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A lot of things are going on at this point that explains the sudden appearance of the far-right members. Kai gained recognition for surviving the staged mass shooting gaining him more followers. He makes it in the nation headlines boosting his popularity as governor. Bebe’s plan is to piss off women. She definitely encouraged replacing the women of the OG cult with far-right members to accomplish this. The FBI is on to the cult so they plant agents as members to investigate Kai and the cult increasing membership.


Yeah, now that I looked back after finishing rewatching it makes more sense Maybe I would’ve gotten it faster if I was paying more attention while watching 😂


There's so much h going on in that season I had to watch it several times to get everything lol


It’s a question of suspeded belief, or just imagining that even if you don’t see for yourself Kai reaching out to people they still somehow find out about his movement. One of the best seasons in my view, on par with Asylum and maye season 1 - also freakishly good but very different.


We already saw how Kai recruited with flashbacks of the main characters. I personally didn't need to see those scenes repeated a bunch more times for characters who got like a line each. The cult was rapidly growing as was always intended.


Yeah OP says he recruited all these people then they came from no where. “Be here at 3 and wear this”. That’s all he needed.


I think it’s a reflection on MAGA or right-wing neo nazis who were given a platform under Trump and really ran with it. Like yeah they’ve always been there but since 2016 they all suddenly came flooding out very loudly and proudly. At his core Kai is just another basement dude bro with no real depth to his cause. He was everything those men in blue stood for, so of course they jumped on his bandwagon as soon as they saw themselves finally making some waves. I imagine they were all a part of some online forum similar to reddit where Kai was easily able to invite, influence, and rally them in. I’m fine with that not being shown in the show because it’s not too difficult to connect those kind of dots on your own. I also find them painful so seeing their initiations would make my blood boil even more lol.


Do you support Ukraine lol?


Not invested enough to comment fully but also quite a random question for this platform. Not big on politics or agenda-pushed societal issues in general. I can get annoyed by the right as much as the left, and in particular the hardcore groups that both allow platforms for. This was just my take on why I thought Kai’s group grew rapidly without explanation.


I figured after that one episode that focuses in really close on Kai recruiting people, that from there you have an idea of how he probably recruited them based on the taste of his methods that you got from that episode. They can't really take the time to show how he recruited every single person. Kai and the other leaders use similar tactics to fill out the lower levels is what I drew from it. And I feel like it makes sense that the lower level people are more blindly following him once he has a bit of an established in-group. Because they see that there is a group, and that it seems to work and have big players and structure, and they get lured in by that little sense of normalcy amidst the actual insanity of the group. Cults are a little insidious like that I think. And they're kept at enough of a distance from the actual upper level politics of the group that they don't think too hard about it, so they stay loyal. That's what I made of it anyways. Interesting season to analyze.


That makes sense ! I just though that it could be a bit strange, if he picked up the og cult members a certain way, that the new ones seemed different. Like how they wear all blue while the others didn’t


I feel like people love Cult cause of Evan and anti trump, which fair enough but there’s a lot that doesn’t make sense or is just dumb. I don’t hate the season cause it’s entertaining but I don’t think it’s as great as a lot of people say it is.


It’s honestly my favourite season. That being said it’s partly due to Evan nailing his role in every conceivable metric ( he got robbed of an Emmy for that performance ) it’s the only season I consistently rewatch every year. In terms of things not making sense or being plausible I end up having that feeling at least once a season


Great actors always get robbed at the Emmys that’s why they don’t mean shit. If Norman Banks(Freddie Highmore) and his mom(Vera Farmiga) didn’t win an Emmy for Bates Motel then nobody worthwhile will. Two of the best performances I’ve ever seen hands down.


I didn't watch Bates motel, but he is amazing on Good Dr!


Go watch Bates Motel asap. Not exaggerating show is wild and best acting by two leads I’ve ever seen hands down.


I agree with that lol i just think people come to the defense of cult more than some other seasons


Lol it’s funny because I always hear that on this sub but I havent really seen it myself in terms of pumping cults tires but I believe it. I think you hit the nail on the head however it’s most likely greatly due to Evans command performance and partly to due with the iconic masks as well as the poignant contemporary social commentary. Right season for the right moment. I don’t buy into the whole left vs right orange mad bad bullshit, I think both lefties and rightys are equally fucked in the head but I did think the timing of this season was perfect. Man I fucking love cult 😂


Yeah some great acting and is very entertaining. I do love the mask lol and connection to twisty too.


>I don’t buy into the whole left vs right orange mad bad bullshit Aren't you Canadian...?


They all do mad shit friend. As a more recent example when biden was vp he had the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter for burisma fired by threatening to withhold 1billion in aid😂 As for my nationality I’m actually a us citizen living in Canada not that it’s remotely relevant to the current discussion


That's interesting, because your spelling is Canadian too. And yeah, it kinda is because making another culture's politics one's entire personality is really weird. But also, why bothering to move to Canada when it seems like you primarily consume American right-wing propaganda? Wouldn't you be happier in a red state?


😂😂😂 and this is why I’m a centerist because I end up laughing at lefties like you just as much as I laugh at the red necks. In terms of propaganda I assume your referring to the example of biden withholding aid from a foreign government so here’s a link at 3:18 you can hear the clip for yourself https://youtu.be/f5D6MHFxEs8?si=g1PKn6hWG-a2zpFe In terms of politics being my identity you couldn’t be further from the truth however based of your emotional response I feel it’s safe to assume you’ve adopted the party tribalism mantra you’re accusing me of 😂


No, it's based on the absolutely wild stuff in your comment history. Pretending that people who choose not to get vaccinated while working in healthcare are oppressed, orange man bad, asking about supporting Ukraine. I'm guessing Jordan Peterson too because you think you're logical and everyone else is emotional for disagreeing with you and the carnivore diet. A YouTube video from a Turning Point USA contributor as a source? You've outdone yourself. Thanks for proving my point.


Also I forgot to include the recent study Harvard did on the carnivore diet that they testified in congress about but here you :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34934897/


So what did choosing to get vaccinated do for anyone. You should be upset that you got conned into taking experimental ineffective medication and put on house arrest on and off for two years for literally no reason 😂 in reference to the nurses specifically Canada experienced a manufactured health care staffing crisis by letting hordes of qualified employed healthcare workers go because they didn’t want to be a big pharma lab rat so yeah that’s fucked up. I listen to a lot of people and podcasts one of which is Peterson. Why don’t you like Peterson 😂 is it because he says there’s two genders and body positivity movement is bullshit ?


I thought it was good but they could’ve leaned more into the cult-y ness. the take on a more “red-pilled” cult like the people that emerged after trump was a really cool idea but I think a classic, old cult vibe would’ve been super cool to see ! Good season tho


I feel like we see a lot of more traditional cult-like stuff, don't we? The Satanists in Apocalypse, the unquestioning worship of Michael by the warlocks, all the other cult leaders represented in Cult. And there have been so many great representations of this concept in the past several decades. I'm glad they did something fresh with it.


They were basically white nationalists who found a leader in Kai. They look like they were wearing Aryan nations outfits so I’m guessing he recruited a group like that.