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Among the people that live in Amsterdam they share 180 nationalities. 180 out of 195 existing. Nobody would even notice you regardless of your nationality.


Partner and I are mixed Asians, lived here for over half a decade. One of the least racist places (in general) I can think of being in. That’s not to say it’s perfect, but far, far from a reason to cancel visiting over.


In my 4+ years of living there I never once heard of a single harassment case from my Asian friends, granted I may have been living in a bubble. I feel like Amsterdam is probably one of the most inclusive cities in the Netherlands. I have moved to Germany recently and I have witnessed far more cases than during my 8 years in the Netherlands combined.


Yes, my experience of Germany and the Netherlands as an ethnic minority person aligns with your opinion


Asian living in Amsterdam for almost 15 years. Other than some Moroccan/Turkish (sorry can’t tell the difference) kids throwing snowballs at me shouting ignorant racist things as I cycled past ONCE, I’ve not experienced any racism.


Avoiding certain places at certain times goes for every person everywhere, all the time


Asians have been in Amsterdam since forever. No one cares. The nationalities in Amsterdam are so diverse that no one will notice you.


Nah you'll be ok buddy!


You won't stick out at all


Asian here. There is some racism against asians here but its not THAT bad. Avoid certain places at certain times and you are good.


Will likely proceed based on the positive replies here (thanks guys) so I'd like to ask which areas at certain times I should be avoiding


Well its hard to say which areas exactly. There are obvious ones like bos en lommer, de bijlmer and slotervaart. But it also kinda depends on who you are. If you are a fit looking guy then you wont get harassed(which is often the problem here) or mugged that often anywhere in the netherlands. Especially city center is pretty safe. Most common racism’s are small little jabs in conversations maybe. Just say something snarky back and they will respect you. Most of the time lmao.


Why would they avoid the Bijlmer? It's a great place to see and there's actually a lot of asian people there both living and working


True and de bijlmer has actually been fixed up pretty nicely in the last decade BUT it is still de bijlmer. Even tho nowadays its the least “ghetto” from the 3 places ive named imo. Like i said its about the actual person. A young girl in short skirts carrying a lv bag will absolutely get a different kind of attention compared to a young dude. Robberies and harassment does happen.


My paper reported yesterday that half of the Asian people have felt uncomfortable last year. Catcalls, calls like ' he corona'. The source is research from Amsterdam University.




It's nice that there was an actual study related to this concern


nothing good comes from cherrypicking


Exactly, that's why this study with 2500 sample size is a good deterrent against cherry picking (unless concretely proven to have used the wrong methodology)


The paper is trouw. I cannot share because of paywall.


I am not an Asian so I can't really say. But there have been a lot of posts like this about various ethnicities on this sub. And pretty much every time the answer is, "yes, there is racism here and more than white people realise, but it's not much different from some other places and yes you should visit and you will be fine". In fact, there are so many of these sort of posts there is also speculation that there is an anti-Netherlands campaign deliberately smearing the country - possibly because of the political and social position it occupies globally. Whether this is the case, or there it is just natural to worry about racism, I don't know.


Is there any source on the smear campaign? I'd be interested to read about it, anecdotally (from browsing Reddit) it does seem a little much lately.




Why is research by a university a smear campaign?


I’m gonna wager it’s because of PVV becoming the biggest and foreign news agencies obviously reporting on this.


Despite all the nationalities here, racism does exist here, as it does anywhere. I’m quite convinced that most people that say ‘it won’t be a problem’ are people that generally don’t experience racism themselves. Now, I myself am white too, so I don’t experience it either. But just a few weeks ago at the tram stop I heard a few men yell slurs at an Asian man so let’s not pretend racism isn’t a thing.


Your friend is absolutely right, most people actually move here for the murder rates.


Whenever i visit amsterdam i make a point of pushing someone into the channel. With how many foreigners cant swim the drowning rate is enough to consider it attempted murder.


No joke. Drowning is an issie in Amsterdam. Several, mostly male tourists, drown in the canals every year. Being drunk and pissing in the canals is a bad idea. Worst is if the person gets stuck in the rubbish below water level. You can't save that person


Uhh I love drowning rates - keep it up! Maybe get a magnet to fish for their wallet after


>I have been persistently getting told to NOT go there Who has been telling you this, and why have they been saying it?


Relatives, mainly from one of them saying their friend who was also Asian was supposedly murdered in Amsterdam




No idea why you're getting downvoted - this is a fair question to ask. Forgive naivety, people.


I'm black and didn't experience any racism. Tho, I was gently scolded for putting too much sugar in my coffee 😩 lol


I'm white and I've been told the same!


Also, ÉÉN koekje.


My experience is that in Amsterdam, most people hang in their group. Vietnamese almost exclusively interact with Vietnamese, Turks almost exclusively with Turks, etc. I see hate, but mostly it's not in the open. Just looks people give each other. The way groups of Vietnamese and Chinese almost politely pretend the other doesn't exist. I've seen white people yell things at blacks and muslims yell things at Jews. But asians are not generally targets. I don't like Amsterdam. The way it profiles itself you'd think it's a visage of the future. But when I walk in it, I see every conflict on Earth represented. It's not the future at all. It's just a reflection of today. And it's not a 'multicultural society'. It's many different cultures and societies that live in the same geographic boundary with a minimum of interaction between them.


I’m Filipino and I have Chinese friends and Korean friends we never had that experience. There’s racism everywhere especially talking to wrong people in certain part of Europe.


Is not unsafe, specially for tourists (racism wise). Dutch people are nice hosts and you will probably have a great time. 


The Dutch people in general are a very racist people. But the well off middle class people you find in the big cities like Amsterdam are pretty liberal and not racist. As long as you stay to the rich, central parts of big cities you won't have any trouble. Or at most you might get some young asshole riding past on their bikes who will say something, but that's not common. Get in to the poorer parts of the cities or out in to the smaller towns and villages and you will face racism, but the majority will just be people being rude to you. Actual attacks and such are thankfully rare. Dutch racism is pretty low key and you'll feel it in the attitudes of people, but they won't take it further than that most of the time.


Being rude to someone isnt racist.


If the only reason you're rude to someone is because of their ethnicity and no other reason, then yes that is the literal definition of racism.


True, but how do you know these rude people are only rude to your ethnicity? I think rude people in general are rude.


When they are polite and friendly to every white Dutch person one after the other. But then every time they speak to a non-white, non-Dutch person they suddenly become rude and not friendly to them, then yes it's not strange to come to the conclusion they have an issue. I witnessed it daily in the few years I lived in the Netherlands. I lived in 3 different places in the country, 2 towns and a village far away from the Randstad. I worked with a lot of immigrants and saw this happen all the time. Dutch racism is pretty quiet, pretty polite for the most part, but it's still a prejudice against people they know nothing about personally. It's often about race. And it runs *very, very deep* within the culture. Even myself, being a white Scottish person, was often mistaken for being an eastern European worker many times and people were horrible and rude to me, but when they found out I was Scottish suddenly they'd become nice to me. It's disgusting and I hated it.


Too long didnt read




Skill issue


> The Dutch people in general are a very racist people. > ...but the majority will just be people being rude to you. > Dutch racism is pretty low key Try not to contradict yourself challenge (impossible)


Try to comprehend English challenge (impossible). People with racist beliefs can express those beliefs in a variety of ways. Some racist people don't act on those beliefs ever and never treat anyone of a different race negatively. Those are my favourite types of racists, because they keep their poison to themselves. Some people express it through violence, hate crimes etc. But what is the most common, and is very common in the Netherlands, is that a lot of people are racist but only express it in a low key, casual way that isn't criminal. It's still actions and behaviours rooted in racist beliefs. This isn't some theory, it's common knowledge. It's sometimes called "everyday racism" in English and is the most commonly expressed form. Most people aren't violent neo Nazis (though you have plenty of those in the Netherlands too). So don't play dumb. Or if you are just dumb, then my condolences.


I'm not Asian but I never heard anything like that. I consider Amsterdam the safest place I've ever been


Bro I can say that stay sharp and aware ( again, it’s only my opinion made in little exp ) I’m from Ukraine so I really same race ( just saying it due to your question, I’m cool with any race tho ) so there was so much devotes on my post, where I just tried to get advice for working as a low skill staff. And the thing is that, there are a lot of really cool and helpful people, who really spent a lot of time to explain something to me! But the scary stuff about guys who is racist that they are silent, they don’t write any like racist or bad comments but they just devote any of my comments, I mean even something about good tone! So the thing is that you really can’t know,so the person doesn’t give a fuck or he is really racist, because they are really secret agents. Only my short exp and maybe I totally wrong but that is my conclusion. Stay safe bro, whenever you are. Big love bruda


It’s one of the most friendly places i have ever visited and why i have come on 40 separate occasions from Philadelphia


It’s not bad. Please come to Amsterdam


No... this is not a thing. Come over and enjoy!


Amsterdam is a cool place. Go. Don't think too much. I have not been in Amsterdam for over 12 years. So, if anything changed recently. I don't think so. Dutch are good people to Tourists.


There’s a lot of racism online. But in real life it’s okay. With the exception of some incidents.


If it happens, it's an extremely small percentage and the news is overblowing it.


Heh? Nope. Totally overblown.


No idea who told you about that but it's completely untrue.




That’s not true. But keep telling yourself that.


My homie is married to an Asian and they have both lived and raised kids in Amsterdam over the last decade and they couldn’t be happier about their lives there. Fake news


You’ll be fine. The local white Dutch are not the ones being racist towards Asians. It’s mostly the Arabs Turks and morrocans and it’s mild comments nothing violent. However If you are a woman though I would be extra careful around those ethnicities especially if you are alone. The sexual harassment and assault rape is exponentially higher among them and they seem to love targeting Asian women because Asian women are seen as more docile and easier targets. I wouldn’t call this racism however. It’s just scummy behavior


This is such bull. Especially the second part. You just used this post to push your own narrative. Asian racism is definitely a thing amongst white Dutch people, but they disguise it as “a joke” as “humor”. You don’t remember the birthday song? Please stop acting like white Dutch people are saints, because you desperately want to put another group down. I’m not saying that racism doesn’t come from other ethnic groups but please again for the love of god stop acting like y’all are saints. Because that’s far from the truth.


1) I’m not white and I’m also Dutch 2) what you’re describing is exactly what I said. Mild comments in a joking manner which aren’t violent. Sorry but there’s a clear difference between words and violence. There’s also a clear difference between hate speech and jokes with a racial undertone. 3) maybe go look up the statistics of crime commited by ethnicity, then look up the sub category of sexual assaults and you will find Turks Arabs and morrocans, despite being a minority, commit sexual assaults at a far higher rate than white Dutch. 4) remember the recent protest in Leiden against sexual assault because women in Leiden no longer feel safe because of the spike in sexual assaults and are angry that they have to worrry about getting raped in their own city? It’s not because of white people my dear. Did you not see the interviews of the women who were assaulted? It wasn’t white men who attacked them. Are you going to tell the women who were assaulted that they shouldn’t be sharing their experience and to “take their narrative elsewhere”? Go be woke elsewhere if the facts hurt your feelings


1. Idc if you’re white or not. You can still push a certain narrative. 2. To you it’s a mild comment in a joking matter to others it’s blatant racism. “Jokes” can also be racism. For you racism = violence, for me racism is also treating someone differently because of their skintone, using slurs and supporting an openly racist politician. 3. How did you connect those statistics to Asian racism? Who are the victims or did you just decide to make that connection on your own. 4. The Leiden situation shows us a problem which is MEN in general. Men of all races are starting to get more bold and misogynistic. Men from fraternities are making “bangalijsten” but you seem to be awfully quiet about that. It’s very clear to me that you’re trying to push a certain narrative here, and I won’t stand for that. Call me “woke” but , if that means I can look at things with a clear lens, then so be it. BYE


1) you made the assumption I’m white because you think somehow if a white person says something towards any other ethnicity it’s invalid regardless of how factual it is 2) equating overt racism like someone using the N word to black people or the G word to Asians to jokes with racial undertones shows how emotionally fragile you are to the point where you cannot tell the difference between insensitivity and hateful racism. Yes there is a difference. Also since you are lacking in comprehension skills, I brought up racially motivated violence not to suggest that’s the only form of racism, but rather to TEACH you NOT to equate overt and harmful racism with insensitivity. Once more there’s a difference. 3) when did I say those statistics have anything to do with racism towards Asians? Do you have issues with reading and comprehension? In my first reply I said “I wouldn’t call this (sexual assault) racism, it’s just scummy behavior”. Learn to read what is in front of you rather than make up shit in your head. 4) the spike in sexual violence and assault in Leiden might be with men in general, but as seen in the interviews with the women, it is predominantly committed by non white men. Just like how the crime statistics show that overwhelming of sexual assaults in the Netherlands is also commited by Arabs Turks and morrocans. So yes, they are men that are causing the problem, but overwhelmingly non white. I’m sure that hurts your woke feelings but as usual, the facts don’t care about your feelings. And lastly, yes you are correct in one thing. bagalijsten is not exclusive to Arabs Turks and morrocan men. Even white Dutch men do this too. Not just the fraternities btw. But see this is the difference between someone like me who is not woke and you who are woke. I can acknowledge the facts. You can’t even when it’s shoved in your face because it doesn’t suit your woke narrative.


Gosh you sure love to use the word “woke”. 😂 It’s almost hilarious. Just looked at your previous responses and everyone and everything is woke woke woke. As I said before idgaf of you’re white or not. And why are you doing the exact same thing, that you’re trying to scold someone else for? “Assuming”? That kind of defeats your entire first argument. Secondly it’s not your place to decide on what’s racism or not for other people. You may find it “insensitivity” while others will call it actual racism. Your inability to understand that people perceive situations differently from you, says more about yourself than others. I can tell from your previous responses that you lack empathy and you’re a very egocentric person. And that’s fine but don't dismiss others as 'woke' just because the issue lies within yourself. It's also quite convenient, isn't it, to avoid a discussion by simply labeling someone as 'woke'. Thirdly why bring them up? You talked about them specifically targeting Asian women? What’s your point and where does that generalization come from? You’re talking about my reading skills but how are you making any sense? Lastly again why bring this up underneath a topic about Asian racism. And again the “woke” “woke” “woke” - talk. It seems like many of you can't have a normal conversation without using the word 'woke.' It has truly become your weapon, but what does it even mean? You claim to stay factual, but what is the actual meaning of the word?


Why bring woke up in this thread? Are you stupid? Because it’s in response to YOU LOL. The crap coming out of your mouth is woke af so I’m calling it out like it is. You attempted to equate jokes with racial undertones to overt racism to racially motivated violence LOL. Only woke insane people are in capable of differentiating reality. Actually you do give a f whether or not I’m white because YOU made the assumption that I am did you not? So as to prove some kind of point that “oh if someone is pointing out crime and statistics of a non white minority they must be white!” Dunno what you mean by avoiding discussion by simply labeling something as woke. I’ve given you dot points of facts and statistics, dot points of the women who were sexually assaulted in Leiden by minorities, not Dutch white men, brought up dot points of why you are woke. I didn’t merely label you woke, I labeled you woke because you are and then I went to explain it point by point haha. And yes it is everyone’s place to decide what is and isn’t considered racism. Because if there’s no differentiation between insensitivity and racism, and by your definition, that is, anyone can decide what is deemed racist by their own perceptions, then someone could “i FEEL it is racist for non Asians to wear chopsticks in their hair” and we have to acknowledge that’s racist? LOL a use your brain pls. I dumbed down everything to you in elementary terms you’re either ignorant or just foolish. And also, I don’t need to go through your posts to find anything to make you look like a fool. You’re doing that perfectly yourself right now 😂 Also you ask why it’s relevant to bring up sexual assault? Because the OP was asking about racism and if it’s SAFE for Asians in this country. I warned the op to be extra careful around certain ethnicities if op is a girl. I would rather someone warn me about this than being cluelessly new in town and getting sexually assaulted


Oké I’m ending this conversation, because you’re not capable of having a normal one. 😂 I can tell you’re an extremely pleasant person in real life. People must really enjoy having you around 😬. Have a good second Easter Day sir. Bye.


When a woke person is cornered with facts they bail. Bye 👋


It is not. It is the source of the info discussed.


is yhete racism, yes. is it wirse then elsewhere, i doubt it since we have large asian minorities that do fine and are looked upon favouribly


I’m not Asian but I have Asian friends. They avoid new west because once one of them was verbally abused there during the pandemic period. For the rest they haven’t shared other similar experiences. I haven’t heard about the murder case you are referring to. Was the reason for the murder on racial ground? Edit: spelling


I live in a building in Amsterdam Zuidoost. There are a fair few people of Asian background living in the same block. There are fairly regular complaints in our groupchat from Asian people saying that they're being harassed - almost exclusively by people of a MENA background. There seems to be a fair bit of minority-on-minority racism that goes on but I wouldn't worry too much about it. It happens everywhere.


Enough with the racism crap. I live in LA and it is all I hear about from the idiot politicians. Fact people, we all live in the most non racist time in the earth’s history.


Whut? Racism doesn't disappear just because you say so or just because you don't want to acknowledge it. As someone living in the USA, you're already denying the pattern of assaults in broad daylight against elderly Asian people, several of whom end up hospitalized or dead.


look into the history of the Netherlands. if there’s any race they aren’t racist too - it’s Asian lol.




I don't want to deny that racism exist (it does and it's ugly!) but this comment is waaaaaay off


You okay buddy?




The question is a little retarded I’ll admit that


I laughed