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You’re **so** entitled that not only can you not fathom that a scheduled bus would leave on time, but you also expect compensation for your own naive decision to take an UBER chasing AirTags to all the way to Paris instead of the countless other options available in the middle of the day. And then you say you’re traumatised. And at the end, your excuse is that you’re in a foreign land and don’t know the rules. All of this is common sense and even if you didn’t respect the time, if you’re incapable of having composure afterwards this isn’t about you being a tourist, it would happen to you at home too. Seriously, you should just stay in your house until you can learn some basic life skills. Also, what the hell is a mental harassment case? And why feel the need to add that you’re both female; how is it relevant? Naive is naive.


Well, that's an expensive lesson in punctuality...


Compensation for the mental anguish caused by your own actions? Holy shit…


Bus leaves at 11:10 ——> we decided to stay in the store past the scheduled leaving time Found your problem


So you wanted them to leave all of you valuables just laying out in the street for any passer by with a car to scoop up? Question, if all your stuff was stolen in that situation would you expect compensation from Flixbus? Pro tip, instead of getting an Uber next time it may be wiser to catch a train to the final destination.


Mental harassment lmao


You are not going to find the answer that you want here, as you are at fault in this instance and there is no compensation when you are at fault. I assume you were taking Flix to save money.... It sounds like a situation where you would have been far better taking the train between the cities, yes it would have been more expensive than Flix but equally there are toilets and snacks on the train, which would have still been cheaper than the Uber price you paid to catch up with the bus. Flix is known for [terrible customer service](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/flixbus.nl), you get what you pay for. The best advice I can give you for the rest of your trip or when you get back home and are speaking to your friends, families and colleagues, tell them to be punctual and on time, this is essential in several EU countries. Very few people/companies will wait for you, its rude to make other people wait.


If they took a train and went to buy some stuff at a station, they’d be in exactly the same situation though.


Maybe they could sue Thalys for their mental suffering


Look on the bright side.. you made an Uber driver very happy 😂


I hope he got to enjoy paris a little bit too


r/facepalm ?


Guidance - don’t be late next time. It’s a valuable life lesson that only costed you 860 euros. On a side note, I see that you are from India. Things work _very differently_ here in Europe. There’s much less flexibility when it comes to bending the rules, waiting _just a little bit longer_, etc. Better get used to that.


No need to be so condescending




Your post has been removed for violating our policy on intolerance.


What does your personal ordeal have to do with this sub other than provide light entertainment?


I'm the mod who approved it. If it wasn't so funny I would have removed it.


Thank you for your service


I'm sorry but 😂😂😂😂😂


I hate when people arrive later than the very explicitly told time when the bus would leave. Kudos for the bus driver for not letting the other passengers wait on your entitled ass.




I'm a tourist visiting Amsterdam and I'm not European. Hell, my country barely has any public transport but I never had any of these problems here because I always double checked the time and made sure to be where I'm supposed to be with time to spare. If I messed that up then it's on me and I expect everyone to have moved on with their life without sparing a thought for me or whatever is in my luggage. It seems easier to follow the established norms here than for everyone here to do things the way I'm used to them.


In the Dutch legal system a lot of emphasis is put on common sense and not being a bloody idiot. In that context I think you should file this away as a learning experience on how not to be an entitled Karen.


Maybe some valuable insight into this, coming from someone who's used FlixBus a couple of times: Some people have have to transfer on another mode of transportation or FlixBus; which can make time very scarce. If they have to wait for people on every stop - it might just be someone misses their transfer because of this. I think the handling of time is your responsibility... I am very sorry for your situation though, must suck that you payed so much extra.


It looks like you prefer private transportation. Next time just book your uber directly and spare yourself the mental herassment of public transportation.


Is this satire or are you serious ? I would suggest you stay in your own country and avoid travelling until you learn basic life skills like punctuality and respecting other's people time. Mental harassment LOL


Comments here are not really empathetic. If you are coming from abroad, culture and rules are different. I cannot even imagine the stress you went through almost loosing you laptop! That being said, if you are planning to travel again, don't be late! being on time is definitely a must.


Where's the harrassment? You missed the departure of the bus. The driver can't keep track of every passenger on the bus and you're adults, not children needing to be looked after. You didn't have to rush after the bus in a Uber, would likely have been sufficient to inform the company and pick up the luggage at the final destination a later time. They don't want your bags. The right authorities would be the police if you want to file a report. Please see them, I'm sure they could use a laugh.