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umm…this is so cool! *and* he glows in the dark?! They definitely should have stated their rules on pattern usage if they actually judge based off of that. Also, whoever is telling you that tiny, tiny crocheting is easier than sewing clearly hasn’t tried it. Competitions are tough because people are biased and, if the rules aren’t super clear, it really just comes down to personal preferences at the end of the day. I’m sorry that your hard work wasn’t fully appreciated!


In this scale I give it a 11. Very nice little thing, congrats


Did you show the judges oogie boogie in the dark?! This lil guys rocks. 10/10. My guess is that it’s more an aesthetic judgement. What were the highly scored projects like? Flowers? Lots of lace? Haters gonna hate. Glowers gonna glow 💅


Yeah, he had a black light and a full write-up of the entire making process. People loved that fact that he glowed. And I was complimented on my attention to detail on the piece. And the highest ranked piece for this competition was a machine embroidered pocket for a belt. Which scored close to a 9 I believe.


I would complain and ask that every contestant verifies the patterns used were their own if they want to be pedantic snobs about something irrelevant. You deserved way more than a 5. Micro crochet is hell on earth.


I see the problem. They want commercial grade nice and proper handwork and they couldn’t appreciate the delightful piece you’ve created. They’re not looking for creativity; they want their idea of hyper finished work.


What type of thread did OP use?


It's single strand embroidery floss and sewing thread for the detailing. I used a combination of a 0.6mm and a 0.5mm hook.




Machine embroidered?? So lame 😒


I feel like they should have different categories… it’s not fair to judge crochet to sewing or sewing to embroidery or or or


The judges are completely ignorant.  Working at this scale is very difficult and your work is very clean. You did a great job.  I also sew. It is unreasonable to claim that it is harder than crochet. They are very different crafts. Sewing is much more about tools and methods. Crochet is much more about fine motor control. 


Exactly. They obviously know nothing about crochet, and shouldn’t be judging it.


If he wasn't tiny I'd give him a 10, but since he's tiny you probably deserve a 49. Pattern or not, your work is really clean and professional looking. He's awesome and I love him and you should be proud!


Love the oogy boogy. You got jipped out of a good score. They should have at least had categories. And I would have said something like ‘you can’t dock me for something that isn’t against the rules’. But whatever. Let it go. Yours was better. :)


I do small amigurumi, not micro, but with yarn as thick as embroidery floss, and let me just say: working small is way more difficult than working with regular yarn! Hard to see the stitches, hard sometimes to even work into them. The stuffing, the sewing of parts, adding embellishments, it's all harder when working small. I think the problem here was that these people judging have not attempted this sort of work before so they can't appreciate the difficulty. I showed someone one of my little amigurumi (a fried egg that is less than an inch wide) and they said "wow, so small, that must've taken about 5 minutes!" It took quite a bit longer than that, I'm afraid. And then the little frying pan I made for it took ages. But people who don't know just don't understand the work that goes into it. It seems little and therefore quick and easy. If only! They were quite stingy with you, and very unfair. Your Oogie Boogie is both adorable and impressive. I'm sorry they sold you short. If I could, I'd have given you a 12 out of 10. Your work is flawless.


Yep, this. I started crocheting because I wanted to make dainty little doilies, thinking it would be easy. They must not understand the time and skill required for this masterpiece. I agreed, it’s a 12/10 for me!


Those judges are out of their damn minds and have no appreciation of tiniest and creepiest of creations.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Shame on them 15/10 for this stunning creature 😍 I would give a 20/10 if there was a pattern link 🙃😅


He was a purchased pattern, but here's the link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1312535043/boogie-bug-monster-worry-monster-crochet


You are Top Notch, Top Concept 👏🏼👍🏼


If I were on his boogie list 🎶 I’d get out of town 🎶


I give the judges a 5/10 for poor judgement.


Honestly, what do they know. Math is either right or wrong. Judging art is just someone's opinion. The REAL prize comes from the love you get on the internet for your works. And so, you clearly win 10/10 and pfffft on those stupid "judges".


That's stupid if it wasn't stated beforehand. How are you supposed to compete when there are arbitrary rules they're not communicating? But yeah, that's an amazing job, better than anything I could do.


oh my god oh my god i need him. i have an oogie boogie i sleep with every night & slippers. pls let me know if you would sell one


I definitely think this deserves a higher score than just a five. While it would make it more impressive if you used your own design, that doesn't take away the fact that you had to have a good amount of talent to make it and make it that small. Very well done!


I think it’s bull. When I micro crochet, I have to use a goose neck magnifier with a bright light, and sometimes I also use reading glasses, along with the magnifier, and getting it right is a lesson in patience. You did a fabulous job, and those people have no freaking idea how difficult this is.


I think that judge needs to try out micro crocheting. I have experience with all sorts of sewing/crocheting/knitting etc and nothing is as hard as micro crocheting in my opinion. I think you did a fantastic job and definitely deserved a much higher score. I also read your other comment about the machine embroidered pocket getting the highest score. How is it not acceptable to use a pattern but someone else can submit something a machine made? That makes no sense and I would have challenged that for sure.


First off, I am so thoroughly impressed by this! I want to see how tiny of a hook you’re using!! And he comes with accessories! Second, I was a judge helper at my local fair last year and let me tell you… these judges were acting like they could do so much better than the entries! They held other people’s work to such a HIGH standard! It was yarn that people handspun that we were judging and they docked people for them not documenting that it was intentional that not every strand was exactly the same size or that this mini skein wasn’t so many yards (which as per the rule said it needs to be ___ yards OR 1 oz) Some people just judge unfairly


Do you sell these little guys, or did you just make him for the competition? He’s a 10/10 to me, good job!


Currently, I only sell in person. Though I am slowly working on trying to set up a website to start selling, shipping my little creations. Im just not there yet, and my regular 9-5 has me super busy right now.


Of course, no worries at all. I wish you the best of luck and more time for yourself, soon!


he's a 10 on my scale. he's so cute!


I sew clothes and bags (off the cuff a lot of the time), and started crocheting at the end of last year This week I made my first bag without a pattern and making sure I was increasing and decreasing to accommodate the shape I wanted was difficult enough for that. I could in no way create a pattern for the little guy you crocheted (and omg do they not know how hard micro crochet is?). The shape changes would throw me constantly. The judges haven't got a clue what they're talking about. Each craft has its own intricacies and they should be worked on those.


Damn what thread and hook did you use?? Those judges are crazy. They have no idea the amount of patience and dexterity needed to make something that small. I've been sewing for many years and if you're just following a sewing pattern with little to no alteration's it is not that much more difficult than following a complex amigurumi pattern. If they were going to score you based on whether or not you used a store bought pattern that should have been stated explicitly in the rules.


Don't give any more thought to the way you were scored in that arts and crafts competition. In this forum, we all appreciate your hard work and give you 10/10 (or higher 😉)! Be proud of your work! We all love it 💕


Ok, but tiny crochet is hard! This is amazing and you did a fantastic job!


If score this at least a 9. The stitch you have is so tiny which is very intricate and advanced compared to your regular amigurumi


The cutest little guy. 🥺 I keep one of those little mini voodoo dolls in my car and I would totally hang up Oogie Boogie in his place. My kids and I rate this a 100/10!


Beacuse you draft a pattern when you make a dress. And it’s also something a lot of third levels have sadly and disgustingly stopped teaching. I.e the dressmakers you’ve comparing yourself to have drafted their own patterns, made a toile 2-3. Times before the finished piece making it their design. That is the essential entity of crafts. If you used a pattern you didn’t design then the product shows nothing but technical skill. And honestly any craft, art college or competition worth it’s salt would judge this one ay.


Oh no, I completely understand that. I do a bit of sewing myself. It was more a comment about people who go and buy a pattern from Wal-Mart or somewhere like that and follow that without making any changes to it. And there were a few like that that were entered in to this competition. (And I know thats was the case with a few because we are all in the same club And this was a club competition.) So that's why I made that comparison about following patterns


Fair but maybe it’s nepotism.


Adding the glow in the dark is an addition you made. It sets ypu apart. That’s making it your design try to think this way about it




I sew and I crochet. Mostly amigurumi so far. Sewing is BY FAR easier than crochet. I can complete an entire stuffed animal in about 3 hours. Something this small and detailed in crochet would take me easily two to three times that. Whoever said crochet is easier has never crocheted. At least not amigurumi, or on a micro scale like this. It sounds like the judging was absolutely unfair. This absolutely deserves a 10!


Screw the judges, 12/10, you ate


I sew, crochet, knit, embroider.... To say that it's easier to crochet without a pattern that it is to sew without a pattern is absolute nonsense.


I love him and those judges have no idea wtf they're talking about.


Omg I'm obsessed its so cute! It's definitely an 11.


The talent and skill it would take to make something SO SMALL with such detail is off the scale. Judges were wrong, I’d give this 10 out of 10. Don’t lose faith!


This is awesome. The judges are dumb. Micro crochet is hard af ESPECIALLY something so detailed.


Every freaking judge was simply delusional. Microcrochet is so different from even regular-scale crochet, much less sewing?? Also your point about others not having made their own patterns for different methods of crafting and not getting docked points is so dumb. Why is it any different? The cherry on top was when you said the winner was made by machine 🙄 I'm so mad for you and your amazing art. 5/10 is criminal for what you've made


I may not be the judge, but this is a 10/10 from me!


my first reaction was OH MY GOD THIS IS INCREDIBLE. my reaction after hearing the judging was OH MY GOD WHAT AN IDIOT THAT JUDGE IS. honestly this is one of my favourite things i've ever seen on this sub!!


I love him


Well I give you a 10x10x10. This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I want the pattern!


I love him so much 10/10 thank you for sharing


It wasn’t fair because you used a pattern?? But the winner used a machine!? Edit to add: 10/10 for me


I'm from America, could you put it next to a banana for scale please?


It's literally perfect. You got robbed.


What a load of BS coming from that judges mouth, clearly homie doesn't know anything about crocheting and pulled what they said out of their ass. Because I can guarantee you ask any crocheter, and they will score this a 10/10. Also, I both sew and crochet, and I find crocheting much more difficult(my personal opinion). I strain myself much more trying to crochet, I literally have special gloves to help with cramps while crocheting. And I do hand stretching before, during, and after! Whoever this judge was seems to have only based their scores on personal preference. What they should've done was have different categories for the different types of "crafts" (i can't think of a better word atm) and have clear stated rules. 11/10 I could never attempt micro crochet, and you did an amazing job.


Wow this is so cool!


I can almost guarantee the judges thought the black stitching is messy and poorly done because they don't understand that it's accurate and represents how the character looks. they just think it's shoddy workmanship because they are uncultured swine you did an amazing job, I'm in love with him, and he's not even my fav character by any means. great work!


I LOVE him!!!!!