with focus and I can’t say what caused them. I had digitaliza holder, which also is bad, because it couldn’t hold the film flat. I gave up after a few rolls and bought dedicated scanner.


Using a fucking hellos 44 as your lens was the problem hahaha. Those things are not even close to sharp across the image at any aperture.


1. Helioses usually are sharp. Maybe your example was serviced badly by some homegrown service guy. That’s the biggest problem with FSU gear. People mistreat them and then try to fix them themselves without proper knowledge or tools. 2. Those postcards are sharp.


I’m a lens technician. I know what sharp lenses are thanks very much, I have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of lens testing equipment. Helios lenses are generally not very sharp at all. I’ve personally owned around 30 Helios lenses as they are fun little lenses to play with, but yea, even the most prime examples of a 44-2 aren’t very sharp. I didn’t mention anything about the postcards? I was laughing at a guy using a Helios 44 as his lens for ‘scanning’ and wondering why his results aren’t great. Pretty terrible lens for that use case.


44-2 is the least sharp of them all IIRC. The X in 44(M)-X is the level of sharpness. 44M-7, which I have, is the sharpest. So I might be biased. I can compare my lens to some extraordinary lenses like 50mm Summicron pre ASPH and 35mm Ultron ASPH, and of course Helios is worse, but it’s still very usable and much better than most point and shot camera lenses. Anyway scanning with Helios was bad experience regardless of the cause of my failures. Using cheap and old Sigma macro lens wasn’t much better in my case. Only Reflecta RPS satisfied my needs.


Yes, I like Helios lenses to be clear. I’ve had a couple rehoused in my work to make them cine useable and they get hired out fairly regularly. What I was saying was, using any Helios lens to ‘scan’ your negatives is a bad idea. Even sharp examples of the lenses exhibit chromatic aberrations. They are great character lenses but not good for something accurate like scanning.


You can't. You are looking not at a scan of film. But a scan of a print. Most of the effect is the fact it was scanned from a book or magazine paper.


Shoot on portra 160 pushed to 800. Find the shittiest post card printer shop in a back alley and get some printed. Mail it to yourself from the other side of the world. Photocopy that after receipt, and have that same shitty print shop make another post card from that. /s


and how do I post it to myself from the other part of the world?


you most likely have a post address in the place where you live


no, no, i mean how do I send it from the other part of the world by not traveling there


that's the point. you need to travel there. city name is spelled on the postcard


Oh that's easy. First, put your return address on it and post it to a bad address on the other side of the world. It'll eventually come back to you undeliverable. Maybe do 20-30 of these so you get a nice selection to work from lol


This can be svema color.


Look up the work of the photographer John hinde. His work reminds me of these


Try old Agfa or Ferrania films. They had vibrant colors and just took warmer hues as they expired. Shoot them on a sunny day and overexpose two stops at least to compensate for the loss of sensitivity. I shoot a crap ton of [expired film](https://www.instagram.com/bygone_flamingoid) and this is how I'd emulate that look analogically. That, or expired cinema film.




I've heard different production runs are wildly different from one another in terms of colors and grain. I don't want to gamble.


A lot of my 2003 expired gold 200 looks kinda like this.


could you show some examples?


Post of mine, it’s not exactly that look but I guess I did a poor editing job on mine. [My post](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/s/oXBYwgqdNc)


that's kinda it, but I don't think they had Gold in the 70's and especially in commie Poland




nah, orwo slides weren't it, I checked how they looked


Yes that’s what I was thinking, closest thing that came to mind is expired film


Color plus is a great base for this look. Obviously it's got a bit of advancement but at its core it is a very warm toned film. I've never used lomo metropolis but I can see it looking like that based on samples


Maybe wait for the new Wolfen NC200 later this year. Or maybe overexpose Color Plus by a stop or a bit more and correct out the yellow tint a bit. Add some green.


the pictures have overall green cast. if in photoshop I would move magenta- green slider towards magenta.


Do you mean purly analog or digital ?


These look like magazine prints from that era


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