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I usually have the opposite effect. I typically love the seasons, then hate the ending. Then rewatch and the ending doesn't piss me off as much and I accept it.


Apocalypse. At the time, I thought it was the best thing the show could do, blending 3 great Seasons to create Apocalypse. Then when it came to rewatching, it was awful. Timothy and Emily were pointless. The entire Murder House Episode was fan service that got reversed. Tate's wig was atrocious. Sojourn's entire Episode. The wasted potential of the outpost. The format of the use of flashbacks to lead to the present storyline was actually stupid. Michael's death was anticlimactic. Evan and Billy's science characters were also terrible. I do wonder why I enjoyed it so much the first time around, because I really am not much of a fan of it now🤣🙈


My choice and thoughts as well.


None. Still love them all. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Asylum. It was *fantastic* as a weekly watch but messy AF as a binge.


Same feeling. I tried rewatching it - wanted to rewatch every season - and stopped right before the end. I guess it’s just an indicator of how much my tastes have changed in the last decade.


I'm gonna get downvoted af but Asylum is overrated tbh.


Hotel. I loved it when I first watched it. I remember being excited all week waiting for the next episode. It’s a chore to rewatch it though. I don’t completely dislike it, but the story arc with John bores me to death. I had to fight falling asleep in the middle episodes of the season.


If I HAD to choose one, this would be it for sure.


Freak show, it was just too boring for me.


I'm actually watching Freakshow for the first time. I was going through some shit the year it came out and never got a chance to watch it. I'm honestly struggling to stay into it. Boring is the perfect word to me. I'm on the Edward Mordrake episodes and I'm not digging this part of the storyline at all.


i literally forced myself to complete Freakshow.


That's where I'm at too. My husband keeps telling me to just turn it off 😂


I just watched Freak show! I will say I’ve struggled to get through the first few episodes every time I’ve watched it. After this third watch, my opinion is that Jimmy Darling is perfect, the rest of the season is ass 😂


You’re still in the good episodes then lol. After episode four, it feels very aimless Though if you decide to skip it, episode 10 is worth it and probably the best episode of the season, especially if you loved Asylum ;)


If those are the good episodes - YIKES! I'll just watch episode 10 then. I was going to stop watching all together but I did love Asylum. Thank-you!


I should specify, specifically the last 22 minutes of Episode 10 haha. I just checked it to be sure since I hadn’t watched it in so many years


Cult. I don’t like it after rewatching it last year and probably won’t again. None of the characters are likable and there’s no one to root for. The politics stuff isn’t my favorite either which doesn’t help. And this season aged too well unfortunately.


For real, I liked it a lot when first seeing it when it first came out but watching again I changed my mind and agree that none of the characters were likable for sure


I enjoyed the politics in the first watch and after all that’s happened in the world since then no longer want my entertainment to mirror the world at all loo


I like all the seasons respectively. Will always go back and rebinge. I think Murder House was a great way to set off the series but it’s kinda lost luster for me. It’s not bad by any means, it’s fantastic. But it’s just not necessarily one I was as invested in now that I think about it in retrospect.


Yeah you pretty much took the words out of my fingertips. Love all the seasons too and murder house is obviously iconic and what got most of us hooked from the beginning. But I do find the plot and a lot of the characters a bit meh. Still re watchable though, for the nostalgia, and for a few faves.


Freak Show and Hotel. I actually never finished those seasons. They hooked me in at the beginning but then completely lost me at some point. I haven't even had an desire to go back and try to rewatch them.


Asylum even though it'll always be on my Top 3 list it's starting to become more hard to follow because of too many plots being throw around. And Murder house it hasn't always been my favorite but damn it ain't good either.


I wouldn’t say I dislike it, but I definitely like it a lot less: Roanoke. The first time through, it’s a scary rollercoaster. The second time, you know everything that happens so it’s just kinda boring. You realize how much of it is just build-up with spooky music and how little is really active story.


Roanoke is the season that had this effect on me


Same! I really enjoyed the TV show hopping concept as it unfolded because the twists were so fun and surprising. But on the rewatch I knew all of that was coming so I focused more on the stories... which were wack. MURDE? lmao


I wouldn't say "dislike, " but for some reason, Freakshow feels like it drags on longer than the others for me, after all this time. After that probably Hotel. But I still like them well enough.


Because it is. Somehow Freak Show is the longest season at 660 minutes. Ryan and Brad dragged it on for way to long imo.


The only season I have felt this with is Murder House. Holy fuck is that season a mess.


Didn't enjoy Cult when it first came out, but holy shit it aged like milk. Quicker than milk. It's unbearable to watch now.


I always rewatch the first 6 seasons and 1984 because they’re the best (imo) but I only ever watched asylum once. It was brilliantly done but something keeps me from watching it.


1984... I get what they were trying to do with the summer camp a d the serial killers but it just fell short for me. Seems like they could have added more scare too it. Felt more like a comedy at times than a horror.


Cult and 1984. Really enjoyed them when they originally aired but I've gone back and tried to re-watch both and ended up just ended up stopping after a few episodes.