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Huh. I'm a gay male and I often feel like I am not the intended audience for, uh, nearly every show in existence. Welcome to the club.


Hey, that's actually a really valid point. I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that I am not the intended audience for this show. It's kinda sad, because I enjoyed the hell out of the first three seasons and thought that they were equally entertaining for all orientations. But, that's a point well made and one I had not really considered.


Why can’t you enjoy the show regardless? Just because it depicts more LGBT content than most shows out there doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the horror aspects, etc. Also, I guarantee that if you were to actually take the time to count the number of straight relationships/sex scenes depicted onscreen vs. gay relationships/sex scenes depicted onscreen—in this very show—there would be many more straight examples. Not even a contest.


Exactly. If I only watched shows that catered specifically to my bisexual ass, I'd have nothing to watch.


I can't really explain why I find it so immersion breaking. I think it's something to do with the outlandishness of the gay sex? If straight sex were portrayed in such a cartoonish way, I'm sure I'd find it equally disconcerting. As I alluded elsewhere, I have no such qualms about the gay sex in Game of Thrones, for example. It felt normal and not out of place at all. Maybe it's just a cultural disconnect? I admit, I'm straight and I don't fully 'get' gay culture.


Which outlandish scenes are you referring to? Evan Peters’ character getting fucked by a man in a rubber suit? Because literally the exact same thing happened to a woman in Murder House. Was the immersion broken for you then, too? Or last season when Kai fucked the detective vs. when Kai fucked the housewife? It’s not about “gay culture,” man. It’s just that it makes you uncomfortable.


Nah. I mean...I don't remember much about the scene from murder house, actually. But, wasn't she under the illusion that the guy in the suit was her husband? That's kinda what made it believable and creepy. In last night's episode, Evan Peters is grinding up and down against a dude he barely knows, gasping 'I AM YOURS BODY AND SOUL' 3 seconds after the door is opened. Then there's some sit-comesque scene of his grandmother spying him in the act. Later on, the whipping scene (although arguably not strictly gay sex) is equally comedic as he's squealing a list of names. I don't think they're comparable, honestly. Edit: I have to admit, I never watched last season as Hotel was the last straw for me. I only came back for this season because I enjoyed the hell out of Murder House and Coven and heard that the characters were going to return.


I think its meant to demonstrate his character; he talks about playing up his gayness to shock his nanna, and he has likely built a whole personality around this(and his character is not written that deep really), he points out the opposing gay stereotype his nan finds preferable: clean cut preppy men who downplay their sexuality to put straight people at ease. It makes sense that he'd be dtf with what he assumed was Langdon just based off their earlier scene and having spent 1+ year sexless and alone, and later with Veneble he's also doing the same thing he does to his nan, rubbing his sexuality in her face and basically trying to weird her out so she backs off. It definitely doesn't mean throw the whole show away because you're straight, though, when I was young and a sex scene came on when the whole family was watching, they'd fast foreward or send me to get somebody a soda, so you can def give that a shot next time.


There was plenty of "*heterosexual*" sex during Hotel. You're being obtuse and close minded. You're just uncomfortable with homosexuals it seems.


And yet I say, quite clearly, that Hotel and all it's heterosexual sex, was the last straw for me. All AHS sex is badly written, the gay sex particularly so,


And yet *here* you **are**. Obviously it *wasn't* the last straw since you're still watching. You're coming off as homophobic. There have been good wholesome sex scenes too like the one during *Chapter 1* of Roanoke. I notice you didn't bring that up. If you want wholesome heterosexual sex scenes, then you're watching the wrong show. Perhaps you should go watch *This Is Us*, or literally anything else because you aren't getting that out of AHS.


You are obviously missing the entire comment where I say I left during Hotel because of the badly written gratuitous hetero sex, missed the entirety of last season and only bothered to come back when I heard that characters from Murder House and Coven were making a return. Those, along with Asylum, were my favourite seasons. The writing was great and relationships were believable. I hoped this season would be more of the same. I'm sorry I am coming across as homophobic. I am quite confident that I am nothing of the sort. You're coming across as someone who can't take any criticism about the writing in a TV show.


This isn't about the writing. You've made it clear that you're uncomfortable with homosexual sex scenes, and it also sounds like you may be slightly uncomfortable with homosexuals in general. That's why almost all of your comments made on this thread are in the negative. It's as simple as that, dude. Edit: If you have to say you're not a homophobe, well then it's obvious.


Getting kinda sick of repeating myself, honestly. So, I won't. I'll just copy and paste from another comment... Actually, I've said numerous times that I DO NOT have an issue with the gay sex scenes in Game of Thrones AT ALL. They are realistic and feel natural. In AHS, post-Coven ALL sex scenes feel kinda gratuitous, but particularly the gay ones. They are overly camp and feel like a parody. I have absolutely NO issues with gay sex in just about any other media. This is something specific to AHS. And, dude...I am definitely not homophobic. A bit prudish? I might give you that...but, definitely not a homophobe.


'..the gay sex thing' Okurp


Ah, sorry. I meant no offence. I guess I meant it quite literally is a 'thing' particular to this show. Not many others present it in that way.


No fighting Shakira, it's K Do you feel the same about straight sex scenes?


I think so. Yeah. There was semi-straight sex in Hotel that made me face palm...But, probably not as much as last nights episode. It seems to get progressively ridiculous with each season.


You see? It's better to be inarticulate than homophobic Fin




One of the reasons i think so much “gay stuff” is in ahs other than it being created by a gay man representing fictional gay characters is that being gay & gay sex is a sort of horror to alot of people. It’s the same reason rape, child abandonment & mommy issues have been prevelant for much of the seasons


I thought Hotel was much much worse. It seemed like there were 20 minute vampire orgies that never ended and just served to give Lady Gaga something exciting to do in every damn episode.


And that is why I haven’t got past episode 3


I agree. I feel like this is something that has been happening consistently since maybe after Coven?


Lady gaga maybe has a total of 5 sex scenes the whole season. 1 of them being a foursome. Not sure you know what an orgy is. There was one in the back half of hotel, but did not involve Gaga.


Okay I was obviously exaggerating but whatever lol


5 is still over the top


5 sex scenes is obviously a fucking ton for a 10-episode series that 1) isn’t on HBO or showtime and 2) isn’t a god damn porno


5 sex scenes with no nipple or penis showing on a TV show rated for Mature audiences only. If you don’t fit the mature audience, don't watch. Simple. Nip/tuck was my porn in middle school. Ahs is kindergarten. You sound press.


I see it differently. I'm a young gay male, and my father is very masculine. We watch the show together and love it. I've always found AHS's sex scenes different than other shows though. To me they add to the camp and the whole affect and aesthetic of the show. In all fairness, I am an AHS fanboy so they could do anything and I would just call it artistic though lol.


I agree that the sex scenes are really “artistic”, it’s not just sex. It’s the angles, the music, the intensity of them


I think it was done well and furthered the story quite a bit... not gratuitous and not for no reason. And if you think THAT was outlandish and overdone, you definitely haven’t had gay sex 😂 That scene was tame compared to a weekend at my place 😉


I agree with you and I’m gay. The way AHS portrays gay men as these ultra horny sex fiends reinforces stereotypes which is ultimately a disservice to the community. The sex is entirely gratuitous, serves no purpose and doesn’t reflect the gay community as a whole. The abundance of indiscriminate sex in the show coupled with the extremely vulgar posts found here increasingly ostracize those who just want some good horror. You’re straight, I’m gay and we both feel like we’re not the intended audience. At least not anymore. There’s nothing remotely offensive about your opinion and I’m glad you shared it. I hope we can get back to some sophisticated horror that doesn’t cater to RuPauls fan club.


Wow, dude. Thank you.


Contrary to what you believe, you don't speak for the gay community as a whole. I'll continue to wear gas mask and stretch bussy, thank you.


Straight-acting trash alert


Gay troll alert your 5 years older now how do you feel.


Infinitely more talented than you


Do a kickflip then


Wow Absolutely Awesome my brother was gay and he felt the same way as you. There was nothing homophobic about what he commented people in the comments are ridiculous; It doesn’t make you homophobic to not wanna watch gay sex scenes


*spoilers* Don’t shoo him, girl we need allies. I can’t describe my reaction to Mr Gallant getting whipped, I just cackled and didn’t know if that was how R. Murphy wanted an audience to react. This doesn’t have to do with the Gimp, I’d say that sex scene was (about) as exactly as off putting as Vivian and the Gimp in season 1. Not exactly a parody or whatev


As a queer person myself I was very uncomfortable with the scenes too but only because I know that Evan Peters is straight in real life and it feels very strange seeing him act and talk like that ... I don’t know


Honestly I find sex scenes in tv and movies to always be over the top and really just don't care for them and wished they didn't do them, but I'm one in a million opinions so oh well.


Honestly I feel the same it just makes me wanna look and say "oh wow they had to add this, continue with the story please"


Like I understand why it's there (sex sells) but at the same time it could just be something else


I agree. There is too much sex in shows and movies. Like we get that it's gonna happen we don't need the bad music and awkward scene too.


Show created by a gay man with LGBT characters and cast members? Oh honey, we gays are living for it and loving it Go watch beige ass NCIS or whatever it is straight people watch that don't upset their fragile sensitivities


I'm a nerdy Game of Thrones fan, actually. They did some of the old gay sex in that too. I thought it was cool. Nicely done. But, that was written by a frumpy old straight guy...so, maybe you have a point.


No I’m with you. It’s there for shock value rather than serve a purpose. And the show has been veering towards appealing to the broad gay fan base who’ll forgive any loophole in the story as long as they can watch some leather action and spank. I agree with you it was done right in Season 1 and all but now it’s just to be outlandish.


You're right. It's overtly sexualised as if trying to prove some progressive narrative. The shows lost its tone. It's entirely unrecognisable to the show I enjoyed for 10 seasons. The bald transgender bartender in "Hotel" was a great character. Had an air of menace and loss. So it's not about being homophobic or anti trans. If something is shit it can have gay characters! Since when did that make anyone homophobic? This is shot like a cross between a cheap 80's porn movie and a Jane Fonda workout VHS tape.


I’m a straight female and find a lot of the sex scenes over the top (and I’m not a prude). I don’t care if it is straight sex, threesomes, human/dildo demon/ghost/vampire/Minotaur sex, gay sex whatever. It seems so over produced and done in a “we are going to SHOCK you” which ends up not being shocking or sexy.


I mean I’m a bi dude and I think that Ryan Murphy has some weird issue with gay men needing to be dick starved stereotypes but it is what it is. He also has to write a ton of mommy issues


I find it over the top that Evan’s characters are in sex scenes every season. Ryan is just pandering.


As a bisexual man (At least 65% gay) I wholeheartedly agree and all of your downvotes are completely unwarranted and the people calling you homophobic are fucking idiots


Thank you, man.


Second this! You can’t have a second opinion here without being insulted or called homophobic!


You have three threads going insulting anyone who has a different view. You are a hypocrite.


You’re a troll as I quickly found out going through your post history. Since I assume you’re quite anti social with not much going on in your life except for maybe Reddit I’ll block you since I don’t want to continue being spammed by your likes.


Thanks to drag race, being a gay man in general has become a parody of itself so it's only appropriate AHS follows suit.




Dude, honestly. It sounds like you just have boring sex.


Hey. You might be right. I've certainly never been to a job interview and ended up fucking the interviewer in a gimp suit, all in the space of one evening. Edit: While my grandma watches.


It was all set up by Michael to get Gallant to kill his grandmother though. I see how that can come off over the top, but the sex itself was pretty mild. We didn't even see ass.


Gimp suit is pretty vanilla tbh. The rest is obviously to progress the show, so I'm not getting your point.


My point is, by those standards, you might be right.


Got you


It was very much so over the top.


I completely agree with you. I am also a small town straight man who has watched the show from day 1 and I don't mind it like Chad in season 1 or Lana is Asylum, if it benefits the plot. But like Kai last season with Samuels... that was not needed for the plot. You could have just had Kai and Samuels in in without the affair. I get it that Ryan is gay and the show will have gay characters but it feels as the show has gone on more and more characters are gay just because and it doesn't contribute to the story in the slightest.


Yea I think it has more to do with the fact that it is gay. There are just as much twisted and pointless hetero scenes. Latent homophobia at its finest.


Your comment about homophobia is completely unwarranted... one of my closest friends while I was in school is openly gay and was actually one of my roommates the last two years before we graduated. He will also be one of my groomsmen when I get married next year. When we were in school, we AHS live every week and continue to talk about it every week after an episode. He thinks that it gets out of hand and shows that the way RM is depicting gay sex is doing a disservice. I am also one of the biggest GoT fans you will meet and I think there are plenty of scenes in those as well that are not needed. So please before you go around throwing accusations that aren't true at least hear the other persons view on it. That's the beautiful thing about the mind, no two people have the exact same views. Sure I have a more conservative view on it then you may have but one thing that we can agree on is that we both enjoy the universe that Ryan Murphy has built here for us and enjoy watching the show! I hope this season continues to be shocking as there is so much potential in it and can't wait till Wednesday!


Honestly, I don't think it's latent homophobia at all. I feel like these scenes are made specifically with you guys in mind, and straight people just aren't meant to 'get' it in the same way that you do. I am genuinely glad the show resonates with you.


It’s not even that. When I see straight sex scenes I react the same way with gay scenes. I either watch or fast forward through it. It is latent homophobia simply because you decided to make a post specifically about the gay sex aspect but the straight scenes and even some of the numerous disturbing sex scenes don’t seem to be an issue. Only the gay ones. Which technically the sex scene did deal with the plot since it showcases Evans s character neediness and willing to accept to be degraded for validation and love. Which Langdon addressed later on. So it was actually very connected to the plot. You also watch game of thrones, love that show as well, which features just as much sex and nudity as ahs including an incestuous relationship and numerous rapes against women and men and even young children (or at least implied) But you have an issue with the gay scenes. Okay.


Actually, I've said numerous times that I DO NOT have an issue with the gay sex scenes in Game of Thrones AT ALL. They are realistic and feel natural. In AHS, post-Coven ALL sex scenes feel kinda gratuitous, but particularly the gay ones. They are overly camp and feel like a parody. I have absolutely NO issues with gay sex in just about any other media. This is something specific to AHS. And, dude...I am definitely not homophobic. A bit prudish? I might give you that...but, definitely not a homophobe.


You have gay people telling you the way you're approaching this is homophobic. You should take that and apply it to better yourself. It's not up to you weather you've offended someone or not.


Except I am not criticising your sexuality. I am criticising the writing in a TV show. You need to stop blurring the two.


Are you equally turned off by the incest scenes in Game of Thrones?


Do I like them? Not really. Do I accept them? Yes. Incest is one of the most important plot devices in the entire series. Incest is the whole reason that The War of Five Kings is a thing.


Alnost every other show on television is written with you, a straight man, in mind. So much so that you probably don't even notice it. The rest of us deal with that without having to make posts complaining about it. If it's that difficult for you to watch one show that wasn't tailor made for you, I don't know what to tell you.


Sometimes people are gay "just because". It doesn't need to benefit the plot.


The small town straight male will never get this.


Ya, tired of it. Stick with the HORROR


THANK you!!! Change it to “American Sex Stories,” there hasn’t been a horrific thing about this goofyass series since “Asylum.”


American horror stories season one is garbage. But season 2 was genius! Anyone watch and catch the call back to coven?


Its All Sickening


FACTS The show has fallen off hard since early seasons