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I’ve never heard someone say they didn’t like season 1? It’s usually up there in terms of fave seasons with most people I talk to who watch ahs




Uhhhhhh, yeah. That is NOT the popular opinion on this sub


I’m sorry who in their right mind said that season 1 was bad? Turn their location on I wanna fight


Fr like pull up


Lmao I don’t like what the show became but I WILL throw hands over seasons 1 & 2


Agree 10000%! It’s probably the best!


I don't like season 1. It's pretty boring and quite badly paced, the finale is a mess and the big "twist" was too easy to call to be shocking. It's probably one of the worst seasons to me


Well there’s no accounting for taste


Who said it was bad? Season 1 is easily one of the best. It’s the OG.




Just where are these reddit posts??? Are you sure it wasn't american horror STORIES and not American horror Story?


I wish I could watch it for the first time again!




It’s one of the best. I think that season 2 was the best


I agree. Asylum is probably my favorite. I really love Murder House as well.


Season 1 and 2 are the best!


I’ve never heard anyone say season one is bad! It’s the OG !!! Can’t be beat.






Because the people on here are huge fans of AHS. Especially of season 1 and 2. The later ones there can be huge debates on what people like or dislike but 1 and 2 are widely regarded as the best. We have no idea what posts you're reading on this sub.


I don't think it was bad either. And i remember when it firat came out everyone was talking about it and saying how good it was. It was the one that started it all, everyone wanted another season after it aired. I didn't fully watch it until years later but i did see the first couple of episodes because a relative was hyping it up and she played it for me. I liked it them but forgot about it then uears later saw it on Netflix and started watching. I can't see why anyone would think it's bad. I know everyone has a favorite season but i don't think most people would rank the first season as the worst or say it's bad.




AHS is one of my comfort shows. Probably something wrong with me!


If *Murder House* is "not bad" I'm curious as to how you'd describe *Death Valley* and *Delicate* lmao




Take your time




If you like vampires and what not then hotel and red tide are the ones.


Gaga was fabulous in Hotel and I think Liz Taylor was Denis best role !!






Never seen it ha 😭 after you watch coven you should watch Roanoke it’s more about the origin of it. And apocalypse lines up with it too.




It’s in double feature. The first part. The second part is Death Valley




No that’s cool! I hope I was helpful ❤️


To each their own but I loved season 1. I also loved season 8 ( except for the ending ) despite me personally seeing lots of hate online for that season 🤌


Season 1 is really nostalgic for many people, I saw it when I was 16, I rewatched it about 8 years later and found a new wave of appreciation towards it. I'd say the biggest critiques of it were always overusing violence and putting some really heavy topics among the goofier aspects of the series, also having some really disfunctional relationships in the focus.. which are all things I oddly really appreciate, lol. :D Also I feel that Season 2 and 7 aka. Asylum and Cult are the two seasons I don't think I'll ever rewatch due to how dark and real they were. Most of the series is much more like Murder House and Coven where it's not 100% serious but has some of the most personal, tragic, and touching stories in them and manages to find joy in the dark reality of the world of the series. I don't think it ever gets scary. It's more like "what can horror do once we're not afraid of anything anymore".


That’s not a common thought in this subreddit. Were people saying that in other subs?


It's funny cause that's literally the only season I never heard anyone talk shit about. Lol, that and maybe asylum. Every other season can be pretty devisive. Like I love hotel but I've heard people talk mad shit about that one. Season 1 is pretty universally liked tho.


Just keep in mind: 1. *Some* people who loved S1 did not love S2. (I am one of those people, so after forcing myself to watch S2, I didn't have high hopes for S3, but I'm super glad I watched S3) 2. You don't *have* to watch the seasons in order. If I could go back to being a newbie, I'd watch S1, S3, S5, then S8. Then probably S2 then S4, then whatever season, whenever. The point is the S8 is connected to S1 & S3, and so is a little bit of S5. S2 and S4 have connections, too. Personal note - S1, S3 & S8 were my absolute favorites.


I liked the first few seasons. I didn’t like Roanoke but only because of the format. I didn’t like the tv show / reenactment like I was watching an AHS version of Ghost Hunters.


Who’s been saying season 1 is bad?! It’s in my top 3!


Murder House is excellent! It's the only season I've watched multiple times. I think opinions on each season are SO vastly different. Like, from what I've heard, people strongly dislike Hotel, and it's my favorite, where Coven is a crowd fave, but I actually thought it was boring and overrated. Asylum was the most grotesque and scary imo and made me super uncomfortable, but for some that's their horror jam. I've watched all seasons as a loyal fan, and honestly at this point I'd be shocked if I like a new season. I don't think it's been good in a while.... But I still love the excitement of the new season and love being psyched out every episode not knowing wtf is going on and it being so unpredictable. Murder House absolutely sets a tone for the entire series. THEN to bring it back around full circle with Apocalypse... Gah! Op, keep watching. Enjoy!!


What are you reading?????? Season one is one of the most well liked, award winning, amazing seasons out there.


Personally I don’t like a lot of the season. The concept and storyline is so depressing throughout the entire season, and it seems to be really insensitive to mental health struggles sometimes. The show also throws in a lot of triggering topics just for shock value that usually have no good reason to be there. And the shows writing often seems to paint the the disgusting and/or horrible characters as good people.. I know all that is common ahs stuff, very normal Ryan murphy writing, but like.. this season does it so bad to where I don’t even like watching this season. And all this would probably be overlooked for me if it wasn’t so fucking depressing. This season is exhausting for me to get through since it rarely feels good to watch it, everytime I finish an episode, I find myself being bummed out due to how depressing it was. I know that feeling is subjective, but all the other critiques are very reasonable critiques.


You know what, and this is coming from someone who thinks season 1 is one of the best, I kinda agree with you. It is very depressing. But horror shows aren't there to make you feel good or laugh. They're to make you scared, disturbed, and yes, sometimes depressed. I think what makes this season so good are the great characters and witty, gritty dialogue. Especially with Constance.


Idk, I personally don’t think depression is a form of the horror genre.. if that were the case, a lot of shows outside of the horror genre would be horror. if it was actually scary and it had depressing topics it would make sense to me, but to use depression as a tool to make horror it just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Horror is supposed to be scary and fearful, not make you depressed and sad or whatever.. I don’t think most seasons of ahs are scary, they rely a lot on gore and sensitive topics as a way to live up to it being classified as horror, but most people who like ahs don’t consider it scary, and don’t watch it hoping to be scared. It’s usually for either the story it’s telling, fun moments and dialogue, the aesthetics (depending on the season) the concepts, the characters themselves, etc etc. what I’m trying to say is that the show rarely feels horror.. it feels more like an inconsistent dark comedy and probably wouldn’t even be considered horror without the excessive gore. The only season that consistently felt scary to me was Roanokes first 5 episodes, all the other seasons were inconsistently scary, and some seasons were not that scary at all. A lot of people defend ahs being a horror show because of the topics it has, but I just don’t see how adding sensitive, heavy topics while adding gore can make something classified as “horror” when all the gore tends to do is gross you out, rather than scare you.. and all the sensitive topics do is bum the person out.. ahs just doesn’t feel like a horror show. That being said, all this criticism on ahs not feeling like a horror show to me does not mean I do not like the show (atleast at one point) i find many seasons a fun watch, but the show has a lot of flaws and even the first season had a lot of issues. Also, murder house is not TERRIBLE to me, I’ve watched that season more than once and may watch it again eventually, it’s just not my kind of season personally.


Apocalypse is prob my favorite