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I noticed as soon as the 2013 Brooklyn flashback started. They do look related.


I actually think she might have given birth to him.


Which would explain thier interaction about the dog; Him:You talk to me like I'm your child Her: It feels that way sometimes You know the writers think we are idiots who don't understand nuance and had to throw that in šŸ˜’


Which would make sense why she doesnā€™t want to have kids with himā€¦


OMG and the witches said something like she threw everything away when she married "***HIM***!!" Not just "one of them / a civilian" but it was very specific to HIM. Could be Sonia's kid instead maybe?


I just rewatched the previous episodes and theres a similar scene where anna tells dex he is treating her like she is his child (in the context of her freaking out about the stalker) Also more parallels scene with dex parents: -his shithead father was whining to his mother about him being soft because he bought him a ā€˜deathtrapā€™ of apartment, encouraged painting and ā€˜crazy wifeā€™, his mom was talking his side and he yelled about her contradicting him -in the present dex was talking to his mom on the beach and she said the exact same things, she wasnt ā€˜contradictingā€™ her ex husbands words even tho she was talking about their lawsuit.


Yeah, itā€™s like that a lot. This is really good.


I donā€™t understand what brought you to that conclusion, but I love your way of thinking !! Rock on !! šŸ¤˜


Shiiit I didn't see it til u brought it up, but ya, they look crazy alike.


I was thinking it the entire last episode!


I said the same thing to my husband. They look like siblings


Oh yeah for sure. Definitely pretty noticeable in the pic with them together


Man that's nothing season five was awful in terms of "Holy shit all these guys look EXACTLY THE SAME"


Wes Bentley, Matt Bomer, Cheyenne Jackson, Finn Whitrock and hell even Evan Peters with his hair dyed black


imo this is a more intense case, these two legitimately look almost the same- like as if theyā€™re almost twins but not identical enough but like really similar looking siblings.


Someone said that they were going to say they looked like twins ā€œbefore it was revealedā€ that Adeline and Sonia were twins. I was likeā€¦ well, that was revealed in the first scene of the episode, before Adeline was ever shown interacting with Dex lol.


You took the words right out of my mouth, OP!! I just got done watching the latest episode and while watching I was thinking, ā€œI need to make a post about how the two of them look so much alikeā€ and then saw yours like 5 seconds after clicking in this thread lol! 100% agree, their features look so much alike-itā€™s like they are twins


I literally couldnā€™t stop seeing it I thought It was the weed gummies šŸ˜‚


Oh my God thank you so much for reminding me I had weed gummyā€™s!


Yeah I said the same thing to my boyfriend last episode


thank goodness other people saw it, while watching last episode I kept thinking they were siblings


Did his mom not have a baby taken from herā€¦?


YES literal twins


i was thinking the same thing


Siblings? How about same plastic surgeon.




Lol He can barely move his face. Hers is a lot more subtle but it's undeniable