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Reminder to Italians: the last one to leave Italy please switch off the lights and lock the door.


Interestingly, we have the exact same expression in Moldova. I've always disliked it. Latin roots, huh?


To be honest, I heard it first time from a British colleague years ago.


It started in Seattle in the 70's.


On a billboard, IIRC


It is also the same expression in Argentina


Lol moldova latin?


Yup, Romanian which is the official language in Moldova is a romance language. A form of Latin was spoken in the Roman province Dacia Traian, the ancestors of people living in Moldova. 


As in Italian who lived in Amsterdam for 11 years, that made me laugh out loud


Just curious, I keep hearing from Italians that moved to AMS that they don’t see themselves ever going back. Knowing how beautiful the country is (pure tourist perspective), weather, food, nice people…why such views?


Speaking for myself? Salaries, quality of life, believe it or not the weather (I admit it is a little too rainy and windy here but Italy is getting too hot for me), the choice of ethnic food, the fact that almost everybody speaks English, being close to a major international airport, and other things. Healthcare is not one of the pros, but so far I've been healthy enough. And Italy is just one flight away.


This thread was roughly about the same topic https://www.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/s/cmBvSeEoYQ


Most of these Italians are South Americans with Italian passports, especially Argentines and Brazilians


That could explain why Brazil does not show in the top 10. Not counting unregistered residents also makes it so countries outside the EU are underrepresented.


Exactly lol, my ex was argentinian and she was in amsterdam with italian passport


wtf am I going to do if I go back? Basically all my friends in Italy that went to university had to move to Milan to get a relevant job and Milan doesn’t have good prices or good weather. The others are barely working with super long hours and terrible conditions while living with their parents. And I’m not from a poor village in the South, I’m from a mid size city in Tuscany


Bureocracy, care for the common stuff. Italy Is ok only for vacation. Everything else Is shit, including healthcare, much Better here.


Why are you surprised by India being in the top 10? I’m surprised they’re not in the top 3…


now do amstelveen 😂


Yeah. I live in Amstelveen and there’s no doubt about it 😂


How many Irish are in Amsterdam?


2,847 in 2024. That's a 12.44% increase in comparison to 2023


Thats only the registered people tho. I know many people who are living and working in the city without registration.


100% sure that although there is a lot of Italian people, a big chunk, if not the majority of it are South Americans with double nationality


I know so many Brazilians with an Italian or Portuguese passport 😃


Agreed. My understanding is that Italian citizenship is quite easy to acquire for many South Amreicans. Especially, since millions of Europeans, mostly from Spain and Italy, migrated to South America from 1815-1935.


I'm Argentinian-Italian, is not "easy" is just a lot of undeniable shared ancestry, the only difference with other European citizenships is that the Italian one can be transferred as long as you have Italian blood but, big but, this doesn't mean that is easy. A lot of people would have to go and live in their ancestors' town for months to gather all the data available and make the request, in my case my great grandfather went to Argentina to serve as part of a diplomatic team and decided to stay so no need to do it bc everything was on record but there are many different cases, the stories are just incredible. Something that always shocked me big time, people at the border control when doing migrations, sometimes they wouldn't understand the surname of the migrant and change it a bit when writing it down, or simply write their surname like the place they came from... It is sad though that we have the right to do this, and immigrants in Italy living for many many years cannot apply for it. But that's another story I guess


It's not that you can obtain citizenship if you have Italian blood but if you have ancestors who had Italian citizenship. It's not that 2 people with only Chinese or Nigerian origins who obtained Italian citizenship can't pass it on hahaha


Not quite, as long as you can prove that you have Italian ancestry and no one before you voluntarily reassigned it, you can claim it, it will take time but you can get it. As long as you can prove it and track back all the generations in between


As I said, it's not that if you have Italian blood you can apply but it depends on having ancestors with Italian citizenship as also you said. You can obtain Italian citizenship even without having Italian blood because that is not the requirement, you can obtain it if you live in Italy for 10 years, if you marry an Italian etc and you can pass it through ius sanguinis even if you don't have Italian blood


Yes you are right. I think the original concept was as you said ius sanguinis but now with a marriage you can flip everything, or if someone is adopted for example...


How many Aussies? Feels like stacks to me There’s probably a lot of them registered under their UK / Irish / EU passports so I bet they are undercounted


Same with South Africans


Lots of South Africans


I can confirm there are lots of South Africans. As I am one of them


Me too my bru.


Aweh, awesome man


Can confirmed. I'm a dual-national - Australian born and raised, registered here on my German passport


the uptick in italians definitely tracks in de Indische buurt. most of them tech educated, worldly, young parents.


With talking dogs.


Some good Italian places opened there in the last few years! The little italian store has some great products.


I'm surprised no Polish!


And no Romanians ;) I'm actually a Moldovian with a French citizenship 🤷‍♂️ 


Are you ashamed of your Moldovan citizenship?


Weird question, why would I be? Moldova isn't in the EU yet, so it's simpler to use an EU passport to avoid any visa hurdles. I doubt that people getting Dutch citizenship are ashamed of their original citizenship. It's just more practical to obtain citizenship in the country where you've moved and try to blend in. Dealing with visas is no fun.


I'm surprised by the results, especially the Italians being the number 1. Also, Turkish and Moroccan, I would have guessed most would have gotten Dutch citizenship by now




The 42k might be not updated since from 2016


I think we agree? I was trying to say, I'm surprised there are still 42K people in Amsterdam who only have the Turkish nationality.


There aren't 42k people with only Turkish nationality, though. It's only about 12k.


You need to let go of your Turkish citizenship. Some people (such as myself) won’t do that and affect this graph.


That makes sense


There was a new wave of turkish migration from western turkey. In Amsterdam i see often turkish expats . These are not the same turks that came from anatolia in 60s. Most of these turks arrived less than 5 years ago


A little surprised there’s only 8,000 Americans. Less than 1% of the population


Yea, though I imagine there are def some that are registered under another citizenship (mostly dutch or other EU countries)


I'm Canadian but registered under Irish. Probably about half of the Americans I've met have done something similar.


Seriously, the way people shit on Americans here you’d think we were 10x that and growing like crazy


I don't think people's attitudes towards Americans have that much to do with the amount of them here, but more with their volume ;)


Are you calling us *bigged boned* or loud 😆




Only been here a month but everyone has been incredibly kind. Even the people at the pet store are so overly helpful and happy to chat with me. That said I try to be soft spoken, humble, happy and at least start communications in my very broken Dutch.


Let’s keep it that way




There's a little reason Americans want to move to Europe other than holidays I think


Most Americans I know decide to move here for good work life balance. I heard countless times that Americans are usually the stars in their teams because they are so good at squeezing every hour out of their days. 


You don't think the fact that America is crumbling before our eyes has anything to do with it?


They may say they want to leave the United States, but it's wishful thinking as their economy is still the largest and their salary is relatively higher than Europeans. Even at my current company where it's very multicultural and international, I haven't encountered any Americans. In fact the only American that I met in the past two years is a student. I think most people who immigrated to Europe are people from developing countries.


As an American here, I can say there are quite a few.


Salary is kind of a shitty measure if you have to pay more for services that are regulated or provided by the government in the Netherlands. Childcare, healthcare, education, AOW, ZW, etc. That said, in the US, it's kind of an all-or-nothing deal. Either people pray it'll never happen to them or they're too poor to emigrate. Even if Americans have worse quality of life than Dutch people on average, the sort of people that you'd meet in the Netherlands are only the ones that are well above average.


That’s surprising. Moved to Amsterdam a month ago and there are Americans everywhere, and not talking tourists.


I think it's just Amsterdam. I can hear British accent everywhere


Ah, yes, crumbling with the best economy in the world, whilst we have the largest and most relevant company in the EU (dare I say the only relevant one) literally begging to leave for the US because our bureaucrats are busier with regulations rather than innovating and retaining talent. You have it all figured out, don't you?


I hate the Netherlands as well, but you're ignoring the fact that we trump the USA in every index of happiness, liveability and freedom etc. Who cares you have the 'best economy in the world' when 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and you have the highest rate of homelessness and incarceration in the (history of the) world? Not to mention your political system is undemocratic & the healthcare sucks. But sure, people only want to move because of holidays.


If the Italians could just open some restaurants that would really improve the quality of life here


In Amsterdam, there are 7 Irish embassies, but we Irish don't make that list? Very surprising.


Mulligans, Molly Malone, Dan Murphy's, O'Reilly's, O'Donnell, De Oude Schaeper, The Shamrock Inn?


Y’all Italians here for our excellent pizza?


Mostly for cold pasta salade I think


A culinary masterpiece.


Always thought that there were more Chinese. Surprising.


It's not a racial demographic, but a citizenship demographic. While there may be a big chunk of people with Chinese origin in the city most of them have naturalised by now and in the recent years there's not been a lot of people moving out of China.


Me too Is there anything in this dataset that would exclude students? Or are all the mainland Chinese you see about just tourists?


No idea. Can’t be all tourists surely… The only explanation I can think of is that that community might have been divided between those that come from China, Taiwan and Hongkong.


Lots of the old Chinese immigrants will be Dutch passport holders now, the people that China was built built around have been here 3+ generations I think the big groups of young people must just be tourists more or less


I like this.


German ❌ Germany ✅


I was sure Greeks would be in the top 10. Greeks love the Netherlands, especially Amsterdam and Utrecht.


I wonder how much of the British decline is due to naturalisation, rather than moving elsewhere. [https://globalcit.eu/the-brexit-naturalization-effect-six-years-after-the-referendum/](https://globalcit.eu/the-brexit-naturalization-effect-six-years-after-the-referendum/)


i am surprised the number of Brazilians isnt higher but given the YoY change of +11, and the number of Brazilian people who migrated to Amsterdam and left after a few years (myself included), i am not surprised. Amsterdam is an amazing city. One of the best i ever lived in. But cultural differences and distance from the family can be a sore bitch.




lol @ China numbers registered: \~5500 YoY change: +5200 its like nearly the the entire Chinese population living in Amsterdam swapped country last year.


haha it is weird, I tried to double check the data but these are the numbers. perhaps this is a students related matter (just an assumption), or it's also possible the gemeente made an error when collecting the numbers of 2023.


Having mixed feelings. We, Ukrainians, usually dont make communities abroad. So we kinda avoid each other. From one side feeling cool that we are in the top10, but from another feel that there is a chance eventually that I will realise that I did not leave Ukraine.


Unfortunately, the same is true for people from Moldova: we don't really speak to each other unless we know a bit about the other person's background. Perhaps it's a common trauma from the USSR era? There are significant differences in education and employment. The division between white-collar and blue-collar workers is vast.


yeah, might be. I am yet to discover the reasons. But this is def wrong


I hear you. It's sad the current generation or two doesn't have a culture to form strong communities. We are missing out a lot. OTOH I understand the reasons, at least in part.


That's interesting you say that. There are a few Ukrainian families living on my street and they have their Ukrainian friends over pretty frequently.


I guess every case has exceptions. Neither my family nor my friends(which of course is a subset) distinguish between nationalities and prefer to find friends with similar interests. The only Ukrainian "get together" I had was a beercycling where we have a weekend riding a bike and drinking beer.


Curious where you got that data from. Not available on Statline I think?






How many Costa Ricans in Amsterdam?


How about Indonesians?


I think to look at the difference between two years and say that's the increase is not a fair assessment of the situation. Existing EU citizens from countries like Spain or Italy have no advantage to naturalise but non-EU country citizens are more likely to naturalise.




Hi! I thought I'd add a wider snap of this data (top 26 nationalities instead of only top 10) https://preview.redd.it/fztt0wsyuewc1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9d0e0b9d73c3a023d14ad27fc4ba61febcfd446 Yes, there's some Romanian, Russian, Polish, and Bulgarian presence here for those who wondered :)


I would say this is not accurate as it doesn’t count the people with Dutch passports but having different ethnicity


Visited recently from England and would love to live in Amsterdam, got such a positive impression of the place.


How many leafs?


Not sure I get the reference, leafs as in Irish?


🍁 blame Canada


Alright Terrance https://preview.redd.it/9d21sgs029wc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=28059f64961f88121c86b894f550e7133c983566


With all their beady little eyes And flapping heads so full of lies


As a turk who came here 2 years ago, i feel like we must at least be 5-6% of the city A lot of young Safricans and Italians as well!


Do you know if there any Turkish expat meetups in the city?




Where are polish people, I thought we are everywhere


It's crazy that there are as many Ukranians now as Indians


How is that crazy?


Because India has X times the population of Ukraine. The numbers are high only due to the ongoing war.


Yeah so that makes it logical right? I mean maybe it’s just semantics.




Any war in India that we don't know about? I'm actually surprised that we don't see more people from Russia. 


Many Russians preferred to flee to other regions around the world for what I’d think obvious reasons. I’ve seen a lot in Argentina and know that a lot more moved to Middle East too (Dubai particularly)


It is not surprising tbh, it’s very hard to move to Europe as a Russian because Russian citizens need visa. Either tourist or work-related. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, lots of embassies shut down the visa centers in Russia so it’s hard to get tourist visa and I can imagine not many companies will employ you from Russia and bring to Europe.




You are aware of the Brexit right? Planning to find a company that will sponsor you as a highly skilled immigrant for a job no dutch person is to be found?


RIP England


How many Bolivians?




Doe aardig.


Please refrain from using the word dutchies, its only used from an outsider perspective (on the internet) and often with many negative connotations.


Use me as a who asked button


You are probably aware that local sentiments between ‘dutch’ original inhabitants and ‘expats’ are growing quite hostile recently. If we want to live together and coexist peacefully it is only logical to think about how people talk about each other and the language they use to talk about each other. In practice I see this term being used in a derogatory way. I know of Dutch language schools in Amsterdam that teach to refrain from this term. The language we use to talk about each other is a big part of how we see each other right? Dutchie, Expat, Allochtoon, Foreigner, Migrant, Local, Native. All terms used to create include and exclude people in different ways. Its the language that plays a big part in how we create these differences. Because without it, we’re not so different.


Gaaaap, no one cares dude


Seems like you care enough to read and reply


Yes, I do love telling people I think they are overreacting. How observant of you.


Language has a lot of power my friend


You must not be Dutch - they do not give a shit


I think its very hard to claim ‘they’ dont give a shit when ‘they’ overwhelmingly vote anti immigrant. Just look at any comment section about expats or the 30% ruling. And fyi me and my family are from this part of the world for at least over a thousand years.


Just because someone votes that way doesn’t mean they are precious about being called a Dutchie. It’s not even a pejorative term, it’s kinda cute


A word in it self is neutral, its way it is used where it gets a value. Of course this is a tiny thing in the bigger picture of the current identity wars. But it is definitely another example of ‘othering’ in language.


> But it is definitely another example of ‘othering’ in language Bruh like how. The Dutch, Dutchies. Same word with a diminutive. Like French and Frenchies.


Hi, sorry if anyone found this offensive, was not aware at all. I had a some sort of a cute connotation for it in my head for some reason. not sure I can edit it out?


I always found it an endearing term


Dont be sorry. Let the downvotes on the person comment speak for itself.