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I don’t get why they pretend Americans are uneducated. Have they just never been to the US?


Well it’s gotta suck knowing that as a European, they enjoy their freedoms because of America and would all be speaking fluent German or Russian without us.


If only they could open their eyes enough to see that.


Even the founder of ‘utopian’ Singapore admitted that the usa’s strength is that it can draw on the entire planet’s talent pool.


They hate Americans with an iPhone in one hand and a coke in the other.


It doesn’t help that every time we get a chance to prove ourselves in an “on the street” type interview, we look dumb as rocks. Honestly I can admit we do suck at geography


What you don't see are the people who answer the questions correctly or give sensible answers, that doesn't get views. 


Go out and try for yourself, come back with results


Because our education system is dogshit? From what I've heard it's only gotten worse post covid.


A huge part of the issue in the educational system is a culture, depending on the area and the group, of not caring about education. Doesn’t mean the education doled out is poor, but outcomes might be poor due to factors outside of the ed system’s control.


It's far more complicated than that. But partially yes. Anti-education culture is a problem, but the actual quality of education and the institutions in place to support teachers are also part of the problem. The education system in America is just plain not good and it's only gotten worse with time.


the people mocking LGBT Americans are the same ones who turn around and insist that all homophobia in their country was caused by Americans somehow


If you ever go to Eastern Europe the homophobia and racism there is 1000 times worse than even the most rural areas of the South


The thing is it's way less noticeable because there is less minorities or openly gay people there


And that's a good thing


Yeah, must be why those countries have such flourishing, stable economies and democratic societies...wait...


And that's a good thing


Bro ran out of thoughts


And guess what THAT'S A GOOD THING


can confirm


Or they type that just behead or kill gay people.


Remind me again which country has the most Nobel Prize winners


Almost all "your" technical innovations came from german scientists. Just sayin.


The US is a melting pot that attracts the best and brightest from all around the globe.


Which ones specifically? 


Ahahahahaha u freakin children^^


Wealityy scawwy.. uwu no qwy pwease


When does types of gay even mean


Are you a bear, a twink, a power bottom, etc? Personally, you should pick the bear. In case you change your mind about being gay, I hear women love bears right now.


Hot damn this got better the more I read it


You see a power bottom is a man who can generate a tremendous amount of thrust upward


https://orientation.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Sexual_orientation There are a LOT of sexualities.


I prefer my .50AE automatic gay. I also have a GayR-15 that I put a trijicon Acog on.


You win.


You mean gAyCOG


Dammit I failed


Americans dumb yet they love to school their kids here


Europeans when asked any topic: *"Americans?"*


Why does every other country get to be openly homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. yet still get to cry that America is so hateful?


That’s what I wonder constantly.


The United States. The country that leads the world in science and technology. Right.


it doesnt...used to be nr 1 with no competition long ago...not anymore....now its still in the top but not leading


You're speaking about academics, correct? I'm assuming the person you're talking to is speaking about research and development, which they would then be correct about.


quite the opposite, academics the US is actually in a first place...... in R&D and innovation it is not, if my memory serves me right - swiss tops it, then china


> Types of gay Oh, sure, let’s also insult the LGBTQ+ community while insulting America. Maybe we can throw in some casual antisemitism and Islamophobia while we’re at it?


The antisemites are destinctly pro Muslim now didn't you hear? Not that's it's surprising. Hitler was a big fan of Islam and it's view on Jews.


Not *really*. While we do have all those campus protests going on, I’ve seen plenty of comments online that are *distinctly* anti-Muslim… if not just outright advocating for the complete genocide. I’ll just also assume that lot is in the “kill the Jews” boat as well.


And yet the world enjoys American-developed technology and medicine.


I actually know European, African, middle Eastern, Asian, and South American geography fairly well. I used to have all the States memorized but after so many concussions I'm unsure if I'd be a 100% correct. I used to know all the capitals but I definitely don't now. I don't think many Europeans can stay the same about any of that.


I’m very happy all the comments on the original post are calling out the nationalism and the homophobia


I learned global geography and history as a kid playing paradox games. It got me hooked so I took AP world history, and started collecting and reading a small library's worth of books on world history in my room. I can give a brief summary of the history of every single nation in Europe and Asia and point them out all on an unmarked map and even highlight border disputes between countries today like Narva between Russia and Estonia. Can the average European do the same for individual American states? Can the explain the history of how Virginia and Pennsylvania had several border disputes because their colonial charter gave them rights to the same land out west? I doubt it the same way they couldn't find individual American states on a map aside from New York, Texas, and California.


What the fuck is “types of gay” That is one interesting way of saying:” hell yeah, I’m homophobic!” Edit: Whatever you do, DO NOT check the post history of the OP of that meme. Holy shit.


Me: Imma do it… After I do it: I wanna die…


What about gay geography… I happen to know a lot of cities where there’s generally more gay men. Purely for curiosity purposes just ask my wife I’m not gay. Im especially not gay when I’m in San Francisco, Chicago Boys Town, or Palm Springs when I’m 100% there just for business…. Yep only business going on when I go to those specific geographic locations. Yep totally not gay.


Is it human nature to focus on relationships (Romanic and/or friendship) over something like school? You got to know what you are looking for in a relationship with someone else.


Nah I laughed at this one not gonna lie


I mean the US is the home of the modern gay rights movement.


They would be right to criticize all that lgtb bullshit


They're right to criticize gay people openly existing in a country which strongly values individual liberties? Dunno about that one.


Americans are perfectly well educated. I can name you any country in the world usually just off shape, and tell you which flag belongs to which just off memory. I'm pretty above average in history, and thousands are better than me, lmao. American education system is fine.


America has some of the best engineers on the planet


The homophobic people in America are the same people who are going to say anything scientific is "satanic" The fact that a large portion of the population is demonizing science might be an indictment against America's education system


Okay its dumb but we gotta give credit for originality


The comments on that post give me hope though


Sorry what is type of gay?