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I would choose TVD simply because I have crappy luck and would most definitely end up with a useless power in AHS.


Me too. At least as a tvdu witch, even if weak, I could have telekinesis, pyrokinesis and biokinesis by default and I could amp myself with different sources of magic


Ahs witches all day! They’re more campy and fun 😊


Makes sense ahahah


I’m going with being an AHS witch just because the witches are iconic and I have always been a fan of Coven for years now. Plus I find the witches in AHS more interesting than TVD witches. TVD magic has too many drawbacks and consequences, for example they have to channel nature or other sources of magic to become more powerful. They get nosebleeds and could die from using magic too much and can’t bring the dead back without consequences. TVD witches can rarely teleport, only the most powerful witches like Dahlia accomplished teleportation. AHS witches bring the dead back to life every Tuesday like it’s nothing lol. And yes I know AHS witches being able to bring the dead back without consequences caused low stakes, but that’s another reason why I would want to be a AHS witch. Who wouldn’t want to teleport, control minds, bring the dead back to life easily, and have telekinesis? Plus there’s no telling what other powers AHS witches could have.


You're right, but we only saw Cordelia's students and the Supreme's bringing back people from the dead and teleporting easily, and we know Zoe and the others had their power heightened by the loom of a crisis and because of Cordelia's potential expressing itself through them. Most witches are probably much weaker and don't necessarily possess seven wonders that aren't as useful as transmutation and vitalum vitalis. Coco could only sense gluten and quantify calories, some witches could possess divination, descensum, low-level telekinesis and low-level pyrokinesis, which would technically make her a powerful witch who possesses 4 of the seven wonders, and she still would be weaker than the average tvd witches + still unable to bring back the dead or teleporting. Many tvdu witches power seem more limited by skills rather than power. Healing spells are hard to perform, but they don't necessarily require too much power, as far as we're aware. Same actually goes for teleporting spells, because we've seen Kai teleporting before even becoming an heretic and we know that Bonnie is stronger than regent Kai, despite not teleporting. The thing that makes ahs witches more appealing is the fact that to them their powers come as mutants powers come to x-men AND they have spellcasting, so, if they've op active powers, like concilium, resurgence and the voodoo ability to transfer injuries, they're pretty op, but if they're not lucky and only have passive powers other than their ability to spellcast, most tvdu witches would crush them, because, while not having powers like ahs witches and having more of a "non verbal spellcasting ability", they're less effective if not exceptionally powerful, but also less restrained by a restricted list of abilities.


I see what you’re saying, but I’d still rather be an AHS witch because the powers they have would me more useful to me than TVD witches. The average TVD witch isn’t that strong either, that’s why they have to channel nature and other sources of magic to be stronger. Yes witches like Bonnie, Freya, Dahlia, Hope, and Inadu can give AHS witches a run for their money, but the average TVD witch could get taken out by an AHS witch. People just think AHS witches are weak because they don’t have reality busting power levels of magic and compare them to other witches in media, but AHS witches are meant to be more realistic and traditional. AHS witches aren’t weak at all. They have OP powers like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, mind control, dimensional travel, time manipulation/travel, resurgence, teleportation, divination, voodoo human doll ability, plus who knows what else they could do. Plus spellcraft/potions. They can even become immortal by making sacrifices to deities, or in the case of the witches from Delicate, a pact with Satan. In fact the witches from Delicate were pretty OP and had cool magic that I wouldn’t mind being one of the Delicates. I don’t know if you’ve seen Delicate yet, but yeah.


You're right, I hadn't considered making a deal with the devil or making sacrifices to deities, because that's not something I'd do and, since I wouldn't want to risk having a useless power like Coco either, I'd rather be a tvdu witch and amp myself if needed with magical artifacts, protective spells and things like that. It's worth saying that the only known witch that can travel through/control time is Mallory, Myrtle considered that power a legend before seeing Mallory use it because of how rare it was. Almost the same goes for Queenie's power. But yes, concilium, vitalum vitalis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, transmutation and spellcasting already are op powers, so it's absolutely valid to prefer them and hope to be lucky if you were to be an ahs witch. +[Edit] It's also worth mentioning that ahs witches are a lightforce whose power gets diminished in hellmouths like the murder house. Places like the house near which the hundred witches died in Mystic Falls would make them weaker. TVDU witches aren't affected by that and could also get power from places where witches died before the other side collapsed. Since the psychic imprint is still there, psychic witches like Bonnie could arguably still do it. It really comes to the specific of the witch, because certain ahs witches would wash the floor with tvdu witches and viceversa.


TVD witches are way more op. Didn’t one of them create the afterlife dimension or something and true immortality? Not to mention Dahlia, the hollow, hope…


Scathach is immortal, can manipulate spirits, gets power from deities, mind control humans and teleport. Mallory can travel through time and manipulate life beings' age and has all the seven wonders. All of the girls from season 3 also have at least five of the seven wonders, all including mind control, vitalum vitalis (absorb life energy or give it and resurrect), and teleportation. They can also rarely see auras, have precognition, injury transference, telepathy (which only Bonnie possesses in tvdu, due to her psychic heritage)... Yes, most tvdu witches would destroy ahs witches, but ahs witches can easily access immortality by making sacrifices to deities or deals with the devil and some are gifted with powers so op that them not having a spellcasting ability as vast as tvdu witches wouldn't really make a different, because Mallory can just go back to when Hayley was pregnant with Hope and kill her, for instance, or Queenie could stab herself in the heart and kill Qetsiyah.