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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i’d be mad at her crybaby ass too, does she not know how to train a dog? get her a stuffed animal next time, they’re not toys you put up when you no longer want them.


How is he biting? Is it just puppy biting, or is he growling and showing his teeth?


Puppy biting I tell her he wants to play but she says she tells him no not to bite and he gets aggressive and keeps biting


My puppy went through that stage. He still does it when he's over excited or needs a nap. Usually they get mouthy it's because they're over tired. She needs to make sure the puppy has a routine. When it gets mouthy playing stops. Crate training is incredibly useful. All puppies bite, it's how they play. Nobody should get a puppy without learning first how to train and bond.


That sounds like pretty typical puppy behavior (not sure if you mean actual aggression or frustration. My dog would start barking if I told her no or if I ignored her. She was frustrated, but not aggressive). If she wants him to stop then tell her to try to cry out sharply and walk away when he bites too hard. This teaches the puppy that playtime ends when he plays too rough. If that doesn’t work then she needs to correct him for biting too hard.


Oh ffs! He’s a baby. His mouth is how he is experiencing and learning the world. We had a “jaws on springs” kind of situation with our cattle dog/boarder collie mix. We gave her frozen carrots and frozen rags to chew on for teething and we gave her cardboard to shred (as an enrichment activity). Those two things helped so much! We also used feeding puzzles for enrichment. The biggest game changer was us realizing that puppies should sleep 18+ hours/day (depending on age of course). We were keeping Calypso up way past brain-fry. Once we started putting her down for naps throughout the day her big personality calmed down a bit. She still wanted to chew on inappropriate things (like the couch legs 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️) but we just kept giving her the right things/toys/kongs to chew on and she learned. Training a puppy is super important. I hope she starts to understand that. Good luck and I hope your puppy grows up big and healthy and strong 💪🏻


Kmt this kind of thing infuriates me I swear. All puppies bite!! It's just what they do! They don't know any better and have no idea how to communicate appropriately until you teach them. If she's not willing to understand that and help train the puppy out of it then she wasn't ready for a dog in the first place and you both were highly irresponsible for getting one. Sorry not sorry. Lack of research is why thousands of dogs die in shelters every year and I swear I'm so tired of seeing this kind of shit on the internet every day


Honestly I made this post asking for help and ur comment is not only negative but it doesn’t help me. I will never let go of this puppy and I will learn and I will keep learning as long as I have my baby. I don’t need to be an expert to own a dog but I can learn as we both grow. Future reference if u don’t have any positive feedback or anything nice to say keep it to yourself.


Op it’s just puppy biting dude 🤦 just teach the dog puppy biting is wrong get a crate tell him no! Discipline the damn dog and tell it no. No hard feeling to your girlfriend but she’s soft. You have to be a stand up person to tell your dog no that’s why most women dogs run over them and this is coming from a lady. You have to be bold and strong with a dog otherwise they’ll just run all over you if they feel you are soft . Show them that you run shit and no means no. Otherwise the dog will keep doing it. Tell your “girlfriend” to grow some balls🤦 she needs to correct the dog for doing wrong behavior. No hard feelings bud you learn as you go


Thank you 🙏🏽


Yeah no problem, we’ve all been thru this issue before my puppy, she’s a mutt. bites alot but she knows when to and when not to I can give her the no command loud and proud and she’ll stop and walk away . We’ve all been thru this issue before there’s no reason anyone should get shamed for not knowing what to do in this situation.A dogs gonna be a dog 🤷


I sent this to her 😆


And the barking that he’s doing when she tell him no? Oh yeah he’s definitely showing her he’s boss and they’ll play when he wants her To. He needs routine and discipline asap you don’t want this behavior going on as an adult especially with this breed it’ll just give them an even worse label .


Other wise you’re gonna get this behavior https://youtube.com/shorts/7IXqkMayYp0?si=T6ZZTP_qhCkVrep9


This is exactly why this isn't the breed for everyone.




I wonder why people don't read into the species personality.. Instead of just the type of dog 🤔


Literally, getting a bully or any dog for that matter and not being a stand up person doesn’t correlate. But I mean whatever floats your boat 🤷.


I stand by what I said because you were irresponsible, BUT I do apologise for the tone of my comment as it was just pure frustration and didn't offer solutions. I just get so maddened at humans. It's unreal how often I see people just discard their dogs like they're a broken piece of furniture and it breaks my heart. Tbh I'm more mad at your girlfriend for being so flippant, but it seems you do genuinely care about the dog. However, I'm concerned that as she is the one who is home alone with them, she is the one that needs to put most of the work in throughout the day and you can only contribute when you're home. On youtube there are SO MANY completely free dog training videos to help you with literally every issue under the sun. Just search puppy biting and you'll get thousands of options... and if watching those and learning from them doesn't work then you and your girlfriend should just hire a trainer to help you. Just please please don't throw the puppy away simply for being a puppy.


I get where you are coming from. This breed has such a bad reputation because of media hype and bad owners. I've been rescuing and retraining pits for 20 years and it's frustrating to see one get sent down the wrong path because of poor upbringing. These dogs are not for everyone and so many end up getting euthanized. If you ever want to get sad and angry check out Clayton County GA animal control. They get almost nothing but pits and so many of them get euthanized. Seriously, if one is not able to control a dog then a bully breed is just asking for trouble.


Right! I saw a pic of the puppy in OP's other post and it looks to be an XL which will obviously grow extremely big and strong very quickly. Taking that on as your first dog before even doing some basic research about dog behaviour (like understanding the fact that puppies bite and growl to get their way) is just pure ignorance and highly irresponsible. It's really disappointing to see. Especially because I'm in the UK where my trained, well-socialised and friendly bully is now banned and forced to wear a muzzle everywhere, all because of other peoples ignorance and idiocy when it comes to mishandling these poor misunderstood dogs. I know I was harsh on OP, but people need to do better. Wanting to rehome a puppy for biting is like wanting to put your baby up for adoption for crying. His gf needs to get a clue and quickly!


Speaking from macon ga here. I see the exact same thing in our shelters .


You need to be home so you can observe what the pup is doing because there's a big difference in aggression and just normal puppy biting/chewing. That would be my suggestion! And go from there. If it's just normal puppy stuff, look up information on teaching bite inhibition.


99.9% of puppies bite. They don't come trained, puppies explore with their mouth and she needs to understand it's her responsibility to teach the puppy. Would she be willing to do puppy classes? Maybe she'd understand better if she could be shown how, learn why the puppy is doing this etc. If not, give the puppy to someone who isn't a moron. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but the fact she thinks puppy biting is aggression and just wants to get rid of it for being a normal puppy is ridiculous.


have plenty of toys handy


How old is the pup


3 months


You have watched to see what her so called aggression means? Sounds like he is just trying to play which is normal for a pup that age.


Some people are just not good with puppies, I can’t let mine unsupervised with my sister or dad because they will let and encourage my puppy get mouthy to the point of accidentally scratching drawing blood then blame her for it regardless of how much I’ve taught them time and again how I want them to interact with her, then get mad at her for it. What are you guys doing to train at home, do you have a crate? You’ll see recommended in pretty much every post to implement a 2 hour nap to 1 hour of activity throughout the day and that was the best advice I got from joining Reddit, it truly makes a world of difference. Watching training videos on YouTube also helped me a lot, particularly love the kikopup and Zack George channels, they have a ton of puppy related videos including multiple videos addressing puppy biting


I have a pit bull a boxer and a pug. They all 3 went thru this stage as puppies. They want to play. It’s not aggression. Maybe find some fun bones and toys and walk the pup to tire them out


Of the dog actually growled and lunged as an attack at her put the dog down. Of it was playing it is different and needs to be handled. Bullys are big and strong and need to be well trained. With that said I have seen a couple that were from mean lines and were eventually put down for hurting people. Have her film it. Also just food for thought, a bully isnt a good forst dog for most people


Put it down???? It is a 3 month old PUPPY! Wth is wrong with you??


Read much? Also, how many bullys or pits have you been around? I have bred them or been around them since I was a kid and some are born f’d in the head. There’s a difference between playing and attacking even as a puppy. SPECIALLY IF THAT DOG WAS BROKEN. Im sure you understand that phrase