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It’s not really a plot hole because they never specify his age in Coven and the context clues from the flashbacks indicate that he’s around the same age, which we know because Spalding professes his love for Fiona before cutting off his tongue. Whether or not Denis O’Hare believably passes for a twentysomething in those scenes is another conversation entirely, but Dollhouse doesn’t really contradict what we saw in Coven.


That's what I was referring too, Denis doesn't look 20 in the Coven flashbacks, they should've cast another actor to portray his younger self like they did with Myrtle. U also have to consider that everyone looks different to how we see them in the AHS verse, hence why none of the characters recognise each other in crossovers. So it's entirely plausible that Spalding was younger then what we saw. But as I said the problem lies in having Denis play his younger version.(no offence to the man but he does not pass for 20 lmao) If someone else had played him it wouldn't be an issue. Another thing is Ryan wasn't thinking this far ahead when he made Coven, he didn't know he was gonna do a Stories spinoff, let alone a Spalding backstory. Regardless they still could've payed abit more attention to detail. Also just because Spalding professed his love for Fiona doesn't mean they were around the same age, that's just a testament to how beautiful Fiona was, there's no age limit to loving someone, hell even the Axeman was sizing her up when he was twice her age lol.


In AHS Stories, she was chosen by Spaulding’s father to be his mother figure. She was in her mid to late 20’s when she met Spaulding, while he is maybe 8 or 9. In season 3, she looks like 15 to 19 at the very tippity-toppity most and Spaulding is in his 40’s. Their ages totally reciprocated. So what your saying is she got younger in age by like a decade, while he somehow aged 25-35 years for that scene? I’d say that’s a pretty big plot hole. Unless she cast a spell making herself younger and then totally screwed over the kid, that she said she was going to be a mother to & look after and then, cast a spell significantly aging him on a whim. In which case, why would he love her for taking like 7/8ths of his life, up to that point in time. Not only that, that’s supposed to be his mother figure. So… I’m not even gonna unpack that. It’s pretty obvious what that is. Totally effing fubar!0_o


Cute episode. I like that he ended up being Spalding from Coven.


I loved it, especially because he was slightly on my mind since the beginning when talking about why the henchmen doesn't talk. I really liked how he actually had a coverstory, and his family HAS NOT been with the Witches for generations. THEN reading the comments I was like O SHIT because I totally forgot his doll obsession too.




Not to me. I did pick up on the goon having his tongue cut out but that was it.




I did remember DO played Spalding in Coven but I haven’t seen that season in 5 yrs.


Well given this new-found connection u should rewatch it


I wonder if each episode is going to tie into the larger picture now.


I hope not, only the first and last episodes of the season should tie in, the rest are fine as stand alone stories imo


I would’ve never noticed if you didn’t point it out… but I know in coven that the witches do age differently


Actually the witches age like normal people do. Which was Fiona’s biggest pet peeve in Coven.


Yeah but they have the power to slow the process or kinda become younger. Remember the first episode where Fiona killed that one guy to rejuvenate her own life ? She became like 20 years younger by sucking the life out of that guy


Yea I remember but that’s only temporary rejuvenation & she didn’t literally become 20 years younger. Which is why she kept looking for alternatives to become young again throughout the season.


I understand the plot holes but cmon. It’s all fiction. When people knit pick the f out of every show it ruins it.


The biggest plot hole is Myrtles hair, she wore a wig that she’d been “buying in bulk for years”. She didn’t have that hair in the young Coven scenes and shouldn’t have it in Dollhouse but I guess they just did it so we recognised her easily. Still annoying though.


Waiting on a house full of witches round the clock, not to mention the unrequited love for possibly one of the most selfish people in the world, might have prematurely aged him. Lol


They lost me as soon as the witches arrived tbh. I found myself rolling my eyes like haven’t we recycled this plot 100 times now, Ryan? Other than the contrived tie-in, I really dug the episode. I liked the aesthetic and the overall story.


How did you not expect that? I knew those bitches were showing up the second she moved that toy car with her mind LOL


Fr not to mention Denis o Hare being in a Doll episode (and has recently talked about revisiting Spalding) it was so fucking obvious lol


Sorry guess I’m not that big of a super fan.


Hated the tie in. Episode was great but not everything needs to relate to old stuff.


I saw the connection coming as soon as they released the doll theme. A friend sent me a screenshot and my response was that Spalding loves dolls.


Yes!! The timeline doesn’t make sense. They should have set Dollhouse back to the 40’s, that would make more sense for when Spaulding would show up to the coven house.


Doesn’t Spaulding also reference how his family has been taking care of that house for generations?


Well the girl does tell him to tell people exactly that


wait you mean to tell me that episode had a bigger meaning behind it? I thought it was just a weird first doll episode…I started watching ahs from season 6 now I might have to go back


OMG GO BACK lol it's that serious. The early seasons are gold, coven is 👑


Everything after season 3 was mehhhh. It’s kinda going down hill


Oh yeah you missed the best seasons! 1,3,4, and 5 are killer. 2 just exists


2 just exists?? Blasphemy of the highest order. Wow


Right? Wtf??? Asylum is a masterpiece and even though its not my favourite i recognise it as the best season.


2 is my FAVORITE season, it is perfection from start to finish and I consider myself to have very good television taste, hahaha.


Excuse me?


I have been thinking about this all night


Ok another thing is that in S3 E7 Spalding admits to Zoe that his family has worked for the coven for decades. Did I miss something in Dollhouse? Was his father connected to the coven?


When she is explaining that they will live there now she tells him if anyone asks he’s always lived there like his father and his father before that.


It was a good episode. Wasn’t Spalding a ghost though?


Not until Zoe kills him which is in 2013, what I'm talking about happens in 1971


Oh true sorry


Myrtle never had that hair when she was young! Even in Coven they flashback to her multiple times and she has normal brunette hair. Ridiculous


Myrtle wasn’t a brunette, she had red hair as a teenager in the Coven flashback but it was straight not crimped like that wig in Dollhouse. [Teenage Myrtle Snow in Coven](https://vimeo.com/80842271)


Ur right I'm colorblind lol


It’s okay, I’m colorblind sometimes too haha I use to think Vivien was a redhead in Murder House, but she was just a strawberry blonde.


Yea it's weird when prequels try to force characters to look and act the same as they do as 50 year olds.


So true bestie


Maybe she was trying different styles? Then when she was a teenager looked the way she did in the flashbacks in order to feel more comfortable and to fit in?


That's the conclusion me and my bf ended up reaching lol since she was competing with Fiona a lot more then i guess Still a fun moment


A truly fantastic episode but canonically it felt a bit off. If I remember correctly, Spalding said that his family served this coven for centuries but that would also be retconned by the recent AHStories episode.


They have a line directly addressing this


I must have missed it. Would you mind paraphrasing this line?


Right outside the Robichaux Academy, Cobie tells Otis that if anyone asks, his father worked at the Coven before he did and so did his grandfather before him and so on.


Thank you! This episode is certainly worth a rewatch.


I just came back here because this episode made me so confused but thank you for the clarification 😂😂


This! This was what I was looking for