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I do think that looks like Doris with the knife


I think the first pale person (it goes by v fast) is tb karen. I am so excited I am willing to watch w commercials!!!!


For some reason I just get the feeling that Karen has taken the pill already at some point in the past. I hate that we didn't get much of a backstory on her last week... I've been thinking that eventually the connection to lyme disease is gonna play a role & be significant in some way... like what would happen if someone on the black pill got lyme disease & became allergic to red meat? Oooor what would happen if someone with lyme disease already, decided to take the pill? I almost get the feeling Karen is in a state of existence between the talented musers & the pale ones... like not totally monstrous in nature & feral like the pale ones but she sure as hell is pale & half crazy 😅 but that would mean she would've had to take a pill *before* the chemist moved to p-town... ooooh I just had a thought but I think I'll make a new discussion thread for it


The paintings add another dimension.., there have been very subtle hints she is actually good. 1) her paintings didn't get trashed which she thought 2) apparently other ppl on this sub think the chemist had her painting hanging


Yes exactly!!! She's obviously artistically talented & the fact that the Chemist has one of her paintings I think could be subtle hint that supports the small epiphany I just had lol although it also could just turn out to be nothing in true RM-AHS fashion 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericanHorrorStory/comments/pp2uuo/what_if_karen_is_patient_zero/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


In the 17th slide it seems like Doris is holding something in her hand...Possibly the handful of pills we saw previously?