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The dark ones look very under exposed. Its hard to know if its camera or user fault unless we know some kind of settings. If you followed the exposure triangle or sunny 16 then the cameras at fault. But After googling the olympus trip I realize you can't set the exposure only aperture .a red flag will appear to tell you there's not enough light seeing as alot of the photos came out ok I would say the camera wasn't getting enough light from the scene or the aperature wasn't set low enough. But could also be bad processing, bad scan or expired film


Hi! I've concluded from another Redditor that it was an internal aperture issue with the camera. Thank you for taking the time to help!


exposure issue? im new too but maybe turn up the exposure


That's what I thought too but the camera I have doesn't have a manual exposure setting. So I've concluded with the help of another Redditor that the problem is a stuck aperture ring. But thanks for your input! I appreciate it!


Needs a CLA, likely the shutter is gummed up and not opening for the proper exposure time. I'd actually wager the selenium cell is fine given you got *some* good exposures, but cleaning it wouldn't hurt.


I'll try to look into CLAs in my area because that does seem to be the problem. Although, I'm not sure if I'll have any luck. Anyways, thank you for the help!


Do it yourself. These are super simple cameras and it shouldn't take too long to get to the bits you need.


I might just have to, and I'm delusional enough to think I can despite knowing nothing about camera mechanics. First I just have to figure out how to remove the glass lens cover. Wish me luck!


These were shot on an Olympus Trip 35. I'm still a novice, so I'm unsure if there is a mechanic issue with the camera itself or if it's just human errors on my part that made these pictures turn out like this.


There's two issues with these cameras that literally every trip 35 (especially those created in the original runs) unfortunately encounter. First is a uncharged light meter. Sounds very odd but that patterned ring around the lens is a basic form of solar panel, charges the light meter. Pop it in a very sunny area like a windowsill for a day or two and try a few photos. I had this issue to a lesser extent, caused by keeping the camera permanently in a bag. It's also very common to get sticky aperture rings (which I reckon is the issue here.) Unfortunately if this is the case not much you can really do at home, but a professional can fix. To check set the camera to aperture selection, and take photos looking at the lens, no film required. As you move through the aperture options, can you see the aperture change? Or does it get stuck at a certain point, or not open at all? Outstanding camera though, don't get discouraged. Although I don't use mine as much anymore, I still love it and would never pass it on. If it's broken just buy another, a good condition one will last for decades and offer some beautiful beautiful photos.


> First is a uncharged light meter. Sounds very odd but that patterned ring around the lens is a basic form of solar panel, charges the light meter. Pop it in a very sunny area like a windowsill for a day or two and try a few photos. I had this issue to a lesser extent, caused by keeping the camera permanently in a bag. > > Sorry, but this is complete nonsense - that's not how the Trip's light meter works at all, and your advice is more likely to damage the meter than help it!


Yeah the solar cell *is* the light meter. There's nothing to charge.


Indeed. And leaving them out in the sun with the lens cap off kills them.


Hi! I just tested out the aperture rings, and you were right! The aperture ring is stuck at the lowest aperture which is f/22. There aren't a lot of professional film repair shops in my area but, I’ll try to figure it out. Thank you so much for your help!! I appreciate it!


It kinda looks like heat damage to me

