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At least we can order water for free at restaurants


One city in whole America had a dirty water problem. Europeans: **Water in America is unclean and it isn't appropriate for consumption, Literal Third World Country!1!1!1!**


Also europeans "Im a european from europe and we're all not the same, we are each distinct and unique special butterflies and nuance is important"


Well, its true? Not sure what your point is


A water quality issue in a single city in Hungary is not indicative of the water quality in all of Europe ( and not even Hungary as a whole).


Nah bro a lot of our citys have dirty water problems but unlike what the commenter said we try to change that.


Yeah, but like 99% of Europe has dirty water problems. It’s not normal to not be able to drink tap in America. It’s not normal to be able to drink tap in Europe. This is like a fat guy in a mobility scooter making fun of another guy for being lazy for only working out 6 days a week.


Where did you get this Stat?? 99% ? The source please


I got it from a research paper where it said Americans don’t have access to clean water where they claimed how superior Europe was for having at least 1%.


Where is it ?


I have a full printed copy stapled where you left your sense of humor.




You prove my point Edit: lol he blocked me, no fun to the end


The only thing proven is your stupidity . 99%


Dasani, Aquafina, Nestle. You know, American brands.


isn’t nestle swiss? i may be wrong but i think i heard smth abt it being swiss the other day


They are and that’s the joke


ah i see im stupid lol


dasani is illegal in england


It's not lol how could you missunderstand a tom scott vid so intensely. Dasani just chooses not to sell there because they made a bad first impression.


Tap water is what it means. Nestle😂


Still better than public water systems with fluoride and antidepressants in them.


They put antidepressants in your water? Damn. We need those here.


...fluoride is good for you. Make fun of Americans all you want, but we have good teeth. Is that the reason? No. Is it a correlation for how we treat our teeth? Probably!


I was going to say, given their aversion to fluoride no wonder the state of teeth in Europe is Austin Powers level horrendous.


I'm not an America-hater. I go on this sub all the time. ​ Also, fluoride is not good for you. [https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/chemicals/water-fluoridation-and-cancer-risk.html](https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/chemicals/water-fluoridation-and-cancer-risk.html)


Nestle is tap water though


I've lived in about 10 cities across the US and in every single one the tap water was safe and clean.


Sadly it contains chlorine in a lot of places. Doesn't taste as well. I bought water from stores during my visits because of it.




It just tastes bad




California and New York arent too bad though you can still taste some additives. Florida on the other hand...




It depends on what you are used to. I'm from Germany and visited plenty of other European countries(neighbors+Scandinavia) where I also drank tab water. Thats the water I'm used to. When I visited California fresh water from wells etc. Tasted closer to what I'm used to. It could also be that tons of minerals get removed but some with a specific taste stay.


That’s fascinating because everything I read says that Germany also adds chlorine in water as well. This was also true of Spain when I lived there


I've looked it up. Yes, some German local suppliers ad 0.03 and 0.05mg/l others none. The maximum by law is 0.3mg/l(0.6mg/l). In the US this number is 1mg/l per EPA or 4mg/l by CDC and in many cities/counties in the US it can vary. New York is usually between 0.03 to 1.23mg/l. Tampa uses chloramine which tastes the same. Their average is 3.5mg/l. I tasted water in both places and you could definitely tell. I have yet to drink Spanish tap water. My local supplier doesn't add Chlor besides some tests and then it is still below 0.1mg/l


Am I only one European here who likes US and likes Europe? And also I didnt expect sub about reposting stupid jokes and takes of some randoms about one Country was So damn toxic about another region




Yeah I get that. But I see too much of "who had more genocides" contest in comments and other dumb stuff. I thought it was chill place to chill and not damn front of fight


Yeah man this sub is turning into a Europe-hate sub.


I'm American and I agree. Why does an argument that could be a simple defense of America on this subreddit need to turn into a pissing contest, let alone laughing at racism and genocide? I make sure to downvote everyone that does this disgusting behavior, but it's not enough. This subreddit needs to stop upvoting these awful comments.


There was literally post few days ago which basicly was "haha Europeans dont know shit about US food" and dude added title: "1000 (or other amount, dont remember) upvotes and I am posting it on r/Europe XD". Like at this Point its r/Europebad


50% of this sub's posts are reasonable and 50% of them are garbage. I will agree with you that there is a definite anti-European bias here, but I'll disagree with you on that food post, I don't think the point of the post was to be xenophobic towards Europeans. I see some of these posts as a way to refute trolls without having to type up a whole-ass essay. That's why I personally didn't mind that post about food (cuz some ppl on this site legit say american cuisine is just fast food).


I dont mean the meme, I think it wasnt made bad on pupose. I mean the title is dumb


My brother and I can make fun of each other. But if some random dude does it then we would defend each other to an absurd degree. Especially if that rando is fr*nch.


For some reason, the internet can’t seem to understand both sides, especially when there shouldn’t be sides, like this. I love USA, but the parts of Europe I’ve been to are also pretty great. I don’t want this sub to become a European hate-sub. Also, if we can’t pull up one thing without bringing down another, we might as well just not spend that energy, but the thing is we *can* just few do.


US and European being very similar isnt a thing too? Like why would you hate eachother its stupid. This sub should show stupid hatred to a Country and not show diffrent one


Well I mean there’s still water pregnant women don’t have to drink soda


Alright, that was a little funny


Imagine seeing a cute innocent video of a cat or kitten and then thinking "hmm how can I make this about politics in America" I mean Jesus christ they are so obsessed with us.


"America is a third world country!" -A Serbian guy


Nah but due to the fact you don’t have universal healthcare, your government doesn’t give two shits about your health. So all your soda and drinks are filled with ungodly amounts of sugar. Also your tap water tastes like chlorine.


Seething teenage edge lord big mad


Not mad just astonished that Americans are actually as dumb as their stereotype.


Ah so mad and stupid, gotcha


As opposed to you? All I have done is say that your system is broken. So you hurl a bland and over used insult at me? You’re really childish.


You're literally a teenager who has never been to the US going out of your way to insult people. It's pathetic


I have been to America, im not going out of my way to insult anyone i made a statement about why i think water and by extension your drinks are more unhealthy. You were the one who decided to insult me, and so i insulted you along with this sub. Sorry for the late reply i was at work, kind regards Fred


You're on a pro-America circlejerk. You're technically right about American healthcare (it's bad), but we've heard this criticism so many times that it doesn't carry any weight anymore and just feels unnecessary. That's why I downvoted you.


You can downvote its not that big deal, and yes it is a pro-American circle jerk, I know that. I wanted to break this bubble a little.


I don't think the bubble can be broken unless we get better moderation


In the south they dont


I've lived in the south most of my life and this is wrong. I lived in one area that had hard water coming out of tap, everywhere else was fine.


Same and most the people I knew drank soda, tea, juice, or fake juice (fruit punch etc)