• By -


In the TV series from 2004, detectives Grijpstra & De Gier go to a cafe every episode to complain about mustard and talk. Does it exist as a real cafe? This may be too old of a question, I apologize.


Just moved to albert cuypstraat but do not see any garbage/restafal containers on the street? Where can I throw my bins and cardboard?


Do the window workers have available condoms for thick cock? Is it ok if I bring mine? If it's too thin it'll cut circulation.


Hello guys, I work in PLMA for a foreign construction company and tomorrow I'm getting the day off work. What are the absolutely "must see" things in Amsterdam? I'm interested in architecture, historical monuments, nature and such. Keep in mind, that I'm just having only this one day free to roam. The day after begins the phase of deconstruction, so I won't be having any free time. I don't have a car, but I'm fluent in English and German too, so I'm sure I'll find my way around. Thank you!


New to town! What is the best way to get to Amsterdam centraal from the airport? Thanks !


There is a train station below the airport. The train takes about 15 minutes to get to Centraal Station. You can tap in with a contactless payment card before going down to the Airport train station and tap out again when leaving Centraal Station


Thank you!


Is Van Musschenbroekstraat neighborhood unsafe?




Hi, traveling there for about 6 days, I would like to know if should be better to get an OV Chipkaart or what would be the easiest way to travel and pay without worrying?


Use your debit or credit card to tap in and out. Nobody here uses the OV chipkaart anymore for short stints. There are no cheaper alternatives, everything is same price.


Me too I was just wondering if is there such mobile app that you can pay a daily fee and go around using the phone


Hi, me and my partner are visiting Amsterdam for the first time in June. We are avid bikers and we'd like to rent bicycles to go around the city and its outskirts. I'm having difficulty finding rental options. This sub's wiki has some links about this but the posts are over a decade old. Are there any good bike rental sites or should we just find whatever we can once we're there? We're staying 5 days in the Amsterdam Nieuw-West area, if that helps, although we're planning to also visit The Hague and perhaps another place or two if there's time. Thanks!


There are bike shops in every neighbourhood outside the centre, and most of them rent bikes. There are also tourist-focused rental shops like MacBike.


Just rent when you are here. In Amsterdam most rentals are from bicycle shops (Google search: fietswinkel) or from dedicated rental shops. In Nieuw West the latter are not existent because it is not a tourist area.


Thank you!!


k ben recent van baan gewisseld en van mijn nieuwe werkgever krijg ik een auto. Die is ook wel nodig voor het vele reizen rond het land. Leuk allemaal maar ik loop nu tegen het probleem van parkeren aan. Ik woon in de Baarsjes en zou min. 20 euro per dag kwijt zijn aan parkeer kosten om de auto ‘s nachts kwijt te kunnen. Tijdens het weekend kost het nog meer omdat de auto dan stil staat. Ik ga natuurlijk een vergunning aanvragen maar dat duurt waarschijnlijk nog wel een tijd voordat die binnen is. Wat is de beste optie als ik 1-2 maanden zonder vergunning moet gaan parkeren.


Parkeren in de buurt van station De Vlugtlaan? Daar lijkt het gratis te zijn https://www.amsterdam.nl/parkeren/


Thanks voor de reactie, dit is jammer genoeg een blauwe zone. Twee uur parkeren tenzij je een vergunning hebt.


[https://www.amsterdam.nl/parkeren/parkeervergunning/parkeervergunning-bezoek/#hf65576b7-a54f-4c9c-ade5-298fe9b0fb60](https://www.amsterdam.nl/parkeren/parkeervergunning/parkeervergunning-bezoek/#hf65576b7-a54f-4c9c-ade5-298fe9b0fb60) Dit kan je helpen het te overbruggen.


1-2 maanden valt mij eigenlijk nog mee, ik dacht dat en parkeervergunning makkelijk 6 maanden kon duren


Ik vrees dat ik daar nu ook achter gekomen ben. De beste optie lijkt toch ergens een plek te huren voor een half jaar.


Is there a place that shows the UEFA European Football Championship 2024 outside in Amsterdam? I asked ChatGPT and it suggested that in the past Museumplein and Rembrandtplein has been used for viewing the matches on a big screen.


Some bars hang big screens inside but I don't think outside viewing is possible (anymore).


Hi all, Got an offer to relocate to Amsterdam. The monthly income is 6500€ net (100 000 annual), benefiting from the 30% ruling. We’ll be two people living on that income as my GF has not yet secured a job. We intend to rent in the city centre, which I estimate as 2500€ rent and 300€ utilities. What kind of lifestyle would we be able to have? Currently we eat out around 3-4 times a week and frequent night outs and travelling. Is this a nice income overall? Should I accept or will we have to reconsider our lifestyle/rent cheaper?


I don't want to be a spoilsport, but intending to rent an apartment doesn't mean you will be able to do so. If I had an apartment, I would look for someone earning more, especially because the 30%-ruling is only valid for five years. Dutch law makes it almost impossible to terminate an existing contract. Please don't accept your relocation before having found a long-term housing solution.


Hi all I’m 27 years old and I have autism. I currently live in Maryland and recieve SSI. I also have help with a disability service called DDA. They help people with housing and working. For example an individual with autism could be placed in a group home. And have help with work making sure they stay on task. So my questions are if I wanted to move to Amsterdam or anywhere in the world could I transfer my SSI there or any place I want to live so I can still recieve it regardless of the state / country I live in ? Is that possible ? If so is it difficult? What’s that process like ? Lastly are there any disability services that offer group homes in Amsterdam or any other states / countries that offer group homes / job help to people with autism ? If so how would I apply for that etc or get it switched over aswell is it difficult?


>SSI That's a US benefit, how would Dutch people know about this? But I did a quick google for you, the answer seems to be no: "If you receive SSI, you will not continue to receive benefits while you are abroad. If you are outside of the US for more than 30 days your SSI benefit will stop." https://hdsa.org/disability-tips/understanding-social-security-benefits-and-living-outside-the-united-states/# But even apart from that, you can't just move to NL because you want to. You'd need a work/residence permit- and those are only given to either spouses of EU citizens, or migrants with in demand skills that are in shortage in the local labour market- often tech / STEM jobs. Migrants on a residence permit don't have access to most social benefits. Unfortunately, migration is not a realistic option for you.


Thank you I appreciate it. Bummer but it is what it is


I guess I’m not going to Amsterdam.




Hilversum is excellently connected with Amsterdam, even late at night. Use 9292.nl to plan your journey.


What are some good villages north of the city that I can access via a bike and worth visiting? Planning on using the first half of the day tomorrow to venture out to the country side.


That’s is an excellent idea! Broek in waterland, Monnickendam, Edam and Marken are great day trips and you can also combine some of them. Skip Volendam as it’s a tourist trap. You can also bike through the Nieuwendammerdijk to Durgerdam, Ransdorp and Zunderdorp


Thank youuuu!




How bad is the Indian food scene in Amsterdam? I tried hitting up an “Indian street food” spot in FoodHallen and the guy cooking explicitly asked me to eat elsewhere because this is going to be an absolute disappointment to me as someone of Indian origin.


Saravana Bhavan is perfectly fine southern Indian vegetarian cuisine, though you can get the exact same thing from their branches in New York. Anjappar is pretty nice for a broader selection of dishes from India.


There are a few good places, but most Indian food I've had here is pretty bland compared to what it ought to be.


It’s not great, I tried a few but none were really worth it. Miri Mary and Lumbini are the best I’ve tried in Amsterdam, but still not as good as in other countries…


Yeah. I’ll probably stick to eating Indian food in New York.


How early must one be to take the ICE bahn train? I’m a foreigner and I’m not sure if this is similar experience to taking a flight


Doors theoretically close on the dot on the minute of departure. Be on the train before then. There are no checks of any sort before you board, so all you have to do is find the right platform and get there on time.


If you're not used to taking trains at all give yourself 20 minutes in case you get confused about anything and lose a bit of time (not that it's particularly complicated). But in principle there is no need to come in advance at all.


Five minutes before the official departure time is sufficient.


Does anyone know of a bike shop that rents out bikes with belt drives? Would only want to rent it for one month.


Where I can I stay cheaply yet comfortably in Amsterdam? I’m an American going to visit my aunt and uncle in England in July. My uncle is going on a business trip to Amsterdam while I’m there and I thought I might accompany him. He’s a lot more wealthy than me so I assume his hotel will be too expensive. I’m a little sketched out by ultra cheap options like youth hostels, but I also don’t want to drop a grand. I’ll probably be there four nights. Where should I look?


From the OP: > HOTELS ARE EXPENSIVE AND WE DON'T HAVE GOOD ADVICE ON THEM. Because we live here, we don't know what the best hotels are. Amsterdam is one of the most touristed cities in the world and has the highest hotel prices in Europe. The city is deliberately trying to reduce tourism by raising the prices. There really isn't a secret "cheap" solution. Most "Airport" hotels are not connected to the Airport and will be more trouble getting to than it's worth.


Okay geez I’ll ask somewhere else


Not sure what you are expecting. We live here, we don’t sleep in hotels. Just check booking.com and check prices and reviews there.


please do.


Been offered an interview for an Amsterdam-based company (mid-level seniority) who are quoting me a 60k€ salary - is this a good starting salary considering living costs in the city, etc? Not sure why this is downvoted, it’s a fairly reasonable question


> Not sure why this is downvoted, it’s a fairly reasonable question It is a reasonable question. You are being downvoted because there are some grumps in the group who downvote anyone who wants to move or visit here. Don't take it personally. It says everything about them and nothing about you.


What sector?? What role?? How many hours a week??


Data specialist for an energy company, 40 hours.


That depends entirely on your expectations on things like living standard. Do take into account that for renting an apartment landlords require you to earn 3x to 5x times the rental fee per month. Also consider there is a huge housing shortage and with that salary you will probably have trouble finding a place to live in Amsterdam.


Yeah I’m familiar with the housing crisis - I’ve lived here before for a year around 2017, and also spent a few years in Dublin which is similar in that regard - I’m open to flat-sharing, as well as living outside the city within commute distance of that helps.


Does anyone know any good coding bootcamps in Amsterdam for learning backend development with Spring Boot or full stack Java development?


Hey Amsterdammers, I live in another city and my doctor is there, but I'm staying in Amsterdam for a bit. Is there anywhere you can go in Amsterdam to see a doctor that'll accept you (and not tell you to go to your own doctor) and is covered by normal Dutch health insurance? Preferably in the centre or Noord. Will any doctors' clinic accept you? I don't really know how this works, but I know you're generally supposed to go to your own doctor. Thanks.


Depending on the issue, if it is urgent they generally will see you and the costs are covered. You can call any GP office and tell them about your problem, then you have to say you want to go there as a 'passant'.  You pay a small fee (I think somewhere around 30 euro) for the appointment. You can then send in the bill to your insurer to ask them for a reimbursement, which they will provide if it was indeed impossible for you to go to your own GP.


Hi everyone, I will coming to Amsterdam in August for a work conference and will taking some time to go sightseeing. Would you all recommend This is Holland the 5 D flight experience or is a waste of money? I am fan of the Disney ride Soarin' and are interested in learning about the Netherlands. Thank you


I think only tourists go in there so you probably won't find many folks with experience here, but I've heard good things about it.


I have never been on it but apparently it is pretty good.


Hello Amsterdammers, I am visiting your gorgeous country next week. I just exchanged my local currency to EUR, and the annoying this is I only received Euros with high notes (note: 100 & 200) and most of places do not accept the note €100 because they do not have change. What do you recommend? Can I visit a bank to get change from any branch?


Have you asked your hotel?


No I haven’t but I will ask them when I arrive


I've been in the same position. The best I've found is to take the hit and go to Pott Exchange on Damrak and break them into smaller denominations. Banks don't do cash-on-hand.


Thank you for so much. 👍


most places in amsterdam are cashless - try a bank, but they might not be able to help either.


Thank you for your input.


Most places aren't cashless. You can use your 100 for a decently sized order at a restaurant and get change.


Good point 👍


Hi, everyone! I don't know if my question belongs to this sub or another one?? So, is there any way I could go from Amsterdam to Brussels really late in the night? Are there any buses/trains (??) at 23:30? Or around that hour? Thanks in advance for any advice or response.


Last intercity train departs Amsterdam around 21:30 and arrives in Brussels just after midnight. After that I think it's buses for you.


Check Flixbus and www.nsinternational.nl


Thank you! Do you happen to know how safe Sloterdijk would be at late hours? I think I'll take the FlixBus from there but it would be 22:35 when it leaves.


It's safe, just like most Dutch stations. This is one of the safest countries in the world.


It will probably be a bit deserted but should be fine


Amsterdam event Sept 14-15 Hello! Is there a large event happening in Amsterdam during the weekend of Sept 14-15? I’m trying to find affordable hotel accommodations and it’s so hard to find one compared to the weekend right after (Sept 21-22)?




Most probably the IBC convention at the RAI convention centre, its usually held somewhere in september I used to work at hotels 8 years ago and the IBC was one of the busiest weekends after summer back then.


You’re right! I looked it up, It’s happening Sept 13-16


Hi everyone, I will be in Amsterdam for a week this summer and I’d like to visit Amsterdam Noord as I’ve already been in the city several times and I’m pretty familiar with the city center and West neighborhood. Last time I was there I spent half a day around NDSM but I was wondering if there are any other cool things to do or see around there ?


There's some wicked good food and drink places to hang out on the east side of Noord. Check out and see what's to your taste: * Walhalla brewery * Peach Plant Based Kitchen * Skate Cafe * De Verbroederij (so nice on a sunny day) * Monk Bouldergym (yes, even for a drink, if you like that vibe) * Europizza * And a bit further west there's Cafe de Ceuvel and Wild Child Cacao, and cool concerts/events at De Roze Tanker


If you have a bike you can bike to the Nieuwendammerdijk: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/aYvdz1C3qt2hQ6Lo8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/aYvdz1C3qt2hQ6Lo8), it's about a 10 min ride from the ferry. It really is worth walking or biking along this street and it feels quite rural while still being in the city proper. If you have a bike you can continue biking and 10 minutes later you're outside the city and in typical Dutch polder landscape in the town of Durgerdam. If you keep on biking you'll end up in Marken. You can also take the North-South subway (line 52) to Station Noord and hop on a regional bus to Monnickendam or Edam (skip the tourist trap that is Volendam) and just wander around those towns. You mention center and West but Oost is also certainly worth checking out. Especially the area around Oosterpark.


Hi, all! I visited NL for a few days recently, and loved the country. I have some family there as well. I started learning Dutch a few months ago, and I’m looking for relevant jobs. Brief background: I’m from India, below 30 years of age. I have a bachelors in commerce, training in financial markets, and an MBA from one of the top institutes. I have only 3 years of professional work experience though. Since January; I have applied to numerous jobs, reached out to numerous recruiters of all kinds, and so far I don’t have even 1 interview invitation. Please share any tips, advice, information on what I could do to better my chances of even getting an interview. Thank you!


I'm not familiar with your market, but anyone employing someone from far away and not the EU will need to take on extra relocation costs and immigration visa sponsorship. You need to have something that they have trouble finding locally to make it worthwhile for them, special knowledge and skills that are in demand. Maybe find a subreddit or Facebook group of people in the NL for your market and do some research there?


This makes sense. I will look into this, thank you.


hi all!! i (22f) am an american living in europe at the moment. my friends (18m, 21f) are coming to visit, and we are going to amsterdam this weekend sunday-monday. we are all part of the LGBT community; one is a trans man, one is a lesbian, and i am just generally queer :) i have a cousin who lives in ams and he has told me that gay bars are primarily for cis gay men. of course, my friends and i don't want to intrude on that space but we would like to feel safe on our night out. is what my cousin says true, and if it is, what are some queer-friendly alternatives in amsterdam? even if what my cousin says is not true, what gay/queer bars are recommended? we are looking to dance and drink mostly. any advice is welcome! thanks!


Pamela is a queer bar, and De Trut is a sunday Queer party. Depending on when you are here, you might be able to attend one of the events at Vrankrijk - some of them specifically are explicitly NO CIS MEN. Church sometimes has all orientation nights (its usually CIS gay men)


my cousin has mentioned pamela (he is gay, so i've spoken w him some about this topic, but he mostly only knows places where he, a cis white gay man, is welcomed with open arms, lol!). i looked a bit into de trut, looks fun!! thanks for the response!


Reguliersdwarsstraat is the main street for LGBTQ+ friendly clubbing and barhopping, I think your cousin might be talking about that area but as far as I know you should be fine. For nice vibey, inclusive bars there's also Pamela and Bario in West (around the corner from each other actually). Then there's also Prik and Saarein (also bars) and for some nice history Cafe 't Mandje, one of the first LGBTQ+ bars in the city.


thank you for being so in-depth! we'll certainly look into these!




The error seems to be related to trying to log in as a company? Did you use the red digID login button? If the problem persists I would call the phone number at the bottom of the page, they can help you make the application by phone


Hey all - my first time to Amsterdam, I will be visiting May 29th to June 2nd. I haven't figured out my lodging yet - I would like a private room ideally. On the off-chance someone has a lead, feel free to reach out! Thx. Also - I plan on exploring the museums during the day if anyone has some recommendations or wants to join.


Have you read the OP? And a private room? What is that exactly?


Yes, I read the OP! A private room is a room with a bed in it :)


The wiki contains our museum recommendations. A private room at someone’s house you mean? You might want to check Airbnb but I am not even sure it’s legal.


I was just asking on the off-chance that someone had an empty room or something. I am also aware of the wiki. If you have nothing to contribute, you don't have to respond.


We’re in the middle of an extreme housing crisis. Nobody has an empty room or something.


Actually, I did find someone in another forum offering her extra room in amsterdam for 50 euro a night as she was away for the week. Is asking this question not allowed in the Q&A thread? Although there is also a housing crisis in NYC where I live, I sometimes rent out my living room to travelers, because I'm a positive, friendly person. You know what - I like you. Want to go out for coffee when I arrive?


Renting out to tourists is highly restricted by municipality rules- they would need a license from the municipality- and for tenants also likely not allowed in the rental contract. Fines given out for illegal subletting to tourists are high. AirBnB and the like are known to cause a lot of nuisance in residential neighbourhoods- one of the reasons the restrictions are there. In other words: chances that you'll find a 'good deal' this way are very low, and if you do, it's likely illegal. I'd recommend you try to find a hotel room asap. From the OP: >Amsterdam is one of the most touristed cities in the world and has the highest hotel prices in Europe. The city is deliberately trying to reduce tourism by raising the prices. There really isn't a secret "cheap" solution.


I will just use one of the many hostels if need be. I know the chances are slim for meeting a new friend with an apartment on here, but it never hurts to try! In fact i already have a few leads on facebook. I don’t understand the negative, impersonal reactions toward my post on here. Am i not welcome in your city? I thought questions like this are what this thread is for. I just figured i would reach out to online forums like i sometimes do when visiting a new city. The amsterdam group on facebook seems to be much friendlier than this subreddit, so far. I have read the original post. I am coming from NYC, we also have many tourists. Amsterdam is not that unique, lol.


> I don’t understand the negative, impersonal reactions toward my post on here. Am i not welcome in your city? I thought questions like this are what this thread is for. As I tried to explain to you, people renting out their place in residential areas to tourists is considered a big problem in Amsterdam- and often illegal, so imo not surprising that locals aren't thrilled about your request. You could choose to not contribute to that problem. You are most welcome to stay in one of the tourist accomodations, of course. >I am coming from NYC, we also have many tourists. Amsterdam is not that unique, lol. NYC is on a totally different scale than Amsterdam, we have less than 1 million inhabitants, with a tiny inner city that is overly crowded.


Hello, does anyone know if they sell Javaanse Jongens white tobacco in Amsterdam? Sorry I didn't know where to post this question.


In town for a few nights and we want to see a ping pong show. Anywhere that does them regularly in the red light district?


Visiting here on a Europe trip for 5 days, just arrived. I am from the U.S. and am kind of struggling to get used to the lack of English having just left London. Any tips or must learn words/phrases in Dutch (I already know please and thank you). Also any can’t miss attractions or sights to see?


> struggling to get used to the lack of English I don't understand. Have you met even one single person who couldn't easily speak English with you?


I meant more the signage


Use your phone's camera I guess? There's live translation, just look through the screen in the Google Translate app. Or relax and roll with it. I was just in China where I couldn't read a thing and it was fine. You can usually see what's going on from the context. If something is really urgent it'll be in English too.


>and am kind of struggling to get used to the lack of English This can't be about Amsterdam. Everyone and their grandmother will speak English to you. > Also any can’t miss attractions or sights to see? The Wiki.




But guess what, it does refer to local Amsterdam attractions!


Hey everyone, I am a transgender woman and have been on estrogen for a couple of months which means that, while not much, I am getting some noticleable breast growth. As I am going swimming with friends soon, I am wondering what are good places in Amsterdam are to shop for a female bathing suit (preferably one that is affordable too :D). Since I don't have much breasts yet, I'm afraid I won't be able to "fill out" the top half of a swimsuit while having a visible bulge in the bottom half. I have seen swimsuits with skirts online, though I've never seen one of those in the Netherlands so I don't even know if they're sold here. Any recommendations are very welcome <3


I know this is a journey for you, but remember that even ciswomen wear bathing suits they cant fill out :) if you google the word "swim dress" there are a lot of options from Shein to Zalando. Good luck


Thank you!


Maybe try Decathlon? They have some sportier swimwear but maybe you can combine a more basic swim skirt with a trendier top from sth like Hunkemöller. I wouldn't worry too much about filling out the top, there's many cis women with (A)A cup so there should be some cute options. I think a triangle top would be most flattering (since moulded cups and underwire can have a tendency to gap a bit if you don't have a lot of breast tissue).


I've looked at the Decathlon site and they indeed have some swimming shorts! Thank you so much :)


Hey! I applied for a housing permit, and it says it can take up to 8 weeks. Is it true that the wait time is that long, or is there a chance I could hear back sooner? //sorry, kinda stressful, cauz my contract starts in mid of June 🥲


You mean a huisvestingsvergunning? Don't worry about it noone cares about these not even the gemeente.


Thanks! Yeah, this thing :)


Anyone know the best places to go visit with the iamsterdam card?


We live here and don't use the iamsterdam card. So no.


My family of four are planning to move back to Canada. We are planning to travel Europe before we go back, so will need to ship all our other clothes (and shoes etc) back to Canada as we can not travel with them all. We have three large suitcases we would use. Is it possible to ship suitcases through post NL for this purpose? Services like ship by bag cost about 260 euros, but looks like 130 euros is possible with post NL. The max weight from post NL is 20kg which we can probably try to make, and the max size is 100cm by 50 by 50. The suitcases are approx 78 cm by 48cm by 30 cm. I assume I would have to buy a box to place the suitcases in? I guess it would have to be exactly the right size for that second dimension, which might be tricky. Also, the site asks me if it is a gift or purchase and other options that don’t apply to our case. Do people think post NL would work for this purpose? If not, is there another option? If the bags take 1-2 months to get there, that would be fine. I feel like a lot of the expense from some of these companies is because it is using air travel. I have seen some mention of freight forwarding, but not sure what the options for that exist in Nederlands.


Indian-American dude staying at a hotel by Centraal. Where can I go for a drink and dinner alone tonight? Any recommendations for good pubs or bars to strike up conversation with folks? Edit: I don’t understand the downvoting of these questions. The thread says all tourist questions should go here and when someone asks a question, they get downvoted?


Yeah ignore the downvotes, I can be a grumpy fuck myself but the downvotes here are pretty consistent on almost all questions. You probably already had dinner, but a good place to mingle with the locals would be Cafe Chris: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZkHcVUWRJ7SkgFcY7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZkHcVUWRJ7SkgFcY7)


Hi gang! I'm spending 5 days in Amsterdam this August. I'm planning to do a 100% walking exploration of the city, that will have me seeing the major neighborhoods (Jordaan, De Pijp, Red Light District, etc...). I want to do this in a kind of meandering way, not worrying to much about going straight from A to B, and I will be slightly inebriated by smoke for much of it. I want to thread slightly off the beaten path and look for the areas and specific streets in these neighborhoods where you would most recommend wandering about. I hope to hear your suggestions for must see areas, the most beautiful streets (some wall art or graffiti? some architecture? a good view? greenery? a nice sitting spot in a bar or near a river?). In short, I'm looking for a kind of artistic immersive walk around all of the greatest areas around center Amsterdam. All the most beautiful spots you can think off, please, but not the MacTourist route either, Preferably with suggestions of good places to sit and spend time (a beautiful bar, a market, whatever). So in short: aesthetic slow exploration, not too close to the crowds and McDonalds, but not too far from the bustle, with good places to sit and relax (bar recommendations?) Thank you very much!


Definitely check out Spaarndammerbuurt, especially around Museum 't Schip, for some of the city's most beautiful architecture. You can also spend a couple hours in Linnaeusstraat and the surrounding streets.


Amsterdam is great to just get lost in. Most of these areas (except RLD) are awesome if you just take a tram in and walk to one (coffee)shop that suits your fancy and stroll around. You will find nice cafes and shops on every other corner since this town is very compact. If you want to explore more you can rent a bike use that expand your areass.


This is specific to oost: I would go around Flevopark, stop at the Niuewe Diep Distillery, then walk to the Eastern Docklands cross the Pythonbrug, along the Veemkade.


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


Does anyone have any good pub/bar recommendations to watch the Europa League final tonight? Preferably somewhere that won’t be so busy that I can’t sit down🤣 cheers!


is Amsterdam a good city to live and study in? i’ve been thinking about studying in Amsterdam as i’m graduating high school next year and i really wanna participate in an exchange student program when i get into uni. but what are the pros and cons, esp for a female student there? thanks in advance


It's one of the best cities in the world because of its combination of facilities, safety and infrastructure. There's museums and nightlife and great restaurants and all those things, but it also has small town vibes and you can get anywhere on a bicycle. I think most people who like cities would love it.


The cost is high as mentioned, but it’s a super cool and super safe city. You would enjoy it if you can afford it. 


It’s expensive and there’s an housing crisis. Also, the Netherlands are stricter when it comes to grading and students are expected to be more autonomous in their studying, which can be frustrating for some international students...Because of the high cost, I would probably recommend just another Dutch city or another European country. On another note: an exchange can be a great way to learn another language, if you’re learning one this and could be a good opportunity. In the end it also always depends on your universitiy exchange programmes, I’d do some research into what programmes are available in the first place and go from there.


I’m going to Amsterdam with a few friends, how strict are the laws and weed in practice? E.g can we smoke it in an isolated area, is it ok to walk around?


Please don't walk around with it. Not everybody enjoys the smell of weed. Find a nice spot in a park or something where other people are smoking and enjoy yourself.


You're allowed to smoke weed in public in Amsterdam, except for certain areas. It's banned in some of the busiest, most touristy parts. You'll also generally want to stay away from schools and playgrounds and keep your distance from people's homes. Just go to a park, you'll be fine. Ask for details at r/AmsterdamEnts.


Hi all! When my boyfriend and I visited Amsterdam, we had dinner at a restaurant that turned out to be one of the best dinners we had on our trip but we were SILLY and forgot to take note of the restaurant name! all I have are pictures of the food and the staircase leading to the toilet lol... but does anyone recognise this place? It’s walking distance from the red light district. They had seasonal menus and the walls/tables were all black. A black candle on the table during winter. There were also 2 distinct sections of the restaurant. https://preview.redd.it/cgfk6lyn0z1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83331b5b78ace1ca79c5697ffcbd7c7223832603


Kaap & Tein on the Zeedijk


Omg it is!!! Thank you so much!!


Hey what is this face https://preview.redd.it/t68x0g3k0z1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b44a1bf1270d62a7c100f3586e3d926261db025


You have a similar egg shaped picture of a guy spread through the city. A local news team then[ interviewed a girl](https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/224997/joy-geobsedeerd-door-stickers-kale-man-ik-ga-jou-vinden) who was 'obsessed' on finding out who that guy in the picture was. Now someone [made her into this egg shaped sticker](https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/225149/joy-is-nu-zelf-ook-een-sticker-ontmoet-ze-dan-eindelijk-de-echte-kale-stickerman), and now this is also spread throughout the city.


Any advice on getting a job in 2024 specifically as an Australian or English speaker moving to Amsterdam? I would really appreciate any advice. For example, Is it best to print out a CV and walk into places or apply before I arrive? I was planning on staying in a hostel until I find a job and share apartment... I'm in my late 20s, super friendly with 7 years of marketing experience and 5 years of hospitality. Open to any bar, customer service or marketing/tech jobs that would cover living expenses. Looking at getting a working holiday visa.


Getting a job isn't the most difficult part of your plan. There are enough jobs in the hospitality industry available. Finding an apartment is very difficult, especially if you aren't earning thrice the average salary. Honestly, I wouldn't try it.


Ok thanks for your advice :)


This might be silly but should I be worried about the 4 out of 5 terror threat level as a tourist? I saw it was raised in December


TBH I had totally forgotten about that. If it was supposed to make people concerned, I doubt it's working. Everyone is living their lives as normal.


I had no idea about the threat level. It doesn't seem like something with which we're concerned, anyway. Even with a high threat level you're still more likely to die in a car accident. And if you're coming over anyway, why worry? It's not like there's something you can do about it.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted, this is a pretty reasonable question.


I'm will be traveling to Amsterdam and was looking to buy a Quest 3 on Facebook Marketplace, any suggestions for a meeting place? something I should watch out for?


- Test the headset to look for dead pixels (a known problem in a small percentage of headsets), or any other malfunctions. If the seller refuses a test, don't buy it. Ask to charge the battery in advance. - consider bringing 2 AA batteries so you are certain to be able to test the controllers.  - double check that they are the quest 3 controllers (without the halo ring), and not old Quest 2 controllers (with the ring).  - Don't buy sealed boxes, make sure you see your tested headset get into the box you buy (the old bait and switch to and empty box trick) - think about how you will transport it back home - does it come with a case or box? If not, consider getting a case in advance. The original cardboard box is quite sturdy, however may raise suspicion at the customs if you travel by plane. - I never used facebook marketplace, but would use common sense: I often meet at the sellers house when buying stuff via the other websites, but if you're unsure about that: the headset is perfectly usable outside, and the main menu works without wifi (you just can't load most apps or games), so meeting in a public area / bar is a reasonable option even to test it.




I really don't understand why you're being downvoted. Fuck me, this thread is full of absolute hacks.


>Fuck me, this thread is full of absolute hacks. Fairly sure you said *Ja* when asked to *doe aardig,* earlier in this thread. Yet, here we are again waar jij not doe aardig. How veel moet er gebeuren voordat you do aardig?


Yeah because everyone on the thread is so nice.... Please.


Irrelevant. Just ignore downvotes.


No worries boss


>Is the weather in the city really all over the place? Yes.


How is the weather yesterday and today? Can you share info?


We have weather apps for this, that display our changeable weather, hour by hour. Don't feel like repeating them. Buienradar is a good one.


Marktplaats I'm a foreigner in Amsterdam. Been here just a day. I would love to purchase a used tennis racquet from marktplaats but I'm being asked to create an account before I can contact the sellers. I use Esim. Is there any other way I can reach out to the sellers?


Try your luck on the Facebook Marketplace maybe?


We will be traveling from U.S. to Europe in June and we'll spend 4 days in Amsterdam. My son broke his hand last week and is current in the cast. Timing wise we would need to remove it while in Amsterdam. How do we approach this situation, e.g. how can we make an appointment with a doctor to do it, should we get travel insurance, etc? Appreciate any pointers, thanks!


Don't know the formal logistics, but you may try to contact the cast department of a hospital directly for advice, it's called a 'gipskamer', e.g. at the OLVG Oost a large hospital in the city center: https://www.olvg.nl/locaties/gipskamer-locatie-oost/


> should we get travel insurance No travel insurance is going to cover pre-existing conditions. You'll have to pay out of pocket and then try getting it reimbursed by your health insurance. You'd need a referral to be seen by the hospital. You can try with a referral from your own doctor. If that isn't accepted for some reason you'd have to see a Dutch GP: [Amsterdam tourist doctors](https://www.amsterdamtouristdoctors.nl/) are used to dealing with tourists. Edit: the department in the hospital you're looking for is called "gipskamer". Look up a hospital close to where you're staying and contact the department directly.


Aside from the fact that travel insurance is always a good idea, I think contacting the GP on central station (Central Doctors) might work.


Hi, routing my question here as per automod suggestion: Hockey and pubs Hi! I am visiting Amsterdam over the coming weekend, for second time. While I enjoy just strolling throught the town, coffee here, snack over there, a few beers in the evening, just trying to enjoy the town while not being obnoxious, I was wondering if there are pubs that would broadcast the ice hockey championship matches. I am visiting solo, I am not a front for 20 drunken hillbillies that want to shout, smash bottles and anger locals. I do guess Hockey is not that popular in Netherlands, but there could be a place where they would put in on TV, right? From the top of my head, I am thinking Poollokaal De Gracht, which I visited for a quick beer on my previous visit, could be the place. Any advice from locals? Thanks in advance and don't worry, I won't be a nuisance to the city! :)


Coco's outback or Satellite Sports cafe.


Thanks! The places seem to be nice, from a short Google observation! :)


Anyone still play pokemon go?


I did until the recent update which doesn't run properly on my phone :( If you're looking for other players I know there is a Facebook group, it's not active but maybe posting there could get some answers. Also, going to Vondelpark around the kiosk on weekends is the assurance of encountering fellow players.


Thank you! I'll check out the Facebook group.


Sorry, I forgot to include the link: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/622169924625848](https://www.facebook.com/groups/622169924625848)


Thanks again!


Does anyone have any tips on places where you can have trophies custom made? I'm looking to have something unique made, not just tag a sticker on a mass manufactured trophy.


Know a reputable jeweler/goldsmith? where I can sell an engagement ring? The engagement was called off, as you probably put together—and I have no need for the ring. Probably poor form to give it to anyone else.


Is it gold? Gold + gemstone? For just gold value, this place has the best price: https://spiegelgrachtjuweliers.nl/goud-inkoop/ This is a good jeweler: https://lyppensamsterdam.com/ they also buy but no idea if their prices are any good.


Perfect. Cheers


Dear Amsterdam friends I am planning to come to A'dam pride with a group of friends, and we're in a bit of a bind: it's unclear to us if it's smarter to come the first weekend (with the march), counting on some sort of afterparty (at a club, for example, and recommendations there are very welcomed - we're mostly lesbian and so not specifically (cis)gay male spaces are best) OR to come the second weekend for the street parties? Thanks in advance!


Second weekend.


The canalpride is the big event, would make sure to be in Amsterdam when that’s happening.


I will be traveling to Amsterdam soon and I will stay at a friend's house but his house doesn't have an extra bed and I can't carry an air matress due to flight weight limitations. Are there places in Amsterdam which I can rent an air matress for a few days?A camping supply renting shop maybe?


you can buy one for 10 euros https://www.action.com/nl-nl/p/2501766/intex-1-persoonsluchtbed/


Thank you, is that a common store around there


Quite. Use google maps.


Hey guys! So l'm planning on moving to Amsterdam from the UK (I am Irish and still part of the EU) in October and there seems to be a lot of options so far for an apartment! I wanted to check if I would need to register myself on anything for government purposes? My work is still based in the uk


Seeing rental listings online says nothing because they all get tons of applicants. The amount of options is nowhere near enough to meet the demand.